I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 1 How can I be Spider-Man when my face is being hugged?


Lin An suddenly woke up from the nightmare and felt a stabbing pain in his head.

His vision was blurred, and his consciousness was disrupted into bizarre fragments.

Drowsily, he struggled to get up from the bed, but his numb limbs froze him in place.

Opening his eyes, Lin An struggled to raise his arms and pressed hard on his temples on both sides, trying to bring the separated consciousness back to his body.

"Am I not dead yet?"

Subconsciously, he reached out and touched his chest.

The chest was covered with a thin layer of clothing.

Unlike what he imagined, there were no bloody wounds, no shattered sternum, and no bleeding blood.

All he touched was skin exuding residual heat.

After confirming that he was still alive, Lin An breathed a long sigh of relief, moved his stiff body and got off the bed.

The surroundings were quiet, and the moonlight scattered on the ground through the windows, casting a clear silver moonlight.

Lin An looked around the unfamiliar room, his eyes full of doubts.

Why are you here? !

Trying to recall the past memories, he tried to figure out what happened.

Unbearable memories flooded into my mind again, and scenes flashed through my mind quickly.

In the narrow and closed space, there was air-conditioning and the coldness of the night. He was fully armed, holding an automatic weapon and carefully guarding the dark places.

There are things more terrifying than beasts out there.


Suddenly out of the shadows emerged an alien creature covered in cuticle "armor" and transverse vertebrae.

Corrosive acid spurted out from the alien's mouth, instantly corroding the weapon in his hand.

Lin An, who was attacked by surprise, became more and more calm, threw away his rifle, and pulled out the tactical dagger from his waist with his backhand.

The sharp blade, with the explosion of his powerful muscles, instantly cut off the neck of the sneak attack alien.

Bending down, Lin An stared at the dying alien with an expressionless expression.

When he was about to finish the last shot, a silent facehugger (alien larvae) appeared in the blind corner of his sight. Taking advantage of the moment he relaxed, it suddenly bounced up and pounced towards his face.

The above was the last image that remained in Lin An's mind before he lost consciousness.

"At that time, was your face hugged by a facehugger?"

Lin An reached out and touched his chest again, and whispered to himself.

Although he fights aliens, he is not from the alien world.

Lin An, who was born in the Celestial Dynasty and had the attribute of "orphan", originally lived a dull and boring life.

He was originally selfish and indifferent, but on a whim, he did the only good thing in his life - helping an old lady to cross the road through a red light.

As a result, he was hit by a dump truck that came straight towards him.

After waking up, he found that his soul had traveled to the "alien" world and became a mercenary of the same name for the most notorious company in the world - Wieland Corporation.

Once he came, he took it easy and quickly adapted to his identity as a mercenary.

Accustomed to killing, he thought his life would eventually end with a bullet.

Unexpectedly, the Wieland Company, which was seeking death, captured the alien from the spacecraft, established a base, and began to study this natural "killing machine."

As a result, the aliens escaped and then went on a killing spree, turning the entire research base into a purgatory.

And he, who was employed by Wieland Company, was ordered to destroy the aliens.

His last remaining memory was of being attacked by facehuggers popping up from the shadows.

Taking a breath, Lin An forced himself to turn his thoughts back to the present.

Looking at the furnishings in the house, there are old computers, scattered books, and desk lamps that are still connected with wires.

Are these outdated yet familiar objects that seem to belong to the 21st century?

The "alien" world that I am in is in the colonial era of the 22nd century, and there are no such old things there.

Lin An looked at something familiar yet unfamiliar, and felt dazed for a moment.

"Self. Are you back?"

From the "alien" world back to our own world? !

Hesitating, Lin An looked at the calendar on the wall.

The huge words "20xx" on the calendar caught his eye.

I am really back!

You know, in the "alien" world, lunar colonization has not even started at the beginning of the 21st century!

Lin An, who was in an extremely complicated mood, stared at the calendar and was speechless for a long time.

If he still stayed in the "alien" world and was parasitized by facehuggers, the end would not be very pleasant.

After the parasitic alien matures, it will forcefully penetrate the skin near the sternum.

At the moment of "chest rupture", the host's arteries and blood vessels were severed, the chest muscles were turned into a pot of porridge, and the fragile sternum was shattered and fractured in an instant.

Having witnessed this scene with his own eyes, he knew how painful it was for the host.

Now that the soul has returned, it means that he will not encounter this kind of pain.

Maybe he is already dead in that world.

"Just think of it as a dream!"

Lin An shook his head and exhaled.


Just when he was in a complicated mood, a female voice suddenly came from downstairs.

"Peter, haven't you finished your exam paper yet? If you don't eat your banana bread, Uncle You will finish it off."


Lin An froze on the spot listening to the unfamiliar voice.

This doesn't seem to be a celestial kingdom.

With a bad feeling in his heart, he quickly walked to the mirror in the room.

White skin, green face, hazelnut-colored eyes, yellow-brown hair.

Looking at the face that was not his own in the mirror, Lin An was stunned.

At the same time, a wave of memories that did not belong to him flooded into his mind.

After a while, Lin An slowly stretched out his hand and touched his face after absorbing the memory.

It turned out that I didn't go back.

From the "alien" world, he traveled through time again and came to the American comic world, becoming a high school student named "Peter Parker".

Peter Parker Spider-Man.

Although he is not a fan of American comics, he is not ignorant either. He still knows the name of Spider-Man.


Looking away from the mirror, the expression on Lin An's face kept changing.

How could a selfish and cold bastard like me become a superhero?

Being with death, constantly killing others, and finally ending your life with a bullet from the enemy is your destiny!

"Peter?! Don't let me go up and grab you!"

Another rushing sound came from downstairs.

"Come down right now, Aunt May."

According to the memory of his predecessor, Lin An shouted downstairs.

Now that he's here, he'll make peace with it. He quickly adjusts his mood and goes downstairs.


Aunt Mei was carrying the dinner plate. When she saw Lin An coming downstairs, she raised her eyebrows slightly and said to her husband at the dining table: "Our smart boy has forgotten all his sleep and food."

Uncle Ben pushed up his eye frames and said, "Sometimes he is like his father and easily immersed in his own world. This may not be a bad thing. By the way, can I have another piece of this banana bread?"

Since Peter hasn't been bitten by a spider yet, poor Uncle Ben hasn't been sacrificed yet.

After a second of silence for Uncle Ben, Lin Nian walked to the dining table as if nothing had happened.


Aunt Mei patted Uncle Ben's outstretched hand and said dissatisfiedly: "This is specially prepared for Peter. It is rich in potassium. I have read in a book about homeopathy that taking potassium is a good way to fight against the disease." The best solution for allergies, bananas contain the most potassium.”


Uncle Ben blinked and asked in confusion: "What is Peter allergic to? Why don't I remember?"

"I'm allergic to the environment. Doesn't Peter have social difficulties? He can't integrate well into the school environment."


Uncle Ben fell silent.

What kind of metaphysical therapy are you talking about? !

Lin An reached for a piece of banana bread and tried Aunt May's dark cuisine.


A sharp pain shot through his chest, his throat felt stinging, and nausea attacked his nerves.


The swelling feeling spread from the chest to the whole body, as if some species was constantly squirming inside!

Lin An was so horrified that a wave of panic arose in his heart!

How could it be? !

He clearly had his soul transported into Peter Parker, so why was the alien larvae bred by the Facehugger still in his body? !

Is the time travel system causing trouble?

Or what happened in it? !

"Peter, are you okay?"

Seeing Peter's expression was wrong, Aunt May asked with concern.

"I'm fine. Sorry, I suddenly remembered something happened."

Lin An shook his head and walked quickly upstairs.

Aunt Mei and Uncle Ben at the dining table watched Lin An leave and looked at each other.

Aunt Mei put down her plate, a look of sadness appeared on her face.

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