I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 38 Destiny returns to the starting point


The vulture rushed towards the killer robot in the narrow carriage.

The piercing whistle shattered the glass of the subway carriage in an instant.

A missile was released from the robot's chest and shot towards the vulture.

The vulture made an evasive move in advance, dodged to the window and flew out.

The missile hit the top of the carriage, knocked off the roof, and then shot straight into the sky.

Countless fragments in the carriage splashed out, and it was in a mess in an instant.

The vulture flew out of the carriage and suddenly rushed in from another window.

The sharp claws pierced the robot's chest.

The impact brought by the high-speed flight slammed the robot into the wall of the carriage.

The vulture thought the attack was successful, and just as he was happy, his arms were grabbed by the robot.


Then a current rushed to the vulture's whole body.

He screamed and used all his strength to hit the robot's chest.

With a loud bang, the vulture and the robot crashed out of the subway car.

A strong wind rushed in, and metal fragments "ding-dong-dong" hit all around.

The vulture's flight device barely operated, but it was seriously damaged.

Holding his burnt arm, he stood on the subway car, gasping for breath, watching the robot walking towards him step by step.

What came to his ears was the whistling wind and the sound of the propeller turning.

He looked up and found a helicopter flying above his head, sprinting forward with the subway.

"Shit! Why is this iron lump so difficult to deal with."

He was getting more and more anxious at this time.

The media followed, which meant that the police helicopter was coming soon.

He must not be surrounded by the group of police.

Just as he was in anxiety, the subway car vibrated slightly.

Then the sound of a car being trampled came into his ears.

The vulture raised his head and found a figure standing on the top of the car.

The other party was wearing black "armor", with a black mask with a faint glow on his head, and translucent light white eyelids occupying most of his face, which looked full of solemnity and mystery.

Although he was covered with a black uniform, he did not feel bloated, but gave people a streamlined and fitting beauty.

It seemed that the other party was not wearing a tights or something like that.

But these things were originally on his body.

The robot on the roof also discovered the stranger who suddenly broke in.

The machine, which received the master's command, ran towards the other party quickly, and it seemed that it wanted to kill this uninvited guest.

Peter looked at the robot running towards him in front of him, frowning slightly.

The robot ran very fast and rushed in front of Peter in an instant.

The huge arm suddenly smashed towards Peter's body.


Peter stretched out his hand to resist the robot's arm, and then stretched out another hand covered with a black exoskeleton in the stunned eyes of the vulture.

The right hand turned into a fist and hit the robot's chest.

The robot, which he considered a big trouble, was smashed away with a "bang" and landed heavily on the top of the subway car, making a deafening sound.

Vulture looked at the robot lying motionless on the roof and fell into a sluggish state.

What kind of monster is this guy?

Did he destroy this machine with just one punch? !



On the other side, at Osborn Enterprises.

Norman Osborn leaned forward and slammed his hands on the table.

The monitor in front of him had turned into snowflakes.

The monitor placed in the robot's body only saw the black fist rushing.

The next second, the robot was knocked out, and then the signal was cut off.

This means that the robot has been scrapped.

"Damn it! What happened? What is that?"

He roared to the people around him.

But the staff who looked at each other in bewilderment could not give him an answer.

"Damn it! Do everything you can to make it move!"

Norman Osborn originally thought that he could use this battle to collect combat information of the robots made by Osborn.

Unexpectedly, it was destroyed by the guy who suddenly appeared.

In addition to shock, there was also uncontrollable anger.

After Peter dealt with the robot, he walked towards the vulture.

After recovering from the shock, the vulture looked up at the helicopter above his head.

The sound of the propeller in the distance was getting louder and louder. It was the police helicopter approaching.

He felt retreating and fearful, and looked at Peter, wanting to flap his wings and escape.

But the next second Peter stood in front of him.

The vulture's throat was grabbed just after his feet left the ground.

He was terrified and stretched out his claws to grab the other's arm.

But Peter did not give him this opportunity, grabbed his throat and threw him to the ground.


The vulture's back and the metal car came into complete contact.

He groaned in pain and felt that his spine was about to break.

And the flying device behind him was completely destroyed in an instant.

The parts of the flying device that flew away were swept away by the howling wind.

The vulture looked at the "monster" who was looking down at him. A hint of red light flashed in his eyelids, and the coldness of killing instantly surrounded him.

Trembling, he squeezed out a sentence from his mouth, "You monster!"

Before he finished speaking, he was kicked in the body with a "bang" and fell off the speeding train.

After solving two problems instantly, Peter jumped into the speeding subway car without stopping.

With a "bang", he stepped on the car with both feet, and his sight looked at other cars in the distance.

The terrified crowd in the car was captured by his super vision.

But he did not find Uncle Ben.

The obstacles in the car would block his sight.

Just as he was about to continue searching for Uncle Ben, something unexpected happened!

With a "crash", the glass shattered.

The robot that was knocked down by him broke through the window glass and rushed towards him.

In the flying glass, Peter's senses were extremely sharp, and everything seemed to slow down in his eyes.


Peter stretched out his right wrist, and the black spider silk shot out, accurately hitting the robot's face.

The strong corrosiveness instantly corroded the outer shell of the machine and the internal electronic devices.

The impact of this spider silk blasted the robot in the air out.

With a loud bang, the robot was knocked out before entering the subway car and fell from the viaduct.

Peter solved the problem of the machine and looked at the train's driving platform.

The train's driving system had been damaged and it seemed that it could not stop for the time being.

He walked to the station sign map of the carriage and looked at the last station.

If the subway could not stop, it might crash at the last station.

"Is there not enough time?"

Peter's expression became serious as he turned his eyes away from the train schedule.

"Not enough time!"

In the police car, George Stacy looked at the subway schedule and hammered the window fiercely.

The last station was circled by him with a pen, and it was "New York Museum of Natural History Station."

"No, no, Gwen!"

He suddenly remembered that Gwen was visiting the Museum of Natural History today, and his heart suddenly tightened.

Thanks to "Book Friend Tail Number 3969" for the reward. I bow to you for your hard work and expense!

Thank you all for voting. There are so many at once. Thank you very much!

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