I am really a spiritualist

151. Chapter 151 The Goddess's Oracle

Chapter 151 The Oracle of the Goddess

In the special training base, the candidates walked hurriedly, either fighting or on the way to various training areas.

When they saw Qin Feng and others passing by, they would stop and greet them.

Anders looked at the students fighting in the distance and chuckled: "Qin Feng, you humans are getting stronger every year. This year's strength is much better than the last time we competed."

Qin Feng smiled and shook his head: "It's incomparable to the elves and dwarves. I'm afraid our geniuses can't even be ranked in your tribe."

Anders shook his head with an elegant smile: "You can't say that. We have developed for billions of years, and how long have you developed? You humans have great potential. Maybe gods will be born in the future."

As a demigod-level strongman and a servant of the goddess of life Lilia, Anders' understanding of the spirit world and the entire universe is deeper than that of ordinary Kaga Star creatures, even ordinary demigods.

For the ancient race of gods, any race, as long as a god is born, is a happy thing.

Because this means that their Kaga Star has one more guardian.

And this may become the key to saving the entire Kaga Star when the evil god invades next time.

The universe is too dangerous, and Kaga Star is just a small boat in the storm, which may be destroyed at any time.

When Qin Feng heard this, the first figure that emerged in his mind was not other demigods, but Lu Kong.

He smiled: "Thank you for your good words."


Ye Qing brought a total of 15 elf geniuses from the elf clan who came to participate in the championship to a tree house in the forest.

This is a residence specially prepared for the geniuses of the elf clan.

The female legendary elf looked at the tree house and smiled at Ye Qing: "Ye Qing, you are very thoughtful in your preparations. Thank you."

Ye Qing smiled slightly: "We are the host, so we should naturally consider the guests. No need to thank you."

The female legendary elf looked at the young geniuses of the elves, and looked at the beautiful girl who was surrounded in the center, wearing a silver robe, with long golden hair and golden eyes.

"Bilin, they will be handed over to you, get along well with the young human geniuses."

Bilin nodded and smiled slightly: "Okay, Priest Vanna."

Vanna smiled, and then followed Ye Qing away.

In the next period of time, the geniuses of the elves will live here until the end of the three-tribe competition.

And Bilin, as the chosen one of the goddess of life, naturally became the representative of these geniuses.

Watching Fanna and Ye Qing leave, Bilin smiled slightly: "Okay, each of you choose your own tree house, and then move freely. Remember, be friendly to humans."

A young elf next to him curled his lips: "Bilin, there is no need to remind you specifically. Humans are just a new race. There is a big gap between us elves. Why are you so cautious?"

Bilin glanced at the young elf and explained: "This is not being cautious, but respecting humans. Although humans are a new race and are not as strong as us elves, Kaga Star is so huge that elves are not the only one. We need allies and partners."

The young elf waved his hand: "I know."

Bilin glanced at the young elf who didn't care, and her eyes swept over the others. Seeing that the others didn't care much either.

She thought for a while and said slowly: "Don't you want to know what the oracle of the goddess was before?"

Hearing this, many elves' eyes lit up and looked at Bilin.

"What is it? Can you tell us?" An elf girl asked curiously.

"You have to swear not to tell anyone." Bilin smiled slightly.

"We swear in the name of the goddess!"

The elves swore in a hurry.

The goddess of life, who had not shown miracles for a long time, suddenly sent down an oracle. This was a big deal for all the elves.

Unfortunately, the Temple of Life never publicly explained the content of the oracle.

The person in front of him was the chosen one of the goddess of life and the next high priest of the temple.

She naturally knew the content of the oracle.

Now, they also knew the content of the oracle, which made the elf geniuses very curious.

Seeing the geniuses of the elves swearing, Bilin smiled slightly, and then said with a serious expression: "The goddess sent down an oracle, and humans will soon give birth to gods. He will become the ally and partner of the goddess, and the elves and humans should also be allies who support each other."

Hearing this, the elves widened their eyes and were shocked.

"What?!" The young man who had been indifferent before exclaimed.

Others were also unbelievable.

"Are humans going to give birth to gods?"

"Since the new era, no new gods have appeared. How come gods are suddenly born?"

Many elf geniuses looked at each other, unable to understand.

Bilin: "Since the goddess has given the oracle, this will definitely happen one day in the future, and humans will soon become a race of gods, so I hope you can pay more attention to it."

Hearing this, the elves looked at each other.

Then the young elf said: "Since Lady Lilia said so, I certainly won't deliberately cause trouble."

"Just you know."

Another elf girl looked at Bi Lin curiously: "By the way, Lady Bi Lin, has the goddess said which human demigod is going to become a god?"

Bi Lin shook her head: "The goddess didn't say anything."

All the elves immediately started talking, guessing which human demigod was about to break through the last shackles and become a god.


In the evening, another psychic car came to the square. This time the dwarves came out.

As the only demigod remaining in Blue Moon City, Qin Feng was naturally the one to pick up the guests.

The dwarves are not tall, the tallest one is only 1.4 meters, and most of them are 1.23 meters tall.

Male dwarves start growing beards from birth. In their view, beards are a symbol of Bartos, the god of mountains, the god of forging, and the father of the dwarves.

So they take their beards very seriously.

Female dwarves do not have beards.

But regardless of whether they are male or female, all dwarves are very strong and full of muscles.

They live among the mountains and are masters of mining and forging.

Even a great inventor.

The first psychic equipment was invented by the great dwarf inventor Lie Flame Iron Hammer.

Since then, the entire Kaga planet has entered the era of psychic technology, and now there are various psychic guns, psychic cannons, and even various household devices that use psychic energy as energy.

As for the Flame Iron Hammer, it is said that he was favored by Bartos, the father of the dwarves, because of his invention of psychic equipment, and eventually became the forging assistant beside the father of the dwarves.

Of course, these are what the dwarves said.

The Flame Hammer has not appeared for thousands of years. No one knows whether he is alive or dead.

The characters of the dwarves are not as elegant as the elves, but they are very forthright.

The dwarf demigod Nanlin is the captain of this dwarf team.

He stepped off the psychic car, raised his hand and patted Qin Feng's waist, grinning and said: "Isn't the environment here good?"

Qin Feng smiled and patted Nan Lin on the shoulder: "You can't pat a man's waist. How many times have I told you, Nan Lin, why can't you remember?"

Nan Lin chuckled: "If you have the ability, you can squat down and take pictures of me."

Qin Feng glanced at Nan Lin's waist, which was not much higher than his knees, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Forget it, let's settle your young people down first."

"Okay, by the way, who will lead the elf team this time?


"Oh, that guy...that guy is not interesting. He doesn't even drink. He's just a sissy." Nan Lin muttered a few words.

At this moment, an elegant voice from the side sounded: "Nan Lin, speaking ill of people behind their backs is not the mind of a demigod."

Nan Lin rolled his eyes: "You think I didn't notice you? I just said it to my face."

Anders appeared next to the two of them. He looked at Nanlin with a dangerous look: "I'm not a sissy. As for wine, isn't our elves' Baihua Brew more delicious than your volcanic liquor?"

"Can you please tell me? That kind of drink deserves to be called wine? I feel like my tongue will be sweetened after one sip."

Seeing that there were sparks between the two of them, Qin Feng's head was full of black lines, and he quickly said: "You two, calm down, how about we go have a supper together?"

"Okay, volcano barbecue! I want to eat roasted whole lamb! And pair it with volcanic liquor."

"I want to eat something light." Anders also stated his request.

Qin Feng: "..."

What did he say just now? Wouldn't it be good for them to fight?

Isn't it his turn to be upset now?

As for the young people of the dwarf clan, they were led by Ye Qing and the legendary strong men of the dwarf clan to their residential area.

It was a stone house made entirely of rocks. The height of the stone house was shorter than that of ordinary human homes, but it was just right for dwarves.

The geniuses of the dwarf clan were more enthusiastic than the other. After Ye Qing thanked him, they rushed into the room one after another.


In the next three days, Lu Kong and others often saw geniuses from the elves and dwarves on the road.

This can even be seen in the Gravity Chamber and Elemental Chamber areas.

Sometimes, they also compete with human candidates.

I have to admit that the geniuses of the elves and dwarves are indeed extremely powerful.

During the sparring session, no one could even force them to use their full strength.

However, the top human candidates did not take action.

After all, in the upcoming competition between the three clans, they will have plenty of opportunities to take action.

In addition to being able to see the geniuses of the elves and dwarves.

They can also hear the legendary masters of elves and dwarves teach during lectures.

This is also the normal operation before the start of the Three Clans Contest.

Before every competition between the three tribes begins, the legendary strong men of the three tribes will give lectures to the young people of the three tribes.

Let the young people of the three races know more about the views of different races on different branches of psychic energy.

Use this to broaden your horizons, improve your own strength, and enhance your foundation.

Three days passed in a hurry.

The competition between the three clans has officially begun.

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