I am really a spiritualist

188. Chapter 188: No worries about debts

Chapter 188: No worries if you have too much debt

Amid the astonishment of the demigods in the Kingdom of God, Lu Kong has begun to choose a talent that suits him again.

His idea is to choose a talent that can find the hidden demon apostle.

But Lu Kong himself is not clear about what this talent is.

He doesn't even know if there is such a talent.

So Lu Kong plans to let it go and see what talents there are this time before making a decision.

As Lu Kong guessed before, the talents near Kaga Star are different this time.

Most of the talents are system, psychic, earth, fire, water, wind and other types of talents.

It's just that the levels are different, so the pros and cons of the talents are different.

There are also soul talents, but Lu Kong has encountered relatively low-level soul talents so far.

The highest is only a legendary soul talent.

Lu Kong's current talents are all at the level of the main god or even immortal, and of course he doesn't look down on such low-level talents.

So until now, Lu Kong has not encountered a suitable soul talent.

To be honest, it would be great if there was a soul talent of the main god level.

If there really was such a talent, after Lu Kong merged, his soul power would probably be very strong. Maybe he could contract a demigod when he reached the sixth or seventh level?

If that was true, then his level of soul contract master would be high.

Unfortunately, he didn't encounter such a talent.

Lu Kong was helpless.

The quality of the talent this time was only average. So far, the strongest one Lu Kong encountered was a fire god-level talent.

Fortunately, after breaking through to the fifth level, Lu Kong found that his golden soul became stronger.

He could stay in the spirit world for a long time.

He had enough time to find a more powerful talent.

Not only that, the range he could explore was also much wider.

Even Lu Kong could see the terrifying figures hidden in the light spots and shadows of the spirit world.

But Lu Kong didn't dare to look at them too much.

Those figures exuded an extremely terrifying aura. He was afraid that if he looked at them too much, he would be discovered, which would be disadvantageous to Kaga Star.

After a while, Lu Kong finally found a stronger talent.

That was a God King-level talent.

[Thunder of Destruction (God King)]: You can master the God King-level secret art of Thunder of Destruction, and at the same time greatly improve the mastery of storms and thunder.

The secret art of the God King level, just think about it and you will know that it must be very strong.

If there is no suitable one, Lu Kong can only choose this secret art.

But not long after, Lu Kong found another very good talent.

[Interpretation of the Spirit World (Lord God)]: You can interpret the information of the Spirit World, understand the past, master the present, and predict the future.

Seeing this talent, Lu Kong was a little surprised and a little surprised.

Think about it, the Spirit World is composed of information and energy.

All the information of time and space is gathered here.

If you can interpret the information of the Spirit World, you can indeed understand everything that happened in the past, present and future.

As a Lord God-level talent, the effect of this interpretation should be very good.

Lu Kong suddenly thought of something.

If I want to know the news of the demon messenger in the Spirit World, I wonder if I can do it through the interpretation of the Spirit World?

This thought made Lu Kong's heart beat faster.

If it can be done, it would be great.

Not only that, if the news of the demon messenger can be learned through the spirit world, other news can also be learned.

Perhaps, it will be unexpectedly useful at a critical moment?

Lu Kong immediately listed this talent as a candidate and put it first.

If no better talent is found, then choose it.

Time has no meaning in the spirit world. Lu Kong didn't know how long he stayed here until he felt that his soul power had begun to decline.

He didn't find a stronger talent either.

He found a few more god-level talents, but the only god-king-level talent was the previous world-destroying thunder.

There was no god-level talent.

In the end, Lu Kong chose the talent of the spirit world interpretation.

It was a crystal ball flashing with colorful streamers, floating quietly in the spirit world, like a bright star.

He controlled the crystal ball to float towards himself, and then merged into his golden soul.

The fusion of the god-level talent once again made the entire spirit world turbulent.

However, this time, the Goddess of Life and other gods of Kaga Star seemed to be well prepared.

From the beginning, they had released divine power, covering the entire Kaga Star.

Lu Kong's fluctuations were resisted a lot, and did not float to various places in the spirit world as before.

Apparently, because of the attention of the World Devouring Legion, the goddesses had to be more cautious.

It took a while to fuse the talent.

When Lu Kong fused the talent, he also obtained all the information about this talent.

To interpret the information of the spirit world, you need to consume spirituality, which is related to spiritual energy and soul power.

The more powerful the target involved in the information to be interpreted, the more spirituality is consumed.

In reality, of course, it can also be interpreted, but in the spirit world, the consumption will be much smaller and more accurate.

Lu Kong's spirituality is not particularly strong now, after all, his cultivation is only at the fifth level.

If he interprets it in reality, Lu Kong feels that he may not be able to interpret the information of the demigod. But in the spirit world, it may be possible.

Lu Kong's spirituality was almost exhausted at this moment. He didn't have time to think about it and immediately began to interpret in the spiritual world.

This feeling was a bit like connecting his own spirituality to the entire spiritual world, and then searching for the target he wanted to understand through the spiritual world.

It was a bit like a search engine.

With the rapid consumption of spirituality, Lu Kong felt that he could no longer stay in the spiritual world.

He was about to be squeezed out of the spiritual world.

At this moment, a piece of information entered Lu Kong's mind.

It was the news of the demon messenger of the Demon Worship Cult!

"Lu Kancheng, the small town of the Blue Moon Alliance, the owner of the Red Cloud Clothing Store, Zhu Fan."

Before Lu Kong had time to react, his spirituality was exhausted and he was pushed out of the spiritual world.

In reality, Lu Kong suddenly opened his eyes, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

"Found it!"

He smiled.

Sure enough, he did not make a wrong choice in choosing this talent for interpreting the spiritual world.

If he couldn't find this demon messenger, he would probably worry about the revenge of the demon messenger if he wanted to deal with the man named Cole later.

But if we can kill the demon messenger, we don't have to worry about this problem.

Moreover, the demigod demon messenger in the Blue Moon Alliance is a time bomb for the entire Blue Moon Alliance.

It is a good thing to dismantle this time bomb.

Lu Kong exhaled a little, felt a layer of pain in his brain, and a sense of fatigue surged up.

This breakthrough, in order to find a suitable talent, and then to interpret the location of the demon messenger, the spiritual consumption was too great, and he was exhausted.

Lu Kong didn't think much, lying on the bed and began to rest.

After resting for a long time, Lu Kong opened his eyes and felt that his condition had recovered a little.

He got up, stretched, and planned to go back to the Blue Moon Alliance to tell Qin Feng and the others about the news about the demon messenger.

As a result, as soon as he opened the door, Lu Kong saw Bilin standing outside the door.

Seeing Lu Kong, Bilin's eyes lit up and walked over: "Lu Kong, you broke through again?"

Lu Kong was stunned. This guy seemed to have been waiting here for a long time?

Just asking this question?

He nodded and smiled, "Well, I'm lucky. I broke through."

"I actually broke through!" Bilin widened her eyes and exclaimed in disbelief.

"You are too amazing, aren't you? It's only been about half a month since you broke through to the fourth level, and you broke through to the fifth level again. How did you do it?!"

Lu Kong smiled modestly, "I'm lucky. When I broke through before, I accidentally merged a talent, which happened to be for cultivation."

Bilin: "?"

Although I know that Lu Kong has merged several talents, this luck is too good, isn't it?

Bilin complained in her heart, looking at Lu Kong with some resentment in her eyes: "I always feel that you must have said nothing."

She felt that the goddess might know something, so the goddess had sent down the oracle before that, saying that Lu Kong would become a god.

Seeing this, Lu Kong just smiled: "By the way, Senior Sister Bilin, I plan to go back to Blue Moon City."

Bilin was stunned: "What are you going back for? Aren't you going to practice well?"

Lu Kong smiled and said: "I was in the spirit world before, and I was lucky. I just found the news of the demon messenger."

Bilin: "..."

The corner of her mouth twitched, and she looked at Lu Kong speechlessly, thinking, do you think I believe it?

How can you be so lucky?

She didn't ask much, and said: "Okay then."

Then she thought of something and paused: "By the way, the demon messenger is a demigod-level strongman. If Speaker Qin Feng relies on himself alone, I'm afraid he can't handle it? Should I report it to the high priest, maybe the high priest is willing to help."

Hearing this, Lu Kong was stunned.

He actually thought about whether to tell the high priest and ask the demigod of the elves to help.

But after thinking about it, he felt that this was their internal affairs after all.

The elves were willing to let him, a human, practice in the Royal Court of Life, which was very good to him.

He was also unwilling to trouble the demigods of the elves because of human internal affairs.

But Lu Kong did not expect that Bilin, as the chosen one of the goddess of life, would actually say this.

He hesitated a little.

He has now broken through to the fifth level, and his physical body is only one step away from the legendary level.

Now his combat power should be enough to fight with the legendary level.

But he is probably still far from the demigod.

Even if he notified Qin Feng the ancestor about the demon messenger, they would not be able to act in a short time.

If the demigods of the elves are willing to help, they can do it now.

And he can also deal with the archbishop Cole personally and take revenge personally!

Thinking of this, Lu Kong gritted his teeth.

At most, he would owe the elves some more favors.

Anyway, he has already owed a lot now, so he doesn't worry about the debt.

Lu Kong nodded: "Okay then."

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