I am Really an Insider

Chapter 164 161: SHI was beaten by Wayne (5K votes requested)


When O'Neal Jr. won the first possession for the Pacers, Ginobili, who was retreating from defense, felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach.

So, he turned to look at Bowen and found that Bowen's expression was not right either.

Damn it, it’s not like I’ve really been tricked!

After arriving in Indianapolis last night, Manu and Bowen were a little hungry, so Manu took out the leftover chicken they had eaten on the plane from his bag.

Although it doesn’t look very good, people don’t care about that when they are hungry.

Manu and Bowen ate the "forbidden fruit" happily and shamefully.

Then, today, the two of them had a little spasm during the day, but it was not too serious, and there was no attack in the afternoon.

who knows now

"Gugu~~" At this time, Manu's stomach growled again. This damn reaction was too big!

Looking back now, the box of chicken leftover from yesterday was drier than the Sahara Desert. God knows how it was palatable at the time.

In the NBA, eating bad before a game actually happens quite often. But Manu didn't expect that it would happen to him.

The Pacers have already attacked. Wayne provided an off-ball screen for Miller as soon as he came up. Manu took his steps with difficulty.

Facing Wayne's cover, the Argentinian did not squeeze through as aggressively as usual, but weakly chose to go around.

"What's going on?" Popovich looked at it and felt something was wrong. Why did Manu feel like he couldn't move his legs?

In the end, the long-haired Manu's defense was still a step slower, and Miller caught the ball and shot, an arrow through the heart.

At the end of the regular season, Miller's condition actually got better, which surprised Carlisle.

It was originally thought that at the end of the season, the veteran who was physically exhausted would go through a trough period.

But Miller did the opposite and became more courageous as he fought.

Maybe it's because the old Miller really saw the hope of winning the championship this year, so his whole person was on fire.

"Beautiful, Wei, if we keep playing like this, no one can guard him!" After the goal, Miller shouted passionately to Wayne and gave him a high-five.

Manu on the side is unwilling to give in. No one can prevent it yet. If I hadn't had a stomachache, would you have scored that goal?

Ouch, it hurts, it hurts.

The Spurs immediately attacked, and Parker patiently organized the attack.

Wayne became a lot more cautious, paying attention to Duncan's position at all times.

Today, Wayne faced Spurs center Nesterovich on the defensive end.

As a Slovenian center, Ouchi has all the advantages he can get with his toes - stable mid-range shooting, good support, and willingness to be a blue-collar player.

The shortcomings are nothing more than average athletic ability and lack of explosive power.

He is a relatively typical big European guy.

Ouchi weighs 115 kilograms and is very powerful, but he is basically used for defense.

On the offensive end, there are mainly no tactical resources. They basically cover and occasionally steal a few shots in the mid-range.

He only averaged 6 shots per game this season, which shows his role on the offensive end.

The three-second zone is basically left to Duncan to torture others.

Therefore, despite having a huge advantage in weight and strength, Nesterovich did not actively rely on Wayne to gain the position.

Wayne can also focus more on guarding Duncan.

However, in the first round, Duncan did not catch the ball, but went out to create a wall for Parker.

The French sports car used a dull screen to throw away the soy sauce man Anthony Johnson, and then stopped and hit a jump shot.

When Parker first entered the league, his shooting percentage was quite impressive. He is a breakthrough defender. Rather than shooting, Parker prefers to end the offense in the three-second zone.

In fact, Parker's shooting level is still quite impressive now, but at least it's not as eye-catching as in previous years.

Therefore, he can occasionally punish his opponents with emergency mid-range shots.

When the basketball hits the net, there is no fancy dribbling, no Kobe Bryant's terrifying hang in the air, and no Wei Wei's strong dunk.

But the score is simple!

Duncan saw the basketball hit the net and quickly touched Parker's head.

Hehe, cool!

Who doesn’t have a bad taste?

After touching Parker, he looked blankly at Manu.

It’s your turn next!

I have to go bald with your long, thick hair!

After falling into the position, Daidai immediately retracted his bad taste and began to defend seriously.

He walked very cautiously to Wayne, and then gently touched Wayne's wrist.

Wayne gave a confused look, "What kind of confusing behavior are you doing!"

Don't think that because Duncan is taciturn and low-key, he is a serious person.

In fact, this guy is just a funny guy, and he has a lot of cool tricks!

Various confusing behaviors emerge in endlessly.

Wayne then forcefully shook off Dude's hand, and then Dude touched Wayne intentionally or unintentionally.

Wayne shook it off again and touched it again.

Then there was a scene on the court where the bodies of the two insiders were not touching each other at all, but their hands were constantly "confronting"!

"Is their confrontation that fierce?" Mike Brown and everyone were dumbfounded. You two were just fighting with your palms!

At this time, Zitai suddenly accelerated and prepared to break through.

But halfway through, after attracting Ouchi's defense, he passed the ball to Xiao Ouchi.

In the second half of the regular season, Artest's passes to O'Brien became more and more frequent.

O'Neal Jr. caught the ball and prepared for a layup, but at this time, that funny idiot had turned into a devil in the Spurs' three-second zone.

As soon as Xiao Ao took action, he saw Duncan raising his arms to interfere.

But just now, he was obviously still playing a hand-off game with Wayne!


O'Brien's layup was interfered by Duncan and hit the side of the basket and bounced out.

But the Pacers' offense was not over yet, because Wayne also actively followed up and got the offensive rebound before Duncan.

How could it be so easy for a killer from the 2003 class to let you stay in a daze and ruin the attack?

After winning the basketball, Wayne jumped on the spot and dunked, showing his true nature as a brutal power forward.



Duncan slapped the basketball out of Wayne's hand with ease.

"Tim Duncan, he single-handedly defended Wei and Jermaine's attacks. He is indeed a tough defensive machine!"

Amid Cole's shouts, Manu, who received the basketball, counterattacked with the ball!

"Blame me, blame me, I'm caught up in the drama." Wayne raised his hand. He really thought of himself as a brutal forward, and as a killer of the 2003 class.

The key is that Duncan at this period has not yet completely broken down. Although his athletic ability has indeed declined, he can still jump.

This season he averaged 2.6 blocks per game.

Duncan himself is very good at basic skills such as judging the timing of blocking shots and defensive positioning.

Don’t you see that Duncan, who can’t jump anymore, still blocks a lot of shots?

It all depends on excellent judgment and positioning.

What's more, Duncan's athletic ability has not completely deteriorated.

Facing this No. 21, don't have any illusions about this easy scoring method.

After blocking the shot, Duncan showed no expression or spoke. He ran towards the frontcourt as if nothing happened.

This is probably the real reason why he is called "Stone Buddha".

Ginobili rushed very fast. Although his stomach was a little uncomfortable, he still overcame the difficulty the moment he got the basketball.

Speeding into the penalty area, Ginobili lifted the ball for a layup.

But as soon as the Argentinian jumped up, he was hit by a huge force.

It's Artest who is chasing the defense!

He doesn't want the opponent to easily break into a fast break.

Although Ginobili finally relied on his soft touch to throw the ball into the frame before losing his center of gravity.

But he himself was knocked out of the baseline.

The moment he fell, Ginobili Khan was frightened!

This damn thing almost spurted out!

No, this is too dangerous. We still have to deal with it later during the break.

"Hahaha, good shot, Manu!" Duncan looked at Ginobili, and his big hand came towards his head.

"Don't touch me, retreat quickly!" Ginobili can't bear this. He just wants to be less stimulated by the outside world, the better.

Dudu:? ? ?

This is faded, really faded

Now they are yelling at me and won’t even let me touch their head.

Remember, little Nuzi!

Duncan was angry, and the consequences were dire.

As a result, Wayne discovered that when Duncan defended behind him, he used more force than before.

"Fuck me, it's so hard!" Wayne felt like he was leaning not on Duncan, but on a giant Buddha statue.

I can't stand it at all!

There was no other way, so Wayne could only go out and act as a wall for Little O.

Wayne's worst fears came true.

When facing Dumb, this game is really difficult to win.

But today, he just stayed on the defensive end and faced Wayne directly. It was killing him.

Wayne also thought about using trash talk to stimulate Shi Fo, but looking at his expressionless face, Wayne couldn't say a word for a moment.

Artest used the screen to break through, but Bowen quickly caught up.

And when Artest went for a layup, he gave him a hard elbow.

This is also thanks to the fact that Artest's ability to resist hits was developed by Wayne, otherwise this elbow would have knocked Artest to the ground.

The basketball was still hitting steadily, and Artest successfully hit Bowen.

"Stop your damn dirty moves, this is Indianapolis, don't ask for trouble." As he said this, Artest pointed Bowen to look at Wayne.

War God Wei is here, how dare you mess around?

Bowen admired Artest's toughness from the bottom of his heart. The elbow hit just now was not light, but he still hit the layup.

However, how many times can he persist?

Well, Bowen is actually asking himself how long he can last.

The rumbling in my stomach is getting worse and worse!

After the opening, the two sides fought back and forth, but as most people predicted, the scene was a bit dull.

It's basically a slow-paced positional battle, with more shots than goals.

Even if he scores goals, they are mostly unpretentious goals.

In the second half of the first quarter, Daidai finally started to show strength. In fact, he already showed strength in the first half of the first quarter, but mostly on the defensive end.

O'Brien scored 1 for 3 and Wayne scored 0 for 2. It was a dull "masterpiece".

In the second half, Daidai increased the frequency of his shots on the offensive end.

Under the double attack of Wayne and Xiao Ao, Daidai can still score!

Because many times, he completes the attack before Wayne double-teams him.

Duncan's basic skills are indeed too solid. After all, he is a person who has reached the full level in the NCAA.

He has so many tricks and various ways of playing that Xiao Ao can't catch them at all.

Generally speaking, Duncan still has too much space and it is too easy to make moves.

To completely contain him, Carlisle was thinking that he might as well shrink everyone to the edge of the three-second zone.

Well, of course, it's best to do this in the playoffs. Now that it has been exposed in advance, Popovich may come up with another solution.

Just like that, after the first quarter, the Spurs led the Pacers by 4 points.

Duncan still scored 6 points in a single quarter despite being double-teamed, which is simply not too strong.

In fact, if Ginobili hadn't pulled his hip in the first quarter, the Spurs could have led even more.

"Manu, you are so high-level!" Popovich sat in front of Manu angrily. He made 1 of 5 in the first quarter. Except for the layup in the counterattack, there were no sports goals.

Are you worthy of so much power?

"Then I want to go back to the locker room." Ginobili felt bitter in his heart. I also wanted to perform well, but his stomach didn't allow it!

"What do you mean? Don't want to fight? Okay, I'll make a few phone calls later to trade you out, and then you can pack your things and leave in the summer." Popovich was so angry that he even talked back!

The Argentine won the Olympic championship in 2004, and his wings are really strong!

"I just feel a little uncomfortable." Manu pointed to his stomach.

Only then did Popovich understand.

"Go back quickly, hurry up!"

"Okay!" In a flash, Manu disappeared, running faster than he had just counterattacked for a layup.

Bowen on the other side looked at it and expressed his approval, so he also pointed to his belly at Popovich.

"Why are you joining in the fun? Fxxk, I've noticed that you guys have been really bad lately. Do you want to get together for this kind of thing?"


"What are you doing? Wait until Manu comes back. What do you look like?"

Bowen felt miserable. He only had a short break between sessions. Can I still go while waiting for Manu?

As expected, Manu returned to the bench with a satisfied face after the start of the second quarter.

By this time, Bowen had been sent out again.

Popovich thought Bowen was fine and didn't pay much attention.

But in reality, Bowen was just very tolerant.

After the start of the second quarter, Wayne increased the intensity of his double-teaming.

The first time Duncan held the ball in the second quarter, he was blocked by Wayne and O'Brien.

There was no other way, Duncan had no choice but to pass the ball to Ouchi.

After receiving the ball inside, he was ready to shoot, but Wayne was back in front of him almost instantly.

The ball stopped, Ouchi couldn't shoot and couldn't find anyone to pass the ball, and the Spurs' offense came to a brief stagnation!

Finally, Ouchi found Parker who cut in empty-handed, and the two played hand-to-hand.

After Parker got the ball from Ouchi, he went straight to the penalty area for a layup.

But Wayne firmly pressed the basketball to the ground from behind.

"Beautiful defense, this is Wei's value on the defensive end! The Pacers counterattacked, can they get closer to the score?"

As Cole spoke, Payton picked up the basketball and immediately picked up the pace, and the whole team fought back!

To be honest, if it weren't for Payton's physical strain, Carlisle would have let him start at all costs.

This is much easier to use than Johnson the Soy Sauce Man!

This time the counterattack was very sudden. Artest quickly cut in from the right side, and Payton's eyes also withstood the active No. 91.

Upon seeing this, Bowen immediately followed him to the basket, ready to hug Artest at any time.

But just as Artest cut into the basket, Payton's hand was thrown to the left.

Another no-look pass!

Wayne received the basketball and came out from behind Payton, facing Bowen for a layup.

Bowen definitely can't stop him. He is not strong enough to block a 2.11 meter power forward who has already picked up speed.

But Bowen did not dodge away, but still took off towards Wayne, raising his left hand high to pretend to interfere with the layup, but his right hand below skillfully stretched out his elbow.


Following Artest, Wayne also received a hidden elbow from Bowen.

Wayne had a lot of inertia with this ball, so it hit his elbow like this. You can imagine the sour feeling.

Fortunately, Wayne is always tall and has long arms, and he still put the ball into the frame under Bowen's trick.

After landing, Wayne glanced at Bowen and directly wanted to warn Wei Quan.

But seeing that the 55-win mission is about to be completed, it is not worthwhile to be suspended at this time.

But if I can’t come to the bright side, I can also come to the dark side!

I want to see if your elbow is stronger or my elbow is stronger!

So Wayne suppressed his anger and retreated to his own half.

"Are you okay? Why do you look so ugly? Did he mess with you?" Artest started chatting with Wayne while retreating.

"No, stay focused, Ron, we're about to equalize the score." Wayne waved his hand, he didn't want Artest to be distracted.

On the next attack, Duncan, who was originally in the high post pick-and-roll, suddenly cut in and caught Ou off guard.

Parker deftly hit the ball to Duncan, and the ball was almost made.

But after Duncan rushed to the basket, Wayne stepped up in time.

Wayne is always paying attention to the location and movements of Daidu!

The defense master is not just the speed of light.

Duncan saw that it was too difficult and inefficient to attack directly, so he used a hook gesture to pass the ball to Bowen, who had just reached the right corner.

Bowen doesn't have many offensive options, but a three-pointer from the corner counts as one.

Artest, who had just been blocked by Ouchi's off-ball screen, saw this situation and immediately jumped over to squeeze Bowen's shooting space.

In the end, Bowen just feinted a shot. After Artest was knocked away, he broke into the mid-range position and made an emergency jump shot!

But as soon as Bowen took off, Wayne rushed towards him with no intention of slowing down.

This time Wayne was not just here to interfere with the shooting, he directly knocked Bowen to the ground!

Of course, how could you forget to prop your elbows the moment you met Bowen?

Reciprocity is a traditional Chinese virtue.

Just like that, Wayne, who was sprinting with all his strength, elbowed Bowen in the stomach after taking off.

Malone's iron elbow plus the bonus of inertia are awesome.

However, the moment his elbow hit Bowen's stomach, Wayne suddenly heard a strange sound.


Wayne:? ? ?

what sound?

etc? What's this stench about?

"It's a foul, Wei didn't stop the car this time and knocked Bowen to the ground hard!

Bowen fell to the ground struggling in pain. The referee blew the whistle and whistled a defensive foul. "

After Wayne elbowed Bowen down, he raised his hands very innocently, with an expression of "I just want to interfere with the shot."

Other Spurs players also gathered around to check on Bowen, and then they all smelled a strange smell that was indescribable.

"What does it smell like? Do you smell it?" Parker looked at the others.

"Smells like the toilet?" Daidai was also confused.

Manu knew Bowen’s condition. Taking another look, Bowen’s pants seemed to be a little yellowish.

A bold thought flashed through the Argentinian's mind: "Was Bowen beaten out of the shit by Wayne?"

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