I am really a spiritualist

128. Chapter 128 You're doing this to me, right?

Chapter 128 You're doing this to me, right?

Lu Kong was a little confused. The power of this evil god is quite strong. He can even radiate his consciousness?

Lu Kong had no expression on his face and swept his eyes over other people.

He found that both the students and Zhuge An had normal expressions.

Obviously, they should not have heard the sound.

Lu Kong was thoughtful. Was it because of his specialness?

After all, this is the spirit world, and he is indeed very special in the spirit world.

Lu Kong himself had to admit this.

"Mortal, do you desire power?"

Perhaps because no one answered, the gentle voice sounded again.

Lu Kong had no expression on his face and answered in his heart: "No, I desire Naiko."

The air was silent all of a sudden.

The voice of the evil god disappeared.

Only the students in the light shield were looking at the spirit world, amazed.

After all, even these genius-level students.

They may have unconsciously entered the spirit world, obtained the knowledge of the spirit world, and gained talents.

But they don't know anything about the spirit world.

Now these geniuses have seen the situation of the spirit world with their own eyes, of course they are excited and curious.

Lu Kong was different. Every time he entered the spirit world, he was conscious.

And he had entered the spirit world several times. Now coming to the spirit world was like going home, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

At this moment, the gentle voice sounded again.

"Mortal, do you desire Naiko?"

Lu Kong: "?"

His expression was numb.

This evil god is a bit outrageous, okay, he actually pursued him relentlessly?

As if noticing the change in Lu Kong's expression, Anfischer frowned and asked, "Lu Kong, what's wrong?"

Anfischer had teleported to the spirit world before, so she naturally knew the dangers of teleporting to the spirit world.

If you encounter an abnormal situation, it will obviously interfere with a person's normal thinking.

Seeing Lu Kong's expression was a little strange, she was a little worried.

Hearing Anfischer's words, Catalina looked at Lu Kong, and seeing Lu Kong's expression was a little strange, she also frowned and couldn't help saying, "Are you okay?"

Lu Kong came back to his senses and shook his head: "It's okay."

He didn't reply to the evil god again.

After all, communicating with the evil god in the spirit world is dangerous.

At this time, the blue light flashed.

Then, they felt their bodies sinking and leaving the spirit world.

When the light disappeared, they found themselves on the spirit world teleportation platform.

However, this time, the location of their teleportation platform was not in Red Eagle City.

But in Blue Moon City.

"Okay, everyone leave the platform and follow me!"

Zhuge An's voice sounded, leading everyone off the platform.

After that, Zhuge An led everyone to a small room near the spirit world teleportation platform.

There are psychics here for special spiritual purification.

This is to prevent psychics from being unconsciously polluted by some abnormal existence when they are teleporting in the spirit world.

This kind of thing is not without precedent.

After many lessons, spiritual purification after spiritual transmission has become a necessary process.

After spiritual purification, everyone had no problems, and everyone left the small room.

After leaving the spirit world teleportation house, at the door, the transport vehicle of Blue Moon Academy was already waiting.

Lu Kong saw the vice president named Ye Qing who he met last time during the special recruitment assessment.

She came up and said with a smile: "Zhuge, you are quite late."

"Isn't it not late?" Zhuge An smiled.

Ye Qing looked at Lu Kong and Katarina again.

During the special recruitment assessment last year, Lu Kong was the eternal pain in her heart!

Such a good talent was actually deceived by Zhuge.

Feeling the blood and qi surging in Lu Kong's body now, Ye Qing was a little surprised.

It seems that Lu Kong has made great progress in the past six months.

I just don't know how strong he is?

Ye Qing was curious and smiled: "Lu Kong, I haven't seen you for half a year. Are you doing well in Qiyao Academy? If not, you are welcome to come to our Lanyue Academy at any time."

"Ye Qing, what are you talking about?!"

Zhuge An beside him was dumbfounded.

Is there anyone who poaches people in front of others like this? !

Lu Kong is the secret weapon of their Qiyao Academy!

After the three tribes competition is over, who will not know Lu Kong?

Then their Qiyao will also benefit from it.

This woman actually wants to steal people?

Isn't this trying to steal the lifeblood of the Seven Stars?

Who can resist this?

Zhuge An immediately got angry.

"Why are you so anxious?" Ye Qing smiled and changed the subject: "Let's go."

The group got on the anti-gravity transport vehicle and headed for Blue Moon College.

Like the Seven Stars College, Blue Moon College is not in the city, but in the area outside the city.

Unlike the Seven Stars College, which is located between the mountains, there are many endless grasslands near Blue Moon City.

And Blue Moon College has built a small city on the grassland.

Outside the Blue Moon College is an endless grassland. When the wind blows, the green grass falls down, forming green waves, which is a different scene.

The psychic car stopped at the large square in the center of the Blue Moon College.

Zhuge An got off the car with everyone.

Lu Kong found that many students of the Blue Moon College were standing and watching, looking at them curiously, and whispering from time to time.

Obviously, all the students of Blue Moon Academy knew that other psychic geniuses were coming to Blue Moon Academy for special training.

Ye Qing smiled at a beautiful girl who had been following her: "Xingyue, take your classmates to the dormitory area. Principal Zhuge and I will meet the others first."

"Okay, teacher." The girl nodded and looked at the people in Qiyao Academy with a gentle smile on her face: "Seniors and classmates, follow me."

She led the way in front, and Lu Kong and others followed behind.

Lu Kong then remembered: "Is this Qin Xingyue who was specially recruited with us?"

He saw this woman once when he was choosing a school after the special recruitment, so he had some impression of her.

But it has been so long, and Lu Kong's impression has faded, and he only recognized her now.

Anfischer and Catalina both looked at Qin Xingyue's graceful back and squinted their eyes.

Monk nodded: "That's her."

Qin Xingyue heard the conversation between Lu Kong and the others, turned around and smiled: "Lu Kong, long time no see."

Lu Kong nodded: "It's been a long time."

"In the next two months, we will be classmates studying together, please take care of me, Lu Kong."

"I don't deserve your care, we are still competitors."

Just kidding, there are only three places in the second level of the three-strong competition, and there are so many people competing for it, how can I take care of it?

Hearing this, Qin Xingyue blinked and smiled: "We are not competitors, I am already at the third level."

Katerina next to her raised her eyebrows, crossed her arms, and sneered: "Then we are competitors!"

After practicing hard during this period, Catalina has already reached the third level.

Lu Kong, Anfischer and Monk are all at the peak of the second level.

However, Anfischer and Monk are not far from the third level.

Anfischer is still hesitating whether to break through to the third level before the three-strong competition.

If she reaches the third level, she will have to compete with the genius of the third level.

It's not a big advantage for her.

However, Catalina has already been promoted to the third level, and Anfiss's own choice is more inclined to breakthrough.

Otherwise, the gap between the two will only continue to widen.

She doesn't want to lose to Catalina.

It's just that Anfiss hasn't made up her mind yet.

She also wants to go to the Triwizard Tournament with Lu Kong.

As for Monk's idea, it's much simpler.

He is like his sister.

Follow his sister.

As for the Triwizard Tournament, to be honest, Monk's current combat power may not even be better than Anfiss.

This place is probably a bit uncertain.

He has already played badly.

Qin Xingyue glanced at Catalina with a gentle smile on her face: "Really? Then I hope classmate Catalina will give you more advice."

"Humph, just don't let Lu Kong take care of you." Catalina sneered.

Qin Xingyue smiled slightly and said nothing.

An Yunmen, Cronin and other students from Qiyao Academy beside them heard the conversation between the two and looked at Lu Kong silently.

An Yunmen gave Lu Kong a thumbs up.

"Awesome, so popular!"

Cronin touched his face and said unconvincedly: "I am not worse than Kongzi in appearance, why don't so many beauties like me?"

Lu Kong was full of black lines: "You are doing this to me, right? How about we go and compete with each other later?"

He obviously didn't say anything, and he was just communicating normally with Qin Xingyue. What does this have to do with whether he likes her or not?

Hearing Lu Kong's words, An Yunmen and Cronin shook their heads seriously, indicating their refusal.

Barbara smiled and said: "Junior Lu Kong, what's so good about those junior sisters? Senior sisters are better, gentle, considerate and caring. Hahaha!"

Lu Kong was speechless. Barbara was just a person who wanted to make trouble.

As they talked, they soon came to a dormitory area.

There were five small buildings in the dormitory area, and apartment buildings next to them.

At this moment, there were many people in front of the small buildings and apartment buildings.

Qin Xingyue smiled and said, "These five small buildings are only for the strongest people in each level to live in. According to the ranking of strength, the top of each level can live in a single apartment, and the bottom can only live together."

Hearing this, everyone's face changed: "There is still room for sharing?!"

They are all geniuses of Qiyao College, most of whom are special recruits, and have their own small buildings in their own colleges.

I didn't expect that I might live with others here?

Who can withstand such a difference in treatment?

Qin Xingyue blinked innocently: "This is the rule of the special training teacher, and the junior sister can't do anything about it. I heard from the special training teacher that the weak should be treated as weak."

The corners of the mouths of many students of Qiyao College twitched, and their heads were full of black lines.

This junior sister of Lanyue College looked gentle, but I didn't expect that her mouth was so heartbreaking.

There were also powerful students who asked: "Is there anyone living in the small building now?"

Qin Xingyue nodded: "Yes. However, if you defeat the people living inside, you can move in."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

An Yunmen narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems that competition has already begun since the moment we arrived at Blue Moon Academy."

Lu Kong also smiled: "Classmate Qin Xingyue, which building is the second-level building?"

Qin Xingyue narrowed her eyes and smiled gently: "That building, the one that lives in it is a military genius from the East Wasteland Military Region, named Gu Ming."

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