I am really a spiritualist

248. Chapter 243 The missing corner of the spiritual world

Chapter 243 A missing corner of the spirit world

Lu Kong asked, "Have you never encountered it again?"

Gao Gelin nodded slightly, and said helplessly, "I even doubt whether I really encountered the storm field at that time."

Lu Kong nodded slightly, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Gao Gelin, are you going back to the storm field now? I wonder if I can go with you to have a look."

Just because Gao Gelin can't find it doesn't mean he can't find it.

He has the interpretation of the spirit world. Although he has interpreted it before and didn't find the traces of the elemental creatures, maybe he can find some clues in the Storm Mountains.

Gao Gelin nodded and smiled, "Of course you are welcome. Without you, I can't go back to Kaga Star."

Lilia on the side smiled and said, "In this case, I will go with you."

As for the Flame Gold Beast Spirits such as Chijiao, they were pulled here by Lu Kong, so of course they followed Lu Kong.

The group soon arrived at the Storm Mountains.

The Storm Mountains are extremely far away from the territory of the Blue Moon Alliance.

Lu Kong had been practicing before and had never been here.

It was a mountain range that was as high as jade and extremely steep. There was a howling wind between the mountains.

The piercing whistling sound could be heard even from a long distance.

Above the mountains, there were floating mountains, and there were storm vortices surging under the floating mountains. It was difficult for ordinary creatures, even mid-level psychics, to go up the floating mountains.

This was the Storm Mountains.

The first time they arrived at the Storm Mountains, perhaps because of the appearance of Gao Green's breath, one eagle cry after another resounded through the mountains, and many storm giant eagles flew out from the mountains and floating mountains.

There were so many that there were thousands of them.

These storm giant eagles were densely packed and flew towards Lu Kong and others.

The leading storm giant eagles were extremely powerful, and they were all at the peak of demigods.

There were also many demigod-level storm giant eagles, probably more than a hundred, not much worse than the elves.

Lu Kong sighed in his heart, worthy of being an ancient god race.

Even without Goglin, the blood of the Storm Eagle is still there, and it doesn't seem too difficult to reach the demigod.

The leading demigod Storm Eagles all widened their eyes after seeing Goglin, and their sharp eagle eyes were full of shock and joy.

"Your Highness Goglin! Are you back?! Is it really you?"

The leading Storm Eagle's voice trembled a little.

Their eyes were full of hope, hoping that everything in front of them was not a dream.

Goglin was also in a very complicated mood when he saw these fellows who had been away for many years.

The few demigods in front were all familiar faces, and they had survived from the end of the Age of Gods to the present.

There were storms and thunders surging around him, and he slowly said: "Yes, Collinster, it's me, I'm back."

Although Goglin had left the Storm Eagle clan for many years, he left behind a lot of divine items.

These items are the heritage of the Storm Eagle clan, and they still have the divine aura of Goglin.

Now feeling this familiar divine aura, the Storm Eagles cried continuously, and their expressions were extremely excited.

"It's His Highness! It's really His Highness Gao Gelin who's back!"

"I knew His Highness would definitely come back!"


The Storm Eagles looked at Gao Gelin with admiration and excitement.

Their gods are back, and will lead their Storm Eagles to stand at the top of Kaga Star again. Gao Gelin smiled and said, "I can return to Kaga Star this time, thanks to His Highness Lu Kong and His Highness Lilia. If it weren't for them, I would still be on a very distant planet."

Hearing this, the Storm Eagles raised their wings to Lu Kong and Lilia, and performed the most respectful etiquette to them according to the etiquette of the Storm Eagles.

Lu Kong and Lilia accepted this calmly.

To be honest, if Lu Kong hadn't brought Gao Gelin back, it would be unlikely to find the location of Kaga Star unless his strength went up a level and reached the level of a God General.

Gao Gelin asked the Storm Eagles to leave, and they would go to inform the whole tribe that their gods were back.

At the same time, the Storm Eagle demigods also prepared a dinner to welcome Gao Gelin and to thank Lu Kong and Lilia.

Gao Gelin also introduced the Storm Eagle gods from Yunling Star to the Storm Eagles of Kaga Star.

Hearing that these Storm Eagles were gods, the Storm Eagles of Kaga Star were stunned.

No matter how hard they tried on Kaga Star, it was difficult to become a god.

Unexpectedly, there were so many Storm Eagle gods on another planet!

This certainly made the Storm Eagle demigods extremely envious and even a little inferior.

Their Highness Gao Gelin came back, but the Storm Eagles he brought back far exceeded the same tribe left by Kaga Star.

This made them feel a little disappointed.

They failed to catch up with the Highness.

Lu Kong also saw this scene, and he was thoughtful.

If the concentration of spiritual energy on Kaga Star could really be improved, it would be really good.

Gao Gelin asked the Storm Eagle gods to leave with the Kaga Star Storm Eagles to prepare.

He himself took Lu Kong to the place where he encountered the storm field before.

It was deep in the Storm Mountain Range. The strong winds here could even distort space. Every gust of wind was like a sharp blade.

The concentration of wind elements here was extremely high. Even if Lu Kong did not have the talent for wind elements, he could still sense it.

"It's right here."

Gao Green pointed to a floating mountain in the distance and said: "I was in the area where the floating mountain was located. I entered a storm field inexplicably, but I quickly left that area, and then I returned to the storm field. I haven’t gone in yet.”

Lu Kong nodded slightly thoughtfully.

He used spiritual interpretation, his eyes flashed with mysterious colors, and looked at the floating mountain area.

Soon, Lu Kong's interpretation of the spiritual world revealed that something seemed not quite right in this area.

There seems to be something abnormal in the spiritual world here, as if a piece is missing.

This surprised Lu Kong. This was the first time he discovered such a situation.

Lu Kong stepped forward and came to the abnormal area. The next moment, he used the spirit world to walk, passed this position, and entered the spirit world.

However, in the spiritual world, this area looks ordinary and nothing out of the ordinary.

This made Lukong even more surprised.

It seems that the area where this storm domain is located is not within the spiritual world?

However, the interpretation of the spiritual world failed to decipher much information.

Either the power represented by this area is very strong, maybe a god general, or even higher.

Either that or the owner of this domain has some special ability that can block the interpretation of the spirit world and hide his own information in the spirit world.

Lukong returned to the Storm Mountains again.

He looked at the missing corner thoughtfully.

I just came back. Today there are still two updates of 4,000 words. I will resume updating tomorrow~ The big thing is finally over~

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