I am really a spiritualist

Chapter 110 Legendary Appearance (1/2)

Chapter 110 Legend Appears

After arriving at the base for more than a week.

The second attack of the dark creatures came.

Lu Kong and other freshmen followed the teachers to the high wall again to help defend.

After the last war, the freshmen seemed to have undergone a complete transformation.

Facing the mighty dark creatures, they were no longer as nervous and afraid as last time.

Everyone's expression was solemn and full of killing.

Roars sounded one after another, and roars and screams resounded through the world.

At this moment, behind the army of dark creatures, an extremely powerful spiritual pressure emerged.

The dark and tyrannical spiritual pressure was like a substance, pressing Lu Kong and others' chests.

"Legend!" Banner's face changed slightly.

He had talked with Li Lin before and understood Li Lin's concerns.

Unexpectedly, a legendary strongman appeared so soon.

"Human! This is our territory, get out!"

The roar sounded from a distance.

A huge black shadow appeared in the sky above the gray and dark cave.

It was the shadow of a werewolf.

It was a legendary werewolf warrior.

As the legendary warrior appeared, a roar sounded.

The power of Qi and blood enveloped the entire station like a bloody tide, and a cold voice sounded.

"Get lost!"

A tall and strong bald man appeared in the air, facing the legendary werewolf in the distance.

It was Man Yin.

"You are looking for death!"

The legendary werewolf warrior roared, and the dark shadow power turned into a huge palm, grabbing Man Yin.

A huge blade flashing with rich spiritual energy appeared in Man Yin's hand.

He slashed with a knife, like a sword light pouring out from the sky and earth, instantly cutting the shadow palm in half.

Man Yin roared, turned into a stream of light, and rushed towards the werewolf.

The legendary werewolf also rushed up, and the two legendary creatures collided in a position that no one could see clearly.

A roar sounded.

The sky and the earth were shaken by the psychic energy.

Fortunately, this is not a real underground cave, otherwise, with the powerful destructive power of the legendary strongman, the cave might collapse, and at the same time affect the ground, causing disasters such as earthquakes.

With the appearance of the legendary strongman, the battlefield entered a white-hot stage.

A large number of dark creatures roared and rushed to the garrison.

Lu Kong and others clearly felt the pressure increased, and even several teachers joined the battle.

The dark creatures of the legendary strongman appeared, and this attack was obviously all-out.

Although the guards of the garrison have gradually increased in this week, and some adventurers have come to this newly discovered dark cave to pan for gold.

However, in terms of military strength, there is still some gap compared with the dark creatures as natives.

Only relying on the defense of the garrison, the guards can still fight.

At this time, a guard rushed up the high wall.

"There are digging worms sneaking into the garrison! A large number of lizardmen came in from the passage!"

Hearing this, Li Lin, who was supervising the battle on one side, suddenly changed his face.

"What?! There are diggers?!"

Diggers are a very special kind of creatures in the dark caves.

They live underground in the dark caves and have powerful earth elemental power.

Most importantly, when they live underground, their breath blends with the earth and is extremely difficult to sense.

Even dark creatures like werewolves may never see this kind of spiritual beast in their lifetime.

But if there are diggers in the city of dark creatures, they will have an unexpected advantage in war.

When psychics use their power, spiritual pressure will inevitably be released.

The more powerful psychics are, the more so.

Even on a battlefield with a surging sea of ​​people, powerful psychics are as conspicuous as the sun.

That's why most of them will be stared at by each other's strong men.

The same is true on the battlefield at this moment.

The strong guards in the garrison are also restrained by the strong men among the dark creatures.

But it's different with diggers.

The digger can quietly hang a huge passage from the ground, leading directly to the interior of the garrison, bypassing the most solid high wall defense!

And a large number of dark creatures can rush into the garrison through this passage and carry out internal destruction.

If important areas such as arsenals and supply warehouses are destroyed, the losses will naturally not be small.

This is the situation now.

For the guards of the garrison, the spirit stones in the arsenal are the energy for the psychic weapons to work.

If the spirit stones are lost, then these psychic guns and psychic cannons will have no effect at all.

The mortal guards have lost their psychic weapons and have almost no power to resist in front of spirit beasts and powerful psychics!

This is enough to tilt the balance of victory on the entire battlefield.

Li Lin understood the importance of the situation and immediately said: "Send the guards to suppress the passage immediately! Catch the digger for me, and kill it if you can't catch it alive!"

Since the digger can dig a passage, it can naturally dig a second or even a third one.

Although diggers are rare, they have unexpected effects in sieges.

But now the digging worm is not on their side.


Banner on the side condensed earth spikes and killed the dark creatures that rushed up the city wall.

He immediately said: "Lu Kong, you guys go over too!"

Lu Kong and the others were stunned, somewhat surprised by Banner's order.

Even Li Lin was a little stunned.

Banner explained: "Nowadays, middle and high-level psykers are being watched. Among the low-level psykers, there are probably no dark creatures that can compare with Lu Kong. With him here, even if there is an accident, it will be enough to deal with it!"

When Li Lin heard this, he thought about Lu Kong's previous performance and understood.

This is a frontal battlefield, and they still need to guard and issue orders.

But even if Lu and Kong leave here, they will not have much impact on the battlefield.

On the contrary, they can be more effective if they go to the rear.

"Okay! Lu Kong, I'll spare your trouble!"

Lu Kong and Catalina looked at each other and saw solemnity in each other's eyes.

This is no small task.

Although there are no mid-to-high-level psychics entering the passage, the number is certainly not small.

If they are allowed to destroy some important facilities in the station, then their responsibility will be huge.

But now that the situation was urgent, they had no time to think too much.

Lu Kong nodded: "Okay!"

Banner nodded and said again: "Roxi, come over and help!"

Lu Kong and others are all geniuses of mankind. If an accident occurs, the losses will be huge.

Luo Xi is a fifth-level psychic who is powerful enough. If an accident occurs, he can at least save a few people from Lu and Kong.

Luo Xi also nodded with a serious expression.


Lu Kong and others immediately followed the guards, and the group left the high wall and entered the city.

"The digger appears here!" explained the guard who led the team.

"In normal times, when the Digger excavates a large enough tunnel, it will inevitably be discovered, but now the legion commander is fighting with the opponent's legendary powerhouse, and the station is also in the midst of a fierce battle, and he has not been able to discover the Digger's tunnel. After exiting the passage, I was discovered by the brothers patrolling in the city when the lizard men rushed out!"

Lu Kong and others nodded, quickly walked through the streets and alleys, and soon came to a hidden corner.

It was a corner area in the center of several high-rise metal buildings. Normally, no one would appear here.

But now, there is a huge hole with a radius of five or six meters in this area.

A large number of lizardmen rushed out of the cave, and the guards were fighting them.

A large number of guards went to participate in the defensive battle on the city wall, and there were not many guards left here.

However, because the hole was not big, the area they needed to defend was very small. Even though the lizardmen kept rushing out, they still held on with their numerical advantage.

There were lizard-man corpses everywhere on the ground, and the ground was almost soaked with blood.

"Some brothers also went to patrol other areas in the city to prevent the groundworms from digging burrows again."

Lu and Kong nodded.

Luo Xi said: "Are we going to guard this cave, or are we going to look for burrowing insects?"

As soon as Luo Xi finished speaking, a guard rushed over.

"New burrows have appeared in the South End."

Hearing this, the guard leading the team suddenly turned ugly.

"Damn it! Have the brothers nearby passed by??"

"It has passed."

"Where are the earth elementalists?! Haven't they found the burrowing insects yet??"

"Not yet. Those beasts are very cunning, and they have special talents. There will be almost no psychic fluctuations when moving within the land. Even earth elemental masters will find it difficult to find them."

If the digging insects were really so easy to find, they would have been captured by the dark creatures long ago, and they might even have become extinct.

Not to mention, they could dig a deep pit leading to the station at this time.

The face of the guard who led the team became even more ugly.

At this time, Luo Xi asked: "What is the cultivation level of that digging insect?"

The guard who led the team came to his senses and shook his head: "We haven't seen it yet."

The guard who rushed over to alert the new cave opened his mouth and said: "It seems to be the third level! When the new cave appeared just now, we felt the third level spiritual pressure!"

Hearing this, Luo Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

"With the spiritual energy of a third-level spiritual beast, it cannot dig too many holes, only a few at most, at least until it recovers its spiritual energy again. There is still time to find the ground-digger, so don't mess around."

Hearing this, the guard leading the team also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I hope so! Teacher Luo Xi, can you please guard the newly appeared cave? I will send fifty guards to assist you!"

Luo Xi nodded: "Okay!"

Several people quickly headed to the newly emerged cave location.

That's the central area of ​​a street.

The underground cave is also five or six meters in diameter.

At this moment, some nearby guards rushed over and fought with the lizard men who rushed out.

However, because the terrain here is flat, they were unable to suppress the lizardmen in the cave.

At this moment, some lizardmen have rushed out, and the battlefield is getting bigger.

Moreover, more and more lizardmen are rushing out!

The strength of the lizardmen who rushed out ranged from apprentice to third level.

Their eyes were red, filled with anger and violence, and they were not afraid of death.

Even if his arm is broken, he still wants to bite his enemy hard with his teeth.

This violence made the guards feel a little scared.

There are not many guards here, but lizardmen keep popping up.

The guards actually began to retreat steadily.

At this moment, wind blades flew at extremely fast speeds.

Dozens of lizardmen who rushed to the ground were killed on the spot.

Instantly, most of the lizardmen on the ground were swept away.

All the guards were stunned and confused.

Then they smiled in surprise.

"It's reinforcements! Reinforcements are coming!"

They turned around and saw Lu Kong and others rushing over.

Xiaoqing roared while running, and used the wind blade again to harvest the lives of the lizardmen.

Seeing this, An Feixue and others on the side also attacked hurriedly, fearing that they would not be able to get even a lizardman.

For them, this is points!

Only Kashuya, a warrior, looked confused.

He was the only pure warrior among the freshmen present. When he arrived, Kashuya was numb when he saw the corpses on the ground.

"Why can't I grab anything?!"

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