Eyes are the windows to the soul

At least Liu Dehua.

When he met Li Yun's eyes.

Feel the vibration in your soul.

What kind of look is that?



He is a murderer.

A murderer, a murderer who really kills people like chickens.

But facing such people.

Do you want to forgive him?

Liu Dehua immediately took on the role.

He stepped forward and gave Li Yun a hug.

This time.

Liu Dehua was not completely into the scene.

The script asked Liu Dehua to forgive him.

But Liu Dehua.

I don’t think such a person deserves forgiveness!


Du Qifeng looked at the camera at this time.

Somewhat stunned

This is just a lens thing.

Could something else happen?


It doesn't seem like a moth.

The eyes are the windows of the soul.

In this short scene.

‘Murderer’ presented.

He really is.

It feels like a murderer.

There was fatigue from running around in his eyes.

He didn't want to run away anymore.

He was chased to the end by the big guy.

He's going crazy.

He was going crazy.

A fugitive who can no longer escape.

His exhaustion and breakdown really showed.

But deep in the eyes.

That indifference.

That indifference.

But there is also

He is a murderer.

A true murderer.

In just one shot.

The results presented.

A look.

Feel it yourself.

Even director Du Qifeng is thinking about a question.

What the hell.

That kind of people.

Let the protagonist forgive?

"How about it?"

Jiang Chenggang couldn't enter the set and could only watch from a distance.

He was quite anxious.

When he saw Li Yun dressed in a beggar's look, he really wanted to complain, hiding the appearance of Zunlong.

This is hard to bear.

Jiang Chenggang's good looks have always been Li Yun's biggest advantage.

When this big advantage is not there.

Jiang Chenggang didn't know how many advantages Li Yun had left.

But at this moment.

"Do you want to see it?"

"Ah, second uncle."

“Come in and take a look”

"You're so awesome at bringing people along."


Jiang Chenggang thought something had happened.

I sighed in my heart.

Be cool.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Chenggang sighed, even if he got cold, he would not regret it.

This Li Yun is not only his actor, but also his fellow countryman.

It's just a lost bet.

Tmd, there are so many opportunities in life.

Losing once is nothing.

It’s just that the dream is getting further and further away.

piece of cake.

Jiang Chenggang quickened his pace.

Even if it's cold, he still needs to be cool and understand.

"It's just one shot, and there's not even any lines, how could something be so weird?"

Then when Jiang Cheng just entered.

It is confirmed that Liu Dehua and Li Yun are playing opposite each other.

One shot.

Jiang Chenggang was already planning to be prosecuted.

At this time Jiang Cheng just entered the set

But I saw it.

Those eyes that can speak.


Du Qifeng was a little confused by this. Is there something wrong with the look in his eyes?

Maybe not.

As a murderer.

That's how he should be.

Cold on the outside and cold on the inside, deep in the tired eyes, the background should be cold.

But facing such a murderer.

Let the big guy forgive the murderer.

this matter.

It’s hard to do!

It's really hard to do.

From the perspective of a big guy,

Forgive such evil people.

Let such evil people understand.

The tension is indeed strong.

But this thing about tension.

Du Qifeng didn't know at this time whether it was right or wrong to show such strong tension here.

Can you still say that someone’s acting is too good, so it’s not very good?

In one shot.

A place where you can show off your acting skills.

It’s just the eyes.

Just the eyes.

But even in this place where only his eyes could express it, he expressed it alone.

Expressed in a fragment of a shot.

However, at this time, Li Yun completely explained the feeling of this murderer.

Liu Dehua didn't know whether he should forgive him at this moment.

Let him, as a big guy, forgive the murderer in front of him.

"Keep shooting like this." At this moment, Du Qifeng muttered, while he was looking at Li Yun.

The actor in front of me is from mainland China.

The acting he showed at this moment.

and understanding of the role.

He brought the role of a murderer to life.

Until this scene was finished.

Du Qifeng was thinking about filming another version of the ending.

Just shoot the ending where a big guy fails to defeat his inner demons.

One person didn't see through the cause and effect in the end, but he saw through his own heart.


You should pay with your life.

This is a natural cycle.

It was temporarily decided to shoot another version of the ending.

There seemed to be no surprises for the entire crew.

Anyway, the director is the boss.

Not to mention that he wants to shoot another ending, he can shoot as many endings as he wants.

As long as director Du Qifeng is willing.

"You acted really well."

At this time, while resting, Liu Dehua looked at Li Yun in front of him, and he couldn't help but pay more attention to it.

I originally thought that the mainland actors in front of me would be nervous, but not only were they not nervous, their acting skills were quite expressive.

Unexpected tension.

It's actually possible to express the expressiveness of this section in one shot without relying on lines, but only on eyes.

The next part of the filming was about another ending, where the big guy couldn't see through himself and took revenge.

It took me 10 years to realize this, but I still couldn’t see through my hatred.

He strangled the murderer with his own hands.

However, as a murderer, Li Yun's expression and eyes in response were still cold.

Although there is fear, it is only fear of one's own death, but not fear of one's own actions.

The cause and effect in this world is still going on, and it is still in a normal cycle.

If you were asked to put down the butcher's knife, the world would have a chance to be peaceful, then would you be willing to put down the butcher's knife?

This is the question that this movie throws to the public.

As for the answer, every audience member has his or her own answer.

But it is foreseeable that everyone has different answers to this question.

It is foreseeable that some people agree with revenge and some people agree with letting go of hatred, so just shoot two endings.

After filming.

The big guy has great wisdom and is done.

Completed together with these two endings.

When the movie was finished.

Li Yun also came out of the state in the play.

The feeling of acting alone is quite amazing.

"This mainland actor did a pretty good job."

At this time Liu Dehua looked at Du Qifeng next to him and said.

Especially after Li Yun took off his makeup, he looked at this handsome young man.

Andy Lau even thought of himself when he was young.

"It is true that he has acting skills." Du Qifeng paused and said, "I didn't expect that he could seize the opportunity to perform in every scene."

At this time, Liu Tianwang thought of something.

The look in his eyes just now seemed to suit another movie he was about to star in.

A movie called "Infernal Affairs".

Play another version of myself when I was younger.

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