"I don't know what you mean, Mr. Parker."

Gwen swallowed and said pretending to be stupid.

She felt Peter's identity shouldn't be revealed now.

After all, she and Peter are not from this time and space. If Peter's secret is revealed, who knows whether it will cause changes in time and space in the future?

Maybe the timeline has changed, and the fate of Peter and himself has changed in the future.

"I said Peter is my future son."

Richard said to Gwen with a complicated expression.

Although Peter changed his last name when telling him his name, he still deduced the most likely relationship between Peter and him.

"I had planned to name my future child Peter, and if she was a girl, Jessica."

Richard spoke his mind.

Gwen secretly thought to herself, it's a good thing Peter is a man, otherwise she would become a female version of Spider-Man, just like Jessica from the 616 universe.

When she thought of Jessica, she found that she missed this old friend a little.

"There is a connection between everything. I can feel the connection between Peter and me. This is very unusual. Gwen, you said that you come from a place far away. That is a place that cannot be crossed by space, right? ?”

Facing Richard's question, Gwen was a little confused.

She turned her attention to her mother and found that Helen, who had just finished driving the truck, was also looking at her curiously.


She hesitated and said, "I don't know how to describe it, but if I tell the truth, it will really change the future, I don't know."

Looking at Richard's pleading eyes, I thought that Peter's father had never had a good conversation with Peter.

Perhaps this was the only meeting that could make up for the regret between father and son. She finally nodded and said, "Yes, Peter is your future son. We crossed time and came here."


Hearing what Gwen said, Helen looked at Gwen in surprise, "You said you are people from the future?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, but I didn't mean to hide it. I didn't know how to say it. Even if I did, you wouldn't believe it at first."


Richard looked at Gwen in shock, "How did you do that? A time machine?"

"No, as much as I'd like to say it's a time machine, it's magic."

Gwen exhaled and said, "The incredible power of magic."

"How will you, Peter, be in the future?"

Richard suppressed the shock in his heart and asked Gwen.

"He is very good. He has saved the world several times. We are here for this purpose this time."

So Gwen briefly told Dr. Strange.

"The power of magic transports people to the past and constantly changes the outcome of things that have already happened. It will indeed create infinite branches, causing reality to be destroyed due to entangled mutual disturbances."

Richard thought for a while and asked Gwen: "Gwen, since you were sent to this era, it means that what happened here did not end well, right?"

Gwen was stunned for a moment and said: "I don't know how to say it, but Uncle Richard, you didn't accompany Peter through his childhood."

Hearing Gwen's words, Richard was stunned and felt a turmoil in his heart.

"You mean, me"

He immediately thought that something happened to him that prevented him from staying with Peter all the time.

"I'm sorry."

Gwen glanced at Helen somewhat uncomfortably, not knowing whether to apologize for Peter or herself.

"No, this is."

Richard organized his words, "Destiny has already written the script. We can't change the ending, but we can make the process better, right?"

He calmed down and was about to continue asking Gwen something, but suddenly his cell phone rang.

Richard picked up the phone and found that it was his wife Mary calling him.

"Where are you, Mary?"

After hearing his wife's nervous voice, Richard immediately realized that something was wrong with her.

Originally, he told his wife to stay at home, but unexpectedly she went out anyway.

After asking where his wife was, he immediately drove there.

Helen sat in his car, while Gwen, with the symbiote covering her body, swung into the air and rushed towards her destination quickly.

Mary, who was waiting for the bus, was originally planning to go out to buy some things.

The taxi showed up ten minutes later.

In this remote suburb, unlike in the city, you only need to stretch out your hand or tap the taxi with your handbag to attract the driver's attention.

Here you need to call and book a taxi, then wait, and then wait some more.

Mary stood at the door of the Blue Moon Restaurant, ready to call her husband.

She smelled the smell of the store, the fragrant mustard greens and chicken soup.

Freshly baked bread, a filling treat rich in yeast and carbohydrates.

The aroma of these foods reached her nose.

A little bored from waiting, she cast her eyes on the table.

Someone had left a half-eaten chapati on a tray on the table.

Soon the taxi arrived and Mary sat in the back of the taxi smoothly.

The rain pattered on the windshield.

The wipers swayed back and forth, and since the driver didn't turn on the radio, all she heard was: the wipers going back and forth, clicking in place, swiping across, and the rustling of tires soaked in rainwater.

She pressed the window, looked at the scenery outside, and suddenly thought of Peter whom she had seen before.

The other party always gave her a very familiar feeling, and she could feel a strange connection between the two.

Who is he?

Is there any relationship with her?

She shook her head and stopped her wild thoughts. When she was about to roll up the window, she seemed to smell something.

There was a strange smell floating in the air, like an overdose of cheap shampoo.

This pungent smell made her eyes feel a burning pain.

She suddenly felt overwhelmed, as if this taxi was pressing on her, like a beetle in a bottle of soda water would be crushed by human leather boots, and she was going to be completely crushed and destroyed.

She couldn't breathe and felt some unspeakable discomfort in her body.

She swallowed the reflux of gastric juice and relieved her nausea.

"What... what is that smell?"

She couldn't help asking the driver.

"What?" the taxi driver asked.

"Don't you smell this smell?"

"No, but there is a factory here. Maybe it's the irritating gas from the factory."

The driver said to her, "It may be the workers in the chemical factory, making pigments and paints and things like that."

Mary didn't quite believe that this was the irritating smell of the chemical factory's products. This unpleasant feeling was like a dagger scraping her throat, making her feel a little scared.

Chemical factories don't have this kind of smell.

It's more like an ominous smell, reminding her that something bad is going to happen.

"Can we turn around?"

She felt a strong sense of uneasiness in her heart and wanted the driver to turn back.

"But that's north, and you want to go west, so we go back like this."

"Yes, I know what I'm doing."

Mary now felt closed, as if all the cells in her body were buzzing like wings.

The taxi tried to drive onto the gravel on the shoulder of the road, and the rain slid down the taxi window, distorting her vision.

An empty private driveway filled with mud and sand deviated from the road.

A chain link fence and a gate prevented anything from entering the driveway, with rusty wire loops clumsily wrapped around the top of the fence.

But just as the taxi was about to leave, she suddenly noticed a figure walking towards her.

The other person was tall and strong, with strong arms, shoulders raised, and head and pointed chin drooping.

What frightened her most was that the other person had no hands, and his arms were replaced by tentacles.

Mary held her breath nervously.

Soon she heard the sound of other tires.

A police car - a state trooper, drove in from behind.

Seeing the police car signal to stop, the taxi driver had to stop the car.

Mary was so nervous that she dared not move.

The policeman got out of his car and seemed not to notice the tentacle human walking in the opposite direction.

He was short and held a black umbrella.

"Sir, you shouldn't drive here. The road ahead is closed to traffic."

The police knocked on the car window and said to the driver.

The driver was about to roll down the window when he suddenly saw a tentacle swinging out and piercing the policeman's chest directly.

"Oh my God!"

Seeing the blood splattering on the window, the terrified driver immediately prepared to step on the accelerator and drive forward.

But before the car rushed out, the driver was followed by the policeman.

The tentacle hit the glass and pierced his chest.

Mary, who was frightened, immediately got out of her car and ran out.

In a panic, he quickly ran to a nearby garbage dump.

After running into the garbage dump, Mary shrank her head behind the container, held her breath, and closed her eyes desperately.

She listened nervously to the sound of rain and low whispers.

In the distance, the idling engine of the car made a low roar, and there was thunder above her head.

Mary, who was so nervous that she didn't dare to breathe, hid for a while and found that the other party didn't come.

So she took a peek and found that the monster was not coming this way.

The tentacle-man turned and returned to the road, disappearing into the trees.

Mary wasn't sure if he was really gone.

Calm down, I have to calm down!

She pulled out her phone and prepared to call her husband.

The tentacle-man walked off into the distance, but stopped halfway, staring at a suspicious spot in the dump, then turned and walked straight toward her.

His feet slapped the greasy mud.

So Mary quickly moved away from her first hiding spot and moved to another one - this time behind a garbage can full of waste.

Hold your breath, steady.

Don't gasp too hard, he can hear it.

Probably finding her old hiding spot, he soon came over.

Mary could hear him and his footsteps, could hear his grunting nasal voice, the sound of trampling mud.

There was a splash of water.

Mary couldn't jump into the dumpster because it was full.

Instead, she pressed her back against the dumpster and slowly turned around it.

When the tentacle monster appeared on one side, she slid to the other side, trying not to make any noise on the metal and cause an echo.

The sound the monster makes is like two asbestos tiles rubbing together, or like one stone grinding against another.

You must be calm and calm.

Reminding herself, she began to move around the dumpster, keeping pace with the other's.

Finally, she sprinted away and found a rusty Cadillac that had once been bright and white. It was stuck in the mud at the height of her belly.

So Mary pulled her top up, the rain and greasy mud clinging to her skin.

She fixed her fingers that were deep in the soil and pulled herself all the way down, hiding herself with the surrounding environment.

Just as the monster turned to look for her, she looked back.

She felt like she saw something, but she wasn't sure.

The air rippled, as if something had opened.

The monster wiped the rain from his eyes and walked towards her.

Do not move!

Do not move!

Mary tried to remind herself.

The grass was stained with black mud, hiding her face, but only to ensure that she was deeper into the vegetation.

The tentacle monster walked slowly.

It was as if he were waiting for Mary to emerge from her hiding place without warning, or to burst out of the bushes like a frightened deer.

She felt that the other person's expression was wild and ferocious, like a beast hungry for food.

Soon the monster arrived at the car.

Just above her.

The other person's toes were only a few inches from the top of her head.

Don't look down.

Mary slipped her hand into her pocket and took out a fruit knife.

Her thumb lingered over the button.

Stab him now.

But having never done such a dangerous thing, she began to hesitate.

Can the blade pierce the other person's skin? Does she have leverage? What if she slips?

As she hesitated, the monster grunted again and started to walk away.

As he wound his way through the maze of trash and waste, preparing to leave, Mary let out the breath she had been holding in.

She lay there, belly down, for a moment.

The blood flowed fiercely in her ears, and she could even hear the violent beating of her own heart.

No, you can't leave or get up for the time being. You have to keep yourself hidden low enough.

Mary endured the physical discomfort and said to herself in her heart.


Suddenly there was a strange sound in the sky, which seemed to be the rumble of thunder.

The rain began to pick up, and a harsh white noise came from above.

Mary's ears perked up, trying to pull the other sounds out of the white noise of the rain.

But the sound got louder and louder, and finally in her shocked eyes, a gap opened in the sky.

Huge tentacles slowly came out from inside.

She even saw an eye appear in it.

Huge pressure fell on this space instantly.

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