I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 12 Death, Peter Parker is the murderer? !

"In 1930, the House of Representatives, under the control of the Republicans, further caused the Great Depression and later passed... Who can tell me what bill the government passed?"

On the podium, the middle-aged history teacher turned his eyes to the students below.

But the students below were sleeping or whispering to each other, and no one seemed willing to answer this question.

"The Tariff Act, that is, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act."

The top student Gwen Stacy stood up considerately to help the teacher out.

"Very correct, Miss Stacy."

The history teacher nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Does anyone know how effective it is? The fact is that this set of bills did not work, and the US government fell deeper and deeper into the subsequent Great Depression."

Peter sat at the back of the classroom, his eyes not focused on the teacher on the podium or the textbook in front of him.

Recalling the information he had read in the alien world in his previous life, he casually wrote down the relevant words in his notebook.

Maybe these words can help him discover something.


There was a scream outside the classroom!

The sharp sound immediately attracted the sleepy students in the classroom.

The history teacher on the podium was also confused for a moment, but soon he reacted, walked quickly to the door of the classroom, opened the door and looked outside.

The storage room for cleaning tools not far from the door was surrounded by many students.

There were also students lying limply on the side, as if they were frightened.

The history teacher wanted to stop the students in the class from approaching, but the students driven by curiosity rushed out like a swarm of bees.

Peter also followed the flow of people to the vicinity of the storage room.

The scene inside the door came into his eyes.

In the center of the room was an adult-sized cocoon.

It seemed to be a cocoon made of spider silk, in human shape and exuding a strange stench.

Peter was very familiar with this stench, and he frowned and took a few steps forward.

One end of the cocoon was destroyed, revealing the object wrapped inside.

It was a gray and somewhat corrupt face!

Probably because of the shock before death, the mouth was open, the eyes were staring straight ahead, and the whole face was in a horrible and distorted shape.

The students who were closer to the cocoon also saw this horrible scene and vomited.

"Chicken coop death! What is this?!"

"I can't stand it, vomit."

The students with poor tolerance covered their mouths and left the place quickly.

The girls screamed in horror, and the whole scene was in chaos.

"This is... This is Josh, Josh Rob, the quarterback of the football team!"

Some sharp-eyed students recognized the identity of the corpse, the star player of the football team.

Josh hadn't come to school for several days. Everyone thought he had asked for leave, but they didn't expect that he would become a corpse lying in the cocoon in such a horrible form.

"It's you, it's you, Peter!"

Peter's classmate, Kenny McFarland, who often bullied him, pointed at him and shouted in horror.

Kenny McFarland, who has a strong body and a striking head, is nicknamed King Kong.

He and the big guy "Lightning" Thompson standing next to him are the school bully duo.

Because Peter taught Josh a lesson before, these two guys behaved well for two days, but now they are directly accusing Peter.

"It was after you beat up Josh that day that he disappeared and didn't come to class, and even didn't attend football training! It was you! Peter!"

King Kong pointed at Peter and shouted in panic.

Lightning Thompson next to him also looked like he agreed completely.

The students around him all looked at Peter in an instant.

Panic, fear, tension, hatred, gloating, all kinds of complex eyes were focused on him.

Peter, who was accused of the murderer, looked at the students around him expressionlessly.

Then he pointed his cold eyes at King Kong and the others.

The frightened King Kong took a step back, then realized that he was a little embarrassed to be frightened, and took another step forward with courage.

"Shut up!"

Without waiting for Peter to speak, Gwen roared at King Kong.

"You are talking nonsense here without evidence. Do you want to slander and spread rumors?! Do you know what you are doing?!"

Gwen's expression was extremely angry.

Although she knew that Peter and Josh had a conflict before, it did not mean that Peter would be the murderer.

And she believed in Peter, believing that the kind Peter would not be the kind of person who would arbitrarily deprive others of their lives.

Peter, who was feared by everyone, did not have much anger.

Not to mention that he did not do it, even if he did it, what basis did these people have to convict him?

Bystanders judged themselves with contempt, fear, and resentment?

Sorry, I don't have any psychological pressure, and I won't be affected by any strange eyes.

Looking at the corpse with a calm gaze, Peter fell into deep thought.

The corpse was wrapped in spider silk, and the murderer used spider silk as a tool.

Is it Spider-Man?

How is it possible? !

The authentic Spider-Man himself has not been born yet, where did Spider-Man come from?

Seeing the chaotic noises getting louder and the scene getting more chaotic, the history teacher finally woke up and began to organize the scene.

Most of the students were dispersed, leaving only two or three students to guard the scene, not letting anyone approach, and then let someone notify the principal.

After forcibly driving away the students, the history teacher looked at Peter with a complicated expression.

"Classmate Parker, come to the office."

"I'm with you."

Gwen immediately took a step forward and stood next to Peter.

"Need not."

Peter shook his head and said he was fine.

Watching Peter leave with the history teacher, Gwen stamped her feet angrily.

She quickly thought of a way and took out her cell phone to dial her father's number.

"Dad, it's me, Gwen, of course it's me. Even though it's during class, you didn't say I'm not allowed to make phone calls."

Gwen forced herself to calm down and said to her father: "Something happened at school, but it has nothing to do with Peter. You have to help him."

"Yes, I'm calm!"

In the afternoon.

There was a quick knock on the vice principal's door, and Morton, the assistant principal, opened the door.

What appeared before him was an anxious woman.

Aunt May's eyes immediately caught sight of Peter sitting on the chair. Before Morton could speak, she quickly walked up to Peter and hugged him.

Being held tightly by Aunt May, Peter could feel the slight trembling on her body.

After hesitating for a moment, he reached out his hand and slowly hugged Aunt Mei.

"Are you okay, Peter."

Loosening her arms around Peter, Aunt May held his hands excitedly and said with red eyes: "Your uncle and I rushed over immediately after hearing the news. Oh my god, luckily you're okay."

Uncle Ben's footsteps also sounded outside.

Then Peter saw Uncle Ben's face at the door.

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