Originally, everyone thought that Li Yun's character might be a bit quiet.

I don’t seem to have much communication with other people in the crew.

Only when others go to call him.

He rarely responds

At this moment.

When calling him Li Yun.

No response is given.

When calling him Murong Fu.

But he raised his head slightly.

but it is

respond to

When he was called "Murong Fu", he was answered.

At this moment.

Everyone just saw it.

Li Yun is no longer involved in the drama.

But he has never been in a show.

I am Murong Fu.

Murong Fu is me.

I don’t remember who Li Yun is

do not remember.

who I am.

"This Mr. Li is an immersive actor." At this moment, even Lin Zhiying, who disliked Li Yun or Murong Fu the most.

I have to have some admiration.

Immersive actor.

It’s hard to get into the play.

Very difficult.

But there is drama.

It’s also difficult.

My body and mind.

I am immersed in the role.

How am I going to act?


Went in.

Can't get out.

This is the characteristic of immersive actors.

You have become part of the character.

Confused myself.

Blurred part of itself.

From a medical perspective.

This can even be said to be a disease.


Mental illness.

"No wonder Murong Fu can handle this so well." Hu Jun is also well-informed. It's not like he has never worked with immersion actors.


It’s just ‘fate’.

Meet a character you can understand and immerse yourself in.

That's an acting explosion.

Explosive acting skills.

The only thing that can be considered a shortcoming.

Probably, immersive actors can only reach their peak once.

Then it will no longer be remembered.

after all.

It is difficult for immersers to play different types of roles.

This is the characteristic of their acting style, confusion, separation, and entanglement with the characters.

What’s important is a sense of immersion.

In the world of "Dragon Babu".

it's here.

Li Yun is Murong Fu.

Li Yun is


"How are you going to shoot the martial arts scene that's waiting for you?"

at this time.

Hu Jun went up and asked Director Yu Jian.

He is in charge of the action.

"That's it." Yu Jian gave Hu Jun the essentials of the action.

Let Hu Jun shoot an action scene. In fact, it is just a pose.

For the close-up bunt action, just go up and do it a little bit, just show your face.

"I don't need a substitute for those martial arts moves." At this time, Hu Jun said with a smile.

This is Hu Jun’s advantage.

This is the advantage of having a foundation in action.

No need for a stand-in.

There are many, many more revealing scenes.

These are quite enviable.

no way.

Who makes people have the skills to do it?

Having real kung fu means being able to do whatever you want. Having good movement skills is good.

In fact, Lin Zhiying also has some action skills.

But who made him Duan Yu? The Six Meridians Divine Sword can be used everywhere, and there is no need for movement skills at all. If Duan Yu really uses his hand skills, it will ruin Duan Yu's character.

And at this moment.

But Li Yun also said that he did not use Kung Fu as a substitute.

The two of them really fought.

At this time, Murong Fu looked at Qiao Feng and said with a cup of his hands.

"I've heard about Beiqiao Fengnan Murong a long time ago, and today I want to learn about Xiao Daxia's kung fu."


At this time, Qiao Feng seemed to be aroused by Murong Fu's words.

No wonder Liu Qianqian is so into the scene when she plays opposite Li Yun.

Communicate and talk with him.

It feels like you are really in that chaotic world of martial arts.

In troubled times, duckweed is a knight-errant.

I am Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng in North Qiao Feng.

"Just have special effects for the fight scene between the two of them. Don't bother with that."

Zhang Dabeard’s opinion here at this moment is.

No need to be fancy.

In this era of rapid development of computer special effects.

Just give them computer special effects.

But at this moment, Yu Jian rarely refuted Zhang Beard.

"I still want to let them fight first. The effect of real-person fighting cannot be compared to what computer special effects can bring. At the time of the TVB version, computer special effects were already developed, but they still insisted on using a lot of manpower to fight real people. After completing the martial arts scenes, didn’t TVB reach the top with its absolutely wonderful fighting scenes?"

As a remnant of the old era.

It’s not like he’s really that resistant to special effects.

Just sometimes.

As a martial arts drama.

It would be quite strange if the action was really completely abandoned.

"Okay, then you give it a try." Zhang Dabeard didn't deny it.

The Stars Shift and the Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms.

How can we show the Kung Fu of these two people without using special effects?

Can't show it.

At least Zhang Dabeard felt that he couldn't show it.

And at this moment.

Beiqiao Feng and Nan Murong are already standing on the same line.

Fists and kicks.

Both of them are good at hand and foot kung fu.

At least that's the plot.

Qiao Feng and Murong Fu.

Faced with Qiao Feng's powerful and heavy palm.

Murong Fu just swayed with one hand, smoothing the energy into energy. The linkage between the fists and palms caused the fists and palms hit by Qiao Feng to be reflected back to him.

Even at this moment, Hu Jun felt that all his efforts and rhythm were being taken away.

Hu Jun is like this.

Qiao Feng is like this.

Qiao Feng's movements seemed to be following Murong Fu.

The last force was hit on himself.

Hu Jun was stunned. He looked at the fist that hit him with disbelief on his face. The fist just hit him directly.

Others in the crew were also confused.

Yu Jian and Zhang Dabeard were also stunned.

"You didn't follow the moves I told you to fight."

That's what he wanted to say.

But in the end he didn't say anything.

Still can't say it out loud.

After all, this is Murong Fu.

It seems that the Dou Zhuanxing Shift has really been brought out.

Actions were used to create scenes that only special effects could present.

How can this not be shocking?

Zhang Big Beard is the most confused.

It only took a few minutes to get slapped in the face.

Obviously he said that there was no other way to interpret Star Movement and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms except using special effects.

Murong Fu is in front of him now.

Prove it to him directly.

You can achieve the same effect without using special effects.

Traditional kung fu, traditional martial arts.

This effect can also be achieved.

It can also produce such shocking effects.

"I accept it, Master Qiao." At this moment, Murong Fu continued to hold his hand and said, "That's when strategy wins."

His demeanor was also extremely indifferent.

It's just that he can't hide the arrogance between his eyebrows.

In fact, it was Murong Fu who had the upper hand in the first fight with Qiao Feng. After all, the move of Dou Zhuan Xing Yi would definitely frustrate him at first sight.

Murong Fu won the battle.

Beat Hu Jun who played Qiao Feng

But at this moment, Hu Jun was a little confused.

Even Hu Jun feels a little bit at this moment.

Can't tell.

In front of.

After all, he is the real Murong Fu.

Or Li Yun?

I can’t tell the difference!

Murong Fu presented a martial arts show in front of him.

Just miscellaneous.

There are also punches, palms, and kicks.

Seventy-two ways of miscellaneous kung fu.

All were killed by Li Yun.

They were all beaten up by Murong Fu.

And the most classic.

Transform strength.

This is energy.

Use your strength to fight.

can defeat force with ingenuity

Qiao Jin breaks Jin Li.

It can be presented in the form of ‘beating’.

It makes people feel a little dazed.

Even Zhou Liang.

As a director.

He couldn't tell clearly.






They all look like Murong Fu.


Is he Li Yun?

Or Murong Fu?

Who is Li Yun?

"What do you want from me?"

"It's time to eat."


Facing the lunch boxes brought by the crew.

'Murong Fu' just smiled slightly, politely but without losing nobility and arrogance.

You can feel the attitude of being aloof and polite.

Very strange.


Everyone on the set.

all know.

The person in front of you.

He is Murong Fu.

Not someone else.

immersive actor

Completely immersed in the role.

Occasionally, he talks to himself, murmurs to himself, and talks to himself.

Occasionally, sometimes, it’s ‘Li Yun’ and sometimes it’s ‘Murong Fu’.

This seems to Hu Jun and others.

Such a mental state.

Very bad.

Very confusing.

He even almost brought others into the ditch.

"What? You said he's mentally ill? I'm almost mentally disturbed."

At this time, Hu Jun expressed his opinion.

It’s not that Li Yun can’t tell the difference now.

It was Hu Jun himself who couldn't tell the difference.

Mental state of confusion.

Is it Murong Fu or Li Yun who is in front of him?

Am I Qiao Feng or Hu Jun?


In Demi-Gods or the real world?

Zhou Liang called him a good guy.

South Murong and North Qiao Peak.

This Bei Qiao Feng was also infected by Nan Murong!

"This is actually a great thing about immersive actors. They can immerse themselves in the play and infect others. This sense of belief and immersion has a very high upper limit for a single type of role." Zhou Liang clicked his tongue: "This big beard I found a treasure, but I didn’t expect to be an immersive actor with both civil and military skills.”

It was during the audition.

Zhou Liang doesn’t think so yet.

Li Yun's sense of immersion is so strong.

Now I can see it clearly and truly.

This immersion.

It's really strong.

His sense of immersion and belief.

Bringing others along.

Induced other characters.

Qiao Feng is one of them.

Even veteran actors like Hu Jun.

The rhythm was taken away by him.

And at this time.

Also being taken away was my cousin Wang Yuyan.

Follow Murong Fu.

Wandering in Yanziwu is Wang Yuyan.

At this time, Wang Yuyan looked at Murong Fu.

looking at cousin

All eyes were on Murong Fu.

Lin Zhiying looked at Liu Qianqian, and Duan Yu looked at Wang Yuyan, and they were also attracted to the scene, and their depressed expressions were vivid.

Like a chain of locks.

The entire Tian Long Ba Bu crew is moving.

Enter the play with the main characters here.

It's a bit incredible to say.

A supporting actor can do what the protagonist actor can do, and actually move the entire crew.

The filming progress of the entire crew was relatively fast, and the filming process was extremely smooth.

It's the actor himself.

The mental state is not very good.


Immersion actors are probably all like this.

Is your mental state such a mess?

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