The Hand of Hell's Kitchen is the American branch of the Hand.

The Hand is headquartered in Japan and should be considered a multinational organization.

Although it is mainly engaged in illegal activities such as drug trafficking and smuggling, it is also conducting human experiments behind the scenes.

Peter left the file on the table, sat on the manager's chair in the room, and fell into deep thought.

The document introduces the Hand's belief in the ancient demon "beast". This so-called "beast" can resurrect the dead and has incredible power.

Therefore, the Hand tried to summon the "beast".

They used some special means to place part of the "beast" on the children, making these children the containers of the beast.

These children will be harvested after the "seeds" in their bodies germinate and become powerful warriors.

Of course, this also comes with huge risks.

Not everyone can go through this pain, and most children will die in endless pain.

Either they die directly, or they can't bear the power of the "beast" and go berserk and finally die of exhaustion.

The "Gray Wolf Boy" lying on the ground is the test subject where the "beast" was placed.

Unable to withstand this kind of power, he went on a rampage, so much so that the guys from the Hand were unable to control it, and in the end they were all killed by the rampaging gray wolf.

The snake farmer was eventually killed by the snake he raised.

It’s really the best script!

After a second of silence for the tragically deceased "Wolf Boy", Peter stood up.

The wind howling outside the window became even colder.

Looking away from the window, Peter walked to the safe, took out all the money inside, and put it into a bag he found casually.

After loading, he used a lighter to light the document.

When the flames started, he threw the documents at the curtains and other easily flammable parts.

The fire continued to grow, blown by the night wind, and soon ignited the entire room.

"Call the fire trucks and ask them to speed up! Also, evacuate the surrounding citizens immediately."

The New York Police Chief, George Stacey, got off the police car and ordered his men.

Fortunately, there are no residential buildings around the house, so even if the fire breaks out, it will not spread to other places.

After receiving the alarm call, George Stacey rushed over quickly, but unexpectedly he was still a step late.

Frowning, feeling the heat coming from the flames in front of him, he took a step back and pressed his aching temples with his hands.

In recent days, a group of members suspected of drug trafficking were arrested in an operation against the Hand.

Unexpectedly, the other party would immediately retaliate against his daughter.

Although nothing happened to Gwen in the end, the incident still made him a little annoyed and scared.

But before his anger could be unleashed, something happened to the Hand Club one after another.

First, the gangsters who tried to kidnap Gwen were finally found dead in an alley.

Then tonight, someone called police claiming the Hell's Kitchen Hand headquarters was on fire.

The current fire would not be extinguished for a while. George Stacey exhaled and paused to think about these headaches.

"Who made the call to the police?"

he asked, turning to his men.

"We don't know yet. The caller seems to have made the call from a public phone."

His subordinates replied to him.

Nodding, George fell into thought.

He always felt like there was someone behind all of this.

There seemed to be a pair of eyes watching all this happen.

Raising his head, George Stacey looked towards the tall buildings in the sky in the distance.

His vision kept getting farther and farther, until he couldn't see anything clearly.

And at the end of George Stacey's sight, there was the rooftop of an office building.

Peter stood on the edge of the rooftop, staring at the burning Hand in the distance.

He made the call to the police.

But even if the police put out the fire, most of the contents inside were burned.

Feeling the cool night breeze, Peter stretched out his hand.

With a slight movement of thought, the arm was immediately covered with a layer of black exoskeleton.

The arm wrapped in the exoskeleton carrying the crazy killing thoughts made him vaguely feel that his arm could withstand any damage.

The alien exoskeleton is copied to his own body.

So am I becoming more and more half-human and half-alien?

After a while, he put down his arm and took out his mobile phone.

The phone screen reflected his face.

Staring at his face on the screen, he fell into complicated thoughts.

Children parasitized by "beasts" will sprout and grow like seeds.

Either become a powerful warrior, or be eaten back by the "beast" in the body and die.

And with the embryo gestating in my body, how can I not be the container that gestates the "beast"?

Either he or she would be "chest-broken" by the alien embryo and die, or he could survive by chance.

The difference between the two is that once the "beast" in one's body is released, it will probably be more deadly and dangerous than any other "beast".

Putting his cell phone in his pocket, Peter ended his complicated thoughts, glanced at the burning Hand in the distance, and then turned and left the rooftop.

The next day, early morning.

Parker's house.

Uncle Ben was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper. After seeing a piece of news, he said to Peter and Aunt May in surprise: "There was a fire in Hell's Kitchen last night."

Aunt Mei was mixing the fruit salad. She frowned after hearing what Uncle Ben said, "I hope it's okay. I worked as a volunteer there before. Although the security there is a bit bad, there are also many good people."

"Homeless Rescue Organization, right?"

Uncle Ben put down the newspaper, "I remember you once joined this charity organization."

"Yes, FEAST organization, being able to help those homeless vagrants, nothing makes me feel more meaningful than this."

Aunt May felt that her volunteer work was very meaningful.

The two of them were talking unconsciously, not knowing that the initiator of the fire last night was her nephew.

"Peter? Do you need some salad?"

Aunt May talked to her husband for a while, raised the fruit salad and asked Peter who had been silent.

"No, thank you, Aunt May."

Peter raised his head and said to Aunt May: "I have eaten."

"You just ate a little cheese. You are in the stage of growing up now, so you can't be picky about food."

Aunt May felt that Peter's appetite was terrible recently.

If this continues, she is worried that Peter will be malnourished.

Or. Peter doesn't like the food he cooks?

She felt a little uncomfortable when she thought that her nephew didn't like the food she cooked.

"Maybe. I can taste it."

After a moment of silence, Peter walked to Aunt May and took the salad from her with a smile.

Then he chewed a piece of chicory slowly.

Thinking back to the information he had just read about New York Presbyterian Hospital, his brows slightly frowned.

Stephen Strange?

The doctor's name seemed familiar.

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