‘Great’ work.

This is what the Internet is saying about "I'm Not the God of Medicine" now.

A. great work.

This would shock anyone.

A movie changed the world?

"How is this possible!"

At this time, Wang Chen felt a little unbelievable and even very stunned, because what happened in front of him really made him feel incredible.

At one point he thought it was fake news.

The matter of Greining entering medical insurance.

Because of a movie?

No, this is absolutely impossible.

Is it possible to change a country's policy because of a movie?

But the funny thing is that those ignorant people firmly believe in this and believe it deeply.

"Are these people stupid? Don't these ignorant people have any common sense in them? Aren't they stupid dogs if a movie can change the times and the world? If the movie can do this, Bangzi Our country has long been number one in the world!”

Seeing these public opinions, Liu Meng almost had a heart attack. She yelled and denied hysterically. She just didn't want Li Yun to be good or to see Li Yun become famous. Whether it was out of jealousy or other feelings, when she saw Li Yun, he It's getting better and better now.

Her jealousy and madness are accompanied by various emotions and thoughts.

At this time, Wang Chen looked at Liu Meng, looking at her disgraceful and crazy look.

He said calmly.

"It doesn't matter whether it's true or not, but it's important that people believe it's true."

It seems now.

That's the thing about the explosion.

People want to believe this is true.

Everyone wants to believe that this is the era of change for Li Yun.

That's enough.

There is no way to stop it.

"This heat is making you wet."

At this time, Lu Zhengguang was at home and watching the explosion of public opinion. He could not even imagine that this matter would be so explosive.

The current situation is that the two sides are rubbing each other's heat, the left foot is stepping on the right foot, fermenting and rising to the sky.

Lu Zhengguang remembered it.

I remember that when I was not a medicine god, Li Yun asked himself about the medical insurance reform. At that time, Lu Zhengguang was still a little confused. What does the medical insurance reform have to do with you, a person in the entertainment industry?

Now, Lu Zhengguang knew why Li Yun asked this.

This kind of heat makes you want to take advantage of it. No one in the kimchi country next door is as good as you.

"Isn't this a win-win situation?" Li Yun said confidently on the phone at this time: "My movie will also let the general public know about this matter and know that they are not the so-called people who are led in the rhythm. Abandoned son.”

Of course Li Yun would not say that in my previous life, I was either a medicine god or it was released during the period of medical insurance reform. It is a pity that it was released after the reform and the popularity of it was greatly reduced.

The degree of shock is also different.

Not like now.

Li Yun was completely beaten.

Forcibly turning a disadvantage into an advantage.

This is what Lu Zhengguang thinks Li Yun is most powerful about.

To take advantage of the situation, sometimes you don’t have to borrow from someone within the circle, you can even borrow from a place a hundred and eighty miles away from the circle.

Sometimes I feel that Li Yun lacks some appropriateness when choosing topics or other things, but in fact, he has already thought about this issue in the atmosphere that you can't see.

Jiang Chenggang and Jiang Wen.

It's really unexpected.

It turns out that what Li Yun said was the backup plan.

It was such a shocking backhand.

One that caught everyone by surprise.

Let the negative heat be reversed this time. This is what makes people feel most powerful.

Now just wait for him to continue to ferment and explode.

"At least this time you don't have to worry, our movie will cause some bad rhythm." At this time, Jiang Chenggang looked at the scene in front of him seriously and said: "Now let's see how big the box office will be this time. At the point where you will know what your results will be by the end of the month.”

For now.

It just depends on how far it can ferment next.

Great piece.

What kind of box office results will he end up with?

"I'm not the god of medicine".

There is no doubt that the performance of this movie surpasses that of The Great Wall. In this situation, no matter what kind of extravagant tricks the Great Wall uses, it will no longer help.

The only controversial thing now is.

What kind of results can this movie achieve in the end?

Let’s see what kind of historical status this work can achieve.

Yes, this great work has lost its place in history.

"What he took advantage of this time was really extraordinary. He actually borrowed it on the heads of officials and family members."

Liu Lili was unexpected at this time.

This is too much of a coincidence.

It would be too false to say that a movie changed the country's decision-making. This is absolutely impossible to happen.

But in other words come back.

This is not a matter of conforming to public opinion.

In a sense.

The film also promotes health care reform.

It's a win-win.

A win-win situation for Li Yun and the government.

This can be regarded as a kind of "main theme".

"Mom, what do you think Brother Li can achieve with this popularity?" Liu Qianqian was also watching at this time, and she was also curious about this matter.

With this round of explosive heat.

The chain reaction of the explosion will push the performance of the movie to such a degree.

"At first I thought it was about 1 billion."

"Later, I felt that with that rhythm, it might go through some rectifications and weaken the performance. The box office should be around 700 million."

"At this time, I think the box office should be around 1.2 billion."

1.2 billion club.

This is Liu Lili's most optimistic box office estimate.

A year ago, no one would have believed that a director under 30 years old could bring his work to the 1.2 billion club.

This is not true that only a Hollywood movie that is good in China can achieve such results. Only a very powerful Hollywood movie can achieve such results.

Although, this is how to enter the 1 billion club.

There is still some element of trickery in it.

But no one said that taking advantage of the situation is impossible.

Achievements are inherently due to many factors.

Didn’t the Great Wall also catch on to the popularity of the Great Wall?

"One billion box office club" Liu Qianqian was still in a daze at this time.

One billion.

If I had to describe this achievement, it could even be described as a legend.

Especially for a person in the entertainment industry who is under thirty years old, this achievement is nothing short of a miracle.

The only pity is that this movie seems to focus too much on local representation, and it is actually difficult to sell it to the outside world.

But so what.

Chinese people’s money is also real money.

That is also a bill of real money.

Now we can achieve such results in the domestic market.

It’s really good.

It is already able to "resist" the quality of Hollywood works.

When it comes to outward development, just take your time. You have to make sure you are alive first, you have to make sure you exist first, and then you have to think about other things.

"There is still half a month left. During this period of time, anything and any changes can happen, but at least within this month's schedule."

"Li Yun is the protagonist, and his "God of Medicine" is the real protagonist."

At this moment.

Li Yun is also preparing for the release of The Three-Body Problem and The Hidden Corner, and also has to deal with the set issues of The Wandering Earth.

Occasionally, I also meet this personality next to me.

Discuss discuss.

Witness each other’s paths.

Jiang Chenggang also used money to do things during this period. He was extremely busy. The background of wandering the earth and most of the things used were real-life shots, which basically consumed the current working capital of Shengchang Culture.

On this day, although Jiang Chenggang complained a lot, he also faithfully carried out the matter and was considered a good steward.

An excellent housekeeper takes care of everything in an orderly manner. In most cases, Li Yun only needs to think about how to produce works.

It is enough to do this.

"Your movie must have made a lot of money, but what I'm curious about is what you will do with the remaining money." Jiang Wen was sitting next to him and asked Li Yun with a little curiosity.

"All studded to my next sci-fi movie."

"What's the relationship between the two of us? Just make a joke like this with me. Just forget it if you don't tell me." Jiang Wen thought Li Yun was joking at this time. Everything was turned into a movie, leaving no way out for him. .

This is not what a rational person would do.

Li Yun shrugged, a little innocent, why no one believed him every time he told the truth.

But my situation is different from others.

For others, they can move forward step by step without any spurs, but for you it is different.

He also has a personality.

A thought that is original to this body.

He looms like a ghost.

Once he stops, he will corrode his thoughts and commit acts of encroachment in his thoughts.

But are you really afraid of him?

Regarding the fact that I am about to die, if it really happens, will I be afraid?

It will.

Until now, Li Yun can still recall the trembling feeling when he experienced the patient's dying feelings in I'm Not the God of Medicine. There was no way to avoid the instinctive fear in the bone marrow of the soul.

I will walk into nothingness.

I can use countless excuses, the desire to survive, the feeling of seeking survival, these are all in the instinct of the bone marrow.

Because you want to survive, you need to use excellent works to carry your desires. In the industry, I am afraid that you are the only one who needs to use this method to survive.

But beyond the desire to survive.

Li Yun actually felt that something had overcome his instinct for life, that is, the idea of ​​climbing to the top, the idea of ​​celebrities making history, or rather.

Then let’s take a look at the pleasure it brings when you “rape” your thoughts out.

These things are more refreshing and direct than your own life instinct.

What a sick guy.

Li Yun felt like this.

Maybe it's because I've been ordinary for too long, maybe it's because as an ordinary person, I never had the qualifications to pursue the breadth of life, and I couldn't "rape////rape" my thoughts to others. Watching When you are a great person, you are jealous of yourself.

Perhaps this is the essence of desire for fame and wealth.

And now, after having this qualification, I am.

I became addicted to this feeling.

"The meaning of life, I didn't expect that one day I would fall into this mother-in-law's thoughts. Why don't you give me some French fries? Maybe this is more meaningful."

At this time, Li Yun laughed at himself.


There is one thing that we must really not delay, and that is, put all our efforts into making The Wandering Earth, put all our efforts into making the best work in our hearts.

Funding, script.

Belongs to me, Li Yun.

My own script.

"The Wandering Earth" currently lacks one element.

The special effects team, the Great Wall movie, Li Yun will not talk about anything else, but no one can match the level of special effects. One thing that no one can and dare not deny is the level of his special effects in this work. .

It’s really eye-catching.

Nowadays, there is a team that can achieve 70% of the level in China, but it is also an outsourcing of Industrial Light and Magic. If you want to hire them, in addition to enough money, you also need connections. This connection, China Film’s Wang Chen has it.

This is also the meaning of the birth of the hidden corner.

In addition to the regular operation of grabbing the market, this thing has one of the greatest significances of existence.

They probably "borrowed" the resources of the special effects team from Huaying in an open and honest manner.

Although it is always said that Wang Chen released this reward to trick Leng Tou Qing into carrying his sedan chair.

Is this conspiracy, is this fishing? !


But as long as he dares to release the reward, I have no reason not to take it.

You want to fish, and you want someone to carry the sedan chair for you.

Li Yun took the initiative to bite the hook.

As long as the bait is rich enough.

I’m not afraid that no one will take the bait.

At this moment, Wang Chen is also busy with his own imported drama.

Whether it’s a TV show or a movie next month.

Wang Chen felt a kind of pressure, and this pressure came from Li Yun's ability.

Of course, it's just pressure. To say how great the pressure is is not that exaggerated.

"I think Li Yun will be a very scary enemy for you."

At this time, Xie Qingya was sitting next to Wang Chen.

Now because of Li Yun's popularity, his popularity is close to exploding, and Xie Qingya, who had invested in Li Yun earlier, has also received the rewards she deserves.

Resources within the company are gradually recovering.

Although he is still not as good as Wang Chen, in fact, from being almost depleted of resources at that time to being able to serve on the table now, only he knows the hardships and hardships he has experienced.

Just like now.

Only she knows and understands the pain involved.

And of course she also knew who was the person who turned the tide for her status.

It's Li Yun.

It is not the well-known directors in well-known circles, but the person who makes investors and shareholders enthusiastic about inward investment is actually a young man.

Nowadays, it is very likely that those who enter the billion club

young people.

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