Although the costumes of these ninjas are very similar to those of Matt's ninjas.

But it was obvious that the strength of these ninjas was definitely greater than that of Matt's group.

With a thought, the exoskeleton of Peter's hand deformed instantly.

Alien-like claws appeared. While avoiding it sideways, his claws stabbed at the guy holding the katana.

At the same time, his body stepped forward, and the floor was cracked by his steps.

With a dull sound, his claws stabbed the ninja's throat.

Blood spurted out immediately!

The seriously injured guy fell to the ground and died instantly.

And as he died, his body gradually turned into a puddle of dust and dissipated in the air.

Such an incredible scene caused Peter's movements to lag for a moment.

Before he could think about it, several more red ninjas surrounded him in an instant.

Individual ninjas are very powerful, but when combined together they are even more powerful.

With a "bang" sound, Peter twisted his waist and kicked out a ninja who was close to him.

Following his thoughts, the black exoskeleton spread from his feet to his neck, completely covering his body.

The body leans forward, and a wing-like existence is born from the most mysterious part of the back.

Countless sticky black corrosive projectiles shot out from the wings like a heavy rain.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

With a heart-stopping whistling sound, the black projectile instantly hit the bodies of the surrounding ninjas.

The corrosive projectile fused with Frank's spider web gene was extremely destructive, and the ninjas who were attacked immediately suffered huge physical injuries.

With the sound of "sizzling", the wound hit by the projectile continued to corrode and penetrate, and soon penetrated deep into the body.

At the same time, Peter leaned forward and fired corrosive bullets from his back. At the same time, black spider webs shot out from his wrists, knocking away the two ninjas in front of him.

The ability to shoot corrosive projectiles from his back was discovered through his recent research.

Unlike Spider-Man who can only shoot webbing from his wrists, he can shoot it from all parts of his body.

The back can accumulate a large amount of viscous corrosive substances.

The alien's dorsal spine is the most mysterious part, and has been previously predicted by scientists to be used to secrete and possibly store resin used to build hives.

For him now, his back has a strong deformation ability, constantly adapts to the environment, and can also store and secrete corrosive and sticky spider web-like substances.

The sound of "bang bang bang" continued to sound, and soon the ninjas who were hit by his "spider-silk rainstorm" fell to the ground and turned into dust.


Just as Peter was about to continue his attack, the lights in the room clicked on.

The darkness in the room was dispelled somewhat, but it could not be completely dispelled, and it still seemed a little dim.

Peter raised his head and cast his gaze in the direction of the sound from the second floor.

A familiar figure appeared there.

Helen stood high up, staring at Peter in surprise.

"Peter Parker, you surprise me!"

She looked at Peter with her green eyes, "I thought the potential in you was already great enough, but I didn't expect it to be so incredible!"

Peter looked at the woman not far from her and frowned.

With his thoughts, the exoskeleton covering his body gradually receded.

"You are also incredible, Teacher Helen. I didn't expect you to be able to do magic."

As he spoke, he cast his gaze on the dust on the ground.

Those are all transformed by dead ninjas.

With a smile on her lips, Helen shook her head and said to Peter: "This is not magic, Parker. This is a secret method. You can use these things as some kind of ninja method."



Helen walked slowly down the stairs, looking graceful and elegant, full of strange charm.

The closer she got to Peter, the faster the two hearts in Peter's body beat.

Helen didn't seem to notice anything strange about Peter, and Helen said to Peter: "The Koga ninpo originated in Japan. In order to better perform tasks, one will turn oneself into ashes at the moment of death, so that the enemy will never discover anything. secret."

Peter asked her, "Are you from the Hand?"

"Yes and no, my relationship with them is a bit complicated."

Helen walked a few steps in front of Peter and stopped.

Seeing that Peter had killed a dozen ninjas instantly, she didn't seem to be afraid.

Peter also sensed the threat posed to him by the woman in front of him.

He raised his right hand, and his wrist was slowly covered with a layer of black bone.

He said to Helen in a bad tone: "Aren't you afraid of death? Based on what you did to me just now, if I kill you, you shouldn't have any complaints."

In fact, Peter was ready to kill this woman.

But now he has to get what he wants from the other party.

"Of course I'm scared, but you probably won't simply kill me."

The smile on Helen's lips grew wider.

"That's not necessarily the case."

Peter took a step closer and asked her, "Is that your fault that smell of volatile grease at school this morning?"

"Yes, but you should thank me."

Helen admitted, bachelor.

She said to Peter: "Otherwise you wouldn't win the girl's heart, would you? Sometimes, people who are close to each other lack the courage to show love. What I created is this kind of crazy desire that can bring people to their hearts. Something that inspires.”

Hearing what the other party said, Peter frowned more tightly.

"I have seen this kind of thing you are talking about in the hands of a man named Matt Murdoch. What is your relationship?"

He remembered the pink gas in Matt's hand.

It made George lose his mind and almost die.

Helen shook her head with a look of contempt, "His thing is just a fake existence, how can it be compared with what I have."

Peter continued to ask her: "Do you know Matt?"

"Of course, after all, he has a deep friendship with the Hand."

Helen paused for a moment, looked at Peter's chest, and said: "It's strange, the parasite on your chest seems to be different from everyone else's."

Peter put down his hand and asked her: "Really? It's different from the 'beast' parasitic on your Hand, right?"

"It's amazing, Peter, you even know about the beast!"

Peter took another step closer to her and said with a cold tone: "Of course, I also know that you have a 'beast' in your body."

"It's really interesting, Parker."

Helen smiled even more, "I have to tell you that the 'beast' in my chest is also different from others."

"What's the difference?"

"Has no one told you? In fact, the real body of the 'beast' is a demon."

"Crack", thunder pierced the sky outside.

Under the illumination of lightning, a flash of red light flashed in Helen's eyes.

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