Under the burning flames, Gwen was horrified to see Frank begin to mutate.

The skin on his face kept shaking and twitching.

Fine beads of sweat appeared on his head, and black tumors grew on his head.

His teeth also began to mutate, and two curved fangs similar to spider claws grew out of his sharp and dense teeth.

What shocked Gwen the most was that countless red eyes appeared on the tumor on his head.

The spider-like eyes exuded a strange and terrifying aura.

Frank, with his muscles surging, turned from a human into a spider monster.

Gwen took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down.

She bent down to pick up another burning gondola on the ground and threw it at him.

Then she ran towards the crowd without looking back.

Although she was confident in her strength, she should have a chance of winning against ordinary people.

But against such a spider monster, she had no chance.

The other students in the playground also witnessed Frank transformed into a spider monster, and the panic was louder, the crowd was more chaotic, and all rushed towards the exit.

"God! I must be dazzled!"

When Gwen ran to Gloria, Gloria was staring at Frank who had turned into a spider monster in amazement.

"God won't help you! Run!"

Gwen grabbed Gloria's hand and ran towards the exit with the frantic escapees.

But when they ran to the playground gate, they found that the door had been locked.

The person in the front hammered the door hard, but it didn't move at all.

More and more people squeezed to the door, and the crying and screaming in the crowd mixed together, which was extremely chaotic.

The agile boys immediately climbed the wire door and jumped out, trying to open the door from the outside.

Vice Principal Morton ran to the door first. Facing the students running around, he gave full play to his "tough guy" style, first slapped a screaming girl, and then punched a boy who was pushing desperately in the eye.

The fire continued to spread on the grass, and the "beeping and popping" burning sound resounded in the night sky.

Frank, who stood in the center of the flames and transformed into a spider monster, did not simply stand there and watch everyone flee.

He grabbed the closest football team member at lightning speed, twisted his neck, and pulled him in front of him.

The terrifying spider fangs bit into the opponent's neck, and blood spurted out immediately.

Gwen, who witnessed this scene, immediately felt nauseous in her throat.

After Frank killed a football player casually, he walked towards the other running students.


With just a casual blow, the tall and strong student's mouth gushed blood, and he was hit out like a flying baseball bat and fell heavily to the ground, his life or death unknown.


Exhaling a breath, Gwen let go of Gloria's hand and said to her seriously: "Listen, Gloria, you run away first, then call the police!"

"What about you?"

Gloria knew what her friend wanted to do. She grabbed Gwen's wrist, her eyes full of tears, "You can't go! Gwen, you're not a superhero! You will get hurt or even die. Please, don't go!"

"I have to do something."

Gwen pulled her wrist out and ran in the opposite direction of the crowd.

At this time, the flames had spread to the stage set up on the playground.

The wires near the stage were ignited, emitting dazzling electric sparks.


The huge microphone drum noise spread throughout the playground!

Gwen looked in the direction where the sound came from and saw a classmate holding the microphone, his eyes bulging, his body shaking constantly, and electric sparks jumping around.

It was obvious that the other party had been electrocuted.

Frank stood at the exit and attacked the students around him who had not escaped yet.

Blood splattered everywhere, and the sound of flames and electricity stirred everyone's head.

Gwen took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and looked around.

Near the student lying motionless on the ground, Gwen saw a thick electric wire lying on the ground, twisting and wriggling like a snake, emitting purple flashes.

Gwen took a deep breath and muttered "I can" in her mouth, ran over quickly and grabbed the other end of the wire.

Gwen dragged Frank, who was running towards him, and tried to knock him down with electricity.


The electric current hit Frank's back.

When Gwen thought her plan was successful, Frank's body shook and then turned around.

Gwen, who was holding the wire, looked at Frank who was unharmed, and her heart "clicked".

Before she could dodge back, Frank's fangs came towards her.

She could even smell the fishy smell coming from his mouth.

Seeing Frank's fangs getting closer and closer to her, Gwen's heart also rose with despair.


To Gwen's surprise, Frank's spider fangs did not bite her neck.

A pair of hands stretched out from behind her and grabbed Frank's neck.

A familiar breath spread to her body, a long-lost breath of familiarity and safety.

Gwen's hand stretched out from behind, grabbed Frank's neck, and threw him out heavily.

With a loud "bang", Frank fell heavily to the ground.

The cracked ground raised countless dust, and the ground was shaken slightly.


Gwen stared at Peter who appeared behind her in astonishment.

She thought Peter would not come to the competition, but she did not expect him to appear in front of her in this way.

"You should not be so stubborn, Gwen."

Peter said to Gwen, who was covered in dust and blood on her face.

He had no intention of coming to school, but was "driven" to school by Uncle Ben and Aunt May on the grounds of "broadening his social relationships."

"I know, but Frank came for me from the beginning, and I have to take responsibility."

Gwen apologized to him with an apologetic look on her face.

She quickly grabbed Peter's hand, "We have to leave here quickly! This guy has become a monster."

The students around had almost all fled, and she had successfully achieved the goal of delaying the other party, so she ran away quickly.

"Too late!"

Peter shook his head and looked at Frank who slowly stood up in the distance.

"What should we do?"

Gwen looked at the other party nervously.

Immediately, she made a quick decision, "I will stop him, Peter, you run first."

Gwen, who made a decision in her heart, let go of Peter's hand and stood in front of him.

Peter was stunned for a moment, then shook his head, "You are not a superhero, Gwen."

"I have a responsibility."

Listening to Gwen's firm tone, Peter was speechless.

Why do you feel that you are the Spider-Man?

"But the ability is not enough."

Peter pushed Gwen away.

The next second!

Frank had already rushed up, and Gwen, who was pushed away, escaped.

With a "bang", Frank's arm was grabbed by Peter.

Feeling the huge power coming from Peter's body, Frank looked at him in horror.

"What kind of monster are you?!"

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