I am Really an Insider

Chapter 161 158: Strong winning streak, undercurrent of playoffs (4K votes requested)

Kobe was sitting on the bench, just sitting there.

His eyes were fixed on the court, but they were very empty.

No one knew what he was thinking at this time, no one knew if he was missing that invincible shark.

But what is certain is that tonight is a very embarrassing night for Kobe.


The buzzer sounded throughout Staples Center, signaling the end of the game.

104 to 91, the Indiana Pacers defeated the Lakers on the road with a 13-point advantage.

Judging from the score, there seems to be no suspense in this game.

But only those who have watched this game know how intense and exciting this game was.

Tough physical fights, difficult scoring, and never-ending trash talk.

Kobe and Wayne, no one knows where these two people who met for the first time got so popular.

Perhaps, it was all caused by the desire to win that was stronger than the desire for happiness.

At the end of the game, Wayne happily walked up to high-five his teammates to celebrate.

With 17 points, 7 rebounds, 4 assists and 2 blocks, Wayne's statistics today are not too explosive.

At least compared to the previous games, it seemed a lot mediocre.

Lamar Odom has caused a lot of trouble for Wayne, that's a fact.

But the most classic picture of this game was created by Wayne.

The scene where he proudly stepped over Kobe became the most impressive moment today.

Statistically speaking, Kobe completely defeated Wayne today. 40 points in a single game, Wayne can't hit such data now.

But I don’t know why, everyone always feels that Wayne has the upper hand over Kobe.

It really corresponds to the news headline commonly used by domestic media: "Wayne scored 17 points to defeat Kobe who scored 40 points."

Maybe it's because of that jump, maybe it's because of Kobe's poor shooting percentage.

In short, although Kobe scored 40 points today, he did not receive much praise.

Kobe stood up and looked at Wayne in the distance.

Those who keep saying that one generation is inferior to another should look at you, just like I look at you, with love and hate!

Who says today's players don't understand confrontation and trash talk? Wayne knows it all!

How dare a rookie deal with a man who has three championship trophies like this.

This reminded Kobe of his own year.

When he faced Michael Jordan, why was he afraid?

Wayne's persistence and pursuit of victory deeply attracted Kobe.

Of course, if you asked Kobe to go over and hug Wayne now, he would definitely not be willing!

Do you want me to admit to your face that you are strong?

Go ahead and dream!

So, Kobe just hugged Payton.

"Everything will pass, this is all a process." During the hug, Payton comforted his former teammate.

"Well, by the way, Gary, that No. 99, did he learn his trash talk from you?" Kobe looked at Wayne who was being interviewed by reporters and asked Payton by the way.

"Me? Hahahaha, I can't teach him. Before playing with the Heat, he taught me how to anger Wade."

"What!?" Kobe was shocked.

In addition to often asking Payton for advice on defense, Kobe also asked Payton for trash talk.

In his opinion, Payton, who can make Jordan upset, is the number one trash talker in active service.

However, Wayne, a first-year rookie, taught Payton how to trash talk!

Damn it, God has reserved all your talent points for trash talk!

"Don't worry, Wayne just wants to win the game. He is actually a very nice person, so don't take it to heart." Payton patted Kobe on the shoulder, and Kobe nodded slightly.

"He's great, Gary. Every team needs a player like him. It's annoying to be an opponent with him, but to be a teammate with him." Kobe shook his head helplessly. The Lakers lacked such a person.

Quietly, Kobe left, just as he quietly appeared yesterday.

The shark on the sofa in front of the TV was so happy that he drank two more sips of beer. Kobe's disappointed expression was the most wonderful picture in the world!

Now, Aopang felt relieved.

If Wayne wins, Kobe won't be able to beat the Sharks.

If I, Shaq, can't beat anyone, you, Kobe, can't beat him either!

If Shaq had been there, he would have rushed onto the court, hugged Wayne and kissed him passionately on the cheek.

Looking at it this way, Wayne is really awesome.

First cut 03 Zhanwei Gua, then cut OK Kobe Shark.

This hatred has basically offended everyone with strength in this alliance.

She is indeed a reverse social butterfly.

Sharapova still had her hands on her chest until now, and she could even feel her heart beating violently.

The image of Wayne hitting a three-pointer and crossing over Kobe makes Sharapova's heart beat faster just thinking about it.

What a hot man, he is so strong!

Unruly, unafraid of power, and daring to challenge, no matter whether you are Kobe or Melo, number one in the league or the pride of heaven, I will not accept it or be afraid, but I will fight you!

These are all qualities I like!

It's amazing, the huge stadium, but the eyes are full of the figure of No. 99.

After the interview, Wayne was the first to run up to Artest and hugged his shoulders.

"Good job today, Ron."

"Good job." The corners of Artest's mouth twitched twice. Kobe scored 40 points on my head, little brother.

You call this a good job?

I said before that I almost guarded him, but now I said that I did a good job.

What are you thinking about today?

Don't be too arrogant. If I couldn't beat you, I would have crushed you!

"You really defended well. Although he scored 40 points, that was because he was shooting the ball for the entire Lakers team.

Can the points accumulated by relying on the right to take shots be called points? Thank you Ron, without your hard work we wouldn't have won today. "

"Wei" Artest looked at Wayne and felt that this kid's image had become much taller.

Don’t forget Big Brother when you win, you can, you can, you are so loyal!

At this time, another prompt appeared on Wayne's system interface.

His bond with Artest has increased again!

Wayne discovered that the bond value between himself and Artest was always rising inexplicably.

Last time it was because Wayne mentioned Artest in an interview, this time it was because he complimented him casually.

How disrespectful are you to praise me?

Speaking of which, Wayne found that the bond value between himself and Artest was only a little short of reaching the first mark.

There is not much left to unlock the reward.

Is this going to start the crazy bragging mode?

But if you exaggerate too much, it will probably have no effect.

And complaining about Artest is much more interesting than praising Artest!

This damn bad taste!

Well, next time, when Artest makes an outstanding contribution, just hold back a little bit and not complain about him, but praise him.

Now that I think about it, Yasuko seems quite pitiful.

Back in the locker room, Wayne paid close attention to Bryant's performance during the press conference.

Wayne believed that with Kobe's character, he would not let the war end like this.

It is almost impossible to make Kobe admit defeat.

Therefore, Wayne estimated that Kobe would have some weird and angry words at the press conference.

However, what Kobe said at the press conference made Wayne confused.

"What do you think of Wayne's jump shot that caused you to fall today?"

"It's great that he finally hit that shot, isn't it?

In that case, hitting the shot should be your top priority and not be disturbed by anything. I appreciate his choice, he is a true fighter. "

"So, what did you think of him stepping over you? Were you angry?"

"I'm very angry. Wayne doesn't understand what respect is at all! Someone should teach him!"

Seeing Kobe so angry, the reporters immediately perked up.

Here comes the work, now there is some hype!

After Kobe Bryant and Ray Allen, will he make a new feud?

The reporters were full of expectations, but Kobe's next words shocked the reporters: "But on the basketball court, sometimes you have to put aside respect and compete! On the basketball court, it's only about winning or losing."

"Do you want to praise him or complain about him?"

Not to mention reporters were confused, even Kobe himself was struggling.

This is probably what it feels like to appreciate someone you hate

Extremely contradictory.

In fact, Kobe has always had this habit. In Wayne's previous life, during the Magic era, Matt Barnes and Kobe almost had fist fights on the court. But then Kobe turned around and called others to invite him to join.

When Artest was playing for Mosaic, his confrontation with Kobe was also quite fierce.

During the playoffs, two bored men spent the whole night spraying each other with trash talk like "you suck," "you suck," and "you suck even more," in an attempt to bore each other to death.

As a result, Artest put on the purple and gold jersey the next year and became close to Kobe.

This is probably Kobe.

In the end, until the end of the press conference, Kobe did not say anything offensive.

On the contrary, he gave Wayne a very high evaluation.

Of course, I also praised Artest by the way.

Well, just by the way.

After the interview at the press conference, Kobe walked back to the locker room, but instead of changing clothes, he walked into the training hall holding a basketball.

Odom looked at it and shook his head.

Today, Kobe's free throw shooting percentage has dropped significantly. He will definitely shoot hundreds of free throws and torture himself until he is exhausted before he is willing to go home.

After fighting against Artest for a whole game, he was obviously so tired, but he still tortured himself.

Odom saw it and shouted, "Get away!"

If Kobe catches him practicing together, hehe, he will die from muscle soreness the next day.

In this way, Kobe spent this embarrassing night on the free throw line in the training hall.

But he was not discouraged, nor blinded by anger.

There's another interesting opponent in this damn alliance


Wayne stepped over Kobe's body at Staples.

As we all know, the next day, fueled by the news media, this photo caused quite a stir.

Probably even Schwartz himself didn't expect that Wayne could be so good at his job.

Even without his help in promoting it, Wayne can create topics and commercial value for himself.

The day after the game between the Lakers and the Pacers, before the start of the game between the Heat and the 76ers, O'Neal was beaming when he was interviewed by reporters when he talked about yesterday's game.

"Let me tell you, I am now a super fan of Wayne! I bought 99 Wayne's No. 99 jerseys in one go last night. I change one every day and take one to sign for him.

Way's performance at Staples was a delight. What do you think of that photo of him stepping over Kobe Bryant? How else can I comment, handsome! "

Wade on the side felt bitter after hearing this, Shaq, you have changed your mind!

When we win together, we call her Wei Tiantian.

Now, he is courting another Wei Da.

Kobe became very angry when he saw the overwhelming news, photos and videos of Wayne crossing over him.

Where did Kobe's self-esteem suffer from this!

He doesn’t hold any grudge against Wayne, he just finds the media disgusting.

Isn't it necessary to promote it so much if it's just to cross my legs?

Now, he can understand how his former teammate Tyronn Lue felt when Iverson stepped over him

But Kobe thought that in a day or two, after the Pacers lost, the heat on this matter would pass.

As a result, the Pacers went on to win five games in a row.

After the battle with the Lakers, the Pacers' schedule is against the Jazz, Warriors, Cavaliers, Jazz and Nets.

Five games, four opponents, three of them are bad teams

Kobe almost vomited blood after seeing it.

Because the Pacers continue to win, and Wayne's performance is also very stable, the popularity of Wayne surpassing Kobe has never been reduced!

Kobe could see the replay of that scene on TV every three days. Others would not understand this kind of despair.

Except Lu understands the football emperor.

In addition to Kobe, the 2003 class was also whipped to death.

Because the Cavaliers lost again, James was overwhelmed by Artest's defense again.

2003 killer, continue to suppress!

In the game against the Nets, Carter scored a game-high 35 points, and the Nets almost won.

But in the end, the Pacers relied on their stronger team strength and narrowly won by 6 points.

After defeating the Nets, the Pacers have achieved an excellent record of 8 consecutive victories since March!

The Pacers' unstoppable winning streak not only puts pressure on the Heat, who are first in the Eastern Conference, but also makes the Spurs, currently second in the Western Conference, feel dangerous.

"Isn't it? Include the Pacers in the list of imaginary opponents for the finals? Do you really think they can reach the Finals? I don't think they can pass the Heat. They may be able to beat the Pistons this year, but they can't defeat Shaq. .

Although their recent eight-game winning streak is bluffing, their opponents are not very strong. "

In the Spurs head coach's office, Budenholzer, as an assistant coach, faced an old man with a serious expression and put forward his ideas.

The old man supported his head with one hand and waved his other hand gently: "If you want to win the championship, you can't make any mistakes, Mike."

Mike Budenholzer, in 1994, recommended himself to Popovich, then an assistant coach of the Warriors, and became a video analyst who received neither compensation nor free Warriors game tickets.

This was the beginning of his coaching career.

It wasn't until Popovich returned to the Spurs in 1996 that Budenholzer, who was taken away with him, was finally promoted to assistant coach, sharing offense with Popovich.

He and Popovich implanted the concept of team offense into the Spurs' bones.

Because he is a video analyst, until now, Popovich is still used to leaving important video editing and analysis work to his cronies who have followed him for 11 years.

This time, when Popovich asked Budenholzer to collect and study Pacers game tape, the two had the conversation described above.

"Okay, if you think it's really necessary. I just think we have to focus more on the Suns, Pistons and Heat to avoid losing the big for the small."

There is a reason why Budenholzer thinks so. After all, the last time the Spurs played against the Pacers, the Spurs won by 13 points.

Moreover, as of now, although the Pacers have a good record, they have not shown the ability to truly win the championship.

They lack a decisive star, and their offensive system is not as sophisticated as the Suns and Spurs.

The regular season record cannot explain anything, because the playoffs and the regular season are completely different concepts.

In more targeted games, the Pacers aren't necessarily as strong.

Anyway, in Budenholzer's mind, the Pacers have never been a strong enemy in the first echelon.

"We have a game against the Pacers in a few days. Then, I hope you're right, Mike. Hopefully, we won't have trouble with the Pacers."

Popovich looked at the pile of information on the Pacers on the table and sighed.

There is one more troublesome guy.

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