I am not mentally ill, I am the actor with a thousand faces!

Chapter 95, the pattern of the central circle

The eyes change in an instant.

From the vicious eunuch just now.

became one.

with loyalty

This is complete.

It feels like I have never appeared in anyone's audition.

None of them have ever appeared.

Father-in-law Dongchang’s feeling

This feeling is quite amazing.

Obviously he is a eunuch.

The eunuch from Dongchang showed such loyal eyes.


Why can he show such a look?

Deng Yancheng and Xu Xiaodong both saw a little shock in their eyes.

After all, I have never seen the character presented in this way.

He is the traitor.

He is also loyal.

Can loyalty and adultery be together?

the answer is.


At least.

Li Yun's expression of 'Cao Zhengchun' is very clear.

A eunuch in the unconventional sense.

Loyal to the emperor.

Also loyal to the desire for power.

This is what Li Yun expressed.

Cao Zhengchun.

The boss of Dongchang.

"Teachers, my performance is over."

at this time.

Li Yun's eyes returned to a clear state.

Even at this time, Deng Yancheng and Xu Xiaodong had not broken away from Li Yun, who was in the factory-gong state just now.

Is this a drama?

You must know that Teacher Li Jianyi came in after he was already in the drama. When he went out, he was still in the state of a father-in-law... In addition, he is also very good at playing eunuchs, so it is not surprising.

Li Yun's performance is surprising.

let people

Quite unexpected.

"Wow, I actually have a feeling that there is no sense of violation." Xu Xiaodong murmured: "This eunuch surprised me."

The angle he showed.

It is undeniable.

Never seen before.

But after thinking for a moment, Xu Xiaodong still said.

"This... is still too non-mainstream."

"So...have you read the script?"


Deng Yancheng looked at Xu Xiaodong and said dumbfounded: "In fact, in the setting, Cao Zhengchun is also a loyal minister. He has sorry for anyone, but he has never sorry for Emperor Zhengde. Even though his world view is half-empty, it's just that he has a half-empty world view."


Villain No. 2 is a loyal minister.

Xu Xiaodong really didn't expect that Cao Zhengchun was just in conflict with Zhu Wuwu.

But opposition does not completely represent one's own position.

It definitely doesn't mean...

"I give it .80 points."

At this time, Xu Xiaodong still pondered and gave his own score.

80 points.

Very high score.

Except for Li Jianyi, most of the other auditionees failed to get more than 80 points from Xu Xiaodong, and there were also some veteran actors in the eunuch department.

In addition to the understanding and characteristics of the character, Xu Xiaodong also feels that the Li Yun in front of him is very good in appearance and temperament.

There is also a temperament that Li Jianyi does not have.


His appearance and temperament.

With a hint of nobility.

This actually has a unique advantage for playing people in high positions.

Temperament is largely innate.

The temperament of ‘nobleness’ is particularly rare.

Xu Xiaodong gave Li Yun and Cao Zhengchun a high score second only to Li Jianyi among the auditionees.


In his heart, he still felt that from various perspectives, Li Jianyi was more suitable.

"Well, how should I put it? I can give it 85 points."

Director Deng Yancheng said thoughtfully.

Xu Xiaodong next to him was a little stunned: "Isn't this the same as Li Jianyi's score?"

Unexpectedly, in Deng Yancheng's eyes, Li Yun could be compared with Li Jianyi?

at this time.

Deng Yancheng was also very conflicted.

Li Jianyi has historical achievements, role positions, and acting skills. It can be said that he has everything he wants.

And what Li Yun said.

"Frankly speaking, Li Yun gives me the feeling that this character is right for me. If I have the chance, I am willing to try such an unusual 'eunuch'."

"If their roles were the same, I would probably choose Li Yun, an actor who might surprise me."

"But if you choose Li Jianyi, you will never overturn."

Li Jianyi is more reliable, there is no doubt about it.

You can't go wrong choosing him.

But there is no surprise.

As for a project, it is not wrong to pursue stability.


Li Jianyi is still from the central circle

Therefore, in the end, Yao Tang's score must not be higher than Li Jianyi's.

In other words, the roles should all belong to Li Jianyi.

at last.

Various judges also gave their own scores, and they all gave good scores. After all, Li Yun's temperament and understanding of the character really made people shine.

When I arrived at Yao Tang, a professor at Beijing Film Academy.

He pondered for a moment.

at last.

He also gave his own score.

"I give it .95 points."


at this time.

Even Xu Xiaodong and Deng Yancheng were stunned by the scores given by Yao Tang.

95 points?

Isn't this higher than Li Jianyi?

Aren't you in the same circle?

Don’t you have a pretty good relationship? We saw you chatting just now?

This gives a higher score than Li Jianyi?

Xu Xiaodong and Deng Yancheng were confused at this moment.

"This, Professor Yao, are you sure?"

"Well, I'm sure." Yao Tang pushed up his glasses and said with a teasing smile: "Although I'm not young yet, I'm not presbyopic yet. I give 95 points to Cao Zhengchun, the little brother Li."

"I saw a surprise in him"

Yao Tang also chose surprise.

Make your own choice between safety and surprise.

Yao Tang chose surprise.

"If it's Brother Xiao Li, I think his performance can surprise me, and I am willing to give him this opportunity."

Yao Tang explained his reasons.

Li Jianyi's Cao Zhengchun lacks the noble temperament and the aura of understanding of the character, and is too ordinary.

Maybe no mistakes will be made.

But there won't be any more surprises.

Yao Tang paused and said.

"Besides, Mr. Li is probably better known among young people than Li Jianyi. After all, he is an actor of the new generation, and the scripts he plays are also scripts that the new generation likes. From a business perspective, Based on the script, the essence of the character, and all things considered, I can give it a high score.”

This is an incomparable advantage of Li Yun.

As a freelance actor, he has an absolute advantage over CCTV civil servants.

For CCTV actors and local CCTV dramas, acting is just acting, not mixed with other things. Popularity is not the focus. After all, CCTV 6 broadcasts, no matter how he announces it, the audience will The shadow groups are all fixed.

But "World No. 1" is different. It is not a drama broadcast exclusively on CCTV.

Li Yun in terms of popularity.

Li Jianyi has a slight advantage.

"But surprise can also turn into shock." A judge from the Xiangjiang circle on the other side couldn't help but said. She gave Li Yun the lowest score, 75 points, while she gave Li Jianyi 85 points. The gap is not small.

"I believe that director Deng Yancheng will not let this surprise turn into a shock."

Yao Tang smiled.

Deng Yancheng was in charge of the overall situation.

The problem shouldn't be big.

If there is something wrong with the acting.

Then give more long shots and long shots - mainly to extract the parts of Li Yun that are suitable for this role.

at this point.

Deng Yancheng also knew it well.

If there is a problem with the scenes between him and the "Iron God" Zhu Wuli, then give him more separate shots, don't let the two of them share the same frame, or have more long shots.

There are always more solutions than difficulties.

For now.

Li Yun's score was slightly better than Li Jianyi's.

The key point is that Yao Tang gave high scores.

"Actually, I would like to ask Mr. Yao, aren't you, Mr. Li Jianyi, from the same circle?" Deng Yancheng still asked the question out of curiosity.

Ask this professor from Beijing Film Academy.

Yao Tang paused and said.

"Well, public is public, private is private. My task is to filter out the characters that I think are good. Being able to present good works regardless of the circle is our goal and what we need to do."

It has nothing to do with the circle.

Deng Yancheng and Xu Xiaodong looked stunned.


The pattern.

The pattern of CCTV.

Deng Yancheng and Xu Xiaodong think.

I used to use the tactics of my own small circle to trick the central circle.

Somewhat true


When the audition results come out.

Everyone was stunned, and it even caused quite a stir in the industry. After all, the plan for "The Best in the World" was not that simple.

It has attracted much attention in the industry, and every move is watched.

This is basically the case where Li Jianyi, the ‘imperially appointed’ drama actor from the Central Circle, was defeated in a fight.

Everyone was quite shocked.

This is an upset.

Mainly because the Xiangjiang circle and the Taiwanese circle reacted relatively loudly. After all, this matter, which was a sure thing, suddenly turned upside down.

What’s interesting is that the response from CCTV circles was mediocre.

It seems that there is not that much reaction to such a choice.

It was obviously an actor from CCTV who was eliminated.

And at this time.

The news also reached Li Jianyi. After learning that he had been eliminated from "The Best in the World" this time, he also felt a little surprised.

"I thought this role was mine."

"It was so unexpected that he was killed by someone. It's amazing."

"Is there some secret operation?"

His wife Liu Wei is not from the entertainment industry, and she was a little shocked that her husband was killed in the audition, and he was still a young man in his twenties.

She felt that her husband should be the best, how could he lose?

at this time.

Li Jianyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Although I am also surprised, the crew actually chose this, so that's what he meant. If you lose the role, you lose it. What's more, we are still receiving the salary of the National Center for the Performing Arts. Maybe people think that this young person is He is more popular than an old man like me."

"You are obviously very unconvinced."

"Have you seen all this?"

"We have been married for so many years."

Li Jianyi was indeed a little unconvinced. After all, he didn't want his wife to see his depressed side.

When I get home, I still have to show more and better things to my family.

In other words, as a salary-earner, whether he plays this role or not, his salary will not change. He may be able to perform more, but it will not affect his life.

If Cao Zhengchun can't act, the organization can arrange for him to perform in dramas or make guest appearances in other TV series.


To him, it's just a job.

But I lost this role.

Some frustrations are also real.

He just wasn't convinced, not by the crew's decision, nor by the score given by his old friend Yao Tang.

He pays for his own professional level and business level, but where does he fall short of this young man?

I heard that he got the role based on his superior understanding of the role.

Don’t understand your role enough?

I also have acting skills.

Li Jianyi shook his head and was not confused.

"Forget it, don't worry about it anymore. Let the crew regret it after the filming is completed and broadcast."

Let’s just have a hot kang with my wife and children tonight.

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