I am really a spiritualist

Chapter 25 Points Task

After chatting with Kashua for a while, Lukong finished his rest and went to the reaction training room to practice his reaction speed.

During this period of time, Lukong not only improved his physical strength, but his reaction speed and fighting ability also did not drop.

At this moment, Lukong has adapted to the lowest level of reaction training. Lukong can dodge a large part of the bullets every time he trains.


A few days later in the morning, Lu Kong just entered the class and saw Andre talking excitedly to Liu Wei. Liu Wei's expression was twisted and he was a little doubtful about life.

After seeing Lu Kong, Andre's eyes lit up and he smiled and said, "Good morning, Old Lu."

"Morning." Lu Kong nodded.

"Lao Lu, how do you know that I succeeded in meditating?" Andre said cheerfully.

Lu Kong: "?"

What the hell? He obviously didn't say anything, right?

At this time, Liu Weiwei, who looked suspicious of life, rolled his eyes: "You can pull it off! Lao Lu succeeded in meditating on the first day. It's been more than half a month, and you are still showing off in front of Lao Lu!"

Andre felt it made sense and nodded: "Oh, that's true, Lao Liu, what do you think of my success in meditation?"

"Go away!" Liu Weiwei's face was full of grief and anger: "I will practice hard from today on! I will never play games unless I succeed through meditation!"

"Unfortunately, in order to celebrate my successful meditation, I also bought a new game." Andre heard this with a look of regret.

"...Your sister!" Liu Weiwei immediately fell into a state of hesitation.

"So Andre, you have succeeded in meditating, congratulations." Lu Kong listened to the conversation between the two and understood the situation, and nodded: "Although there are now more than ten students in the class who have successfully meditated, it is not bad after all. ”

Andre was even more proud when he heard this: "That's right, I'm the kind of person who can do it if he wants to!"

Lu Kong looked at Liu Wei and said with a smile, "It's probably going to be difficult for Liu Wei."

As soon as he heard this, Liu Weiwei immediately became unhappy: "What do you mean? What do you mean! What Andre can do, can't I, Liu Wei, not be able to do it?! Wait, I will definitely succeed in meditating soon!"

He no longer even wanted to play games, he just wanted to meditate quickly.

Seeing this, Lu Kong didn't say anything more.

At this moment, Natalia walked in from the door. Seeing Natalia, Liu Wei immediately shrank his neck and lay on the table.

These days, whenever something happens in class, it basically falls on him. Liu Weiwei now suffers from Natalia phobia and is afraid of Natalia when he sees her.

He really couldn't figure out how such a good-looking head teacher could be so cold-hearted. Why is it his turn to do everything?

Natalia didn't pay attention to Liu Weiwei, knocked on the table, and a gentle voice sounded: "Everyone, please be quiet, I have something to say."

Hearing this, the noisy crowd immediately fell silent, and everyone looked at Natalia.

Natalia smiled and said, "That's right. Didn't the teacher say it before? The school issues tasks from time to time."

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and they suddenly showed a look of expectation, even Lu Kong was no exception.

From what Natalia meant, she must have a mission!

There are points for tasks. Even Anfixue's first-level psykers are short of points, let alone others. Now they have a chance to get points. Of course, everyone is excited.

Natalia noticed everyone's gaze and smiled slightly: "Yes, there is a mission now."

"Teacher, what's the mission?" Someone asked impatiently.

"It's like this. The official has discovered a small den of the Spiritual God Sect. There are four low-level followers of the Spiritual God Religion. They are currently being monitored. They plan to give our classmates some practice. Two of the four believers are first-level low-level believers. The other Two are trainees and four are system psychics. The task is to kill these four low-level cultists. As a reward, the first-level low-level cultists are 10 points and the trainee cultists are 2 points. A total of 24 points. The task is somewhat dangerous. Therefore, only students with first-level strength can accept this task.”

Upon hearing this, the smiles on most people's faces in the class froze, and the light in their eyes gradually dimmed.

Only the first level can accept the task. They have just succeeded in meditating, and they have not even succeeded in meditating yet. It is too far away.

As soon as Natalia finished speaking, Li Zenan raised his hand and said: "Teacher, I want to accept the task!"

"Teacher, I want it too!"

"And I!"

Aji and Kashua also spoke, fearing that they would be too late to accept the task.

Even Anfeixue, who was always cold, raised her hand.

You must know that points cannot be exchanged for external resources or money. Even the children of aristocratic families have to obtain them through channels within the school. Everyone is short of points.

Seeing that the four of them wanted to go, Natalia nodded, and just as she was about to speak, Lu Kong also raised his hand and said, "Teacher, first-level strength shouldn't be first-level cultivation, right? I think I also have first-level strength. I would also like to attend!"

Lukong is too short of points now, and he doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

It took more than half a month to get such a mission. If I missed this mission, who knows how long it will take for the second mission?

After hearing Lu Kong's words, everyone looked over with astonishment in their eyes.

Especially Liu Weiwei and Andre, their expressions at this moment looked like they had seen a ghost.

"What the hell?! Lao Lu, do you know what you are talking about? Do you have first-level strength?!" Liu Weiwei exclaimed.

"Yes, Lao Lu, the teacher said the mission is dangerous, so let's forget it, right?" Andre said in a low voice.

Natalia was also a little surprised.

Although Lu Kong's talent was very good in Natalia's opinion, even with such a high talent, Lu Kong did not have as many resources as the children of the aristocratic family. According to Natalia's idea, it would take more than a month for Lu Kong to condense the spirit seed, which was already very fast.

But now it has only been more than half a month, and Lu Kong actually said that he has the strength of the first level?

Even Natalia was a little unconvinced.

She frowned, then smiled gently: "Lu Kong, are you sure you have the strength of the first level?"

Lu Kong nodded seriously and looked at Kashua: "Kashua can prove it!"

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Kashua's mouth twitched, nodded, and said dully: "Well, Lu Kong's body has the strength of a first-level system psychic."

As soon as this was said, everyone in the class was in an uproar.

You have to know that most people in the class are still meditating in the classroom. There are actually very few people who go to the martial arts training room every day. In addition, the training room is so large that few people know Lu Kong's physical strength. Among them, Li Zenan and Yaji may know, but they are not familiar with Lu Kong after all, so they don't know much. As for the others, they probably don't know.

Now that they know that Lu Kong's physical strength has reached the level of a first-level system psychic, everyone is numb.

Master Liu Wei was stunned and shouted: "Old Lu?! Are you serious?! We all awakened together, and you suddenly do this?! Are you still a human?!"

This statement hit everyone's heart.

If it was An Feixue and the other four who had such strength, others would completely understand it. After all, they came from aristocratic families, had more resources, and they awakened earlier.

But Lu Kong and them awakened at the same time!

Now the gap between them is so big that it is unbelievable.

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