I am really a spiritualist

252. Chapter 247 That is our hometown

Chapter 247 That’s our hometown

Having said this, the Wind King was silent for a moment and shook his head slightly: "No, I met Baias back then."

Lu Kong's eyes lit up: "So, are the murals in the stone temple real?"

The Wind King nodded slightly: "Well, back then, the most powerful among the elemental creatures were me, the Fire King, the Water King, and the Earth King. Our four elemental kings were the top of the elemental spirits, and our strength had reached the level of a god. Only the fire By chance, Wang Bayan got in touch with Baias in the spiritual world. Through deception, Baias allowed Bayan to open up a channel in the spiritual world and let his clone enter Kaga Star. After a great battle, the elemental spirit suffered heavy casualties, and we sealed his clone in that elemental vortex."

Lu Kong suddenly felt at ease.

This is no different from what Larmer said.

Ramo also felt the powerful battle fluctuations at the beginning.

From this point of view, the fluctuation that Lamer felt was the battle between the four elemental kings and the clone of Bias.

And their previous guesses in the stone palace were indeed true.

What was sealed in the stone hall was indeed Bias's clone.

Lu Kong was a little lucky.

Fortunately, I wasn't reckless at the time.

That was a powerful man at the level of a god.

Moreover, as a clone of a big boss like Bias, he must have many tricks.

With his strength at that time, if he really entered the seal, he might not be his opponent.

If Byas' clone is released, the entire Kaga planet will suffer.

You know, Baias's clone appeared on Kaga Star, and Lu Kong couldn't escape even if he wanted to use the space gate with Kaga Star.

Even if he moves to Kaga Star, Bias on Kaga Star will also be moved with him.

However, according to the Wind King, the reason why Byas discovered Kaga Star was completely accidental.

That Fire King Bayan brought Bias to Kaga Star.

Lu Kong felt a bit toothache, that Fire King was a fool, could he be deceived so easily?

That's in the spiritual world!

There are as many evil gods in the spiritual world as you want, how dare you?

However, Lu Kong also thought that the original Kajia Star was a world of elemental creatures, and the four elemental kings were all god kings.

This kind of strength is probably one of the strongest in the spiritual world.

I'm afraid the Fire King at that time was very confident.

In addition, Bias had deceived him in the first place, so that was why it was like this, right?

Lu Kong let out a breath, and then asked the question he was most concerned about: "Is the seal stable? Bias won't run out, right? In addition, is there any connection between Bias's clone and the main body?"

Lukong has already seen two situations where the seal is about to dissipate.

In particular, Baimeng's seal made Lu Kong worried.

The seals are obviously still there, but the worshipers are gone.

Until now, they haven't found Baimeng's location, and they don't know what little tricks that guy is doing.

If another seal is broken, Lu Kong feels that he will be angry to death.

The Wind King was silent for a moment and then said: "The seal back then was completed by our four elemental kings and many powerful elemental spirits at the cost of their lives. Even after hundreds of millions of years, it will not dissipate. Don't worry. . However... Baias' clones are separated from the main body, so they are naturally connected."

Lu Kong's heart sank.

There is good news and there is bad news.

"No wonder, then the World Eaters Legion invaded Kaga Planet."

Lukong suspected that the invasion of the World Eater Legion at the end of the Age of Gods was related to the arrival of Baias's clone before.

The Wind King looked at Lu Kong: "Bius is coming again later?"

Lu Kong shook his head: "It's not him or his clone who came, but his men."

The Wind King thought thoughtfully: "Since my domain has not been broken, then the invasion should have been defended."

Lu Kong nodded slightly: "Well, we did hold on, but... now the World Eater Legion is here again."

The Feng King looked at Lu Kong and said calmly: "So, this is your purpose of entering my domain? Do you want me to help?"

Lu Kong smiled and nodded: "Your Majesty Feng Wang clearly knows that the World Eater Legion is very powerful, and there seem to be more than one or two God-level experts. If you can help, that will be good news for our Kaga planet. "

The Wind King looked at Lu Kong, and Lu Kong also looked at him calmly.

After a moment of silence, the Wind King chuckled and said: "No matter what, Baias and his men are indeed our common enemies. If you really need my help, you can come to me."

Lu Kong felt relieved.

He is still not sure about the attitude of the Wind King towards the current creatures of their Kaga planet, but it is as he guessed.

After learning about Bias and the World Eaters Legion, the Wind King did not choose to sit idly by.

After all, if something happens to Kajia Star, then the storm field on Kajia Star will definitely not be safe.

The wind elemental spirits are obviously not safe either.

In this regard, the Wind King is still very calm.

Lu Kong thought of something again and asked: "By the way, Lord Wind King, you said before that you, the Fire King, the Earth King and the Water King fought against Baias's clone. After that, they were still in Kaga. Star? Or, they have left Kaga Star."

The Wind King said calmly: "Kaga Star is the place where we were born. Why do we leave our hometown? Like me, they entered their own elemental realm and sealed the realm."

When Lu Kong heard this, his heart became slightly condensed.

Sure enough, those elemental spirits are still on Kaga Star.

Moreover, the words of the Wind King made Lu Kong feel heavy.

Kaga Star is their birthplace. Now that Kaga Star has been occupied by humans, elves and other later creatures, these elemental creatures may not give up. Now the resources of the entire Kaga Star have been allocated.

If there are more such powerful elemental creatures, how will the cake of Kaga Star be divided?

I am afraid that there will be a huge turmoil.

However, even if he knows this, Lu Kong has no way now.

At least now, these elemental spirits should not engage in internal fighting, right?

After all, there is still a big enemy at hand.

Before the big enemy is solved, these elemental creatures will probably not really turn against them.

Thinking of this, Lu Kong felt a little more at ease.

As long as he is given some time, and his strength is improved again, even if the invasion of the Devouring Legion is resisted by them at that time, and the elemental creatures really want to settle accounts with the current Kaga Star creatures, he can also stop it.

Lu Kong's mind was full of thoughts, but he was smiling. He asked, "Where are the domains of other elemental kings? I hope to visit them and call on everyone to resist the World Devouring Legion together."

The Wind King chuckled and said, "No need, I will notify them."

This made Lu Kong feel even more heavy-hearted.

Even if they are in each other's domain, they still have the means to communicate with each other.

In addition, Lu Kong didn't know where the domains of other elements were. If there was a conflict in the future, the strong men of other elements would be a surprise force.

If they raided, Kaga Star would probably suffer heavy losses.

Lu Kong smiled and said, "Since Your Excellency Wind King said so, then okay."

The Wind King looked at Lu Kong and said, "You asked me so many questions, so I will ask you one too."

"Excuse me, Your Excellency Wind King." Lu Kong said calmly.

"Are there many newcomers on Kaga now?"

Lu Kong smiled: "After the end of the Elemental Age, many other creatures were born on Kaga."

Wind King nodded slightly: "I know, you can go now."

Lu Kong smiled: "In that case, I'll take my leave."

Lu Kong casually opened the space and stepped into it.

The next moment, the space gate appeared silently in the storm domain.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the space gate, the auras of the wind elemental gods behind the Wind King fluctuated.

They were a little surprised.

This is the domain of the king!

How can this creature tear the space in the domain?

This is unreasonable!

Even the Wind King looked at the space gate and thought about it.

This creature...

Lu Kong didn't care about the opinions of the wind elemental gods.

To be honest, Lu Kong also wanted to establish his authority by using the space gate to leave in front of them.

He had to let these elemental creatures know that the creatures on Kaga Star were not easy to bully. If there were any problems later, they should sit down and talk. Don't make a move. It was uncivilized.

Lu Kong walked through the space gate, and the space gate disappeared immediately.

The atmosphere in the storm field was a little silent.

Then, a wind elemental spirit asked: "King, why don't you keep this creature?"

"Yes, King, there are other creatures on Kaga Star now. That is our territory!"

"King, should we return to Kaga Star?"

Many elemental spirits discussed.


The Wind King spoke calmly, and the other elemental spirits fell silent.

The Wind King looked at the direction where the space gate disappeared and said, "This god... His strength is very strong. The strength he showed before is not his limit. I feel a hint of danger from him. Now I have not recovered to my best condition, and I am not suitable for a big battle."

Speaking of this, the Wind King paused slightly and continued, "In addition, according to this god, Bias and his minions have once again set their sights on Kaga Star. Perhaps, their power will be needed at that time. After this danger is over, it will not be too late to settle accounts with the creatures on Kaga Star!"


Lu Kong left the space gate and returned to the Storm Mountains.

Gorgin has been guarding outside.

Seeing Lu Kong coming out, his eyes lit up and he flew over quickly: "His Highness Lu Kong, how is the situation?"

Lu Kong's expression was a little solemn, and he said: "There is good news, and there are several bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Gao Gelin's expression was a little strange: "..."

He said helplessly: "Don't keep me in suspense."

Lu Kong shrugged and said: "The bad news is that the wind element in the storm field inside is extremely powerful, exceeding the number of all the gods in the entire Kaga Star. Their king was a powerful god-level warrior before. In addition, they attach great importance to Kaga Star, and I am afraid they have a lot of malice towards us living on Kaga Star now."

Gao Gelin: "???"

The gods on the side: "???"

The atmosphere was a little silent for a while.

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