I Am Not the Supreme God

Chapter 523: Assembled honeycomb body

In the narration of the related body, the high-dimensional civilization that confronts her is essentially a hostile relationship with the related body.

  Because the other party is a "collective honeycomb body".

What does that mean.

  The related body is about being able to forcibly assimilate other people who are weaker than herself, sharing a consciousness body, which is herself.

   is equivalent to directly plundering all other people's knowledge of the world, and accumulating the knowledge of a lifetime and turning it into one's own use. Not to mention that if you resist, your sense of autonomy will disappear.

   This is why in the Codex of the Lord God, the related bodies in the spiritual body are branched out separately and restricted by rules.

  With such restrictions, it undoubtedly greatly reduced the development speed of related entities, but in fact it also protected the related entities in disguise, because it is said that there was a wave of extinction of related entities in the main universe.

   Some life forms that are more advanced than related entities, and certain existences whose upper limit is higher than her, are also afraid of or hate related entities.

  Because of such existence, there are also weak friends, subordinates, etc. Although they are strong in form and will not be assimilated, but in the years when the association is popular, I don't know how many close people have been poisoned.

   In the end, it was the high-ranking **** who ended the wave of extinction of related entities, and applied for this new branch of the spirit body to be included in the constraints of the Code of Gods.

   In the same period, or even earlier, there was also a branch of the mental body similar to the related body, but it has never been targeted, and even has an excellent reputation.

   That is a collection.

  As the name suggests, the collective body is the gathering of countless living bodies, sharing a center of consciousness.

   The collective will not and cannot forcibly assimilate others, but follow others' willingness and choose whether to join themselves.

After    joins, all my knowledge and cognition of the world will also be integrated into the consciousness center.

   Each participant has his own subjective consciousness. When facing a decision, he can make a suitable choice through the consciousness center and the current situation of the eye, without being forced to control.

   Although some people have criticized it, after joining the collective, it is equivalent to losing subjective consciousness.

  Because when faced with the same choice, 100 million people will have 9,999,999, and they will all make unanimous or similar choices.

   After all, everyone is collectively using the consciousness center as the processing center, and personal consciousness is really just a drop in the ocean in front of the vast collective consciousness center, and there will inevitably be the result of surprisingly consistent behavior and spiritual control in disguise.

   But unlike the related body, the collective body does not have the biggest subjective consciousness to control everyone, or in other words, everyone controls everyone, which is somewhat like the blockchain technology of Blue Star.

   There is no authority, everyone is an authority.

   When faced with a decision, everyone helps him analyze the best situation.

Because each branch of the assembly will always achieve better results and choices than before joining the assembly, and after joining, as long as certain factors, you can still grit your teeth and choose to leave the assembly, so such criticism , Is not enough to set off a wave of grouping and punishment like related entities.

   But after joining, I have experienced that light-brain-like judgment and thinking ability. Few people can get away with their own consciousness.

   The collection of honeycombs is also a branch of the collection.

   Honeycomb body, as the name implies, is an orderly structure like bees and ants. The Zerg in the film and television works of Blue Star is such a race.

   The collection of the honeycomb body is about combining the advantages of the collection and the honeycomb body.

  They do share a consciousness center, but the consciousness center only accommodates the rational part of each member, and does not include any member's own memory, so that individuals can better maintain their own subjective judgments in terms of behavior.

According to the survey, the collective honeycomb body has a one-in-a-hundred-thousand-thousand-than-one-hundred-thousand-than-one-hundred-thousand-than-one-hundred-thousand-than-one-hundred-to-one-to-one-to-one-to-a-choice ratio. The choices are similar, but they are often able to maintain more of their personality.

   For example, when facing a gangster, the center of consciousness gathers to conclude that such a gangster will not harm the child, and the individual will win sympathy with the child in his own family.

However, because everyone has different personalities, they have different ways of gaining sympathy. Some people will tell their divorce experiences based on their own subjective perceptions, indicating that without themselves, children will have no support. Some Will take out photos of children in their wallets to resonate with the gangsters.

   It can be said that the general direction is the same, but the details are different, and the subjective cognition is more and broader.

   And since there is the word "beehive", it naturally means that they are hierarchically different.

  Any collective memory is in the center of consciousness, but because the collective honeycomb body and the boss collective retain more subjective consciousness, the class will naturally arise.

   The collective memory is there, but people with different subjective consciousnesses that are particularly strong will have their own unique ideas when making collective decisions.

As a result, they will choose the leaders they recognize to lead the entire collective, and because of the existence of the collective consciousness center, everyone can know the truth of the collective, so such a collective can be said to be completely transparent to their own people. fair.

The reason why    is still named "beehive" is because once they make a collective decision, they can act as uniformly as the Zerg and obey the highest instructions of the collective consciousness center.

   At most, when some special collective activities are carried out, there will be a lot of differences in details, and they will not be as aggressive as the Zerg, and there is no independent thinking.

   The collective body and the related body have long-cherished wishes, and neither party can accept the other's existence. This is a bit like the horror valley effect in the spiritual body, instinctively disgusted with the existence that is extremely similar to one's own.

   And this kind of mental-body contradiction ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not easy to reconcile, unlike humans, which can be discussed with each other.

   Their characteristics have been decided when they were born. If they want to change their essence and behavior, it can only be the end of destruction.

   This also promoted the intensification of the contradiction between the two parties.

   After entering the high-dimensional world, the related body originally needed to be recognized by the existence of the high-dimensional world, but because of certain things, she had to be tough in some aspects.

   For example, Tang Chuan couldn't wait for her for thousands of tens of thousands of years, so that after a long period of dormancy, she slowly walked to a high position and achieved her goal.

   Tang Chuan doesn't need to say this, because the related body is also known, so she didn't compromise on some things.

   It just so happened that the honeycomb body was in that high-dimensional world, and the contradiction between the two was intensified.

   Because of the rules of the high-dimensional world, they couldn't fight there, so they put the battlefield in the material world, and decided to fight it out here.

   The gathering of the honeycomb body by the other party is not without consideration. If one's own material entity is dead, it can still transmit consciousness to high latitudes, where it will continue to exist.

   And the related body is limited by the code of God, and cannot continuously supplement the assimilation body in the material world, and fights with the dominant self, and has to go to the situation of making ends meet, which also prevents the related body from making chaos in the high-dimensional world.

   Although the connected body hasn't shown signs of chaos, but who makes them an old enemy, instinctively won't believe in the connected body, it still has to be suppressed.

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