I am not Spider-Man because I am parasitized by an alien!

Chapter 82: Reindeer always chase the kid from Queens

The driver who witnessed everything was full of disbelief.

He couldn't imagine how ordinary people could do it.

With cold sweat on his forehead, he quickly took out a pistol from his pocket.

At the same time, his boss's voice rang in his mobile phone, "Report to me, what happened?"

"Sir, you...you won't believe it, but she did something unbelievable."

The bald man said with a trembling voice.

The boss was silent for a while, "The mission is canceled, get out of there!"

The bald man confirmed with the boss again, "Boss, cancel the mission?"

"Yes, cancel the mission."

"Yes, boss."

The bald man hung up the phone.

His right hand holding the gun was originally facing Gwen who was walking towards her.

After hanging up the phone, he put down the pistol, started the car, and drove away with a "boom".

Gwen looked at the departing car with a puzzled expression.

She did not chase the car, but secretly wrote down the license plate that seemed to be a little wrong.

In Osborn Industrial Building, Norman Osborn held his mobile phone and stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with a serious expression.

He had learned what happened to Gwen from the bald man's men.

Holding the phone tightly, he looked at the French window in front of him.

His figure was reflected on the glass.

Compared to his real appearance, the self in the glass seemed to be more haggard and angry.

Slowly, he reached out his hand to touch himself in the glass.

Soon he stopped moving, and his anger instantly surged out, and he smashed the phone in his hand against the glass with a "snap".

His spirit became more and more fragile.

The other soul parasitic in his body seemed to be getting stronger.

Sometimes it could even control his behavior.

Sometimes he was afraid, afraid that he would do something irreversible.

Turning around, he turned his back to the sun outside the French window.

The "Human Enhancement Reagent" project has now been considered a complete failure.

But he is not without a chance to turn the tables.

Gwen Stacy is likely to be Spider-Man.

Whether it is Spider-Man or Spider-Woman, it is the same to him.

The tragedy at the Midtown High School football field, the subway out of control incident at the New York Museum of Natural History.

Gwen was present at the scene.

And it was said that Frank, the mutant monster, was killed by her.

As long as Gwen's blood was obtained, it might help him successfully research the "enhancing reagent".

As for the fact that Gwen was Harry's classmate, it was not in his consideration.

Stepping on the broken glass on the ground, Norman walked to the secret room and looked at the armor inside.

The armor developed using the vulture's flying device was used to help him deal with powerful enemies.

With a "crash", he broke the glass and took out the armor from it.


The glass on the ground was broken, and George Stacy looked at the building in front of him that had become a ruin.

It seemed to be a Victorian-style building that had been hit by an earthquake, and only a few walls were destroyed.

"It looks like a big battle here."

DeWulf looked at everything in front of him and said to his partner: "Witnesses last night said they saw Spider-Man, but unfortunately there is no surveillance nearby."

George Stacy did not speak. Because of the quarrel with Gwen last night, he was still in a bad mood.

DeWulf noticed her partner's situation and said to him, "You look distracted? George, what happened?"

"I was thinking that maybe I shouldn't have drunk the whiskey and pickle juice at the Police Bar last night. It made me feel worse."

George said to DeWulf, "Maybe my temper would get worse after drinking, so I quarreled with Gwen."

He also regretted quarreling with Gwen last night.

He even considered whether it was because he had two drinks at the Police Bar before leaving get off work.

"Come on, George, this has nothing to do with what you drink."

DeWulf looked at the building in front of her and said, "Gwen is different from any girl I know. You may not be able to keep up with her thoughts. It's normal for you to quarrel."

George turned his eyes to DeWulf and changed the subject: "Maybe, I heard that you had a car accident this morning."

DeWulf nodded, "Yes, I hit a deer, but fortunately I braked in time and nothing serious happened."

George was not surprised, "You will always see a moose in this season."

DeWulf squatted down to check the marks on the ground and said casually: "Well, under normal circumstances, it won't cause you trouble, but it will be restless during the mating season. I found that the people these moose like to chase during the estrus period are those from Queens."

DeWulf said her discovery.

"I've seen several times people from Queens climbing trees and yelling at a group of moose, as if the moose could smell the people there, or maybe the new clothes they were wearing."

"I really hope that students studying animal husbandry in college can write a paper on this phenomenon, but I don't think anyone will write it. Maybe this is their behavior of chasing love."

DeWulf concluded: "They just like the boys from Queens, and no one can stop them."

George: "."

He suspected that his partner was implying himself.

Peter, that boy, is from Queens!

His daughter is a stupid reindeer?

George was thinking wildly, and when he looked up, he saw a figure appear in front of him.

The tall, muscular man with a full beard was eating a large burger in his hand.

"Captain Custer."

DeWolf greeted the bearded man.

She introduced to George: "This is Frank Custer, newly transferred to our side. He should have reported to you earlier, but there was a problem with the procedures."

Custer put down his burger and said hello to George.

George Stacey could tell from the other party's tough appearance and style that he must have been a soldier.

"Captain Custer is a retired soldier. He was born in the U.S. Marine Corps with the rank of captain. During his time in the Marine Corps, he was awarded the Medal of Honor and the Navy Cross for his outstanding performance."

DeWolf took the initiative to introduce Custer's glorious resume.

"Then we have a capable policeman in our department."

George shook hands with Custer and spoke from the bottom of his heart.

Dealing with the gangsters in Hell's Kitchen, especially guys like Kingpin, made him feel a lot of pressure.

Now that he has such a big help, it has relieved him a lot of pressure.

And the other person seems to have an upright character.

"Thank you. I will do my best for the police department."

Custer said seriously.

Several people were talking, and the subordinate handed a piece of information to George.

"The owner of this house is named Helen Nolan, and she serves"

George was stunned for a moment and said, "Midtown Middle School."

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