I am really a spiritualist

194. Chapter 193 The Devil's Messenger Arrives

Chapter 193 The Devil’s Messenger Arrives

As soon as Collet's thoughts emerged, he felt that his body was suppressed by an invisible force. His whole body seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and his actions became much more difficult than before.

Seeing this opportunity, Lu Kong stepped forward and swung his violent fists at Cole.

Collet's face changed drastically, and he used demonic spiritual magic to corrode Lu and Kong while avoiding with all his strength.

However, under domain suppression, even if Collet tried his best to avoid and resist, he still could not block all attacks.

Soon, he was punched hard in the abdomen.

Lu Kong's power should not be underestimated, and after using the Body Tyrant Technique and the Jade-Shattering Fist, his destructive power was even more astonishing.

With one punch, Collet's demonic cuticle cracked.

His body was like a cannonball, flying backwards and hitting a mountain peak hard.

boom! !

The mountain peak collapsed due to the impact of Collet's body, rock fragments flew down, and the ground shook.

Lu Kong's field of view dissipated at this moment, and he took a slight breath, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

The hard work these days has not been in vain, although I have never been able to master the skills of field expansion before.

But it also laid a solid foundation.

Under today's heavy pressure, he was able to successfully master the skills of spreading out from the field.

However, Lu Kong is not proficient in mastering this technique now. He only continued for a while and then stopped.

Even so, it is still a huge progress for Lukong.

Once you take the first step, the rest of the journey will be much easier.

Boom! !

Among the broken mountains, boulders were thrown away, and a figure rose into the sky.

It was Collet who was knocked away just now.

The demonized Kolai possesses extremely amazing defensive capabilities.

Lu Kong's punch just now was not fatal.

But even so, there was still blood at the corner of Collet's mouth, and the crack in his abdomen was even more conspicuous.

His eyes were scarlet and bloodshot, filled with cold murderous intent and shock.

"You actually mastered the field release!"

He gritted his teeth, unable to move.

Lu Kong had a cold expression and sneered: "Today is the day you die!"

He rushed towards Collet again.

Collet's face darkened and he wanted to escape.

However, it was naturally impossible for those three legendary powerhouses to let him get what he wanted and stand in front of Collet.

These three legendary powerhouses have been holding the battle nearby, and they are also a little confused at this moment.

After all, Lu Kong actually mastered the technique of spreading out from the field.

You know, only demigods can master this ability.

Lukong is only at level five!

This kind of talent is really scary.

But this doesn't mean that they will just watch a Demon Worship Archbishop run away.

Seeing three legendary powerhouses standing in front of him, Collet's face became even more ugly.

Before he could say anything more, he felt a terrifying power coming from behind.

He gritted his teeth and turned around to resist.

The next moment, the state of being stuck in the quagmire reappeared.

After just a few confrontations, Collet was punched in the chest by Lu Kong again.

The rift grew wider.

His body flew backwards and smashed into a mountain again.

This time, Lu Kong didn't give him a chance to react.

He rushed directly towards the broken mountain.

He found Collet who was still lying on the ground and stepped on him hard.

boom! ! !

The ground for several kilometers was sunken, and cracks spread in all directions like spider webs.

Collet's chest was almost crushed by Lu Kong's kick.


He let out a roar of pain.

The next moment, endless demonic energy spurted out from his body.

Lu Kong's expression changed and he retreated into the air.

A terrifying aura emerged from Collet's body, and the twisted demonic energy almost liquefied and floated on the surface of his body.

Collet stood up, his face cold and cruel, and his eyes seemed to have no human emotions.

Lu Kong looked at Collet in front of him with some surprise. This guy seemed different.

Cole looked at Lu Kong cruelly and said: "You let me use the opportunity of divine power to come, you deserve to die!"

Lu Kong suddenly realized, no wonder he felt different.

Because of the use of divine power?

Is it the divine power of the Demon Lord?

Collet roared and rushed towards Lukong.

His speed and strength have improved significantly compared to before.

The most troublesome thing is that the demonic energy around Collet seems to be carrying evil power. Lu Kong's spirit seems to be getting weaker, and his physical strength is also withering little by little.

After the arrival of divine power, Collet was much stronger than before.

Even if Lukong used the field release, the effect would not be as good as before.

For a moment, Lu Kong was beaten and retreated continuously.

boom! !

Collet landed a heavy punch, Lu Kong blocked it with both hands, and the violent force sent him flying backwards.

The bones of his arm cracked and broke.

This power made Lu Kong's heart sink.

The expressions of several legendary strongmen on the side also changed. They looked at each other.

"How's it going? Do you want some help?"

"If this continues, Lu Kong may be beaten to death!"

One of them frowned, looked at Lu Kong, and said, "Wait a little longer, he didn't ask us for help, we'd better wait a little longer!"

Hearing this, the other two legendary powerhouses frowned and wanted to say something else.

At this moment, Lu Kong soared into the air again, and his arms had completely recovered.

He said, "Three seniors, you don't need to do it, I'll do it myself."

Seeing that Lu Kong seemed to be unscathed, the three of them were stunned and slightly widened their eyes.

They saw clearly that Lu Kong's injuries must be serious.

How could he recover so quickly? !

This is unreasonable, right?

Not only were they shocked, but even Cole, who had become cruel and ruthless, was stunned at this moment.

How many cards does this young man have in front of him?

Cole knew it best. The previous blow must have broken both hands of the young man in front of him.

But looking at him now, how could his arms be broken?

How did he do it?

His face was cold and ferocious, and he said slowly: "I don't believe you can always recover!"

As he said that, he rushed towards Lu Kong again.

Lu Kong's expression was also extremely cold and fierce, and he also went up to meet him.

The domain release could not suppress Cole, because his domain release was not strong enough.

If his domain is stronger, if his physical strength is stronger, then he can also defeat Cole.

And this battle will undoubtedly make Lu Kong stronger.

Boom boom boom!!!

In the sky, the figures of the two intertwined, and the roars continued.

The circular air waves exploded and spread in all directions, and the mountains below had already turned into ruins in the battle between the two of them.

Lu Kong was knocked out from time to time, and blood splattered down.

But no matter how many times Cole could knock Lu Kong away and injure him.

In just a moment, Lu Kong recovered again and rushed back again.

This made Cole's mentality completely collapse.


If this goes on, he will never be able to kill the human in front of him!


After another collision, Cole clearly felt that the pressure around him became greater.

Lu Kong's domain release skills are still improving!

The expression on Cole's face couldn't collapse.

What kind of monster is this! ?

He found that he could no longer completely suppress Lu Kong.

At this moment, a terrifying breath came from a very far distance.

The breath was cold and bloodthirsty, approaching here at a terrifying speed.

Feeling this breath, Cole's ferocious face showed joy.

That was the breath of the ancestor!

He laughed: "Lu Kong, although you are very strong, although you have arranged it very well this time, your mistake is that you did not besiege me and kill me from the beginning! Now, a demigod is coming. Your death is coming!"

This breath is so unscrupulous, of course, it is not only Cole who feels it.

Lu Kong felt it, and the three legendary masters beside him also felt it.

Even Luo Ying, Anyan and a group of legendary masters in the distance felt it.

For the legendary masters and Lu Kong, this breath puts them under great pressure.

But it will not have any effect.

But for Luo Ying and others, the terrifying breath of the demigod is too much pressure on them.

Just at such a long distance, they all feel that their chests are extremely dull, as if there is a huge rock pressing on them.

Luo Ying and the others were all pale and horrified.

"Is this the power of a demigod?" An Yan looked in the direction of the breath in the distance with some fear.

Luo Ying glanced at An Yan: "Isn't Speaker An also a demigod? Don't you know?"

An Yan rolled his eyes: "How could the ancestor use his psychic power to the fullest in front of us juniors? Isn't this going to kill us?"

Luo Ying nodded suddenly.

Several legendary masters beside him showed a hint of joy on their faces.

The beautiful woman smiled and said: "The big fish has taken the bait!"

"I didn't expect that there was a demon messenger lurking in our Blue Moon Alliance! Thanks to Lu Kong, he discovered the location of this demon messenger in advance. Otherwise, if the demon messenger suddenly rose up, I don't know how much impact it would have on our Blue Moon Alliance!"


Relatively speaking, Luo Ying, An Yan, Bilin and others focused their attention on Lu Kong.

Luo Ying said with a worried look: "Will the demigod pose any danger to Lu Kong?"

"Yes, the demigod is so powerful that that stinky brother can't stop it."

Although Lu Kong's performance before shocked them all.

Especially when they saw that Lu Kong actually mastered the technique of releasing the domain, the legendary masters beside him were almost dumbfounded.

But even if he mastered the technique of releasing the domain, Lu Kong would never be a demigod's opponent.

The beautiful woman smiled: "Don't worry, he can't get through!"

As soon as the beautiful woman finished speaking, three more terrifying auras emerged.

These three auras blocked the evil demigod before.

An angry roar sounded: "Qin Feng!! You deliberately ambushed me here!?"

Then, the roar continued.

The violent power erupted, shaking the entire earth.

Under the raging aftermath, the faces of the legendary masters changed slightly, and they quickly used their strength to block the aftermath and protect Luo Ying and others behind them.

At this moment, Lu Kong looked at Cole with a dull expression and smiled: "So? Go on, when will we die?"

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