I Am Not the Supreme God

Chapter 635: Shrimp ran away

Body 635


Knockton was like a cannonball, projected by Tang Chuan into the big rift in the void. The speed was so fast that it surpassed the others, and the latecomers left them behind. The curious repulsive force seemed to be completely useless. The power Tang Chuan blessed gave him was completely broken.

In the eager eyes of those in the rear, Knockton swept straight towards the jammed treasure, was hugged by him, and continued to go deep inside.

The space there is no longer reachable by other people, and it almost goes to the other side of the void in the void.

At this moment, a powerful repulsive force came, and the painful feeling was about to tear him apart, and the power that Tang Chuan had blessed on Nocton's body was also completely exhausted, and it happened to get him stuck in this place approaching his limit.

Knoxton had to sigh that the present is not stronger than before, and he can have such insight into the treacherous void and the big crack.

He didn't believe that the boss just threw himself to the limit, and he must have done it deliberately.

The surging dimensional power here exposed the treasures in Nocton's hands, including the dozens of golden beans that Tang Chuan gave him just now, to expose the toxic and rare substances contained in them.

This means that Nocton doesn't have to push the toxic substances out at all, and can absorb the rare substances inside and complete the digestion quickly.

The principle is also very simple. Just like we draw some turbulent waves on drawing paper, and then draw some gold in the waves, for two-dimensional creatures, they can only see the surging tsunami, but not from the three-dimensional perspective. , Seeing the gold mixed in the waves, you can only see the surface.

Therefore, the decomposers whose dimensionality was too low in the past when the rain of treasures fell, could only try to absorb all the things in them, and then force the toxins in them out of the body.

But from this higher dimensional perspective, Nocton can fully see the rare and toxic substances inside. He does not have an eraser and can erase the toxic substances, but he can only choose the substances that are useful to him and absorb them directly. .

The three-dimensional garbage dump of the second-level peak civilization is because some waste materials need to be discharged into the three-dimensional world for some reason.

Logic can also be analogized as, when some of our artists are in a bad mood, they will vent their emotions on the drawing paper and writing notebook, and let the works reflect their own mood at that time.

Therefore, some of their mavericks sometimes need such a three-dimensional garbage dump to discharge what they don’t need into a lower dimension.

The large void in the dimensional transformation channel, on the side close to the entrance, allows people who come here to have a part of the ultra-high-dimensional vision, and all the substances in the garbage can be seen through at a glance, and it is no longer difficult to distinguish. .

So does the opportunity mentioned by the boss mean this...

Knockton held the super treasure in his hand and immediately screened out the useful substances in it. Here he can absorb it very quickly, but he still has to go out before the void is closed, otherwise he doesn't know what will happen.

The jealous people below could only cast vicious glances from a distance, but couldn't reach here at all. The turbulent repulsive force made them all rushed out.

Knoxton could vaguely see that those who are in madness and are about to die can only pour their last madness on Tang Chuan.

He couldn't see the rest of the matter clearly, because under the madness, those people also entered various dimensions like self-destruct and went to besiege Tangchuan.

Knockton wants to complete evolution again and meet the boss. On the way of absorbing, he perceives his own strength and life level, and he is leaping forward at a terrifying speed.

But the super treasure in hand, it seems...

Suddenly, Knoxton's back chilled. He first felt that the treasure was slowly pulling upwards. It was only because the space here was very difficult to describe that he was not sure, only to absorb it quickly.

But at first glance, he seemed to see an extremely slender line above the treasure.


Fishing line?

It's no wonder that Tang Chuan calls the behavior of those ultra-dimensional garbage disposers fishing. Isn't the treasure at this moment just the bait?

Knockton sweated profusely and looked up the fishing line, and he immediately stood in a stalemate. He saw something extremely terrifying and indescribable, and the end of the fishing line was in their hands.

When you look up, you find yourself in the sand table with a few indescribable things on top of you, teasing yourself with a rope. How would it feel?

Nocton only felt his scalp numb, and an uncontrollable fear surged into his heart. It was the unspeakable fear of low-dimensional creatures against high-dimensional creatures.

It is also the reason that the stronger Nocton is, the more he is in awe of Chi Liu. Chi Liu usually hides his high-dimensional appearance deeply, but occasionally exposed a corner, so that people who are familiar with him will suffer a heavy blow from the soul. At the beginning, Norkton was infected by the spirit in this way, and eventually his body was also infected and turned into a monster. He still absorbed a little bit of the dilution gene ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ before he survived that catastrophe.

Now he suddenly found a few extra-dimensional things that he didn't know at all and were teasing himself like a fish. Can he not be frightened? That is the fear of genes and soul.

"That fish is very clever. It didn't catch the bait. It caught a small shrimp."

"How do you say, throw it away or pull it up for fun?"

"He seems to be frightened, he can see our scales and a half in the passage."

"Take him to play, try shaking your fishing line."



Knockton felt the trembling of the fishing line, and even the treasures and his body were rolling here upside down.

In extreme horror, he thought of Tang Chuan's words, no matter what you see, don't panic, nothing will happen.

Although the panic is hard to contain from the soul, Nocton still unconditionally chooses to believe the boss, he can see those things, then the boss who can conquer even Master Chili must have expected the current situation.

Otherwise, he would not warn himself in advance, which proved that in the eyes of the boss, no matter how frightening the situation is, there won't be any big problems.

Reason rushed to my heart, tried to restrain the extreme fear, and barely stabilized his state, so as not to be frightened out of madness.

Efforts to absorb the remaining super substances in this upturned environment, after extracting all the super substances and incorporating them into the body, Nocton had no time to digest it, so he immediately let go, and did not dare to return to the outside of the void. .

"Ah, shrimp ran away."

"Want to try to catch that big fish again?"

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