I am Really an Insider

Chapter 168 165: Flags really can’t be set randomly (3rd update, please vote)

Early the next morning, Wayne went to the front lawn and picked up a few newspapers that had been delivered and looked at them. He said it was a mistake!

Because the photo of Bowen being beaten to the ground, struggling and gushing, occupied the front pages of almost every newspaper.

Some newspapers also specially used a red circle to mark the mysterious yellow color patch on Bowen's pants.

Well, as a news media, we must have this kind of professionalism to dig out what we really want!

But the side effect is... After reading it, Wayne instantly didn't want to eat breakfast.

It's so off-putting!

So, for the next whole day, almost everyone was talking about this game that originally received little attention.

The Pacers' 10th consecutive victory? The outcome of the game?

No one cares about this at all.

What people care about is Wayne's elbow, Artest's iron fist, Bowen's nose and Popovich's front teeth.

At noon, the Spurs officially announced that Bruce Bowen was expected to miss 4-8 weeks due to a broken nose bone.

As soon as this news came out, there was immediate public outrage.

Do you think people are criticizing Artest for being too harsh?


People thought Bowen’s injury was too minor!

A mere broken nose bone was too cheap for him. The nose injury has no impact on his career to be honest, and he doesn't rely on his nose to play ball.

Being absent for 4-8 weeks means that Bowen still has the possibility of playing in the playoffs and will not be directly reimbursed for the season.

Damn it, it's not too light.

When Carter was interviewed, he was the first to express his dissatisfaction: "Ron did a great job. He did something that many people didn't dare to do. As Wayne said, Bruce is a scumbag. He was beaten, and I didn't care at all. Not distressed, even a little happy.”

"I think the league should give Ron Artest a lighter sentence because he actually did a good thing. First, he was trying to protect his brother. Second, he killed a murderer." Kobe He also rarely stood up to support players from other teams.

Mark Cuban, the owner of the Mavericks, naturally did not remain silent: "It's hard to see people with integrity like Ron in the league."

Overnight, Artest went from villain to hero, and this transformation was just because he beat up an even more villainous person.

Bowen, who was beaten and had his nose broken, not only received no sympathy, but was also whipped to death crazily.

It really echoes Wayne's words: "I don't know who will survive to the end, but I'm sure Bruce will be the first to die."

Bowen: Is it only if I die that you won’t scold me for stepping on my feet?

Although Bowen was carried off the field twice overnight, it was extremely enjoyable for everyone to watch.

But the league's punishment for Artest will definitely be severe.

When Donny Walsh got Artest's ticket, he really almost didn't want to trade Artest. If the trade deadline hadn't passed long ago, he might actually do that.

"$15,000 + a 10-game suspension + 20 hours of community service. Another 10 games. He has been suspended for 25 games this season alone.

You have to be thankful this isn't during the playoffs, Larry. I told you, Ron was a ticking time bomb that had to be defused! "

“Hey, calm down man, who do you think we have to tear down? Without him, do you think we’d get this far? We just had a fucking ten-game win streak and we’re undefeated against the Pistons this season!

Are you sure we can do this without Ron? Bird looked at the angry Walsh, stood up and patted him on the shoulder.

Although the two of them have disagreed for more than a day or two, now is a critical period for the team to win the championship, and Bird does not want to disintegrate himself from within.

He didn't want to argue with Walsh.

At least not now.

"Can you ensure that he behaves in the more intense environment of the playoffs? If not, all of our efforts throughout the year will be wasted again!

That's right, again!

In the Eastern Conference finals last season, we obviously still had a chance because of his goddamn intentional foul."

"Okay, don't mention the past anymore, Donnie, it's meaningless. Now, do we have any choice but to believe him? Should we refrigerate him?"

"He also caused a lot of damage to the team's image. I really don't want the Pacers to become the Portland Prison Team. Reggie may not have been a good kid before, but he knows what's appropriate. And Ron, sooner or later he will It will cause big trouble!”

"I said, okay, Downey, you look like a never-ending bitch!" Bird also increased his volume, and his patience was tested.

Bird's roar made Walsh stop complaining.

The two were silent for a long time, and both regained their composure.

"Go and give the ticket to Ron. I want to be quiet." After putting the ticket on Bird's desk, Walsh turned and left.

Bird sighed and rubbed his temples.

If the Pacers fail to succeed this season, he estimates that it will become more difficult for him and Walsh to get along.

Walsh is indeed doing it for the good of the team, but in a different way.

"That's right, it's only Ron's ticket, which means Wayne really wasn't punished additionally." Thinking of this, Bird's mood changed a lot.

Wayne used facts to prove that beating others up will really not result in additional penalties from the league.

Now, Popovich's blood pressure is about to exceed 200.

In the afternoon, Bird handed the ticket to Artest during a break in training.

When Artest saw that he was suspended for 10 games, he suddenly felt heartbroken.

Damn it, I won’t get paid for another 10 games.

But the pain is heartache, and Artest still has no regrets.

Doing anything outside the rules will come with a price, and the same goes for protecting your brothers.

If it was for Wayne, there would be no salary if there was no salary.

During the last incident at the Palace of Auburn Hills, so many people were punished and no one complained.

Artest actually sees these things, but his personality makes it difficult for him to say thank you to others.

"Have a good rest during this period, but don't relax in training and prepare for the playoffs. We can't make any more mistakes in the playoffs, Ron!" Bird patted Artest's shoulder and squeezed it hard. .

Give me some excuse, you bastard!

"Yeah, I understand, Larry." Artest nodded and accepted the ticket.

Artest is not used to not being fined two or three times a season.

After Bird finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by Wayne on the side.


"Huh? What's the matter? Oh, I forgot to tell you that you have not been punished additionally. But if you commit another flagrant foul, you will be automatically suspended. Be careful."

"No, I'm not here to ask that. I want to know if I can pay Ron's fine."

"Wayne?" Artest on the side was confused. Is there such a thing?

"Well, the league usually only needs to receive a fine. Normally, the fined player does not have to pay out of his own pocket, as long as the fine is paid in Ron's name." Bird looked at Wayne, although for Wayne now , $15,000 is not a large amount.

But that is Dole after all, and most people will not spend money on things like helping teammates pay fines.

"Then let me help Ron pay the fine this time. After all, he is also trying to protect me. What do you think, Ron?"

"That's great, hahahaha!" Artest laughed happily.

"Uh." Wayne thought Artest would be polite to him, but who knew that this would happen?

The warm atmosphere was destroyed in an instant!

Well, this is Artest.

If you were polite, that wouldn't be him.

In this way, Wayne paid the fine for Artest out of his own pocket.

But no one can help Artest make up for the wages lost in those 10 games.


Because of yesterday's incident, Artest has become completely popular in China.

After Francis, Artest has also established the image of a good big brother in the minds of Chinese fans.

If Artest is willing, he will probably receive many commercial contract invitations from China.

Well, in the summer, Wayne and Artest can go on a trip to China and take photos together in front of Tiananmen Gate.

That night, almost all basketball programs were talking about yesterday's game between the Pacers and the Spurs.

The scene of Bowen being beaten was repeated seven times on Barkley and Kenny Smith's show!

"Holy shit! Can you believe it Kenny? God, I can't imagine what Bruce was feeling!" Lord Barker was completely dumbfounded. He had done a lot of ridiculous things in his life, such as kissing a donkey's ass, like He said that his next step was to never wear pants again.

But none of them were as outrageous as the one before me.

"This was a fatal blow, I'm serious, more fatal than the punch Ron gave him later. Bruce, the man who was put on a stretcher twice in one night. His name, even in another ten years, will still be remembered Will be remembered.”

Bowen, who was recuperating in the hospital, simply turned off the TV. He had already changed several sports channels, but without exception they were all about him!

Originally, I wanted to seek revenge against Wayne when I came back under pressure yesterday. Who knew that my revenge was not avenged, but my nose was broken.

Bowen: This is probably life.

Next, the Spurs and Pacers will no longer meet in the regular season.

Even if they met again, Bowen would not be able to catch up.

Bowen was so unwilling to give up, so he just spared those two bastards?

"Hmph, you'd better not be met by me in the finals! Otherwise, I will have to destroy you!" Bowen was alone in the ward and put down his harsh words.

Do you think Bowen is really not afraid of Wayne and Artest? I'm just scared to death!

Those two guys really didn't care about the severity of their attacks! It’s so different from Carter’s good-tempered one!

But anyway, the chance of encountering a walker in the future should be very small.

Well, what's wrong with saying a few cruel words to comfort yourself? Not true.

Bowen closed his eyes in pain. He really hoped to wake up and find that it was all a nightmare.


The match between the Pacers and the Spurs once again made the NBA popular.

But again, it cost the Pacers.

After the battle with the Spurs, the Pacers ushered in Kobe's revenge.

This time, without Artest to take the damage, Kobe scored 37 points very efficiently, and finally led the Lakers to a narrow victory with a 5-point advantage, interrupting the Pacers' ten-game winning streak.

Although Kobe admires what Wayne and Artest did to Bowen, he will not forget the shame of being defeated last time.

It is worth mentioning that Kobe made 9 of 9 free throws in this game and did not miss any.

This guy who always loves to compete with himself is not allowed to stretch his hips during free throws.

Wayne also used a lot of trash talk to stimulate Kobe today, but it was completely useless.

Kobe Bryant seems to have a tolerance for trash talk.

If you listen, you won't be able to get angry if you don't get hard.

"It's a pity that the Pacers lost, only 5 points behind. If Ron was not suspended, I think the Lakers would have no chance."

After the game, the on-site commentator also shook his head with regret.

Wayne curled his lips. The flag he raised before was a little too high.

With Artest, the game would be really difficult to play.

Will I, King Wei Bat, also fall at the feet of the flag I set?

The Pacers' next opponent, the Pistons, was in a good mood at this time.

Before the playoffs start, they finally have a chance to beat the Pacers!

The third update is here, and it’s still 1.3W today.

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