I am really a spiritualist

216. Chapter 214 The Lost Clan, the Middle Level God

Chapter 214 The Lost Clan, the Middle-level God

Lu Kong was startled, and then he felt that what the goddess said made sense.

He chose Kaga Star instead of other directions.

It happened to be after he merged his talent.

Perhaps it was really because of the fluctuation of the fusion talent that they noticed it.

Lu Kong frowned. If the visitor was not kind, then this matter might have something to do with him.

As a member of Kaga Star, Lu Kong did not want to let the entire Kaga Star fall into disaster because of his own reasons.

Seeing Lu Kong's solemn expression,

Lilia smiled slightly: "You don't have to worry, not all creatures from other stars are full of malice, and even if they are full of malice, our Kaga Star is not without resistance."

Lu Kong came back to his senses, he thought about it, and then suddenly had a bold idea.

He now merged the talent of the space transcender, plus the spiritual world walking.

He can also interfere with the spiritual world teleportation to a certain extent.

After all, the spiritual world teleportation is essentially also created by the indefinite distance of the spiritual world time and space.

If the opponent's spiritual world channel is extremely strong and Lu Kong's current strength is not enough to destroy it, then with the space gate, it should not be a problem for him to enter the opponent's spiritual world channel.

He can even take the goddess with him.

The two sides communicated and understood the situation first.

If the opponent has malicious intentions, Kaga Star can also prepare defenses in advance.

If the opponent has no malicious intentions, that would be the best.

Thinking of this, Lu Kong said to Lilia: "Your Highness, maybe I can take you to the opponent's spiritual world channel, and we can meet them first."

Hearing this, Lilia was stunned and widened her eyes in surprise: "You can directly enter the opponent's spiritual world channel?!"

This is not reasonable at all.

Even the gods can't do this.

Otherwise, the spiritual world transmission would have been banned long ago.

You know, there are many spiritual world transmissions on Kaga Star now.

If the evil god can enter the spiritual world channel. Then all the creatures in the transmission must be unsafe.

Either the evil god directly devours the spirituality, or the evil god is bewitched and becomes a believer of the evil god!

Even the spiritual world channel within the stars cannot be entered, let alone the spiritual world channel between the stars.

It must be more solid.

Now, Lu Kong actually said that he could directly enter the other party's spiritual world channel.

This made Lilia completely unexpected.

Lu Kong chuckled and said: "Yes, Your Highness, I have gained a new talent this time. I should be able to enter the other party's spiritual world channel."

Hearing this, Lilia nodded slightly thoughtfully: "In this case, then we can try it."

Lu Kong smiled and nodded: "But my current strength is still a little weak, and the distance to open the space gate in the spiritual world is very limited. I have to wait for the other party's spiritual world channel to get closer."

"Okay! Then we will wait!" Lilia nodded.

After that, Lu Kong went back to reality first, then walked through the spiritual world, returned to the spiritual world again, and entered the kingdom of God.

Seeing that Lu Kong could actually enter the spirit world with his physical body, Lilia couldn't help but exclaim: "It's hard to imagine that you are only at the ninth level. What you can do, many gods can't do it."

Lu Kong smiled and said: "It's just luck. I have integrated several relatively good talents."

Lilia smiled slightly and didn't say much about it.

They watched at the edge of the kingdom of God, waiting for the approach of the spirit world channel.

Lilia didn't have a very strong spatial perception ability, and couldn't be sure when the other party would arrive.

But Lu Kong mastered the talent of space transcendence, and his perception ability in this area was very strong.

He could feel that the spatial fluctuations were becoming more and more intense.

He could also feel that there was a spatial channel approaching Kaga Star at a very fast speed.

After a long time, as the spirit world channel approached, even Lilia felt the fluctuations of the spirit world.

He narrowed his eyes and whispered: "Are they coming?"

Lu Kong nodded: "Yeah!"

His expression became serious.

At this moment, a pipeline condensed by powerful spiritual energy came all the way from a distance and approached Kaga Star.

Lilia also saw this pipeline.

This is the spiritual world passage.

Generally speaking, this kind of pipeline cannot be directly entered unless it is destroyed from the outside.

But Lu Kong is different.

He looked at Lilia and said, "Your Highness, shall we go over?"

Lilia nodded slightly: "Yes."

Then He opened the barrier of the Kingdom of God and signaled Lu Kong to move.

A space door appeared in front of Lu Kong, and on the other side was the gorgeous spiritual world passage.

Lu Kong and Lilia walked into the door and entered the spiritual world passage.

The spiritual world passage is very long, and Lu Kong and Lilia are at the front.

The creatures in the spiritual world passage seem to have not come yet.

Lu Kong and Lilia are waiting here quietly.


On the other side, a group of creatures moved in the spiritual world passage at a very fast speed.

They look similar to humans, but their skin is a strange light blue, and there are strange silver lines on their bodies. Their appearance is quite good in the eyes of humans and elves, and each of them is a handsome man or a beautiful woman.

This is very similar to elves.

However, unlike the elves, their ears are not long and pointed, but they have two small horns on their foreheads.

This group of people is very large, numbering tens of thousands.

In the front, there was a tall man.

His hair was dark blue and his body was covered in blood. Beside him, there were also several people covered in blood.

Although they were all seriously injured, they still held on and did not dare to fall here.

All the creatures looked heavy at this moment, and some were even in tears.

They lost their homes and were forced to flee.

A woman in silver armor beside the tall man said, "King, we go to the stars that the waves of the spirit world came from before. Can they really accept us? Can we get a place there?"

The man called the king nodded: "Of course."

Although he did not have much confidence in his heart, what he could do now was to strengthen his belief.

His fellow tribesmen followed him to flee. If even he lost confidence, what would happen to his fellow tribesmen?

Another man in dark blue armor said, "If they don't want to accept us, we can just leave! The universe is so big, I don't believe that we can't find a new home!"

"Yes, that's right!"

The other warriors also nodded.

However, the man called Wang had a solemn expression and said, "The problem now comes from behind us."

"Behind us..."

Everyone's face changed.

They tried their best not to think about the terrifying existence behind them, but that was a threat they had to consider.

"The Devouring Corps... the legendary Devouring Corps actually exists."

The silver-armored woman gritted her teeth, with bloodshot eyes.

"They actually destroyed our homeland like this. If they continue to act recklessly, I'm afraid that the universe, which is so big, will be destroyed by them."

They were in a low mood.

Although they hated the Devouring Corps very much, they were also full of powerlessness in their hearts.

The Devouring Corps was too strong.

Just a small team made their entire planet unable to resist.

Watching their compatriots' souls being absorbed in pain, they were powerless and could only run away like a stray dog.

At this moment, the man called Wang seemed to feel something. His face changed, and he suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction ahead.

In front of him, there were two figures standing quietly.

Others also seemed to sense something, and followed Wang to look forward.

When they saw two figures in the spiritual world channel, everyone was cold all over.

This is the spiritual world channel!!

If the spiritual world channel was forcibly destroyed from the outside, they could understand it to some extent.

After all, the power of some gods is far beyond imagination. Even destroying the spiritual world channel is just a matter of thought for them.

But, what if someone can enter it directly without destroying the spatial barrier of the channel?

This is a situation they can't imagine at all!

Not to mention seeing, even hearing, they have never heard of such a thing!


The two figures in front are Lu Kong and Lilia.

Lilia was the first to discover someone approaching.

He looked up at the depths of the spiritual world channel and said slowly: "Someone is coming, there are a lot of them, most of them are middle and high-level psychics, there is a middle-level god, two lower-level gods, nearly a hundred demigods... What a strong power."

Lilia's expression was solemn.

High-level strength, even comparable to the elves!

Even at the level of gods, they are better than the elves.

You should know that the elves have only had Lilia as a god for so many years!

Hearing this, Lu Kong was startled and asked: "Lower gods and middle gods? Your Highness, can you beat them?"

Lilia's expression was calm: "I am also a middle god. Although the situation is not very good now, the opponent is not much better. Even if we are not opponents head-on, with you here, we can leave at any time."

Hearing this, Lu Kong was relieved.

If they were not opponents, they would have to leave now.

There are actually three gods!

It's outrageous.

The two sides met soon.

They confronted each other in the spiritual world channel, and the atmosphere was extremely solemn for a while.

The man called the king was somewhat relaxed when he saw that the opponent had only one middle god, and the breath seemed to be wrong.

But he was still nervous.

The middle god could not pass through the space barrier of the spiritual world channel so strangely and come directly to the spiritual world channel.

Not to mention, there was a ninth-level psychic next to him.

Both sides were silent for a long time, and the man called the king floated forward and made a very strange gesture.

It should be the etiquette of their tribe.

"Friends in front, I am Osai, one of the three kings of the lost tribe, the Kana tribe. I wonder what the friends in front are doing blocking our way?"

The Kana king named Osai spoke slowly.

Lilia said calmly: "I am Lilia from the elves. The direction you are going to now is our ancestral star. Please explain your purpose. Three powerful gods and so many middle and high-level psychics, are you going to our ancestral star like this to start a war?"

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