I am really a spiritualist

262. Chapter 257 Bias's True Body

Chapter 257 Bias's Body

The gods of Kaga Star bid farewell to Lu Kong and returned to their own tribes, while Gao Gelin took away the three golden gods whose powers were sealed.

Lu Kong planned to take a closer look at their situation later to see if he could help them recover.

As for now, there is definitely no time.

As for Lu Kong himself, he found Qin Feng and several other speaker-level strongmen.

Before, the giant demigods followed the giant king Bana to attack the Blue Moon Alliance.

They, together with the demigods of the elves, dwarves, and storm eagles, resisted the attacks of the giant demigods.

Now, the giant demigods have basically died in the battle.

For the remaining ones, the gods of Kaga Star begged Lu Kong for mercy for Bana's sake, hoping that he could let them go.

Lu Kong naturally didn't care and gave the gods of Kaga Star a face.

"Your Highness Lu Kong."

Qin Feng and other speakers looked at Lu Kong with respect.

Lu Kong was a little helpless. After all, to be honest, he was much younger than these speakers.

In his opinion, he actually belongs to the younger generation.

Moreover, Qin Feng also took good care of Lu Kong before he became a god.

Lu Kong has said many times that they can just call him by his name.

But they think that this is not respectful enough.

Lu Kong is now a god of mankind and the guardian of mankind, and his status is much higher than that of the speaker.

How can they call Lu Kong by his name?

So, Qin Feng and his friends were unwilling to do so.

Lu Kong could only follow their wishes.

Lu Kong said: "You should have heard it too, right? Next, I will take Kaga Star to escape. During the space movement, Kaga Star may have some movement. After you go back, notify them and let the tribesmen not panic."

All the speakers nodded.

At this time, Speaker An hesitated, looked at Lu Kong and said: "Your Highness Lu Kong, where are Xiaoxue and the others? Are they okay in this turmoil?"

Lu Kong smiled: "Don't worry, they are fine."

Lu Kong had already considered what to do if there was danger before?

After breaking through to the middle-level god, Lu Kong had already learned from Lilia and others to open up a space in the kingdom of God for people to live.

Anfischer and the others all lived there.

Because Lu Kong himself mastered the divine power of psychic energy, and he used the power of walking in the spirit world to absorb psychic energy directly from the spirit world into the kingdom of God, and then used the psychic dominance to calm the originally violent and disordered psychic energy.

In this way, the concentration of psychic energy in Lu Kong's kingdom of God was extremely high, far exceeding that of Kaga Star.

Anfischer and the others were very happy to practice in it.

Lu Kong had originally thought that after the invasion of the World Devouring Legion, he would use the power of the spirit world walker and the psychic dominance to increase the psychic concentration of Kaga Star, so that some strong people would appear on Kaga Star.

However, who knew that plans could not keep up with changes.

Unexpectedly, Bias turned out to be the evil god who had been greedily looking at him in the spirit world before.

Now that his identity has been discovered, he can only consider escaping with Kaga Star.

The matter of increasing the psychic concentration of Kaga Star can only be put aside for the time being.

In addition to this, Lu Kong also wanted to find a way to give talents to other creatures without soul contracts.

Unfortunately, there was no time.

After all, it can only be said that time is too tight.

It has only been a few years since Lu Kong became a god. If he is given a few more decades, he will definitely be able to do this.

Now, the most lacking thing is time.

Lu Kong no longer thought about it and went directly into the spirit world.

He first took a look at the space crack outside the spiritual sun of Kaga Star.

After confirming that the space crack was still stable, Lu Kong felt the breath of the gods in the distant area through the interpretation of the spirit world.

The power of Bias's body has not arrived yet.

Come to think of it, even if Bias's body is strong, it will take some time to rush over from the depths of the spirit world.

Lu Kong was relieved and began to recover.


A few hours later, Lu Kong's divine power was completely restored.

He first went to Lilia's kingdom of God, notified Lilia, and then asked Lilia to notify other gods of Kaga Star.

After Lu Kong returned to the reality of Kaga Star, he released Lamer.

"During the space transfer, you guard the Blue Moon Alliance area." Lu Kong said to Lamer.

Lamer nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, master, I will complete the task!"

At this moment, there were divine powers emerging from all over Kaga Star.

The divine power surged and spread, connected together, and enveloped the entire Kaga Star.

Although there would be no danger during space transfer.

But Kaga Star is now in a planetary system, and the sudden change in the gravitational environment will cause the collapse of the entire planetary surface environment.

Lu Kong wanted to take Kaga Star away, not to destroy Kaga Star.

The divine power of the gods enveloped the entire Kaga Star, which could simulate the environment of Kaga Star in the galaxy.

Only in this way would the entire Kaga Star not be affected too much.

Soon, the divine power spread to every corner of Kaga Star.

Lu Kong then took a deep breath and burst out his divine power with all his strength.

The powerful space power started to work, and Kaga Star was wrapped in a group of twisted white light.

Many creatures on Kaga looked up at the sky with stunned expressions. They didn't understand what was happening.

From the appearance of divine power just now to the distortion of space now, all of this is too far away for ordinary people.

They only know that all of this seems to affect the lives of ordinary people.

Looking from the starry sky, the entire Kaga star was shrouded in a ball of white light.

Then, the space was distorted, and when the white light shrank, Kaga star also disappeared.

In a quiet vacuum dozens of light years away, white light shone, and Kaga star suddenly appeared.

The entire surface of Kaga star was shaking slightly.

However, this kind of vibration quickly disappeared under the influence of divine power.

For ordinary creatures on Kaga star, it seemed to have only experienced a small earthquake.

However, all creatures understood that the world had changed.

"Where is the sun? Why is the sun gone?"

"Yes, the sky is so dark, what happened? Why has it become like this?"


All creatures found that the sun that had always existed in the sky disappeared after the white light disappeared.

At this moment, the sky became dim, and only the colors of divine power were flowing.

All creatures were very confused and didn't know what happened.

It was just that the leaders from the various creatures were comforting many ordinary creatures at this moment, telling them that everything was normal.

In fact, these leaders themselves were shocked.

Watching the sun disappear, all the leaders of the various creatures understood that the entire Kaga Star was no longer in the original starry sky.

Now they have come to a strange starry sky!

Is such a great power a god?

It must be said that the power consumed to transfer the entire Kaga Star is still not small.

Lu Kong felt a little tired after just transferring Kaga Star for dozens of light years.

He began to rest.

Only after resting did Lu Kong continue to use space movement to transfer.

In this way, the entire Kaga Star stopped and started.

After more than a month, Lu Kong took Kaga Star to run a distance of nearly 10,000 light years.

At this time, Lu Kong relaxed.

Such a distance should make Bias unable to detect it for a while, right?

As long as it can be delayed for some time.

His strength improved very quickly.

As long as he can delay for some time, until his cultivation reaches the level of a general or even a lord, he can deal with Bias.

Even if he comes to him, Lu Kong is not afraid.

After that, Lu Kong notified Qin Feng and other speakers, telling them that Kaga Star will stay here.

The gods of Kaga Star began to change the gravitational environment around Kaga Star to adapt to the surrounding vacuum.

The most suitable person to do this is naturally Bartos.

As a god with the power of earth, he can control gravity, distort the surrounding space, and keep the gravity at the original normal level of Kaga Star.

Although Bartos cannot condense a black hole directly like Bias, he can still do it if it only affects a planet.

As for the sky, it is Gao Green who will do it.

As a wind god, he can affect the atmosphere to ensure that the surrounding air will not fluctuate greatly with the change of gravity, will not form a storm, and will not let the atmosphere escape.

For Gao Green, this is just easy to do.

The other gods each left a part of their power to maintain the balance of the entire Kaga Star.

As for them, they all returned to their own kingdoms of God.

Because Kaga Star left the original space, the spiritual world area entered from Kaga Star was naturally different from before.

The space rift arranged by Lu Kong was no longer there, but the spiritual sun of the entire Kaga Star was still burning.

The spiritual kingdom of the gods attached to the gods also floated around the sun.

Lu Kong also came to the spiritual world at this moment.

He checked the surrounding spiritual environment.

Confirming that there were no evil gods, the previous army of the Devouring World Legion did not catch up, and Bias's breath was still unknown, Lu Kong felt relieved.

He began to recover without stopping for a moment, and then began to practice.


Two months after Kaga Star left its original location, the space where Kaga Star was originally located was torn, and an eye emerged from the crack. Seeing the empty vacuum, a touch of cold anger emerged in this eye.

The next moment, an extremely violent force emerged.

Including the stars, all the stars in the entire star system seemed to be shattered by some terrifying force and turned into basic particles.

A black hole emerged in the twisted space.

All particles were swallowed by the black hole like water.

After swallowing the black hole, Bias roared angrily.

"Find! We must find the creature called Lu Kong!"

In the spirit world, powerful auras moved one after another and began to spread in all directions.

And in all parts of the universe, feeling the anger of their master, the entire World Devouring Corps quickly approached the galaxy where Kaga was located.

They had only one goal, which was to find the god that made their master so angry.

Then offer him to their master.

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