I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 48 Uncle Ben's Horror Story!

Hospital surgical clinic.

"Do you know him? The man who attacked you?"

Christine asked while bandaging Strange's wounds.

"Yes, even though I didn't recognize it at first, I remember it now."

Strange breathed out and said: "His name is Dan Stein. I once performed an operation on his wife. Although the other party has been divorced, he still tried his best to take care of his ex-wife."

"Do you remember every patient of yours so clearly?"

Kristen was surprised that the other person had such a good memory.

Strange shook his head, "No, it's just that he's a little special. He's very talkative and loves fishing and stock trading. We have some common topics - popular metal bands in the 1990s, such as Poison, Mötley Crüe, Wanted and Gwen.”

"He also had a daughter, I think her name was Rebecca."

Kristine listened to what the other party said and asked a little strangely: "I don't understand why you are so familiar with each other and he tried to hurt you. It seems that he has a deep hatred for you."

"I have no idea."

Strange covered his painful forehead with his left hand, "He is a good man. I am absolutely convinced. He looks like the kind of honest person who would apologize if he stepped on a cockroach. I don't understand why he did that."

Kristine thought for a while and asked: "Did you refuse to operate on his wife? Maybe this will make a person explode."

"Do you also think I'm a callous person?"

Strange raised his eyes and looked at Christine.

Kristine was stunned for a moment, then slowly shook her head, "No, doctors are not gods and cannot save everyone. You have rejected many patients, but this is normal. Although you are a little arrogant, you are not the kind of person who has no 'heart' "

"I don't even know whether you are praising me or hurting me."

Strange smiled bitterly, "I often wonder, is what I have done so far as 'Doctor Strange' correct? Should I continue to be known as 'Doctor Strange' in the future?" Will the situation continue?"

"The more I try to maintain Doctor Strange's way of life, the more people will sacrifice. My brother died because of me."

Before he could finish, Kristen interrupted him.

"Although I want to say, Strange, this is not your fault, but I guess you can't let it go. What I want to say is that when you don't know whether this path is the right one, all you can do is go on. "

Strange, who was stunned for a moment, looked away from Christine's face and said, "Thank you for your suggestion, Christine. Back to the topic, I did not refuse to operate on Dan's wife. In fact, The surgery went well, I'm not someone who only cares about money, and I haven't forgotten my Hippocratic Oath."


Kristen nodded, "Then why did he try to hurt you?"

"That's what I'm wondering about."

Strange frowned, "His eyes exude a light that doesn't belong to him. He looks like a different person!"

Turning his gaze to the wound on his hand, he whispered: "What exactly can make one person become another person?"

Kristine was also puzzled, "You can talk to him later. He is now controlled by security and can no longer hurt you."

"That's all."

Standing up, Strange suddenly remembered another thing.

"How much do you know about Peter Parker?"

"Didn't we talk about it last time? He is Dr. Lane's patient."

"But I want to know more."

"He just saved me," Strange said.


Christine recalled the impression Peter made on her, "He is full of mystery. Even Mrs. Webb said his fate cannot be seen through."

Hesitantly, she did not tell Dr. Lane about deleting Peter Parker's information.

Maybe now is not a good time.

"Maybe you could prepare some gifts and forget about the last time he slapped you."

Kristen made a suggestion.

"Okay, that's a good idea."

Strange originally wanted to tell her about Peter subduing Dan with one hand, but in the end he didn't tell her.

The two were talking when suddenly there was a knock on the door of the department.

Kristine got up to open the door and chatted with the nurse outside for a while.

"what happened?"

Seeing that something was wrong with Christine's expression when she came back, Strange had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Dan is dead."


Strange was stunned when he heard the news.

Forest Hills, Parker's house.

Peter knew nothing about what happened in the hospital.

Now he was listening to Aunt May and Uncle Ben discuss family expenses.

"The thing about credit cards is if you go over too much and you can't pay it, it's a bottomless pit."

Uncle Ben raised objections to credit card swiping.

"My pension will last for a while, and maybe I can find a part-time job, such as driving a taxi."

Peter, who was next to him, originally wanted to tell him the reason he had prepared.

He had found a good reason for the money he got from the Hand.

Because of his excellent academic performance, the school exempted and exempted tuition fees and awarded some cash.

Although the reason is a bit lame, as long as Aunt Mei and Uncle Ben don't go to the school to investigate and prepare school letters that are fake and genuine, they can easily get through it.

But now he heard that Uncle Ben was going to drive a taxi, and his brows immediately frowned.

He remembered Uncle Ben, and it seemed that the original ending was that he was robbed and shot by gangsters.

If Uncle Ben really drove a taxi, he would probably be killed every day.

What is this?

Is it the inertia of history? !

"Maybe I can help a little."

Peter said aloud.

Aunt May cast her eyes on him and quickly shook her head.

"What are you going to do? Peter, delivering newspapers? This is not an easy job. Your Uncle Ben did it when he was a child, but it left a psychological shadow."

Peter looked at Uncle Ben in confusion. Can delivering newspapers have a psychological shadow?

Aunt May tried to stop Uncle Ben from speaking: "No, Ben, don't talk about that in detail! Peter is still a child!"

"He has grown up, ahem, it was actually a long time ago. There was a woman named Maggie where I lived. Many people called her Crazy Maggie."

Uncle Ben was in a good mood, and Aunt May was completely unable to stop him.

"She has a large group of cats, at least dozens, and she keeps bringing new cats back from outside. She brings home stray cats she sees, and she also goes to the rescue center to bring home those cats that are dying. I heard that she also steals cats from other people's homes."

"Her life is very regular. She comes out of the house every day to collect mail and newspapers, and then waters her dying flowers. Most of the time during the day, she sits at the window, looking outside blankly, waiting for me to deliver newspapers to her door. For a while, I didn't see her for several days in a row."


Peter cast a shocked look at Uncle Ben, "Uncle Ben, don't tell me the ending is the same as I guessed."

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