I am really a spiritualist

255. Chapter 250 The Pillar

Chapter 250 Pillar

Lilia passed through the barrier of the Kingdom of God and flew in the direction of Lu Kong's breath.

Unlike Lu Kong, who can walk in the spirit world, Lilia, as a god, can move in the spirit world, but she can't move fast and it's very laborious.

However, this matter is too big, and Lilia has to find Lu Kong quickly.

At this moment, a space door appeared, and Lu Kong appeared in front of Lilia.

He asked: "Lilia? What are you doing in the spirit world?"

Lilia was originally going to talk about something, but when she saw Lu Kong's pale and tired face, she was stunned and said with some concern: "Lu Kong, what's wrong with you? You look very tired."

Lu Kong smiled: "It's just that the consumption is a bit large, it's okay, I will recover soon. Are you looking for me?"

Lilia nodded: "Andori, Jin Yao and Bana, who died in the Age of Gods, have all been resurrected. In addition, I heard from Gao Green that the door to the storm field has also opened."

Lu Kong frowned.

Before, Lu Kong had noticed that there were several unfamiliar divine auras on Kaga Star.

It was an aura he had never felt before.

He originally thought it was something else.

It seemed that they were the gods who had died?

How did they come back to life?

Moreover, the Storm Realm was also opened...

Lu Kong felt a little heavy in his heart.

It was a troubled time.

Fortunately, he had now blocked the transmission channel to the spirit world, otherwise, it would be even more lively.

He could feel that the aura from the spirit world was getting stronger and stronger.

This time, the people coming from the World Devouring Legion might be big shots.

They were extremely powerful!

Even Lu Kong felt a lot of danger.

Even on the Wind King, Lu Kong didn't feel it so strongly.

He was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "I need to recover now, help me delay some time. It won't take long!"

Hearing this, Lilia nodded: "Okay!"

He didn't say much, even though it was extremely difficult, he agreed.

He knew that with Lu Kong's character, he would never let them wait unless it was absolutely necessary.

He also understood that being able to tear the spiritual space and isolate the entire Kaga Star would consume a lot of energy that he could not imagine.

For this reason, all Lilia could do now was to hold on for a while.

"You go first, I need to recover."

Lu Kong waved his hand, the space gate opened, and Lilia returned to the Kingdom of God.

Seeing that Lilia came back from the space gate, the anxious Kaga Star gods all brightened their eyes.

However, when they saw Lilia coming out, the space gate closed, and the smiles on the faces of the Kaga Star gods froze.


Gao Gelin asked nervously: "Lilia, why are you alone? Where is Lu Kong?"

Lilia said: "In order to block the surrounding spiritual space, Lu Kong consumed a lot of energy. He needs to recover for a while. During this time, we have to block it ourselves."

Kaga Star Gods: "????"

Their minds were full of question marks.

We block it?

The King of Storms is a powerful god-lord.

What can we do to stop him?

At this moment, another shadow appeared.

It was King Osai.

King Osai's expression was equally urgent.

Others were shocked when they saw his expression.

This guy is right next to the elemental storm!

He showed this expression... It shouldn't be possible, right?

The first sentence King Osai said when he appeared was the same as Gao Gelin: "Where is His Highness Lu Kong?!"

The gods of Kaga Star: "..."

Gao Gelin's expression was stiff, and he said faintly: "Don't worry, tell me what's going on first?"

"The elemental vortex is moving! A very terrifying breath came out of it. I suspect the seal is broken."

The gods of Kaga Star: "..."

Great, one god-lord is not enough, and another one came?

It's really great.

The mood of the gods of Kaga Star at this moment can no longer be described in words.

The atmosphere was extremely silent, and King Osai was a little confused.

"Why aren't you talking?"

Bartos said faintly: "Don't worry, there are three gods who have been resurrected inexplicably here."

King Osai: "?"

Gorgin laughed: "What are you talking about? My storm field is also open, and the Wind King may come out soon."

King Osai: "????"

Lilia sighed and said helplessly: "Lu Kong needs to recover now. He just isolated Kaga Star from the spiritual world. It seems that the World Devouring Legion is also coming at this time."

King Osai: "????"

His heart became colder and colder with the words of several gods.

After a silence, King Osai said bitterly: "...So, what should we do now?"

Lilia said: "We can only rely on ourselves now. Lu Kong still needs time, so we have to buy him time."

The other gods also nodded.

It was not until this time that they knew what Lu Kong meant to them and to the entire Kaga Star.

If Lu Kong was not there, they would be completely powerless in the face of such a crisis.


Storm Mountains

Gao Gelin opened his eyes. Beside Gao Gelin were the spirits of the Red Horn and Flame Gold Beast clans, as well as the spirits of the Storm Eagle clan.

As for the other Storm Eagles, after the Storm Domain was opened, Gao Gelin asked them to leave the Storm Mountains and take refuge. At this moment, only the gods and demigods were left here.

Not far from them was the open door.

The storm was howling inside the door, and the terrifying aura was constantly surging.

On the other side was the Storm Domain.

"How is it?! Where is His Highness Lu Kong?" Seeing Gao Gelin open his eyes, Chi Jiao asked immediately.

Gao Gelin looked ugly. He glanced at the gate of the Storm Domain, and then whispered: "His Highness is doing more important things in the spirit world now, and I'm afraid he can't get out in a short time."

Hearing this, Chi Jiao was a little confused.

The other gods were also a little confused.

What does this mean?

Unable to get out?

Does that mean they have to deal with the big guys at the level of the God King by themselves?

Chi Jiao regretted it now.

If he had known that he had to deal with the God King when he came to Kaga Star, why didn't he just let Lu Kong beat him to death?

Why waste this time?

They looked at the Storm Domain nervously.

However, what made them feel fortunate was that although the gate of the storm field was opened, no wind elemental gods came out.

Gao Gelin was a little confused, why did they open the door but not come out?

At this moment, they all felt an extremely violent breath emerging from a distance.

This breath made Gao Gelin feel like falling into an ice cave.

The entire Kaga star was shaking at this time.

The bodies of the gods such as Chi Jiao on the side were tense, and there was fear in each other's eyes.

"God... another God!" Chi Jiao's voice was a little dry.

He roared angrily: "What's the situation on Kaga star?! How can there be so many Gods?!"

There are actually two Gods on such a planet! ?

Is it really that exaggerated?

Gao Gelin was a little suspicious of Yingsheng: "You ask me, who should I ask?"

Then Gao Gelin was suddenly startled, and he had a bold guess in his heart.

He might have some clues as to why the wind elemental gods in the storm field did not come out.

Because the newly appeared God is the clone of Bias!

The most important thing is that Bias's clone was sealed by the Wind King and the other three elemental kings.

Now Bias's clone seems to be about to break out of the seal.

It is normal for the Wind King to be a little nervous.

If this is really the case, then maybe the Wind King may stand on their side.

At least, before Bias's clone is dealt with, he must be on their side.

Thinking of this possibility, Bias felt a lot more at ease.


Blue Moon Alliance.

In Blue Moon City, Qin Family.

Lamer stood in front of Qin Feng's ancestors and said calmly: "This is what the master meant. The master asked me to protect the Blue Moon Alliance and protect you."

Qin Feng was still a little confused.

He knew that Lu Kong was very strong, but he didn't expect that this person was actually a higher god!


And he was still a higher god.

He was actually arranged by Lu Kong to be a bodyguard?

Qin Feng sighed in his heart.

He is worthy of him.

Qin Feng was about to speak, and suddenly, he felt an invisible pressure from an unknown place.

His body froze, and he looked up at the sky in horror: "What does this feel like?"

Then he found that Lamer was like a frightened cat, his whole body tense and his eyes widened.

Qin Feng: "?"

Isn't this a higher god?

Why does he look even more cowardly than him?

"Sir Lamer, what happened? Do you know?"

Lamer's mouth twitched, and his smile was a little bitter: "... To be honest, Brother Qin Feng, if we can't do it, we can persuade the master to take us to another planet to live? This Kaga planet is poisonous."

Qin Feng: "???"

He was a little confused: "What does Sir Lamer mean?"

Lamer said faintly: "Didn't you ask me what happened just now? Just now, a god exuded a breath."

"God?" Qin Feng was stunned, his eyes widened, and he was a little surprised: "How strong is the god?"

Lamer smiled: "If the god wants to kill me, it's probably just a look?"

Qin Feng: "..."

He also fell silent,

Qin Feng and Lamer stared at each other, and after a moment, he nodded faintly: "... I will discuss this with Lu Kong."

Lamer was immediately moved: "Brother Qin Feng, you are still reliable!"

Qin Feng waved his hand quickly: "Sir Lamer, just call me Qin Feng."

Lamer didn't dare to show off, he knew the status of the human race in Lu Kong's heart.

Especially, Qin Feng is one of the chairmen of the Blue Moon Alliance and has a good relationship with Lu Kong.

If he puts on airs in front of Qin Feng, he is afraid that Lu Kong will beat him when he returns.

Lamer smiled and said, "It's okay, we can call each other by our own name. Doesn't my way of calling him make us look closer?"

Lamer showed his thick skin.

Qin Feng said nervously, "Since there is a God King's aura, doesn't it mean that the God King will come to Kaga Star soon?"

Lamer nodded and said seriously, "It should be soon, but..."

Lamer looked in the direction of the Storm Mountains: "This God King may cause trouble for other guys. In addition, the master should come out soon."

Hearing this, Qin Feng was relieved immediately.

In his opinion, Lu Kong is the pillar of mankind. As long as Lu Kong is there, mankind will not be in any danger.

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