I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 60 The True Appearance of the Black Cat

At that time, did he know that he had caught him?

Gwen had no idea that the person under the mask was Peter.

She was a little happy because the other party remembered her.

Well, it seems that the other party still remembers me and even comes to help me. Is this a tacit understanding between superheroes?

Being caught in Peter's hand, Matt didn't feel panic or scared. Instead, he laughed.

"You are indeed unusual, but do you think you have everything under control?"

Matt said to Peter: "Don't forget, only I can solve Director George Stacey's illness. If you don't want her father to die miserably, you can't just use force to solve everything here."

"Let me kill him!"

The black cat didn't know when she stood next to Peter, and she looked at the night demon with unkind eyes.

After knowing that Spider-Man in front of him was on his side, Black Cat was no longer polite to him.

"You, you can't do that!"

Gwen immediately stopped the black cat who showed his claws.

Matt, who was caught, added, "I agree with Miss Gwen, put away your cat claws, Miss Black Cat, they are only suitable for punishing people who mess with cats, and I have always hated cats."

Peter held Matt in his hand and sighed slightly.

Grabbing Matt's throat, he punched the other person in the stomach, then grabbed the other person's throat and slammed the other person's back against the wall.

There was a "bang" sound, and dust fell from the wall.

"You seem to have forgotten one thing, Mr. Murdoch, your life is also in my hands now."


Matt spat out a mouthful of blood and gasped for air.

His originally meticulous hair also became a bit messy.

"Really? It seems like everyone is on the same scale, but I don't think so."

He took a deep breath, endured the pain in his body and said to Peter: "Do you think I will be in my room, unprepared?"

"Chief Stacey's madness is caused by dangerous things, and these dangerous things have permeated the entire room at this time."

Matt's voice was filled with pride, "You and Black Cat, Miss Gwen, have all inhaled this dangerous substance at this time."

When Gwen heard what the other party said, her expression immediately changed slightly.

A chill invaded her body, and then she felt hot all over and dizzy.

Black Cat also noticed something was wrong with his body.

She wanted to jump out of the window and out of the room, but she felt weak all over and staggered uncontrollably.

"First there is weakness, lack of energy, dizziness and drowsiness, and then there is irrational madness, and all the darkness hidden in the heart is brought out. This is what you are going to experience."

Matt's eyes were fixed on Peter, who was grabbing his neck, "It seems like you have the initiative, but it seems like I won."

Peter didn't answer him. He glanced sideways at Gwen and Black Cat next to him, and frowned.

"Has your self-confidence always been this strong?"

Peter grabbed his throat with his right hand and kept exerting force.

Matt immediately felt a suffocating feeling coming over him.

His breathing suddenly became extremely difficult, and his original confidence was gone.

With a turmoil in his heart, he immediately realized that this monster was not poisoned!

He tried his best to force out a sentence from his mouth, "How is that possible? What on earth are you?"

With a "bang", Peter threw the half-dead Matt who was tortured by him to the ground.

Then he lowered his head and said to the other party: "Take out the antidote, if you don't mind being trampled to death by me."

The exoskeleton covered by Peter's body has no thermal conductivity and can adapt to various external environmental temperatures and pressures. Guns and electric shocks have little impact on it, and there is no problem in blocking air transmission.

In addition, he also has the ability to block his breathing and can not breathe for a long time.

The part of his back can absorb cosmic dust and radioactive energy, and regulate body pressure and body temperature. The function of this part is to replace the external organ for his breathing.

The above two items can make him unable to be affected by viruses that are usually spread through the air.

Also, even if the virus enters his body.

His body's self-healing ability can also help him resist viral or bacterial damage.

Not to mention the DNA optimization selection of the alien embryo in his body.

The alien embryo in one's own body has a blank strand of DNA, which records the host's DNA and continuously optimizes the selection.

The setting of "DNA optimization selection" strengthens the terrifying nature of the alien creature. It is not only a hunter with a terrifying appearance and sharp teeth, but also constantly adjusts the adaptability of its internal genes.

After organisms such as viruses or bacteria enter, not only will they not damage the body, they may even be optimally absorbed.

From this aspect, he can be regarded as invulnerable to all poisons and has the best genes in the world.

Therefore, the viruses or bacteria, fungi and microorganisms prepared by Matt Murdoch will not have any effect on him.

The backup plan Matt prepared did not work on Peter, and his only trump card was lost. In the end, he had no choice but to hand over the antidote.

The red gas placed in a transparent glass bottle was taken out from the dark compartment in the room and handed to Peter.

After letting the other party try it first, Peter walked towards Gwen with the antidote.

At this time, Gwen leaned back on the sofa, breathing heavily.

"I, I can still do it. Give her the antidote first."

Gwen indicated that she could still hold on, and asked Peter to detoxify Black Cat first.

Although she didn't know Black Cat's identity, her mutated body would definitely be able to hold on better than the other party.

"Are you sure?"

Peter frowned and looked at Gwen, "You don't look much better than her."

It seemed that Gwen's sanity at this time had not been taken away by the poison.

She was still the Gwen who put others before herself.

Although Peter did not agree with this concept, he could not deny that such a Gwen often touched his heart.

"I'm sure, please, go help her first, I can still hold on."

Peter stared at Gwen's white mask, then nodded slowly.

He walked to Black Cat, leaned down, and looked at Black Cat leaning against the wall.

Black Cat was not unconscious at this time, but his eyes turned slightly red, and he looked at Peter with a breath.

The feeling of heat rolling in his body, it seemed that something that could not be suppressed in his heart was about to come out.

She opened her lips slightly, wanting to say something, but in the end she said nothing.

The next second.

Peter reached out and took off the mask on her face.

The real face of Black Cat immediately appeared in front of him.

Black Cat was stunned when she didn't expect Peter to take off her mask.

The green eyes looked at Peter with disbelief.

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