I am not mentally ill, I am the actor with a thousand faces!

Chapter 4, buy a mobile phone and improve your life

During the month I spent with the crew of "Xiao Shiyilang".

Total income is 1150 yuan

Feel the heavy weight in your pocket.

Li Yun was satisfied.

After the salary is paid.

Eat meat!

Eat meat!

"Boss, three bowls of green pepper pork, fish-flavored shredded pork, and rice!"


Order two meat dishes.

Such a luxurious thing.

I never dared to think about it before.

How dare I think of such a thing before.

"Amitabha, killing and eating meat is a sin."

at this time.

The monk personality was shouting in my head.

"If we don't eat meat, how can we grow strong and act well? Shut up, monk."

"Donor, there is no end to the sea of ​​suffering, but when you turn back, you will find the shore."

Li Yun found this monk very annoying.

I just eat meat.

Then if I do some sit-ups.

Are you beeping more powerfully?

Li Yun suddenly missed the seven days of peace brought by giving away the personality reward. These 'people' would always comment on his life, which was what annoyed Li Yun the most.

at this time.

Li Yun suddenly discovered.

The surrounding diners stayed far away.

after all.

In the eyes of outsiders.

Li Yun is just fine.

Talking to myself.

A ruthless person who can talk to himself.

It's better not to bother you too much.

Stay away!

"This, we are normal"

Li Yun was helpless.

I am normal and think clearly.

It's just that these messy personalities are a little annoying.


never mind.

After eating and drinking enough.

Li Yun ran to a mobile phone store and bought a second-hand Motorola.

Used Motorola.

The price is pretty good.

More than a thousand dollars.

The screen is a little cracked.

But for Li Yun, it's not a big problem.

Basically all my monthly income is used to buy this thing.

Li Yun felt a little distressed.

But it is necessary.

If you want to join a group in the future, a mobile phone is a must. Otherwise, how can you ensure that you are always available? Although you can leave your phone number to Shiduodian, Shiduodian will not bother to care about you.

"I also have my own mobile phone."

Li Yun murmured, looking at the phone in front of him.

As if a world away

How easy it was to have a mobile phone in my previous life.

Every beggar has a mobile phone that can scan codes.

Today something comes from nothing.

Especially treasure it.

"When we have money, we can change our mobile phone to a Nokia one."

Nokia is the real gem.

Can shoot walnuts.

Used as bricks.

It works.


Just a bit expensive.


Another woman moved in opposite the wall-hanging room. She was young, immature, with tattoos on her body, and she was also a wandering dream chaser.

Same as Jiang Hui.

Maybe she can get ahead.

Maybe she, like the last dream chaser, failed to pursue her dreams and returned to her hometown.

who knows.


When the girl saw Li Yun, she immediately asked for Li Yun's phone number and showed her affection.

Such a handsome boy.

It's so high and low!

Hug your thighs.

That would be developed.

Li Yun called him a good guy.

Good guy.

So direct.

Who makes me look handsome?

But who let himself.

I'm really scared!

Faced with the girl's flirtatious glances, Li Yun remained unmoved, saying that the neighbors would get along well with each other, and the other party would stop pestering her as soon as they went back and forth.

Now I have only one goal.

Make money.

Make a career.


Don't think so much.

Of course, it's not that Li Yun is dysfunctional.


I don’t want to get sick again!

What the hell.

In the previous life, bad things happened as soon as I lost my virginity.

A virgin in this life.

It can only be given to women with medical examination reports!

At this time, I don’t care about the crew of "The Storm" for the time being, as there are still some days until the audition.

Li Yun was thinking about more things.

Probably the next step is to get a certificate as a special guest actor to lay a solid foundation for future roles. Otherwise, it will be really difficult to join the cast if you are physically wild.

Facade is very important.

As far as the current era is concerned.

The special actor's certificate must be obtained by a serious person with acting skills.

Gold content.

There are still some.

Not like later generations.

Is there any certificate?

It just depends on whether you registered for the class or not.

Currently, Li Yun takes stock of his current acting skills.

Gangster +10.

People in the world +10.

In terms of acting.

Specialized in costume dramas.


A long period of time after the millennium.

Chinese entertainment industry.

This is the world of costume dramas and martial arts dramas.

Very cost-effective!

At this moment.

Li Yun came to the Actors Association.

In an alley.

Pay money.

Sign up.

take an exam.

A dragon.

He became a moonlight clan again.

Somewhat distressed.

Flesh hurts.

It feels so uncomfortable to have an empty wallet.

But there is something good to say.

Money comes to the blade.

Not a loss.

Li Yun stepped directly into the examination place.

The exam is very simple.



the basic.

In this regard, Li Yun also feels that his acting skills are no problem.

The lines may be a little different.

After all, it is not a state of personality possession.

The foundation of dialogue skills is pure itself.

But now I have the bonus of acting skills as a gangster and a charlatan.

It’s not like he can’t even pass the special exam.

Not a big problem.

at this time.

Li Yun stepped into the room where the special actor was taking the exam.

The judging teacher glanced at Li Yun.

Somewhat unexpected.

Looks pretty good.


In the entertainment industry.

Looks good.

It's really not a special advantage. There aren't many other things here. There are really a lot of handsome men and beautiful women.

If you can't recite your lines and your face becomes as paralyzed as a dead person, then you are still a shitty actor.

I can't do it.

"Let me tell you about my experience"

Li Yun talked about his experience eloquently.

Drift horizontally.

The special performances are corpses and backdrops.

Quite honest.

The judges nodded slightly.

When Li Yun talked about his experience as an actor, the judges were a little surprised.

So many characters!

"You were the guest star?"


From knight to gangster.

I even have a cameo!

The judges nodded.

If it is true.

That's still a bit dedicated.

Dedicated and hardworking.

And handsome.

Not annoying in any way.

Who doesn’t like people who work hard.

And quite progressive.

As an extra, you know how to take the exam.

You must know that there are many group performers in Hengcheng, but there are not many people who really want to take the certification. After all, it doesn't matter if you don't have a certificate or have a certificate to be a group performer. After all, being a group performer means you can make a living.

The threshold is quite low.

at this time.

Li Yun was the first to show off his script skills.

The judges all nodded slightly.

very good.

Line skills at the level of group acting.

Not surprisingly

According to this script.

Wait for the acting performance.

What kind of effect can it produce.

Everyone knows what's going on.

After all, the performance of the script is like this.

What other good script performance could there be?

At this time, the judge yawned and said.

"For thirty seconds, just do what you do best."


In the making.

Thirty seconds.

Li Yun is also preparing to start his own performance


The acting skills of a charlatan.


A gangster with a gangster spirit.

At this time, Li Yun closed his eyes.

Open your eyes.

Murderous eyes.

These judges suddenly felt a chill in the back of their heads.

Hold the grass.

He doesn't want to kill us!

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