I Am Not the Supreme God

Chapter 593: The flame is used to cool down

At the final moment, the dimension was reduced again, collapsing from the physical world to two dimensions.

  Because of the higher dimensional power, the two sides have been exhausted in each other's tumbling, and they can only continuously reduce their dimensionality to maintain their strong combat effectiveness and drag the other side down, and they are always on the same level.

  Until the traces of the opponent are completely annihilated, an absolute victory can be achieved.

   But even in two dimensions, both sides are exhausted and badly injured, but there is still the power to upgrade on a small scale.

   Therefore, we can see that the two sides confronting in the two-dimensional canvas, the comic-style killing and confrontation, even if they are still very passionate, the moves are like ink painting knights, and the swords are all in a sudden, splashing the entire canvas.

   But there are still people "cheating", or both parties are cheating. As long as they have a little advantage and there is more power, they will project a three-dimensional force, wanting to shoot from a higher dimension and obliterate the other party.

When    Tang Chuan had the upper hand, he realized three-dimensional scissors or erasers, and he wanted to cut or erase the two-dimensional traces of the opponent directly.

   was really successful several times by him. The scissors cut the place where the other party's concepts gathered, and directly killed some of the other party's concepts.

The area where    erased the eraser, the area directly became blank. Whether it was the other party or himself, or the projection of the universe galaxy, it also became an absolutely blank area and disappeared directly.

   The original infinite projection of the universe, in a similar process, is constantly compressed and becomes smaller, and it is reduced to the present situation.

   This is an all-round battle, not only can be destroyed in the collision with each other, in the fight of conceptual projection, but also can cheat in this way to eliminate the traces of the opponent.

   Sometimes when Tang Chuan used the eraser to erase the traces of the opponent, the opponent also cheated and projected high-dimensional things. After annihilating Tang Chuan's eraser, he went to erase Tang Chuan's low-dimensional incarnation.

   Or in the process of erasing, the opponent suddenly exploded in the "canvas battlefield" with accumulated power, which caused Tang Chuan to lose control of the high-dimensional eraser, and we could see that some areas were not completely erased.

   is the same as wiping lightly with an eraser on a pencil drawing. The large area becomes blurred, but it does not disappear directly into a blank.

   Entering two endlessly tumbling universes, you can witness the starry sky, some places lose color, some places lose gravity, and some places only half of a broken galaxy is violently fluctuating.

   is what happens when the two are not completely erased from each other.

   But in this world, even if half of the galaxy is wiped out, according to the logic of reality, the remaining half of the galaxy will start to repair itself due to gravity and other actions.

   Just like if the solar system loses the most massive Jupiter, the rotation and orbits of all other planets will also shift, and then they will repair themselves to a new regular state.

This is the real world. According to the rules of reality, the space projected by them may only be subtle and there will be some bugs, just like the utopia in the dream of Ye Tai that Tangchuan encountered in the past, after all, a whole universe , For their current realm, it is still too big to be perfect.

   Of course, the dreams of Ye Tai in the past were only the result of his scattered thoughts and random thoughts after he fell asleep. It was not that he could not create a perfect world, but simply the result of subconscious thoughts.

   Moreover, Tang Chuan and the realm of the wanderers behind the scenes also need to absolutely follow the logic of reality. What are the rules in the universe and what they project out to be closer to the real space requires what rules.

   It is impossible to modify the rules forcibly without reaching the level of the gods. This is the essential difference between the gods and those below the gods.

   The weird and weird world that Yetai can create, they can't do it, because it needs to modify the world's rules, such as changing the speed of light, the speed of sound, and the temperature limit, in order to give birth to a strange world beyond the understanding of mortals.

   is comparable to a stalwart **** in the eyes of mortals, supreme, and even a powerful person who can even create a universe. Therefore, he has no resistance in front of the gods.

  The universe that you created is all based on rules. The gods only need a little thought and change the rules. Everything you create becomes a false proposition. Without the support of reality, it will immediately collapse.

   Just as a legend made a steam engine that will bring civilization into a new industrial age, the gods said at this juncture: "I don't think water can turn into steam."

   Then the things you put in your effort to make are directly turned into scrap iron, and people will treat you as a lunatic. In this industrial age, how can such a big support iron be able to move on its own.

   Because water can’t turn into steam, it’s a truth that the whole world knows, so how can we talk about a steam engine? What can it be if it’s not scrap iron, what can it be if it’s not a lunatic?

   Or in a certain fire, you were surrounded by a raging fire, and you were about to burn to death. The **** suddenly said, "I think the temperature of the flame is minus fifty degrees Celsius."

When the rescue team rescued you, you were not burned to death, but frozen to death.

   Because flames are used to cool down, isn’t this common sense?

   Speaking of the two universes that have both approached infinitely small, their dimensions are about to collapse in one dimension immediately, and they are about to die out completely, it depends on who has been supporting it for a long time.

   Now it seems that he is still behind the scenes and has a little advantage. If you look at it with a super microscope, the light spot he represents is still half a circle larger than that represented by Tang Chuan.

   **** is still old and spicy, so this is true.

   But how can Tang Chuan take the initiative to pull himself into a situation of doomed failure, and in the end, he doesn't repent and wants to continue to annihilate each other.

   What he wants to achieve is the situation in front of him, so that both are at the point where they are about to be completely erased.

   And I ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ has been in the upper reaches of the long river in this life, which proves that I am an answer that cannot be erased.

Before chasing himself in the long river of years, it was only the thing created by the dark hand behind the scenes. He could not know what happened to him through that thing. Even if he could, then the former Lord God of Calamity would not allow it. Others can. Throughout his years, his life has been macroscopically, let alone an enemy.

   Therefore, what can become impossible.

This man behind the scenes is still making the last effort to erase himself, but when Tang Chuan is about to collapse to infinitesimal and completely wipe out all the concepts, he suddenly becomes very "firm", no matter how to compress it, the smallest is only In this case, it is a little bit bigger than infinitesimal.

   Tang Chuan looked at the unknown enemy and said with a smile: "You seem to be about to disappear, too."

   The current weak state of oneself cannot have any impact on the heyday of the black hand behind the scenes, but it will be different when they obliterate each other for a long time and leave each other in a similar state.

   You are a little stronger than me now, but I can't be eliminated, so you don't have to.

"who are you?"

   The black hand behind the scenes also discovered the unusual, but he didn't look like Tang Chuan expected to lose his color, but asked in a slightly serious and dazed manner.

   "Infinite miracle, blue savior, mankind, Tang Chuan, then are you ready to die?"

   After all, the only remaining power is constantly emerging, and the direction will be compressed infinitely small.

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