I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 15 There is a monster living inside you, Peter

Time goes back a few minutes.

Peter pushed the woman in the wheelchair along the corridor toward the ward.

"Can I know your name?"

"Peter Parker."

Peter looked down at the old man in the wheelchair and said, "I thought you were really a fortune teller and could figure out my name."

"Of course, but are you sure this is your name?"

The old woman raised her head and smiled at him.

Peter was stunned for a moment, and then replied without changing his expression: "That's my name."

"Hmm, the name doesn't mean anything. Maybe I shouldn't worry about it."

The woman quickly stopped talking about Peter's name and put her hands on the armrests of her wheelchair.

"Mr. Peter, do you think I am a fortune teller?"

"Isn't it?"

Peter said to the woman in a calm tone: "Tarot cards, or palm reading, I even know people who use tea leaves to divine fortune. For example, if there are tea leaves standing up in the tea cup today, they can predict whether guests will come."

"You're funny, Mr. Peter."

The woman said with a smile.

She took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on as she passed by a brightly sunny area in the corridor.

"I'm sorry, my eyes are not comfortable, and they are becoming more and more uncomfortable with strong light."

She took it upon herself to explain to Peter why she was wearing sunglasses.

"You can call me Mrs. Weber, or you can call me Cassandra, that will make me sound younger."

Wearing sunglasses, she talked more.

"Mr. Peter, I understand the divination methods you mentioned, the beautiful playing cards, the secrets contained in palm prints, and so on. I think those are all gimmicks, actually."

After a pause, she continued: "The ways of spying on destiny are all different. Some people think they have specific ways of operating and specific rules, so in their hearts, they have special rules for those who have the ability to spy on the mysteries of destiny. Requirements, thinking that everyone will follow the same constraints as them.”

Peter listened to Mrs. Weber's words, nodded, and asked the other party: "It sounds reasonable, so what method does Mrs. Weber use to spy on fate?"

Mrs. Weber signaled Peter to stop pushing the wheelchair, asked him to come to her, and asked him: "Do you want to try it? Mr. Peter."


Peter nodded.

Although he was an atheist in his previous life, he has always been skeptical about strange powers and chaos.

But after experiencing time travel, his concepts changed.

Moreover, the Marvel world he traveled through was full of magic and incredible power.

Right now, he wanted to see how the mysterious-looking Mrs. Weber would predict his fate.

"What do I need to do, Mrs. Webber?"

"Just give me your hand."

Mrs. Webber motioned to Peter to give him her hand.

Peter hesitated and put his left hand into her hands.

He couldn't clearly see Mrs. Weber's expression under her sunglasses. He only saw that the other party's expression became a little more serious the moment she touched his left hand.


She said in a slightly vicissitudes of life: "Strange, I can't see the end of life, nor can I see death. It's like you are outside the flow of fate and time, without any restraint."

Then her expression became confused, and she held Peter's hand with increasing strength, her expression became a little ferocious, and the veins on her hand sprouted.

Peter maintained a half-crouched posture and stood in front of Mrs. Weber, whose face was reflected in her sunglasses.

The dark sunglass lenses were like a whirlpool, trying to pull his consciousness into it.

Staring at himself in the sunglasses, Peter felt dizzy.

His consciousness fell into a trance for a moment, and the space in front of him changed.

The hustle and bustle of the hospital corridors with people coming and going disappeared, replaced by an endless space.

What appeared before him was a dark sky and burning ruins.

The city was reduced to rubble and smoke covered the entire space.

The Statue of Liberty, New York City's most famous building, has collapsed, leaving only its base burning in flames.

Everything as far as the eye can see is dilapidated and dead.


The ground crackled like it was being attacked by a rocket launcher, and the sonic boom produced by the sound waves in the air irritated his eardrums.

Countless dust was splashed down on a higher ground, causing slight vibrations.

After the smoke cleared, a familiar figure appeared in his sight.

What landed on the ground seemed to be a more mature version of myself?

No, perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe him as a more mature Peter Parker.

The whole body is covered in a black uniform, with some white stripes on the chest, full of a chilling atmosphere.

Without a helmet, he bent down and picked up a familiar glove from the ruins.

Judging from the shape, it is undoubtedly the Infinity Gauntlet.

The Infinity Gauntlet, covered in dust and mud, was picked up from a ruined wall.

Looking at the Infinity Gauntlet, he slowly put it on his right hand.

The moment he put on the Infinity Gauntlet, countless roars echoed around him.

Countless aliens emerged from the ruins of the city.

Aliens of different shapes and shapes, exuding strange auras, gathered towards him from all directions.

Looking from a distance, creatures all over the mountains and plains were rushing towards him, forming countless black tributaries of the ocean.

A shuddering and terrifying atmosphere covered the entire city like a dark cloud.

The next moment.

The picture quickly disappeared from Peter's eyes, fading like a tide.

The city and the alien army that had become the end of the world disappeared, and what reappeared in his sight was the corridor of the hospital.

The clamor of human voices re-entered his ears.

Peter pulled out of the illusion of the ruins of the city.

Ms. Weber, who was holding his hand, suddenly let go of his hand, and with a "bang", she leaned back on the backrest of the wheelchair, breathing heavily.

She seemed to know Peter again, and looked at Peter in shock.

"That's... That's..."

Mrs. Weber wanted to speak, but soon she started coughing violently.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough. How... How is it possible, you..."

She took off her sunglasses, and her turbid eyes were full of disbelief and shock.

"It looks like my future is not very good. What did Mrs. Weber see?"

Peter, who was standing in front of her, was also a little surprised by what he saw, but he quickly suppressed his emotions and pretended that he saw nothing.

"You... there is a monster living in your heart, Peter."

Mrs. Weber's expression was no longer calm as before. She stroked her chest and said to Peter.

"I saw the ruins of the end of the world and heard the footsteps of the approaching god of death. You... you are the hand of death!"

Please collect and recommend, thank you, ninety-degree bow!

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