I am really a spiritualist

202. Chapter 201 The Devil's Messenger's Shock

Chapter 201 The Demon Messenger’s Shock

"In that case, when will we take action?" Lu Kong asked.

Vera smiled and said: "I will first send secret messages to demigods everywhere, and then they will be ready, and we can take action!"

Lu Kong nodded: "Okay!"

Because there was no action yet, Lu Kong said goodbye to Vera and entered into practice again.

Perhaps it's because the elves and demigods in various places have extremely important duties, and it takes a certain amount of time to arrange them properly.

A full ten days passed before Vera asked Bi Lin to find Lu Kong and said that the arrangements had been made and it was time to take action.

Lu Kong followed Bi Lin and walked towards the prayer hall.

On the way, Bi Lin looked at Lu Kong and said, "Junior Lu Kong, I heard that you found the high-level members of the Demon Worship Cult hidden among the elves. Thank you. As long as you get rid of those high-level officials of the Demon Worship Cult, the Elf clan will have one less confidant." Big trouble."

Lu Kong smiled and said: "Senior Bi Lin, there is no need to be polite to me. The elves have been so kind to me, so of course I want to repay you."

"Hehe, I hope this is not repayment."

"Not repayment? What is that?" Lu Kong was a little confused.

"Of course I hope that junior Lu Kong will regard the elves as his second home and have his own relatives and friends here." Bi Lin looked at Lu Kong with a strange look in her eyes.

Lu Kong smiled and nodded: "Of course I regard the elves as my second family. Senior Sister Bilin, you are my relative and friend."

"Really?" Bi Lin's eyes sparkled.

Lu Kong nodded: "Yes, and Fulgen, Lincoln and the others, too."

Bilin curled her lips, hummed slightly, and stopped talking.

The two people came to the prayer hall. In addition to Vera, there were several other elves in the hall.

Many of these elves are familiar faces from Lukong, including Anders, Kloster, etc.

Vera smiled and said: "Your Highness, you are here."

Anders and others also greeted Lu Kong one after another.

"Well, High Priest Vera, I can start at any time."

"Then now!" Vera said.

Lu Kong nodded, and then he began to open one space door after another.

These space gates lead to the areas of various demigods.

Anders and others entered the space gate to contact other demigods, and soon came out with these demigods.

Gradually, there were more and more demigods in the hall, and soon there were more than a hundred people.

The gathering of so many demigods can make the entire Kaga planet unstable.

This is not the full strength of the elves.

It can be imagined how powerful the ancient god race is and how profound its foundation is.

When the number of demigods reached more than a hundred, Vera said: "Your Highness, these demigods should be enough."

Lu Kong nodded, feeling a little silent in his heart for those demon messengers who worshiped the demon cult.

There are only ten of them in total!

How could he be able to face the encirclement and suppression of more than a hundred demigods?

Many demigods were communicating with each other, and most of the elves looked at Lu Kong.

After all, even if they are not in the royal court, they can still hear about Lu Kong's deeds and news.

It's just that they have never seen Lu Kong before, and now it is the first time.

Just seeing them for the first time, Lu Kong gave them a big surprise.

Lu Kong unexpectedly gathered so many demigods together in such a short period of time. The door to space was silent and difficult to detect unless they were extremely powerful.

Vera looked at the demigods and smiled: "Everyone, the target this time is ten demon messengers. We are divided into ten teams, one for each team."

Upon hearing this, many elves and demigods immediately raised their lips and smiled: "No problem!"

Soon, all the demigods were divided into ten teams, and Lukong began to open the space gate and send these ten teams to ten cities.

The ten demon apostles were among them, and the demigods had already received news about these ten demon apostles.


A small town of the elves, Anlis City.

The owner of a flower shop is a young and beautiful elf girl.

She has long hair as golden as sand and a charming smile. Many young people from the Elf clan like to buy flowers in this flower shop.

However, all the elf youths did not know that the elf girl in front of them was actually a strong man at the demigod level and a demon messenger.

Alice City is very quiet late at night.

The elves do not have as much entertainment at night as humans, and most elves stay at home to rest.

Some are painting, some are practicing musical instruments, some are sculpting and so on.

As for the beautiful owner of the flower shop, the charming smile was no longer on her face at this moment.

There was a sinister aura on her beautiful face, and wisps of demonic energy exuded from her body.

Tonight, she planned to contact the members of the Demon Worship Cult below and offer some tribute to Lord Baimon.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that the whole world seemed to have fallen into an eerie silence.

The demon messenger Li Ke was startled, and then his face turned cold: "Demigod? Since you are here, why don't you come out?"

She was a little surprised and confused. How was she discovered?

She has opened a flower shop in Alice City for hundreds of years, and has always been very stable. Why was it suddenly discovered?

But what if it's discovered?

She wants to run, who can stop her?

There was a hint of disdain in the smile on Li Ke's face.

The next moment, figures appeared one after another, as many as fifteen.

The auras emanating from these fifteen figures are extremely powerful and terrifying, and they are all demigods.

Li Ke:?

The disdainful smile on her face froze, and a question slowly emerged in her mind.

Fifteen demigods? !

Specially come to surround and kill her? ?

How can it be?

The demigods of the elves have their own positions. If they left their positions, they would have already caused turmoil.

Members of the Demon Worship Cult are distributed throughout the Elf Kingdom. As a demon messenger, how could she not know this news?

Taking a step back, even if these demigods did not move when they left their positions, it is impossible for so many powerful people to come to this small town without anyone noticing, right?

How did they end up here?

As if it appeared out of thin air?

Rico couldn't understand.

But there is no point thinking about these things now. What she has to do now is to find a way to break out!

Fifteen demigods, she had no chance of winning!

Even if she wanted to break through, Li Ke didn't have much confidence, but sitting back and waiting for death was not her style.

Her expression was cold, and there was a hint of ferocity on her pretty face.

The next moment, demonic energy emerged from Li Ke's body and enveloped her.

When the demonic energy dissipated, Li Ke had transformed into a slender demon covered with cuticles and evil runes.

Naturally, it was impossible for a group of demigods to watch Li Ke break out.

Their whole bodies surged with power and their domains were released, suppressing Li Ke to death.

Suddenly, the demonic energy surging around Li Ke was suppressed and almost dissipated.

She screamed in anger, and her spiritual energy surged, tearing the entire flower shop into pieces and rising into the sky.

However, a group of demigods were already waiting for her.

Fifteen demigods took action, even if the demonized demon messenger was extremely powerful, they were no match.

Even rushing out is difficult.

The fighting in the realm was dull, but it was not transmitted to the outside world.

The entire city of Anlis remained as peaceful and peaceful as ever.

When the battle ended, Li Ke had been captured alive and had his spiritual seed sealed by a group of demigods.

The space gate appears again.

A group of demigods led Li Ke into the door, and Li Ke discovered that he had arrived at a hall from the city of Anlis.

In the deepest part of the hall, the statue of Lilia, the goddess of life, exudes a strong breath of life.

This made the demonic energy surging in Li Ke's body seem to be extremely fearful and dormant.

Li Ke's eyes widened with confusion.

Especially after seeing Vera in front of her, she was even more frightened, and her voice became hoarse: "High Priest?!"

Everything in front of me shows that this is the temple of the goddess of life.

It is the core area of ​​the Royal Court of Life!

And here, it is extremely far away from the city of Anlis!

Just by walking through a door, they arrived at the temple of the Goddess of Life from the city of Anlis? !

Only then did Li Ke understand why these demigods could unite together quietly.

Such space power is simply incredible!

When Li Ke was shocked, the leading demigod smiled respectfully at Lu Kong beside him: "Your Highness Lu Kong, it went very well. Thank you for your hard work this time."

Lu Kong smiled and shook his head: "You are the one who did it, and you have worked hard too."

"Hahaha, your highness deserves it. Although this bastard is a demon messenger, there were so many of us and we easily captured her alive. It was not hard at all!"

A demigod next to him also smiled and said.

Li Ke recovered from the shock and saw that in the temple of the Goddess of Life, the holy land of the elves, there was actually a human!

Moreover, this human being looks very young and immature, not because he is young because of his strong cultivation, but because he is young in nature.

Li Ke knew that the human being in front of him was probably not very old.

But this human being is so respected by all the elves and demigods? !

Land and air?

Rico thought of something and her pupils dilated.

As a powerful cult spread across the entire Kaga Star, the Demon Worship Cult has a certain understanding of important events and important figures throughout the Kaga Star.

Only the local members of the Demon Worship Cult have a clear understanding of general events and characters, but some characters and events that have a certain impact even on the entire Kaga Star will be reported to other Demon Worship Cult members.

Lukong is obviously one of them.

The information Li Ke received was that the young man in front of him was the first place in the competition between the three races. With a human body, he defeated the peerless geniuses of the two ancient god races, and with the second-level peak cultivation, he defeated the elf goddess. The chosen monster.

Such a genius may become the top demigod in the future, or even have the opportunity to become a god. Of course, he can be regarded as a person who affects the entire Kaga planet.

It's just that it is the area of ​​the Blue Moon Alliance after all. Contact with such a person should be the responsibility of the members of the Demon Worship Cult of the Blue Moon Alliance.

So although Li Ke was amazed by Lu Kong's talent, she didn't pay much attention to it.

If Lu Kong's talent hadn't left such a deep impression on her, she wouldn't even be able to recall that Lu Kong was the human genius.

Ah, here... I forgot to time one of them~ Now I will reissue it~

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