I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 28: Hit by a car while drinking coffee!


Gwen grunted, stretched her neck and swallowed the bread.

"For someone who loves to eat, such delicious toast is hard to overeat."

Peter's eyes narrowed, "Well, I guess it depends on the time. It's not dinner time, Gwen."

"You can't blame me. This cafe doesn't care about the time. As long as it's on the menu, you can eat anything."

Peter looked thoughtful, "But why aren't you fat, Gwen?"

Gwen smiled proudly, stretched out her hand to grab Peter's hand, and said, "Do you want to know my secret to staying in shape?"

Before Peter could say anything, Gwen explained: "I have a very fast metabolism, just like a rabbit."

"Ahem, maybe you don't believe it, but I really have no problem eating anything. I can eat whenever I want. Anyway, my body can completely burn off the excess calories."

Peter listened to Gwen's words and fell into thought.

Gwen is the exact opposite of herself.

I don't dare to eat more now. If the alien enters Gwen's belly, according to her foodie attributes, it will probably be parasitic in the morning and burst out of her chest at dinner.

"Yes, Gwen, some women dream of being like you."

"That's because they are too stupid. Why do they pursue such a thing?"

Peter smiled again, "Okay then."

Gwen tasted the food quietly and said no more.

She enjoyed this moment, a moment worthy of a hug.

I have never enjoyed such a quiet moment in my life.

When I get along with my friends, although I am very relaxed, I will also be playful and say a few words to each other.

But when he was with Peter, he wouldn't argue, he would just smile or stay silent.

Sometimes I want to be angry or a little bit aggressive, but Peter will resolve it.

Maybe Peter is hiding a secret that he doesn't know about.

But so what?

Who doesn't have secrets of his own? He doesn't care about them.

Clenching her fists, Gwen suppressed a hiccup that was trying to come out.

Gwen gently pushed the plate aside, looked at the undigested food in front of Peter, and asked doubtfully: "Aren't you going to eat it? Peter."

"I don't have a big appetite."

Gwen blinked, "Okay, I think we may have made a mistake. I am like a boy with a big appetite, and you are like a slender girl who is full after just a few bites."


She seemed to suddenly remember something, and said to Peter: "There is a radioactive bioscience exhibition this weekend, in the exhibition hall of the Natural History Museum. Do you have time to participate?"

"Radioactive Science Fair?"

Peter was stunned when he heard this word.

"Yes, haven't you always been interested in such an exhibition? The exhibition hall displays various radioactive experimental insects. You mentioned it before, but have you forgotten about it now?"

Peter nodded and put down the coffee cup in his hand.

This should be the fateful encounter that made Peter Parker become Spider-Man.

"Of course I haven't forgotten."

Peter is about to accept Gwen's invitation.


A dangerous aura suddenly hit him.

As if telepathically, the fatal danger was captured by him.

The next second, Peter rushed towards Gwen.

In Gwen's shocked eyes, Peter held Gwen in his arms and rushed to the side at lightning speed.

The coffee table was knocked over by Peter's movement and made a "bang" sound.

The plates and coffee cups on the dining table all fell down, making a "smashing" sound.

The warm coffee spilled out and hit the carpet.


The glass beside the two men made a deafening shattering sound, and the shattered glass flew everywhere.

The one that broke the glass was a black Lexus.

Out of control, the car smashed the glass like a mad bull and crashed straight into the cafe.

Amidst the roar of the motor, the car chassis flew past Gwen and Peter who were lying on the ground.

Gwen, whose ears were buzzing from the shock, fell into a sluggish state the moment she was hit.

At this time, she had not yet realized what happened.

With Peter pressed under her, she felt like everything in front of her was being pressed in slow motion.

Broken glass shards, spilled brown coffee.

She even saw the frightened face of the driver in the cab of the car.


The Lexus car hit the wall hard like a wild horse, making a loud noise.

The wall was suddenly cracked and dust fell.

The tables and chairs that were hit along the way were all shattered into pieces.

The huge impact sent scattered pieces of tables and chairs flying everywhere.

Fortunately, there were not many customers in the cafe at this time.


Even so, the guests who witnessed all this still screamed in horror.

The whole cafe immediately fell into chaos.

Peter pulled the confused Gwen up and patted the glass shards off her body.

"Are you okay? Gwen."

Gwen nodded mechanically as if she had just woken up from a dream, "I'm fine, what happened just now?"

"I don't know, but what we see so far is that this out-of-control car hit us."

As Peter spoke, he looked at the driver in the car.

The driver, who was lying on the steering wheel with blood on his face, was unconscious.

Only then did Gwen feel scared and took Peter's hand.

If Peter hadn't pounced on him just now, he might have been knocked away.

Thinking that Peter had saved her again, she held Peter's hand tighter.

Peter, who didn't notice Gwen's little move, frowned and looked out the window.

On the road outside the cafe, a young man who didn't know whether he was alive or dead was lying.

The other person was a relatively young white man, lying in a pool of blood, as if he had been hit by the car just now.

Pushing open the door of the cafe, Peter walked outside.

Gwen quickly followed.

Seeing the victim lying on the ground, Gwen quickly called.

At the same time, he bent down to check the other person.

She has studied first aid and knows how to treat patients.

"It's no use, Gwen, he's dead."

Seeing Gwen's fuss, Peter shook his head expressionlessly.

"His breathing is very weak, but he may be able to hold on until the ambulance comes. The hospital is next door."

Before Gwen finished speaking, she was interrupted by a voice.


Peter raised his head when he heard the sound and saw some familiar people standing on the other side of the road.

Peter quickly recognized the other party's familiar horse face.

Doctor Strange? !

Strange, who had not yet become Doctor Strange at this time, had disbelief in his eyes.

He looked at the body at Peter's feet, stunned.

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