"Damn, is she crazy?"

Del Ami was going crazy.

He was about to catch Gwen Stacy, but he didn't expect her to be so bold and jump directly to the roof next door.

If the guy who suddenly broke in hadn't grabbed her hand, she would have fallen to death.

"Damn it! This crazy girl will be killed one day!"

Hearing the faint sound of sirens in the distance, no matter how unwilling he was, he could only retreat with his men.

Thinking that the task assigned by the boss had not been completed, it made him feel even worse.


With his feet on the wet street ground, Del and his men tried to leave along the remote road.

Under the dim street lights, only the footsteps of several people walking quickly were heard.

"Da! Da! Da!"

At the end of the street, dull footsteps suddenly came.

In Del's sight, a black figure gradually approached him.

Like a hunter hiding in the dark, full of wild and dangerous taste.

Peter stopped and stood under the street lamp that was constantly flickering due to disrepair, facing Del and several other strong men.

The flickering street lamp shone on his face, creating a light and dark effect.

Del, sensing the danger, looked at Peter cautiously.

"It's you. You're the guy who saved the girl just now!"

He quickly recognized Peter as the guy on the roof.

He signaled his men to get ready, and looked at Peter with an unfriendly look, "Are you here to avenge that girl?"


Peter shook his head expressionlessly.

He was not the kind of person who was so enthusiastic that he would solve problems for others everywhere.

The reason he appeared here was that he wanted to release the killing desire that almost devoured him.

By the way, check your body to see to what extent it was affected by the alien gene.

"Who are you? Gangsters? Or are you seeking revenge?"

Peter shook his head before he finished speaking, "Forget it, I don't want to know."

"Fuck! Who do you think you are? Stop pretending!"

Del immediately took out the dagger from his waist while swearing.

He wanted to make this bragging bastard bleed!

With a loud bang, the first strong man who approached Peter was hit in the chest by him, and fell to the ground after a painful groan.

Without waiting for others to react, Peter quickly turned around and twisted his waist, kicking a guy in the waist with his right leg.

The lightning-fast movement, coupled with the ruthless attack, allowed him to quickly suppress the group of strong men.

The dull sound of flesh hitting and painful groans kept echoing in the alley.

A strong man who went around behind Peter tried to launch a sneak attack with a dagger.

Unexpectedly, Peter seemed to have eyes on his back, and turned around suddenly and grabbed the dagger.

Blood flowed down the dagger and flowed to the arm of the strong man in the suit.

The feeling of being burned by fire immediately passed from his arm along the nerves to the brain.

Screaming, he immediately let go of the hand holding the knife and stepped back.

Suppressing the pain, he looked at his arm while taking a breath.

The arm with burning blood seemed to be burned by sulfuric acid or chemical compounds, with a trace of hot steam, and the skin was eroded and shocking.

The sudden scene made Del and the others stunned.

Peter frowned and looked at the bleeding wound in his palm.

As expected, his blood also had some kind of corrosiveness like the alien?


Del took a breath and looked at Peter with shock and uneasiness.

What kind of monster is this guy?

Why is the blood so weird? !

Peter didn't know what Del and the others were thinking at this time. He clenched his palms and cast his eyes on the people who were in doubt.

The next second, he swiftly flashed forward, like a beast hunting prey.


The suited man with the burned arm was hit in the chest and groaned in pain. The whole person was like a baseball that was bounced and hit the wall heavily.

The dust on the wall fell down!

Before anyone else could react, Peter's body moved in front of another strong man in an instant like a flash of lightning.

He twisted his waist and kicked out with his right leg like a whip.

The strong man with wide eyes felt a piercing pain in his shoulder blade, and then his body fell heavily to the ground, splashing a lot of dust.

Peter got rid of the minions with incredible strength and speed, and stood in front of Del.

Without waiting for the other party to react, Peter grabbed the other party's neck and lifted him up.

Del's "throat" made a "crackling" sound, his hands and feet kicked randomly, and his eyes bulged out like a cork about to pop out of a champagne bottle.

Peter, who grabbed Del's throat, had an endless desire to kill from the bottom of his heart, and the most primitive impulse occupied his mind.

At the same time, the hunger that he had been suppressing gradually rose up.

It seemed that there was incomparably delicious flesh and blood in front of him. Just take a bite to taste the taste of blood and satisfy his hunger.

Del, feeling the trembling pressure, slapped Peter's arm desperately.

In his blurred vision, he saw a terrifying scene.

Peter suddenly opened his bloody mouth, revealing his hideous and densely packed teeth, and saliva dripped down, looking extremely hideous.

But this change only happened in an instant, and soon Peter returned to normal.

It was so fast that Del thought he was seeing things.

"You, you monster"

Del squeezed out a few words with difficulty.


The next second, his throat was crushed by Peter.

Del, who had lost his breath, fell heavily to the ground.

Peter, who had dealt with all the strong men, stood there, looked at the corpses, and reached out to touch his cheek.

Just now, did his body change?

The influence of the alien gene seems to be more serious than he thought.

Ripley (the heroine of the Alien series) is a clone mixed with alien genes. Although she also merged with alien genes like herself to become a "superwoman".

But the other party's spirit is not abnormal, while his own spirit is being affected by the most primitive desires of the alien.

If the alien embryo in the body is not removed as soon as possible, I don't know if I will become a monster like the alien in the end.

The killing machine that "is not influenced by conscience, regret and morality" may be the most perfect "organism", but such a monster has never been what he pursues.

No matter how cold and selfish he is, he has always regarded himself as a human being.

Looking up at the night sky of the city in the distance, Peter shook his head and turned to leave.

Walking out of the alley, the New York City Police Department car whizzed past, and the neon police lights emitted a dazzling light.


The phone vibrated.

Peter took out his phone and saw the text message sent by Gwen.

"Peter, I have arrived at the New York Police Department. Everything is safe! Thank you for your divine help tonight. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would be in the hospital, suffering with disinfectant or formalin."

"You're welcome. Who are those guys?"

Peter asked Gwen in a text message.

"Dad said they might be members of the Hand."

Closing the phone cover, Peter frowned slightly and glanced at the alley.

"The Hand"

New author and new book, if there are readers, please collect and recommend it, thank you everyone!

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