I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 65 Gwen always comes to class when the bell rings

"King Kong" was wearing a Yankees baseball cap and was talking about yesterday's news with his friends.

"Harry's lab was bombed, I wonder if he's okay."

"Who knows, I'm not interested in news about the second-generation rich man."

"Lightning" Thompson stretched and moved the football in his left hand to his right hand.

He quickly noticed King Kong's T-shirt.

The other party's white T-shirt was printed with a black spider head.

Thompson approached King Kong's clothes and asked in surprise: "Where did you get this thing from?"

"In front of the Mexican stall, it's cool, isn't it? Spider-Man is now synonymous with fashion."

"King Kong" said proudly: "He is my idol."

Thompson wanted to express his disdain, but the words turned into "Can you get me one?"

"King Kong" touched his bald head, "Yes, but you have to take me to the party hosted by Liz."

"Which girl do you want to date, Elizabeth or Gloria?"

Thompson looked at the other party suspiciously, "Or do you want to date Liz Allen? I have to say that you have no chance. Not only is she a girl who is not easy to mess with, I also heard that her mother once dated a homosexual."

"Of course not Liz."

"King Kong" shook his head to show that he was not interested in the student union president.

"I promise you, King Kong, but you have to give me two more."

After thinking about it, Thompson finally agreed to King Kong's conditions.

As they talked, they walked towards the classroom.

Peter, who was not far away, put his schoolbag into the locker.

King Kong and the others' conversation was caught by his hearing.

After a few seconds of contemplation, he walked towards the classroom.

"Hi, Peter."

He had just taken two steps when he was stopped by an uninvited guest.

Liz stood in front of him, holding a flyer in her hand.

"Are you interested in attending the party this weekend? The theme is a masquerade party about superheroes. Everyone has been excited about superheroes recently."

Peter glanced at the flyer in Liz's hand and shook his head, "Sorry, I'm not very interested in superheroes."

Liz said unwillingly, "Maybe you can get some scientific inspiration from such a theme party."

She knew that Peter was interested in science, so she tried to start from this aspect.

"Probably not."

Peter didn't quite understand why this student union president was so persistent.

"Okay, can I invite you to be interviewed by me? My new channel, 'Miss Liz's Pursuit of Strangeness', now has more than 10,000 subscribers."

Liz's eyes lit up when she talked about her personal channel.

"It sounds familiar, right? I borrowed the name from the show 'Hunter Kraven's Pursuit of Strangeness', but this show is not my favorite. I prefer the show 'Carol Teaches You to Cook'."

Peter looked at Liz who was talking nonstop and refused decisively.

"Sorry, Liz, I don't like being criticized."

"Ahem, don't be in a hurry to refuse, maybe you can take a look at the topic I prepared for you."

Liz took out a notebook from her pink bag, "From resisting school bullying to becoming a feared 'Death God', how about this topic? Many people call you 'Death God', from Josh's death to the heroic act in the hospital, they are all related to death. I think such a story is very topical."

"Their death has nothing to do with me, Liz."

Peter frowned.

"Then we can skip this topic. We can talk about bullying, starting with the Lumple case or the Frick case."

Liz thought for a moment, "Or we can talk about the case of District 4 v. David. Do you know this?"

She explained for Peter: "George Kramer is the vice principal of District 4 Union High School. He cut a student's hair himself. Later, he went to work for an insurance company. In the end, the school district paid $7,000 in compensation, um, about $1,000 per strand of hair."

Peter interrupted the other party directly. He pointed his finger at Liz's pink bag and reminded her: "Your bag has a hole."


Liz looked at the bag she was carrying in confusion.

The bag, which looked valuable, had a scratch on the bottom.

The things in the bag almost fell out.

She hurriedly packed her schoolbag in a hurry.

While Liz was packing her schoolbag, Peter left directly.

He had no guilt at all for damaging the other party's schoolbag.

The more bad things he did, the more skilled he became and the less psychological barriers he had.

After leaving Leeds, he walked to the door of the classroom and saw Harry coming from the opposite side of the corridor.

Harry, wearing an orange turtleneck sweater, put his hands in his pockets, with a worried expression on his face.


Peter called him.

Harry heard the voice, looked up, and when he saw it was Peter, he forced a smile at him.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Peter."

Harry took a deep breath and walked to Peter's side, "Is Gwen not here?"

Peter replied, "She hasn't come yet."

Harry took his hand out of his pocket and whispered, "Well, Gwen always comes to class when the bell rings recently. She wasn't like this before."

Peter frowned slightly as he looked at the other person's obvious lack of energy.

He asked Harry, "Is your father okay?!"

Although the explosion of Osborn Laboratory was reported by the media, Peter didn't know what happened.

However, in his memory, Harry's father was the well-known villain Green Goblin, and he shouldn't die so easily.

"He's still in the hospital now."

Harry said with a frown: "He was at the scene when the accident happened in the laboratory."

"What did the doctor say?"

"The doctor said he is not in danger of death."

Harry said: "Although that's the case, his burns are not light."

Although he has a lot of opinions about his father, Harry doesn't want to see such a thing happen.

He even regretted what he said to his father before.

"It will get better."

After comforting Harry, Peter turned and walked towards the classroom.

"Sometimes I feel like a failure."

Harry suddenly said a little frustrated.


Peter stopped and looked at the other person.

"I always live up to my father's expectations. I can neither be the kind of person he wants to be in his eyes, nor can I help him when he is in trouble."

Harry couldn't help but confide his sadness to his friend.

"I used to say Peter that you will become a great scientist in the future, and Thompson and others will work for you, but what will I become in the future? I don't know how to become valuable."

Peter just listened quietly and didn't interrupt.

"Sorry, I shouldn't say that."

Harry quickly calmed down, "I have to go back, remember to tell Gwen that I'm fine."

Harry said that the purpose of coming to school was just to say hello to Peter and Gwen, so he left in a hurry after saying a few words.

Watching Harry's back as he left, Peter frowned even more tightly.

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