I am really a spiritualist

241. Chapter 237 The Ancient Storm Eagle God

Chapter 237 The Ancient Storm Eagle God

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Kong decided not to go in yet.

If it was really Bias's clone inside, He would have been sealed now.

After all, it has been sealed for so long, and there has been no problem.

There is no need to take this risk.

It is better to practice well.

Wait until your combat power is upgraded to the level of God Lord, and then go in to see the situation.

Anyway, there is no rush now, it is better to be safe.

As for now, knowing the secret inside the elemental vortex, there is no need to stay here for a long time.

Lu Kong turned his head to look at Lamer and King Osei, and said: "Let's go, let's leave here."

Hearing this, King Osei and Lamer nodded repeatedly.

They always feel that the water here is too deep!

If you stay here, you don't know when there will be danger.

Lu Kong opened the space door and left the elemental vortex.

Outside, Pop and Coni were waiting, with a little anxious expression.

Seeing Lu Kong and his group coming out, they immediately came to meet them.

"King, what's the situation inside?" Koni asked with some doubt.

King Osai glanced at Lu Kong, and seeing that Lu Kong didn't say much, he shook his head and said, "The water inside is very deep. I'm afraid it has something to do with the destruction of the era before the era of the gods of Kaga Star."

Hearing this, Pop and Koni's pupils dilated and their expressions were shocked.

They also knew about the situation of Kaga Star during this period.

They also knew that before Lilia and other Kaga Star gods appeared, there should have been elemental creatures wreaking havoc.

They just didn't expect that the elemental creatures suddenly disappeared, so Lilia and other ancient god races could rise.

But they didn't expect that the inside of this elemental vortex was actually related to the disappearance of the elemental creatures at the time.

King Osai told Pop and Koni what happened in the vortex one by one, which made Pop and Koni gasp.

Kaga Star is too dangerous, isn't it? !

It is possible that a terrifying existence of the level of the God Lord is sealed here? !

How did this planet survive until now?

Not to mention Pop and Connie, even King Osei was terrified.

Kaga Star is too dangerous.

The water is too deep.

Lu Kong was also a little helpless. He said goodbye to King Osei and the other two, opened the space door, and left the elemental vortex.

Lu Kong felt that he had to inform Lilia and the others about this matter.

After all, this involves the danger of the entire Kaga Star.

At least Lilia and the others should be mentally prepared.

Of course, Lu Kong felt that if the boss at the level of the God Lord was really sealed inside.

Then Lilia and the others might not be able to help.

Came to the kingdom of the goddess of life.

Lu Kong told Lilia about the matter. Even Lilia, who had lived on Kaga Star for billions of years, was stunned when she heard the news.

"So that's it... No wonder we couldn't enter the depths of the elemental vortex for so many years. It turns out there is such a secret."

Lilia couldn't help but exclaim.

Then she frowned and said, "Fortunately, that terrifying existence was sealed. Otherwise, Kaga Star would have completely perished without waiting for the World Devouring Legion to come."

Lu Kong nodded slightly.

He actually had a doubt in his heart, that is, if the elemental creatures really sealed Bias's clone, then where did those elemental creatures go?

Did they leave Kaga Star and settle on other planets?

In fact, if that was really the case, Lu Kong could understand it.

After all, if they were targeted by a terrifying existence like Bias, it would be completely reasonable for them to escape.

What Lu Kong was thinking was, what if they didn't escape?

Then could he unite these elemental creatures to deal with the World Devouring Legion together.

After all, if they could seal Bias's clone, the strength of those elemental creatures should not be underestimated.

This is an extremely powerful help for Kaga Star.

Lu Kong couldn't see anything through the interpretation of the spirit world, but Lilia, as a native god of Kaga Star, should know the entire Kaga Star very well. Maybe she knows something about it?

After Lu Kong told Lilia his thoughts, Lilia frowned and thought.

She thought for a moment and said, "If those elemental creatures really stayed on Kaga Star... I'm not sure where they would be. However, the areas where elemental creatures gather are generally areas with relatively large element fluctuations. The area with the most concentrated wind elements is the Storm Mountains, which is the home of the Storm Eagles. At that time, the Storm Eagle King Gao Gelin was caught in the space storm in the war and disappeared. He has not returned to Kaga Star until now. I don't know if he is still alive, so the Storm Eagles also sealed the entire Storm Mountains. Considering Gao Gelin, we have never gone to the Storm Mountains, and we don't let other ancient god races find trouble with the Storm Eagles. If those elemental creatures really didn't leave, the probability of wind elements staying in the Storm Mountains would be relatively high... But, we never heard Gao Gelin mention that there were powerful elemental creatures in the Storm Mountains, but more ordinary wind elemental creatures do exist there."

Lu Kong nodded slightly thoughtfully.

The Storm Mountains are the territory of the King of the Storm Eagles, the territory of the gods. If there really are god-level elemental creatures in the Storm Eagle Mountains, the King of the Storm Eagles should be able to find them, right? Lilia continued: "As for the Land of Fire..."

Lilia thought for a long time, and finally said: "There are many volcanoes on Dragon Island. The God of Fire back then was also the ruler of Dragon Island, Jin Yao. He also did not say that there were any powerful elemental creatures on Dragon Island. Unfortunately, he died in the war at the end of the Age of Gods."

"As for the gathering places of water and earth, I don't know much about it. I'm afraid Bartos knows more about the places where earth elements gather, and the water... is most likely in the ocean. The mermaid goddess Andori also died in the war that year. She hasn't been resurrected yet."

Lilia said : "If you want to know something, you can go to Storm Mountain Range, Dragon Island, or maybe ask Bartos."

At this point, Lilia looked at Lu Kong and said, "By the way, Lu Kong, Gao Gelin and Jin Yao both paid a lot for Kaga Star. I hope you won't make things difficult for the Storm Eagles and the Dragons."

When Lu Kong heard this, he laughed, "Lilia, you know me, how could I make things difficult for them?"

Lilia smiled and nodded, "Since you think so, that's good."

At this point, Lilia suddenly thought of something.

Her eyes lit up, and she looked at Lu Kong and said, "By the way, Lu Kong, you can get information from the spirit world. I wonder if you can find out about Gao Gelin's current situation through the spirit world? If he is still alive, we may be able to bring him back to Kaga Star. This is also a very powerful partner for us!"

When Lu Kong heard this, his eyes lit up.

He is now looking for those elemental creatures who may not have left Kaga Star. Isn't it to find companions?

Gao Gelin is obviously a ready-made partner.

He was swallowed by the space storm in the war just to deal with the invaders.

If he can be found, he will definitely continue to help Kaga Star.

If it is not for the face of the gods of Kaga Star, he will definitely not ignore the storm giant eagle tribe left on Kaga Star, right?

Thinking of this, Lu Kong smiled and said, "That's no problem, I'll try it!"

Lilia also nodded.

Lu Kong entered the spirit world and began to use the spirit world interpretation.

Soon, the picture appeared, it was on a huge planet.

Floating mountains floated one after another, and on one of the tallest floating mountains, there was a blue-purple giant eagle standing.

His eyes were red gold, flashing with thunder and light, and his eyes swept across, looking around.

Lu Kong quickly found the spirit world coordinates of this planet through the spirit world interpretation.

It is extremely far away from Kaga Star!

It is more than 3,000 light years away!

At such a distance, even a middle-level god would take a long time to cross.

This Gao Gelin appeared there, obviously most likely because of the space storm.

After being swallowed by the space storm, Gao Gelin appeared on that planet, but he couldn't go home in the end.

However, for Lu Kong, more than 3,000 light years is not a short distance, but if it were him, he would be able to get there soon!

This means that Lu Kong can bring Gao Gelin back!

A touch of joy flashed in Lu Kong's eyes.

He returned to the kingdom of the goddess of life, and Lilia asked: "How is it?"

Lu Kong smiled and said: "Gao Gelin is still alive, but it's far away from Kaga Star."

"Really still alive?!" Lilia's eyes lit up and showed a look of surprise.

The comrades-in-arms of the year were all friends of life and death.

Lilia originally thought that Gao Gelin was dead, but she didn't expect that he was really still alive!

Lilia was naturally happy to hear that her friend was still alive.

He asked: "Where is it?"

Lu Kong said: "On a planet more than 3,000 light years away from Kaga Star."

Lilia: "???"

His expression froze.

More than 3,000 light years... How long does it take to fly there?

No wonder there has been no news of Gao Green for so many years.

Lu Kong smiled and said, "But don't worry, I have the space gate, and it won't take too long to go anywhere I want."

Lilia came back to her senses and remembered that Lu Kong was the master of the space gate.

He looked at Lu Kong and said, "In that case, I will go to that planet with you and bring Gao Green back."

Lu Kong certainly had no objection: "Okay!"

Lilia thought about it and said, "It may take some time to go there this time. I need to tell you something first."

Lu Kong also planned to go back and inform Qin Feng and other human speakers.

After all, if he was not there, Qin Feng and the others would probably be a little worried.

Lu Kong also thought of a problem. Now that he has become a god, he can actually spread his name. In this way, if Qin Feng and the others are in danger, they only need to pray, and Lu Kong can sense it, and can even directly transmit power to help through the special nature of divine power.

It's just right to go back and discuss this matter with Qin Feng and the others.

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