I am really a spiritualist

Chapter 102 Elemental Relics (1/2)

Chapter 102 Elemental Relics

Hearing this, Lu and Kong were a little surprised.

"Can I use points to trade in school?"

"Of course, for students, points are the most important, and trading points is definitely very common for students. Some students need psychic equipment, and they need to use these spiritual materials to build it."

Lu and Kong were suddenly stunned.

They found another way to earn points.

Although the school officially only earns points for tasks, they can trade with students and even teachers by hunting for materials.

Cronin sighed: "If you are a spiritual equipment blacksmith or apothecary, you will make money. They must have a lot of points."

Anyunmen rolled his eyes: "That's not necessarily true. Don't they need to buy materials for practice? The failed materials are all scrapped, and those points are all in vain. I know a pharmacist who is almost broke now. Sell ​​your ass."

When several girls heard this, a hint of embarrassment appeared on their faces.

Lin Jing said calmly: "Both pharmacists and blacksmiths need talent. If you don't have the talent to do this business, you will certainly lose money."

Several others nodded.

Lu Kong listened quietly. He also knew something about the blacksmith and the pharmacist.

However, he had no plans to try to see if he could pursue these two careers.

After all, whether you are a blacksmith or an apothecary, you need a lot of time to practice.

In this case, he would have less time to practice.

He is a big fool if he spends his time on other things even though he has such a good talent for cultivation.

If you really lack points, the worst thing you can do is go out and hunt spiritual beasts and obtain materials later.

This way you can still fight and improve your strength through the Heart of the God of War.

Lukong and Air Force have clearer plans for future points acquisition.

As for the present... Lu Kong smiled and said, "I'll do it."

Cronin and Barara's eyes lit up.

"Junior Lu Kong is about to take action? Just let me see how strong the number one special move is."

Lu Kong just smiled: "I won't take action."

He patted Xiao Qing's head: "Xiao Qing, leave the body intact."


It glanced at the flame lizard, which stared at them with cold eyes, and roared.

Then, a wind blade cut through the air at an extremely fast speed and instantly penetrated the flame lizard's neck.

Blood spurted out from it, and the flame lizard's body twisted and screamed repeatedly.

It didn't take long for the flame lizard to lose its vitality.

This made Cronin and the others widen their eyes and look shocked.

Even Anyunmen, who knew a little bit about Lu Kong, was a little confused.

Cronin looked at Xiao Qing and couldn't help shouting: "What the hell!? Killed instantly with one blow? That's a spiritual beast in the early third level!"

"This Gale Wolf is only at the peak of the second level, how can it be so strong?!" Li Yunxi also looked shocked.

Their strength has reached the fourth level, and their eyesight is naturally not bad.

They could see that even a mid-level third-order spirit beast might not be able to block that wind blade!

And this was just a casual blow from Xiao Qing!

Why is this Storm Wolf so outrageous?

Even Meng Qi and Catalina, who knew Xiao Qing's strength before, were looking at Xiao Qing in disbelief with their mouths open.

Seeing everyone's surprise, Lu Kong explained with a smile: "Xiao Qing was lucky enough to awaken his wind talent."

Everyone: "..."

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and An Yunmen couldn't help but hold back a sentence: "What kind of luck is this?"

An Feixue beside her couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

She had wanted to say this a long time ago and had been holding back for more than a month.

Thinking of how surprised he was when he saw Xiao Qing's strength for the first time, and now seeing how others were also shocked.

An Feixue actually felt a lot more comfortable.

After integrating the talents, Xiaoqing's bloodline transformed again, and with the improvement of his cultivation level, his spiritual intelligence has begun to show.

Sensing everyone's surprise, Xiao Qing raised her head and chest proudly, and her tail wagged rapidly.

After that, everyone calmed down.

Anyunmen explained to Lukong: "The horn on the head of this flame lizard and the reddest scales on its body are the most spiritual. The price is relatively high. The other prices are very low. There is no need to collect them."

Lu Kong nodded, and Anyunmen lent Lu Kong another dagger.

Lukong collected the materials for the Flame Lizard.

After that, everyone continued to move forward, looking for the Flame Flower.

Along the way, they encountered many spiritual beasts.

Perhaps because this is a volcano group, the fire element is strong.

Most of the spirit beasts here are fire spirit beasts.

The cultivation levels of these spiritual beasts range from second level to third level.

The spiritual beasts encountered were divided among Lu Kong, Anfeixue, Catalina and Mengqi.

The strongest spiritual beast was at the mid-level third level, but there was still a gap compared to Xiao Qing, who was easily killed by Xiao Qing.

There had been previous performances, but Xiao Qing's performance this time did not surprise everyone.

However, the Anyunmen were very humble and did not fight with them. Instead, they gave them popular science on which parts of the spirit beasts had the strongest spirituality.

"When you go back, you can go to the library to borrow an illustrated book of spiritual objects. It includes introductions to common spiritual beasts, spiritual herbs and other spiritual objects. It is still very useful. Otherwise, even if some treasures are placed in front of you, you Maybe they don’t know each other.”

Lu and Kong nodded in agreement.

"Huh? Found it!"

Cronin, who was not far away, suddenly shouted.

Everyone came closer and saw a small flower growing under a huge rock.

The flowers are soft and red in color, like a flame blowing in the wind.

It's the Flame Flower.

"Put it away." Anyunmen stepped forward and dug out the flame flower all together.

"There are still twenty-nine plants left, let's keep up the good work."

I have gained something since I first came here, which made several people very happy.

After searching for more than an hour, Lu and Kong searched the entire mountain.

A total of four flame flowers were found.

Afterwards, several people headed to other peaks.


A few hours later.

On a mountain peak not far from the volcano group, everyone is still looking for the Flame Flower.

At this moment, Anfeixue's voice sounded: "There is a cave here."

Everyone was startled and walked over.

They saw a cave more than two meters high in the area where two huge rocks were sandwiched between the piles of rocks.

If you don't look carefully, you might not be able to spot it.

Anyunmen raised his eyebrows and said, "It may be the lair of some spiritual beast. Let's go in and have a look."

Everyone was a little curious and nodded.

Several people stepped into the cave.

The cave walls are dry and cracked, and the temperature is very high and very muggy.

As they went deeper, the temperature became higher and higher, and sweat appeared on the foreheads of Monchi and Catalina, who were in poor physical condition.

And because the sunlight cannot reach inside, the cave has begun to become dark.

"Yun Xi." Anyunmen called out.

Li Yunxi nodded, raised his hand, and a fireball appeared in mid-air.

Everyone could see the road clearly again.

At this time, Anyunmen frowned in confusion: "It's strange, the lairs of spiritual beasts are rarely this deep. What kind of lair is this?"

"I don't know, we have to be careful, it might be dangerous." Cronin shook his head.

He took out a thick shield that was one meter and a half high from the space ring and walked to the front.

The expressions of the Anyunmen were a little more serious, and they each took out their own psychic equipment.

Anfixue, Catalina and Monkey also took out a staff.

Lu Kong was the only one who was a little confused.

He didn't prepare any psychic equipment.

I never paid attention to this before.

Seeing Lu Kong's confused face, An Yunmen was stunned for a moment and said with a smile: "Didn't you prepare any psychic equipment?"

Lu Kong was a little helpless: "Well, there are only first-level spirit armors issued by the school."

"First-level spiritual armor is no longer of much use to today's men. After we go back, we can prepare a set of spiritual equipment that can enhance combat effectiveness."

Lu Kong nodded slightly.

All he uses now is his fists. Why don't he prepare some gloves when he goes back?

Then prepare a set of spiritual armor.

Hmm... with his current physical strength, why should he prepare fourth-level psychic equipment?


How many points is this?

Lu Kong's scalp was numb.

Go back and ask.

While Lu Kong was thinking about psychic equipment, they walked a little deeper.

"The direction we are going should be underground. This cave is always going down."

Cronin looked at the ground and said.

"Hmm... this may not be a spiritual beast's lair, so be careful."

Anyunmen reminded.

"Please pay attention to your own safety." Balala glanced at Lu and Kong and the others and said with a smile.

Lu and Kong nodded.

Another walk.

At this moment, their eyes suddenly became wider.

Everyone discovered that at the end of the cave, there was actually a huge underground space.

The entire space is approximately several hundred meters in diameter.

The ground is flat, and there are some murals on the walls. It seems that humans or other creatures have lived here in the past.

They walked into the underground space vigilantly and observed their surroundings.

Soon, everyone's eyes widened.

"So many flame flowers?"

They saw flame flowers growing in many areas of the underground space.

There are probably forty or fifty plants in total!

Everyone was surprised.

You know, after searching for so long, they only found eleven plants!

"The temperature of the space here is very high, which is very suitable for the growth of flame flowers. And it is estimated that no one has been here for a long time." Anyunmen looked around and said.

Looking at the dust everywhere in the space, they could also understand that this place had probably been abandoned for a long time.

"Is that an altar?" Li Yunxi looked at a high platform deep in the underground cave.

On the high platform, there is a collapsed stone statue.

The stone statue has been turned into pieces, and its original appearance cannot be seen.

However, the murals behind the stone statues are still clearly visible.

It was a humanoid creature burning with fire.

Not only the murals behind the altar, but other murals also depict humanoid creatures burning with flames.

"It's the fire element." An Yunmen's eyes lit up.

"This should be the relics left by a race that worshiped the fire element a long time ago."

"Look for it, maybe there is some treasure there."

Several people showed excited smiles.

According to the phenomena discovered in various ruins and the research on the miracles left by the gods, elemental creatures may be creatures that were born earlier than the ancient god race!

They are most likely the first batch of intelligent beings born on the planet Kaga.

Moreover, most of the ruins that worship the elements will use some elemental treasures.

If there are any elemental treasures left behind, it would be a harvest.

"Wait, pick the flaming flowers first, and finish the task first."

Several people went to collect the flaming flowers together, and then began to search in the entire underground space.

The whole space was full of broken stones, which might have been some stone statues for worship in the past.

For some unknown reason, the creatures who built this place abandoned it. After so many years, there were natural disasters and man-made disasters, and there was an active volcano not far away.

It was good that the entire sacrificial site was not buried.

Some things inside were obviously shattered during countless volcanic eruptions.

"Look at this! I found a fire crystal!" Balala shouted.

She held a piece of red crystal in her hand, and the crystal exuded a strong flame power.

Fire crystal is a fourth-level fire element material!

It is not worth a low value, at least a few thousand points.

Everyone looked envious and continued to search.

Just then, An Yunmen saw a blank wall.

On the wall, there was only a burning flame mark.

"What is this?"

He walked over with some curiosity and reached out to touch the mark.

However, the next moment, all the figures on the murals were on fire.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

"What happened?!" Cronin quickly raised his shield.

Then, they saw the flames surging on the murals, rushing out of the murals, and turning into fire elements.

More than a dozen fire elements surrounded the entire cave.

Lu Kong and others were all surrounded.

An Yunmen: "?"

Lu Kong and others: "..."

Feeling the scorching heat coming from the fire elements, everyone was silent.

An Yunmen silently withdrew his hand from the flame mark, his expression stiff.

"... We are just passing by, do you believe it?"

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