I am really a spiritualist

163. Chapter 163 The Goddess' Will

Chapter 163 The Will of the Goddess

"Don't be nervous, Junior Brother Lu Kong. You will understand it later."

Bilin felt that Lu Kong might not know how powerful his talent was, and that he might become a god one day.

He didn't know that he might even become an ally of the goddess in the future, and be worshipped by humans, elves, and even dwarves.

So it was normal that he couldn't understand it now.

Bilin didn't explain.

She couldn't be completely sure that the man was Lu Kong.

Seeing Bilin say this, Lu Kong always felt that the situation seemed to be different from what he thought?

But Bilin didn't say much. Lu Kong felt that he couldn't ask anything, so he just didn't bother to care.

The countdown was about to end, and Bilin chuckled and said, "Junior Brother Lu Kong, use all your strength to fight me, let me see how strong you are."

After speaking, Bilin's spiritual energy surged, her golden hair fluttered, and her eyes flashed with light.

The next moment, she raised her hand, and a dark green staff appeared in her hand.

The rich life force spread.

Lu Kong frowned. Bilin was so strong.

Much stronger than he had imagined.


Bilin's staff was placed on the ground, and green light appeared. Then a large number of trees broke out of the ground and turned into tree men.

The entire arena seemed to have turned into a forest.

Bilin was obviously also a psychic of the Way of Life, but the aura of the tree men she summoned was much stronger than the previous few elf geniuses.

Even Lu Kong felt a hint of danger.

As the countdown ended, Bilin waved her hand, and a large number of tree men rushed towards Lu Kong.

On the arena, thorny vines broke out of the ground and shot towards Lu Kong.

Lu Kong had a calm expression, his steps flashed, and he dodged one vine after another. Facing the attack of the tree men, he also easily dodged it.


There was also a vine behind Lu Kong shooting at Lu Kong. Although Lu Kong did not look back, he slightly turned sideways and still dodged the attack.

He seemed to be strolling in the garden, dodging the attacks while rushing towards Bilin.

Bilin frowned slightly as she watched Lu Kong evade.

Something was wrong. As a genius with a subtle state, Bilin knew that even in a subtle state, it was impossible to dodge all attacks so easily.

He seemed to be able to see everything around him, and even predict the attacks?

How is it possible?

Bilin thought of a possibility, and her face changed slightly.


Is it really a domain?

But as a genius who has mastered the subtle state, she knows how difficult it is to comprehend the domain.

Not to mention high-level psychics, even among legendary strongmen, not many have mastered the domain.

He is only the second level, but he has mastered the domain?

Sure enough, he is the future god, right?

Bilin's heart was fluctuating, and she was more certain that Lu Kong was the person the goddess said.

On the high platform, Anders, Nanlin and others were also looking at the battlefield.

Their cultivation was higher than Bilin's, and of course their knowledge was higher.

They could be sure that Lu Kong had mastered the domain!

That's why they were even more confused.

"Hey, hey, hey, is this true... He's only at the second level, but he has mastered the domain?! I haven't mastered the domain yet!"

A legendary dwarf exclaimed.

Many legendary elves and dwarves looked strange.

They also didn't master the domain!

Now seeing that a little guy who had just awakened not long ago actually mastered it, they were about to explode.

Nan Lin's eyes flashed with shock: "This little guy is incredible. If this little guy continues to develop like this, it will be almost no difficulty for him to become a demigod in the future, and he may even... have the hope of becoming a god?"

When he said this, Nan Lin himself couldn't believe it.

There is such a demon genius among humans?

Anders was even more shocked than Nan Lin at this moment.

He knew the oracle of the goddess, and a god was indeed going to be born among humans!

When he saw Lu Kong's performance before, Anders had already guessed that this human might be Lu Kong.

But he couldn't be completely sure.

Now, seeing that Lu Kong had mastered the domain at the peak of the second level, he was almost 100% sure that it was Lu Kong!

Goddess, even a legendary strongman may not be able to master the domain, now it is mastered by a second-level psychic.

Doesn't this explain the problem? !

Seeing the reactions of the crowd, Qin Feng grinned and thought of himself when he first saw Lu Kong master the domain.

He was more surprised than them at that time.

After all, he watched Lu Kong deepen his subtle state little by little and finally master the domain.

And this process only took a few days!

He smiled and said, "How is it? My human genius, is it okay?"

Nanlin, Anders and others twitched their mouths and looked at Qin Feng silently, their eyes were green.

What do you mean by okay?

Such a genius is almost impossible to appear even for elves and dwarves!

Possessing the qualifications of a god!

If such a genius really appeared among their elves and dwarves, they would definitely use the power of the whole tribe to cultivate him into a real god!

And among humans, it is obviously the same.

Anders' eyes flashed, thinking about whether to explain the goddess's oracle to Qin Feng.

In this way, perhaps Lu Kong can go to the elves' life court, and the goddess may give corresponding instructions.

Even, the goddess may walk in the mortal world again for Lu Kong. If this is true, it is also a memorable history for the elves.

However, Anders thought about it and finally decided to wait.

He has notified the high priest through the spiritual world communication, and the news should arrive soon.

The specific situation will be determined by the will of the goddess.

The battle on the ring continued and was extremely fierce.

The people in the audience watched Lu Kong easily dodge the attacks and exclaimed.

However, their strength was not strong after all. Perhaps some people knew that Lu Kong had mastered the subtleties, but no one could see that Lu Kong actually mastered the domain.

Even if someone would have such an idea, they might be amused by their own guesses.

A psychic at the peak of the second level actually mastered the domain?

How is this possible? What a joke? Are you crazy?

It was just the fierce battle between the two that made many viewers fascinated.

Endless vines and a large number of tree people could not stop Lu Kong's pace.

Lu Kong quickly walked in front of Bilin. Bilin smiled slightly, and her breath surged. On her white palm, a halo of life was imprinted towards Lu Kong.

This halo of life seemed to have infinite suction.

Lu Kong had difficulty walking for a while, let alone avoiding it.

Lu Kong could feel the terrifying aura contained in the halo of life. If he was hit, even a body like his would be in danger.

Although Lu Kong had an immortal body and could recover even if he was injured, there was no need. Wouldn't it hurt to be injured?

His face condensed, and the body-dominance technique was activated.

Suddenly, Lu Kong's body doubled in size, and his powerful body allowed Lu Kong to get rid of the halo of life.

He stepped out and instantly disappeared in the gravitational range of the halo of life.

Bilin didn't expect Lu Kong to have such a trump card, and her face changed slightly.

Such a powerful force, even she felt terrified.

Without any hesitation, she waved her staff, and endless life force condensed and turned into a green armor to wrap her inside.

Then, she closed her eyes and prayed to the goddess of life.

As the chosen one of God, she could borrow a little power from the goddess through the favor of the goddess.

The next moment, a mysterious divine pattern appeared on Bilin's forehead.

When she opened her eyes again, her originally golden eyes had turned into emerald green.

And her aura also increased exponentially in an instant.

Even Lu Kong was shocked.

His pupils dilated slightly, looking at the green light around Bilin, he thought of the green light from the Kingdom of Life that he had seen in the spirit world before.

Exactly the same! Even the aura is the same!

What the hell?

What is the relationship between this elf beauty and the goddess of life?

He was numb, it couldn't be that serious, right?

It's just a fight, let the goddess fight him?

How to play this?

While Lu Kong was complaining crazily, Bilin's eyes had already turned to Lu Kong. After seeing Lu Kong, her green eyes, which had been calm before, had a slight fluctuation.

Then she smiled brightly on her cold face and stretched out her white palm.

The next moment, Bilin's power became even stronger.

That kind of power made Lu Kong feel depressed in his chest.

Not only Lu Kong, but everyone in the venue felt the pressure from Bilin.

The people in the audience exclaimed again and again.

"I didn't expect Bilin from the elf clan to be so terrifying!"

"Yeah, I have difficulty breathing!"

"Lu Kong is in trouble. Bilin's strength has reached this point. It is unlikely that he will win."

Even human psychics can't refute this.

Bilin is too strong at this moment.

Anfischer, Katarina, Qin Xingyue and other geniuses who can't participate in the competition are all looking at the ring nervously at this moment.

Anfisue looked a little worried: "Nothing will happen, right? How can this elf be so strong?"

Katerina gritted her teeth: "Hmph! I just saw this elf smiling at Lu Kong, why is it turning its face against me now? A two-faced woman!"

Others were also very worried. Lu Kong's talent was there, which meant that he might become a new pillar of the future of mankind.

If he was injured by this elf woman and affected the future, it would be too troublesome.

Not only them, but also everyone in the lounge of the three tribes held their breath and watched this scene.

Luo Ying clenched her fists, her body was a little stiff.

The power displayed by Bilin was too terrifying, and she was extremely worried.

An Yan didn't even notice that the wine in her hand fell to the ground.

Green and others seemed to have turned into statues again, staring blankly at the ring area.

The people on the high platform were a little different at this moment.

Whether it was Qin Feng, Nanlin or Anders, they all looked like they had seen a ghost at this moment.

They looked at each other with disbelief in their eyes.

Nan Lin's voice was a little hoarse: "Divine power... This, this, this is the will of the goddess?!"

When the other legendary masters heard this, their eyes widened and their expressions were shocked.

How long has it been since the mythological era that the goddess of life has not walked on the earth?

Even her will has never descended again.

I didn't expect that now, in this three-tribe competition that was just a small fight for the top leaders of the three tribes.

The will of the goddess has come.

This is something no one expected.

Qin Feng quickly discovered the problem, and he clenched his fists nervously: "The goddess won't hurt Lu Kong, right?!"

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