I am really a spiritualist

Chapter 120 Abnormal Zhuge An (1/2)

Chapter 120 The Abnormal Zhuge An

The corners of Lu Kong's mouth twitched.

"It's okay, maybe it's just an illusion. I don't feel anything now."

But Lu Kong didn't know if the God of Death had remembered him.

After all, judging from the situation just now, those men in black robes became resurrected as undead after their death. They were obviously true believers of the God of Death.

And he probably still has a certain status.

What they are doing here is probably of concern to the God of Death.

The result was destroyed by him.

Just think about it and you know how angry the God of Death is.

Lu Kong wanted to make the God of Death not to be angry, but he couldn't possibly persuade him in person, right?

Lu Kong was a little helpless.

At this time, his stomach growled again.

Lu Kong no longer thought about it, forget it, the soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth.

Now that I think about all these things, it has no other effect than making me sleep poorly at night.

"Come on, let's go back and eat. I'm starving."

Seeing that Lu Kong was really fine, the Anyunmen heaved a sigh of relief.

Catalina was still a little worried: "Let the principal take a look at the situation after we go back. Don't be cursed by the God of Death then."

Lu Kong nodded: "Okay."

Although he felt that the power of Death was blocked, for the sake of safety, it was okay to let Principal Zhuge take a look.


Colin and the others left with everyone, because they were pressed against a group of ordinary mortals, so they were not going very fast.

Listening to the roar in the distance, Colin and the others looked a little pale.

Thinking of those terrifying undead spirits, not to mention ordinary people, even well-informed psychics have some fear in their eyes at this moment.

Griffin glanced behind him worriedly: "Director, are we leaving like this?"

"Otherwise, what else can we do? If we stay there, we will only hinder them."

Colin frowned, and then said: "Contact the bureau and ask them to notify the superiors. Just say that there is an accident and ask people to come over quickly!"

Griffin nodded, and just when he was about to make contact, the movement behind him suddenly stopped.

Everything seemed quiet.

Colin, Griffin and everyone else's eyes widened and they looked back in shock.

The abandoned factory can still see a shadow in the darkness.

But there was silence inside, like a giant man-eating beast.

A young employee of the Psychic Processing Bureau swallowed: "Is it over?"

The others suddenly showed a look of fear.

"That was Qiyao's top student! He died so quickly??"

"what should we do?"

Colin's expression was solemn. He took a deep breath and said, "Griffin, take them back and I'll go over and take a look."

"Director! No! We can't control the situation without you, so I'll go."

Griffin's expression changed drastically and he spoke quickly.

He naturally knew what it meant for Colin to go back.

Colin shook his head with a serious expression: "This is an order!"

Griffin opened his mouth, then fell silent.

He nodded: "Yes!"

At this moment, several black figures quickly ran over from the darkness.

The faces of Colin and others changed drastically.

Colin quickly growled: "Let's go!"

He was ready to use his life to hold back these undead souls.

Although he also understood that he could not delay for long.

However, what he wants to do is what anyone in the Psychic Processing Bureau would do.

However, the next moment, a somewhat happy voice sounded: "Let me just say, they will not be able to move fast with so many people, won't they catch up now?"

"Really, you were right."

"After all, it's Senior An's mouth."

"Hey, hey, Mengqi, what do you mean by this? I always feel that there is something behind your words."


"You must be right?! Do you have any grievances? If you have grievances, just say it! I'm listening!"


"I knew there must be! You must think that I often encounter danger when I take you on missions!"

"Senior, you said it yourself."


During the quarrel, Lu and Kong walked out of the darkness.

After seeing Lu and Kong, everyone who had originally planned to escape widened their eyes.

Griffin's voice stuttered: "Is it, is it you?!"

An Yunmen was furious, and when he saw Griffin looking like he had seen a ghost, he became even more angry.

"What's your expression? When you see us, it's like you're seeing a monster?"

Colin also came to his senses, and he quickly asked: "Why are you here? Where are the undead? Are they hunting you?"

The members of Anyunmen were stunned for a moment, not understanding what Colin meant.

But they reacted quickly.

Do you think they escaped and the undead are still chasing them?

Cronin was a little unhappy and said: "What are you talking about? Those undead souls have been eliminated by us."

Colin and others: "???"

Their eyes widened in disbelief.

They still remember the terrifying auras of the undead before!

So all the terrifying existences were wiped out in just a few minutes? ?

How can it be?

Catalina had a smile on her face: "To be precise, they were eliminated by Lu Kong."

The Anyunmen didn't refute.

Colin and the others looked even more confused.

They looked at the young-looking boy, their minds filled with questions.

This boy is so strong? ?

Those terrifying undeads were all destroyed by him?

Are you kidding?

Just when they were doubting their lives, Lu Kong covered his stomach with a bitter face: "I said, don't we have to eat?"

He was almost starving to death.

The consumption just now was indeed not small. If he was not reluctant to use the spiritual liquid, he would have wanted to use the spiritual liquid to replenish it.

But even if he used the spiritual liquid to replenish the body's energy consumption, he still needed to eat something.


Colin was a little confused.

"Oh, we have been fighting for so long, I am a little hungry, I want to eat something."

Colin and others: "???"

They were full of question marks. Would a psychic be hungry because of fighting?

But since they said so, Colin would naturally not object.

After all, they killed so many undeads, which can be said to have saved the entire town!

"Okay, let's go back! I will treat all the classmates to dinner!"


Late at night.

In the late-night restaurant in the town.

Looking at Lu Kong who was still wolfing down his food, Colin had a blank expression on his face and his heart was bleeding.

He regretted it a little.

In order to thank Lu Kong and his friends, he invited them to the best restaurant in the town, and the price was certainly not low.

But what he didn't expect was that Lu Kong could eat so much!

Looking at the piled up plates, he swallowed his saliva.

No, we are all psychics, so it's okay to just give a little bit of respect and taste it, right?

Why do you look like you want to eat your fill? !

Isn't this a bit too much?

If you keep eating like this, all your salary for this month will be gone.

Colin was crying in his heart, thinking about a serious question.

I wonder if this meal can be reimbursed?

After all, this is a celebration banquet, right?

And they saved the town anyway, right?

It can definitely be reimbursed, right?

Then Colin thought that he was the director?

Oh, that's no problem.

I'll reimburse it when I get back.

After a while, Lu Kong put down his chopsticks and smiled: "I'm full."

This body-building technique seems to be poisonous. The energy consumed after using it may include physical energy, plus the recovery of the immortal body.

Although his spiritual power had been restored long ago, the hunger in his stomach had not ended.

His hunger did not disappear until he was full now.

"Haha, classmate Lu Kong has a good appetite." Colin laughed dryly.

Lu Kong was also a little embarrassed.

With such performance, he would not be regarded as a glutton, right?

Catalina beside him smiled and supported her cheeks, looking at Lu Kong.

"As expected of classmate Lu Kong, he is so generous when eating, and looks very charming."

An Feixue: "..."

She glanced at Catalina, this guy is really shameless.

Monk's head was full of black lines, sister, let's be more reserved.

An Yunmen and others also twitched their mouths.

Want to laugh but embarrassed to laugh.

After all, they really didn't expect Lu Kong to eat so much.

Lu Kong smiled a little embarrassedly and touched his face.

Is the way he eats really so charming?

Unfortunately, there is no mirror, so he can't see it.

Colin's expression was already stiff. He coughed dryly: "I'll check out. I've prepared rooms for everyone. Everyone, have a good rest for the night. You've worked hard today."

It was already very late, and Lu Kong and his friends naturally had no intention of returning to school immediately, so they nodded in agreement.


Early the next morning.

They left the hotel, and An Yunmen smiled and said, "Let's go. The mission is completed. Let's go back."

"Wait, let's go to a place first." Lu Kong thought of something and said.

"Where?" An Yunmen and Cronin were a little curious.

Lu Kong hesitated, but still said, "Let's go to Angus's house. I want to see the little guy."

"Okay, let's go and see."

They soon arrived at Angus's neighborhood.

However, before they got off the car, Lu Kong and his friends heard heartbreaking crying.

"How could you do this?! Dad! Dad!"

Lu Kong and his friends looked at each other, and then saw Griffin holding Angus, with several psychics from the Psychic Processing Bureau following him.

Anna was behind them, with tears in her eyes, looking at Angus with a worried expression.

Lu Kong raised his eyebrows: "Where will the Psychic Processing Bureau take him?"

An Yunmen thought for a moment and said: "It should be for psychological and spiritual treatment, right? You have seen what happened last night. Those mortals were affected by the Death Cult. Although Angus was not there yesterday, he was obviously affected before."

Lu Kong nodded thoughtfully: "I see."

An Feixue looked at Lu Kong and said: "Would you like to say hello?"

Lu Kong hesitated and shook his head: "Forget it, it's okay. I'm not a professional in psychological counseling. It's more appropriate to let professionals do it."

An Yunmen nodded slightly: "Then let's go back to school directly?"

"Go back to school."

Lu Kong watched Angus being taken to the Psychic Processing Bureau's car and nodded.

The anti-gravity psychic car started and flew towards the school.


Back to school.

Lu Kong and his party went directly to the principal's office.

Lu Kong had noticed the gaze of the God of Death before, which obviously needed to be taken seriously.

Moreover, they also have a statue of the Grim Reaper in their hands.

This also needs to be explained to the principal.

Zhuge An's voice rang out after knocking on the principal's office door.

"Come in."

Lu Kong opened the door and walked in, and several people from An Yunmen filed in.

Zhuge An didn't expect it was Lu Kong and his friends. After seeing them, Zhuge An was a little confused.

"Is it you guys? Why did you suddenly think of looking for the old man?"

Lu Kong smiled and took out the statue of the god of death: "Principal, we encountered this thing when we were doing the task before."

However, Lu Kong found that when Zhuge An saw the statue of the god of death, he had already stood up and stared at the statue.


Lu Kong and his friends didn't expect Zhuge An's reaction to be so big, and they were all a little surprised.

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