I am not mentally ill, I am the actor with a thousand faces!

Chapter 505, now is the time to stop him from leaving his name in film history!

Literature carries the truth, and literary and artistic works are commodities and art.

It is the place that carries the creator’s three views and principles. In popular terms in the literary and art circles, it is the ‘ingredient’.

An authorial component.

There is an old acquaintance of Jiang Wen, a director named "Jia Zhangke".

He also has absolutely great talent.

But his movies have never been shown in domestic cinemas

It is quite famous and its popularity has not diminished at all, but even so, although it is powerful, it is not qualified to be released in domestic theaters. It is because of this guy that his movies are always full of a yin and yang tone. It's okay if this tone is hidden deeper, but when it gets higher, problems arise.

Attacking the opponent's ingredients is not an issue that is easy to ignore. This may not be considered an off-board move, but it is definitely not a glorious thing.

Especially for Zhang Mouzi, he asked this question with a gloomy face.

who is promoting

It's Wang Chen's person, a person who is beyond the control of the Beijing circle. He represents the interests of China Film's pure import department.

"What are you struggling with? You are already a sign of defeat." Lu Haishi next to him was a little confused about Zhang Mouzi. His attitude at this time, when he saw the overwhelming doubts about Li Yun's 'composition' on the Internet, The emotion he showed was actually displeasure and a little angry.

Lu Haishi felt that while he was still high and free from worries, this strange dignity could stay.

But now is no longer the time to care about dignity. The Sino-US co-productions that have been co-produced with great efforts show signs of oppression. The other side’s attitude is not to win the annual box office championship, but to leave a mark in Chinese film history. He ran away in a famous posture.

Don't worry about being decent or not at this time.

Keeping your position is the most important thing.

But Zhang Mouzi felt that before the results came out, you thought I would lose, which in itself was an insult to me.

It’s not the last day yet, who knows which one is better at the box office?

It’s not time to say anything yet.

I can still fight.

Dignity is indeed inferior to interests. In Lu Haishi's view, this is the truth.

Interests are still more important. This time, we must not lose our reputation in the Beijing circle.

Replaced by something new?

Who wants to!

Wang Chen's behavior on this side was also very pure and straightforward.

Because it is a ‘China-U.S. co-production’.

If it was just fighting dog biting dog, he wouldn't be so nervous.

But now, it's not just internal fighting, but some interests that represent their Western works are entangled in it.

What Li Yun has achieved now.

It already feels like a crisis

No, not a crisis, but a fear.

This fear drives their reaction.

I also responded very quickly, that is, responding to the composition of the work.


The fact that one day he will attack his opponent is a kind of lack of confidence.

a kind of anger,

A feeling of insult.

"I didn't expect that he could achieve such terrible results, but you are still too young. You are too young to know that in addition to talent, other elements also need to be possessed in the director circle, such as relationships. , sense of smell, sensitivity.”

At this time, Wang Chen squinted his eyes.

Directors like Jia Zhangke, no matter how talented they are, are still shut out of the country.

There is something wrong with his thinking - this is not a slap in the face, this guy is really a rebel and has distorted views. Wang Chen has to admit this.

It can be said that the better my performance is now that I am not a medicine god, the greater the backlash I will get in the future.

He was thinking that if possible, he should give Li Yun here, I am not the God of Medicine, to add fuel to the flames and make him accelerate toward loss of control and destruction.

"Don't be too happy too early. If he really has bad views, can he pass the review?" Liu Meng next to her calmly analyzed that Li Yun is her enemy, and now she can even use her lifelong enemy to describe.

She is really afraid of shooting herself in the foot.

After all, he really stole the chicken and lost the rice before.

"This is different. If a subject can pass the review, it may only pass the review at the time, but if the impact it causes is bad enough, then the same applies."

Wang Chen’s so-called bad influence.

This is probably the idea presented in the movie.

Poor disease.

This is a very sensitive thing. As long as you are a little extreme, it will easily cross the line.

As long as the rhythm goes towards Li Yun.

Just say, thank you Li Yun for this movie, which made me realize how dark this society is and how difficult it is for us poor people.

Just bring it up to this point.

It was definitely a major blow to Li Yun.

Not to mention that it will ruin his reputation, at least it will allow him to make some cuts, and even temporarily release it.

That's enough.

Wang Chen actually had no intention of letting Li Yun be truly ruined. This was impossible and absolutely impossible.

And the best result of these noises is that he will be defeated by the Great Wall. Although the victory is a bit disgraceful, a win is a win, a victory is a victory, and in the end it will still be a Sino-US co-production victory.

Even in the end, this Sino-US co-production and this Great Wall are still useless and defeated by this movie.

We can’t let this movie that’s not the god of medicine break the 1 billion mark.

1 billion box office is a milestone.

If it really breaks through this box office, it means one thing, it means that this movie can leave its name in China's film history.

At present, there are only ten movies in China's box office rankings that can exceed 1 billion in box office.

It’s not just Western Hollywood movies that can break the 1 billion domestic mark.

This is a very dangerous signal.

Li Yun has already gained momentum, there is no doubt about this. His Li Quan is a young star in the industry, the white moonlight in the hearts of all young people, the holy land and the goal of struggle in the hearts of young actors.

After failing to stop him from getting up before, Wang Chen felt that he had to reflect on whether it was his own arrogance that allowed a guy like Li Yun to get up.

If I had been more serious at first.

What can nip a threat in its infancy will not allow him to grow into such a towering thing.

But it's too late to say anything now.

"Our goal now is to prevent him from becoming a person who can leave a name in Chinese film history. Just pray that he can't do this, if he really can do it."

At this time, Wang Chen looked gloomy.

If he is truly unstoppable.

Now Li Yun has two more plans on the way.

"The Three-Body Problem" and "The Hidden Corner".

The TV series "The Three-Body Problem" is not something to be afraid of. Even if I repeat it 10,000 times, Wang Chen doesn't believe in domestic science fiction, but the hidden corner

This is a suspense TV series.

He has made a promise that if there is really a suspense TV series that can reach the top three of the season, he is willing to provide resources to support it.

Originally, he wanted to trick dogs into coming in and kill him, and he also wanted to trick people into carrying the sedan chair.

But this guy Li Yun doesn't look like someone who can safely carry a sedan chair.

"The Hidden Corner", this TV series.

If he really achieved certain results.

Do you want to retaliate?


This is a matter of principle.

So I need to prevent him from achieving results.

On the track of suspense drama.

Find works and block him.

He must be surrounded and suppressed.

We can't let him get up anymore.

At present, the popularity of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" is indeed continuing to rise.

The three views are incorrect and the label of wrong guidance is slapped all the way.

Although this has caused the popularity of "I'm Not the God of Medicine" to continue to rise, this kind of popularity is something that every movie creator does not want to encounter.

This black heat.

But everyone can't avoid it.

This time Li Yun just wanted to say, let the bullets fly for a while.

Even Liu Lili called and asked Li Yun if he needed help.

"Things won't cause serious harm to you, but they will definitely lower your grades. If you delete content due to rectification, it will really be more than the gain is worth the loss."

Liu Lili said at this time.

She absolutely did not want such a masterpiece to have flaws due to deletions.

It's not because of Li Yun, it's just because I simply don't want to see flaws in my favorite works due to some irresistible factors.

Yes, love.

Liu Lili admitted that she loved this movie.

Especially after tasting it for the second and third time, she knew what she was lacking.

She seemed to understand what Zhou Xingxing said.

The place where I stand is too high, and I cannot see poverty or pain.

I can empathize with them from a high point.

But there is no way to truly empathize with it.

After a few real inspections, Liu Lili realized that she seemed to be much shorter than Li Yun.

Too many

She really didn't want this work to be flawed because of it.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I feel that there is no need to do anything until now. If they want to increase the popularity for us, then let them do it. I also thank them for doing this."

"You are just like Liu Qianqian said, once you decide something, you will go to the end."

As the saying goes, stubbornness is what it is.

A strange kind of confidence.

Even now when faced with the opponent's attack, he still maintains an attitude of not moving at all.

Such a noble look.

Being an artist can be like that.

Then you are the leader of Li Quan.

You represent a circle.

Still too young.

However, at this time, Li Yun, facing such a critical moment, actually had to do something unrelated to the movie.

Through the relationship between Lu Zhengguang.

Ran to jail.

I organize movie viewings and broadcasts. I am not a medicine god.

"I said I had already made arrangements. Believe it or not, let the bullets fly for a while now."

Li Yun made another phone call.

He sent Li Yuxuan back and took the trouble to talk about things that had been explained countless times.

Next to the director personality.

In other words, in this body, the original "Li Yun" was not that happy. He was standing in the dark side of the corner.

He looked very unhappy.

At this time, the personality shadow next to him said.

"You really love doing such meaningless things. If you have the time, why don't you publish "The Three-Body Problem" and "The Hidden Corner" well?"

"So the meaning in your eyes is to do these things?" At this time, Li Yun joked: "Then your meaning is really shallow."

"When you taste the taste of failure, you will know what is shallow. Those who care about you now will leave you immediately. You will be branded as a loser and get nothing."

It seems that he saw Li Yun's failure at this time.

Or maybe it's because.

So many people's concern for Li Yun gave him a different feeling.

This feeling.



Li Yun certainly did not do nothing.

Now is still the time when I am not the God of Medicine, and it is not the time for the Three Body and the Secret Corner to exert their strength.

For the current situation.

Li Yun can be said to have anticipated it early.

After all, movies of this theme are indeed easy to make people think of taking advantage of the topic.

This is normal.

And now is the time to let the bullets fly.

When the bullets were flying, Li Yun organized this prison movie viewing.

This is not abusing power for personal gain. In prison, it is necessary to organize main theme movies as a thing for everyone's ideological education.

And I am not the God of Medicine, so I can be responsible for this prison movie viewing.

This is meaningless in the eyes of another self.

At this time, Li Yun saw Chen Yong again. He looked at Li Yun and was not without surprise.

He did not expect that the other party would actually put the movie here.

"You always wanted to watch your own movie, didn't you? I brought the movie in, watch it with your cellmate."

"I will be out of prison in half a year, don't do these tricks to me again." Chen Yong was somewhat resistant to what Li Yun did. It seemed that he did not want to continue to have any changes in this place.

He has almost completed his ten-year sentence.

Next, he will be able to come out and regain his freedom.

"I regret selling the copyright of this autobiography to you."

Li Yun just smiled slightly and did not comment.

He was not angry and sat next to Chen Yong.

For other people in the prison, being able to watch a movie today is a happy thing in itself, no matter what kind of movie it is, even if it is a bad movie.

This moment of freedom can also bring some happiness.

At this time, Li Yun was sitting next to Chen Yong, watching the movie with him silently. From Chen Yong's silence at the beginning, to his tears later, and then his confused face later.

This movie takes two hours.

Tell this story.

The story of a smuggler.

"I'm not as good as he said, I'm not that great." After watching this story, Chen Yong had a different evaluation of this medicine god. Different from him, he is completely different.

However, Li Yun said at this time.

"I know, but it's not that bad, right? It's just an ordinary person who made a mistake and entered this road. It's just that the road after that is not the same."

"But I can't say you are a bad person."

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