I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 26 I will definitely win next time, Gwen!

Presbyterian Hospital.

George Stacey is in Gwen's hospital room.

He wanted to know from Gwen what happened that night.

Especially Peter’s role in it.

He always felt that Peter that night would never be just a passerby as his daughter said.

"Dad, I. I want to be alone for some quiet time."

Gwen sat on the bed holding her legs.

She buried her head deeply into her knees, so that George Stacy could not see a trace of her expression.

Hearing that something was wrong with his daughter's voice, George frowned.

"Gwen, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I want to know, Dad, why do I always face death?"

Faced with Gwen's question, George Stacy was stunned for a moment.

"Just like when I lost my mother, and now, it seems that I am always in such a vortex, always bringing death and destruction to the people around me."

Hearing this, George Stacy came over, patted Gwen's hair gently, and said, "No, this is not your mistake, Gwen."

"But why do the people I love most leave me and I can't do anything?"

Gwen raised her head and said with tears on her face.

Although George Stacy didn't know what happened, he still comforted his daughter in a low voice:

"We cannot prevent death, and death will never be subject to our will, but it should not be the source of our harshness and pain."

Gwen really wanted to tell her father about Peter, but thinking about her promise to Peter, she didn't say it in the end.

"I used to want to play the savior, Dad, but now I know that I am not, and I no longer believe that I can blindly change everything."

George Stacey frowned slightly as he listened to his daughter's words.

Gwen exhaled and said dejectedly: "Maybe our life is like a donkey cart running towards the cliff. Like that donkey, I will fall into the dark abyss, and no matter how I scream, no one will hear me.

I desperately want to stop those bad things from happening, I want to not let fate control my life, but I can't help it, can I? Trying to fight fate is as unrealistic as placing a coin on the railroad track to stop a speeding train. "

Thinking of the two most important people in her life leaving her in the same way, she felt uncontrollable pain.

George Stacy, who felt his daughter's mood, gently stroked Gwen's hair and said:

"You know, Gwen, when I used to come home after a bad day at work, my mom would ask me how I was doing."

"I'd say, OK, and then she'd kiss me on the cheek and say, 'You're going to win next time.'"

After a pause, George continued: "Your mother never believed in fate. She always actively fought against the disease. No matter how bad it was, she would believe that she would win and she would always win destiny next time!"

"So, Gwen, I don't know what you have been through, but I believe that my daughter will be the girl who will always win next time!"

After listening to her father's words, Gwen's originally desperate and uncomfortable mood eased a bit.

Peter told himself he had just a pre-tumor.

Maybe dad was right and he could change everything.

No matter what method she adopts, she must prevent her mother's tragedy from happening again to Peter.


Exhaling, Gwen forced herself to pull herself together.

She raised her eyes and looked at her father firmly.

"Dad, I want to borrow some money from you."

"How many?"

Although it was strange for his daughter to borrow money, he was quite relieved to see her cheer up.

Borrowing money is a matter of course.

"The more, the merrier."

Gwen wanted to raise money for Peter's medical treatment, thinking that the more the better.

"Fifty thousand dollars? Dad, is that okay?"

she asked tentatively.


George Stacey was a little suspicious, had her daughter been deceived by someone? !

Osborne Tower.

Osborne Industrial Group, as the most powerful company in the United States, has made many achievements in the fields of manufacturing, compression, automobile manufacturing, and chemical processing.

It has 110 manufacturing plants and 7 R\u0026D institutions around the world, especially in chemical products.


Norman Osborne's office, Harry opened the door and entered.

"You should have knocked, Harry, this was at work, not at home."

Norman Osborne, who looked majestic, put down the document in his hand, frowned and said to his son.

"Sorry, Dad, I just wanted to."

Harry was about to explain when he was interrupted by his father, "You attended the funeral today and it ended so soon?"

"Yes, I did not participate in the subsequent ceremony. The whole process will probably be completed in the afternoon."

Norman nodded, "You performed very well at this United Nations Charity Organization meeting, which will help expand your network. If you mature, Harry, I won't worry about this every day."

Harry wanted to ask his father what maturity and immaturity were.

Why does my father always say with a straight face that he is immature?

"Dad, do you know what happened at the football game? Was it really a fire?"

After a moment of silence, he asked Norman.

Norman cast his eyes on Harry, staring at him coldly, "I don't know, and you don't need to invest your curiosity in these things. Don't disappoint me, Harry."

"I don't know what I should do."

Harry couldn't stand it anymore, his father spoke to him so coldly.

He raised his head and said indignantly: "I don't know what maturity is. Maybe Dad, you hope to harvest something important and very useful from me."

"You spent ten years to transform me, cultivating me like pruning potted plants, hoping that I would become the kind of person you want, but I tell you, Dad, you have eliminated far more things from me than left."

Norman Osborn looked gloomy and watched his son vent.

"So, the reason why I am what I am now is thanks to you, Dad. I don't want to disappoint you, but you instilled me into this."

When Harry finally finished speaking, Norman Osborn's face was covered with clouds.

He raised his finger, pointed at the door, and said to Harry: "Get out!"


Harry, who closed the door, stood in the corridor and was blown by the cold wind, and was also a little scared.

Normally, he would never dare to talk to his father like this.

He originally wanted to ask his father if he could accompany him to the biological science exhibition this weekend.

He ended up messing everything up!

Harry, frustrated, walked out of the corridor unwillingly.

In the office.

After Harry's footsteps disappeared, Norman Osborn lowered his head and focused his eyes on the document in front of him.

The document he was looking at was about the tragedy at the Midtown High School football game that happened three days ago.

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