I am really a spiritualist

191. Chapter 190 Charming Sweetheart Bar

Chapter 190 Charming Sweetheart Bar

Lu Kong smiled: "Okay, you just stand farther away and watch. After all, the murderer is a demon worship archbishop, a legendary powerhouse."

This stunned Luo Ying and An Yan.



Both of them were a little surprised.

They didn't expect the murderer to be so strong.

Luo Ying frowned and asked worriedly: "He is a legendary powerhouse, how to deal with him?"

Lu Kong smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have already told Qin Feng, there will be helpers coming. In addition, I also have legendary strength, so I will do it myself and avenge our parents."

Luo Ying and An Yan: "?"

They stared at Lu Kong with wide eyes.

"You already have legendary strength?!" An Yan exclaimed.

"How long has it been? You have been in the Life King Court for less than a year, right? How can you improve so fast?"

Lu Kong nodded and chuckled: "Yes, the improvement during this period is not bad."

The two looked at each other.

Then Luo Ying bit her lower lip and nodded slightly: "I know, I will watch from a distance."

Luo Ying felt a little distressed.

She had a pretty good talent and had never slacked off for so many years, just to be able to kill the enemy with her own hands after finding the murderer.

But she never expected that the murderer would be a legendary strongman.

What she didn't expect was that Lu Kong, whom she had taken care of for so long, had only awakened for two years and had already reached the legendary level.

Why is the gap between people so big?

However, Lu Kong's ability to kill his enemy was about the same as hers.

Although Luo Ying was still a little disappointed, she could see it through.

An Yan, who was standing next to her, looked at Lu Kong, and then laughed: "Since Luo Ying is going, I will go with you, so that I can take care of you when the time comes."

Lu Kong was stunned: "Don't you have to go to work?"

"It's okay to take a leave occasionally!" An Yan said confidently.

After hearing this, Lu Kong said no more.

Then he thought of something and said, "By the way, although you are standing farther away, it is not necessarily completely safe. There will be a demigod-level battle at that time."


An Yan and Luo Ying were both stunned.

"Demigod-level battle?! Didn't they say that the opponent is a legendary strongman?" An Yan couldn't understand and was shocked.

Lu Kong explained: "Because there is still a demigod-level demon messenger in that city. This time, Qin Feng will personally take action, plus there are two elf demigod strongmen to help, the three demigods plan to keep the demon messenger as well."

An Yan and Luo Ying were numb after listening to this.

Lu Kong, this kid, has only been awakened for two years, and he has already started to join in this kind of thing?

This is too outrageous, right?

"Are you still going?" Lu Kong looked at An Yan.

He knew Luo Ying would definitely go.

An Yan's expression was a little excited: "Of course I have to go! That's a demigod-level battle! I have to see it with my own eyes."

Lu Kong didn't say anything more.

Because it was already night, Lu Kong and his group stayed in Hongying City.

The next morning, they went to Blue Moon City through the spirit world.

Neither Lu Kong nor An Yan informed An Feixue and Catalina about this incident.

After all, the opponent was too terrifying.

The aftermath alone was not something that a third-level psychic could bear.

If the scene was chaotic at that time, it would be a great danger for them.

When they returned to the Qin family, Qin Feng and his friends were ready.

The group went to Lukan City without stopping.

Lukan City is a satellite city of the big city Mingyue City, located in the north of the Blue Moon Alliance.

The group first came to Mingyue City through the spirit world, and then they took the psychic car to Lukan City.

They behaved very low-key along the way to avoid alerting the enemy.

If a demigod-level strongman was warned in advance, he would run away and others would probably not be able to stop him.

They finally found the whereabouts of this demigod, and of course what they had to do was to completely surround him and kill him at once.

When night fell, they came to Lukan City.

It was a small city with a radius of only ten kilometers.

When they came, they had already known the news about Lukan City.

The whole city has only about two million people, most of whom are ordinary people, and there are not many psychics.

Because this area is relatively peaceful, even the number of guards is not as many as other chaotic cities.

There is nothing that can be done about it.

After all, the territory of the entire Blue Moon Alliance is vast. If you want to treat all places equally and guard them comprehensively, it will require too many people.

It is simply unrealistic.

You can only guard the more chaotic areas, such as Dark Abyss City, according to the priority order.

The defense force in relatively peaceful areas is also a little scarce.

If a fight breaks out in the city, let alone the demigods, even the destructive power of the legendary level strongmen is enough to destroy the entire city.

At that time, a large number of ordinary people will die, and the entire city may be destroyed.

If the demigods fight, then maybe even Mingyue City will be affected.

In this case, the loss is too great for the Blue Moon Alliance.

So they had already planned to take the two big guys out of the city and fight in the uninhabited area.

This is the only way to minimize the losses.

As for how to do it specifically.

That requires Lu Kong's space gate.

As a demigod-level strongman, Zhu Fan certainly cannot be taken away from the city so easily.

But Cole is different. As a legendary strongman, there is still a lot of hope to use the space gate to transfer him to another area.

Even the demigod-level Qin Feng and the other two do not need to take action. And if Cole's life is in danger, Zhu Fan will probably not sit idly by.

As long as Qin Feng and the other three demigods keep hiding in the dark and make Zhu Fan think that he is not in any danger, he has a great hope that he will save Cole.

When Zhu Fan leaves the city with Cole, then how to deal with him will be up to Qin Feng and the other two.


Late at night, Lu Kong came alone to a bar called Charming Sweetheart in Lukan City.

The archbishop of the Demon Worship Cult, the legendary strongman Cole, is the owner of this bar.

The lights in the bar flickered, and men and women twisted their bodies on the dance floor to the explosive music.

Perhaps it was because Lu Kong was handsome, and he was also a psychic genius, with many talents and a special temperament.

Many women couldn't take their eyes off Lu Kong after seeing him.

Their eyes moved with Lu Kong's movements.

Some women who thought they looked good were eager to try and chat with him.

At this time, a woman with long black wavy hair, wearing a long black skirt, showing off her slender and hot figure, came over.

She had a bright smile on her face, and her eyes seemed to be dripping with water.

"Handsome guy, are you coming alone?"

Lu Kong smiled: "Yes."

The woman's eyes lit up immediately: "Let's have a drink together? I'll treat you!"

Lu Kong was stunned. Aren't men the ones who pay in bars?

Then he noticed the woman's eyes and suddenly realized.

He was full of black lines on his head. Was this woman probably greedy for his body?

Lu Kong laughed dryly: "Okay."

The woman smiled even brighter when she heard it.

She approached Lu Kong and wanted to rub her body against him. Her voice seemed to be ambiguous: "Handsome guy, you are so handsome. I have never seen anyone as handsome as you! There must be a lot of women who like you, right?"

Lu Kong shook his head: "I don't know."

"Hehe~ I won't be jealous if you tell the truth. What are you afraid of?"

The woman has already reached out to hold Lu Kong's hand.

Some stimulating perfume smells drifted into Lu Kong's nose, making him wrinkle his nose slightly.

He was a little numb. How long should he wait?

Just then, a roar sounded.

The sound overwhelmed the explosive music on the stage, and everyone stopped the carnival and looked in the direction of the sound.

In that direction, someone screamed and moved away with a terrified expression.

Lu Kong's eyes lit up. It finally came.

Just then, the woman next to Lu Kong hugged Lu Kong's arm with a nervous look on her face, and her voice was a little excited: "Handsome guy, I'm so scared~Why don't we go first? Find a quiet place to talk about life?"

Lu Kong: "?"

You are so excited, I can't feel that you are scared at all, okay?

He pulled his hand out with a serious face and said, "It's okay, don't be afraid, I will protect you. Stand behind me."


The woman's mind was full of question marks.

No, I've taken the initiative, why don't you leave?

Don't you understand my hint?

If it weren't for the fact that this man was so handsome, she would have wanted to slap him.

Now, she just wanted to take the man in front of her to the hotel as soon as possible to taste the taste of this top-notch dish.

But the next moment, another roar sounded, causing the woman's body to tremble, and her expression was really a little terrified.

There was an angry roar: "Fuck, who are you? Dare to snatch a woman from me? You're looking for death!"

"It's not certain who will die!"

Two spiritual pressures dissipated, which were the spiritual pressures emitted by the fifth-level psychic.

This level of spiritual pressure is enough to make ordinary people unconsciously feel terrified.

They were horrified and screamed away from the two people in the center.

There was a young man and a middle-aged man, and there were several beautiful women around them.

However, these beautiful women all looked pale at the moment, as if they were almost scared to death.

Next to them was the security guard of the bar. How strong could the security guard of an ordinary bar be?

He was also an ordinary person.

They looked at the two psychics who looked like beasts, and their legs were shaking.

They didn't dare to move at all!

At this time, a man in a suit came over. His expression was a little pale, but he still came over reluctantly.

He had a flattering smile on his face: "You two! You two adults! We are all ordinary people here. Psychics can't have conflicts here! I'll waive your consumption today, so why don't you just forget it?"

Lu Kong raised his eyebrows. As a soul psychic, he could clearly feel that although the man in the suit was afraid on the surface, his emotions were very stable. This was pretended.

He was also a psychic, and he should not be weak.

Lu Kong narrowed his eyes. The boss here was the archbishop of the Demon Worship Cult.

The psychic who could work here must be a member of the Demon Worship Cult without even thinking about it.

Unfortunately, this should not be the boss.

Lu Kong was not waiting for him.

Just then, the woman trembled and grabbed the corner of Lu Kong's clothes, and said pitifully: "Handsome man, let's go? I'm really scared!"

Lu Kong: "?"

This woman still won't leave?

He said: "But I think this is very interesting. It's rare to see such excitement."

Woman: "???"

What's wrong with this handsome guy?

Those are two psychics!

And they seem very strong.

Watching the excitement of psychics?

Aren't you afraid of accidents? ?

She wanted to leave a little, but she couldn't let go of such a handsome man.

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