I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 10 Coexistence or destruction, that is the question

"What? How is it possible?!"

Looking at the CT image in his hand, Dr. Lane's face was full of disbelief.

In the CT image in his hand, an embryo in the shape of a mudskipper suddenly appeared on Peter's chest.

"This is a tumor?! No, it's impossible! It's too close to the aorta of your heart. If it's a heart artery tumor, it will seriously affect your heart health."

As he spoke, Dr. Lane asked Peter: "Have you ever felt difficulty breathing, accelerated heart rate, or similar heart discomfort?"

"No, not yet."

Peter shook his head.

Since the other party regarded the abnormal embryo as a tumor, he was spared the need to explain.

Turning his attention to the CT image in front of him, Peter frowned.

This was the first time he saw an alien embryo inside his body.

It doesn't look much different from the host parasitized by the facehugger in the alien world.

"If any major organ near the heart is damaged, it will kill you in just a few seconds. It is really a miracle that you are still safe from this kind of tumor!"

Dr. Lane let out a sound of admiration.


Peter pondered for a moment and asked the other party: "How successful is it to remove this tumor surgically?"

Although he knew it was impossible, he still asked the other party with a glimmer of hope.

"It's impossible. It's connected to almost all the major organs in your body, not just the heart."

Ryan shook his head, looked at a few more CT images, and said with confusion: "Also, this is not like a tumor. There seems to be a layer of amniotic membrane-like material on its surface. This is more like protecting you. Metabolic protective film.”

He was a little confused now, and his previous judgment that it was a tumor was now shaken.

"It seems that it has its own physiological activities, but how is this possible? How can such a species be parasitic in the human body?"

Ryan felt that the worldview he had cultivated over more than ten years of studying medicine was about to be subverted again.

"If it's a parasite, how does it survive?"

Ryan's head felt like he was going crazy. The more he thought about it, the more incredible it became.

Peter on the side ignored the other party's murmur, he directly picked up the CT image and looked at it.

"Dr. Lane, whether it's a tumor or a parasite, what I want to know is how to inhibit its growth."

Peter asked his question straight to the point.

"If it is a tumor cell, ordinary inhibitory targeted drugs can be effective, but in this form, I don't think the drugs can be effective."

Ryan thought for a while and asked Peter: "Are you worried that it will damage your body organs?"

"Yes, this tumor absorbs nutrients from my body, keeps growing, and may one day replace me."

Peter expressed his concerns.

"I don't think you need to worry about that for now."

Ryan thought for a while and said: "If it wants to replace you and absorb the nutrients in your body, it should grow quickly."

After a pause, he continued: "Although I don't understand what it is, according to how closely it is connected to your organs, it should be able to quickly complete its growth and evolution by absorbing nutrients."

"But in the current situation, it does not destroy your organs, but is more like protecting your body organs. In other words, it seems to be your second heart."

Listening to the doctor's explanation, Peter's expression changed.


He thought about the alien features of his body.

Is alienation the result of the alien embryo being linked to various organs of the body and the genes being transferred to its own genetic sequence?

"Have you felt that your sleep quality has been good recently, or have you seen any other positive changes in your body?"

Ryan asked him.


Ryan nodded, put down his pen, and continued to express his conjecture:

"Well, it's just as I guessed. The existence in your body not only absorbs nutrients, but is also responsible for providing you with protection. Having two hearts will naturally improve your sleep quality. I think this relationship is more like a symbiotic relationship."

Peter pondered for a moment after hearing this.

Then he picked up the CT image, pointed at the top of the embryo and said: "I would like to guess a symbiotic relationship, but look at this tulip-like lobe."

"This is like a sensory organ, indicating what may be pregnant inside it. This sensory organ is responsible for protection."

Even though he knows that he will not be "broken chest" to death for the time being, it does not mean that he can sit back and relax.

The temporarily symbiotic alien embryo provides strong support and protection for itself.

However, its shape still shows no signs of breaking away from the alien embryo. Maybe at some point, the hibernating embryo in the body will wake up.

After hearing this, Dr. Lane nodded, "It is indeed possible, but I prefer to believe that it is not a malignant tumor or a malignant parasite."

Seeing that Peter was silent, he continued: "Since you are worried about what it will give birth to, why don't you come here for check-ups every few days and observe its changes in time. I will keep it secret for you and no one will know."

Naturally, Peter would not completely believe him.

But as long as he doesn't leave any evidence, no one will believe him even if he wants to tell it.

Once the other party makes any small moves, he can immediately eliminate him.

"It's a good proposal. I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

With a calm expression on his face, Peter stretched out his hand to shake hands and say goodbye.

The CT images were also taken away by him.

On the other side, Christine was about to find Dr. Ryan to inform him of the meeting.

Peter was walking out of his office.

Watching Peter walk past her, Christine recognized him as the person she had just met in the elevator.

The person that Strange was particularly concerned about.

After staring at Peter's back and disappearing into the corridor, Christine walked to the door of Ryan's office and knocked.

"Dr. Ryan, is the consultation over?"

"Of course, I'll go right away."

Ryan stood up and smiled at Christine as if nothing had happened.

Nine o'clock in the evening.

After a busy day, Christine was ready to go back and rest.

Sitting in front of the computer to sort out documents, she suddenly had a whim and wanted to know the name of the stranger who concerned Strange during the day.

Enter the hospital's internal management system, enter your account password, and search for Ryan Brown's diagnosis and treatment form.

According to the hospital's internal regulations, all patient information will be entered into the database.

However, due to the requirement of confidentiality for patients, non-doctors can only see basic information such as the patient's name, and only the doctor in question can see the specific symptoms.

To her surprise, the form under Ryan Brown was empty.

This means that he has zero patients today!

But how is that possible? !

She clearly saw that person walk out of Ryan Brown's office!

Did that bastard doctor delete the medical records privately?

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