I am Really an Insider

Chapter 172 169: Strange things in the suit (5K votes requested)

New York, Plaza Hotel.

Since its opening in 1907, it has been the preferred place for celebrities from all walks of life to stay when visiting New York.

This retro building in the style of a French Renaissance castle is considered synonymous with celebrities.

It is not only a hotel, but also one of the iconic buildings in New York.

As soon as Wayne's special car approached the Plaza Hotel, there was a traffic jam.

Here, no matter what bus you take, you have to queue.

"What's going on? Isn't it coming soon?" Wayne glanced out the window. Good guy, there are a sea of ​​people outside the Plaza Hotel.

The reporters’ flashbulbs never stopped.

On the exterior wall of the hotel, a huge poster of Sharapova and a huge Motorola logo hang.

Birthday parties can be commercialized like this, what an evil form of capitalism!

"Is this your first time coming to the Plaza Hotel to participate in this kind of event, Mr. Wei?" Wayne's driver turned around and smiled at Wayne, "Under such circumstances, it is normal to have a traffic jam. Because every person who gets off the car Everyone will show off well in front of the red carpet."

"Red carpet?" Everyone in Wayne was dumbfounded. Is this a birthday party or a catwalk?

"This is New York, Mr. Way. Everything is luxurious here."

Wayne looked out the window at the long motorcade and sighed.

Fortunately, Nike didn't ask itself to hold a birthday party like this, it would be too terrible.

At this time, Wayne's cell phone received a text message from Sharapova, the protagonist of today.

"Where have you been, Wei."

"It's right at the door. Well, I'm stuck in traffic!"

"Haha, there are quite a lot of people today. Can't wait to see you, Wei~"

"see you later."

Just like that, after sitting in the car for about twenty minutes, Wayne's car finally arrived at the entrance of the Plaza Hotel.

Wayne turned to look out the window and saw that the formation was really exaggerated.

A long red carpet stretched from the parking area to the entrance of the hotel, with security guards wearing sunglasses and stern smiles on both sides.

On the outside, there was a dark area with countless reporters.

It must be said that Sharapova's commercial value and popularity at this time are indeed very high.

Even people who don’t watch tennis have heard of this name.

This morning, Wayne also heard the news that the whales had written a birthday congratulatory letter to Sharapova.

Dare I ask how many athletes in the world can receive a congratulatory letter from the president on their 18th birthday?

She may not be the strongest female tennis player, but she is definitely one of the most commercially valuable.

Yes, I bought a villa next to Manhattan Beach in Los Angeles at a young age. Can this commercial value be low?

Before Wayne could react, a waiter came to help Wayne open the car door.

"Have a good time, Mr. Wei. If you need to leave, call me at any time, I'm always on call, Boss." The driver smiled at Wayne and nodded, as if to say: "You have to walk the rest of the way by yourself, kid. "

Wayne took a deep breath and got out of the car.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light all around.

"Wei, is your relationship with Sharapova true?"

"How long have you been together? How did you meet?"

"Will attending Sharapova's birthday party affect your preparations for the playoffs?"

In addition to flashbulbs, reporters also asked Wayne a series of questions.

When did you and Sharapova get together?

What the hell do I want to ask you about?

Of course, since reporters were kept out of the way, Wayne didn't have to answer any questions.

Walking onto the red carpet, Wayne strutted towards the hotel.

After all, he is leading the stars, so he still has some confidence.

Today, Wayne wore a black suit. Well, he would never dare to wear red again!

The appearance in the last draft is simply Wayne's unconventional black history.

Wayne did not pose on the red carpet like those female celebrities, but passed at a normal speed and was very calm.

As they walked to the hotel door, Wayne shook hands with Sharapova's agent, Max.

"Welcome, Wei. Come in quickly, she is already waiting for you."

Wayne nodded and walked into the hotel lobby.

Suddenly, the surroundings became less noisy.

Although there were still many people in the hall, the soothing music played by the live band made Wayne relax quickly.

In the middle of the crowd, Wayne saw today's protagonist at a glance.

Sharapova wore a light blue dress today with fluffy hair. I wore makeup, but it wasn't as thick as I expected.

At this time, she was surrounded by cameras and several reporters who had been granted admission. Sharapova seemed to be being interviewed by them.

Inadvertently, Sharapova saw Wayne.

Well, after all, Wayne's size is indeed very conspicuous, and no amount of people can bury him.

Then, Sharapova, who had been expressionless just now, suddenly smiled.

"Wei, you are finally here."

Sharapova ignored the reporters around her and walked straight towards Wayne and gave her a warm hug.

Wayne is among all the male guests present today. It can be said that he is the only one who can stand tall in front of Sharapova wearing high heels.

The originally tall Sharapova suddenly became a little bird in front of Wayne.

"Happy birthday, Maria."

"Thank you, glad you can come~"

As the two hugged and exchanged pleasantries, the reporters around them went on a murder spree.

Many guests present turned their attention to the two of them.

Today, 90% of the people present can only get a chance to shake hands with Sharapova at most.

Wayne is the only one who is actively embraced by today's heroines.

Coupled with the various scandals between the two after the All-Star Game, can this not attract attention?

"You go around for a while and I'll come find you later, okay?" When she said this, Sharapova unconsciously held Wayne's hand.

"Yeah, you go ahead and do your work. It's still growing tonight."

After Sharapova left, Wayne briefly glanced down the hall.

Sure enough, no well-known tennis players came to support Sharapova.

Anyway, Wayne doesn’t see any of the top ten players in the world right now.

She deserves to be the female version of herself, and she deserves to be the reverse social butterfly in the tennis world.

Sharapova's paranoid and almost inhuman desire to win on the court resulted in her having very few friends in the tennis world.

Tennis is different from basketball. Basketball is a team sport after all. Even if you don't have a good relationship with your opponent, you can still have a good relationship with your teammates and you won't have no friends in the circle.

But tennis is mostly played alone. If you don't have a good relationship with your opponent, you really have no friends.

There were many people at the scene, but apart from being rich, they had almost nothing in common.

After all, it was a commercial party, and most of the attendees were invited by Motorola, and everyone was there.

If we only count the friends that Sharapova invited herself, then we don’t need an entire hall at all, only one private room is enough to fill it up.

"Hey, Wei, Wasap." At this moment, someone walked up to Wayne and said hello.

Wayne turned his head curiously. Are there any people in the basketball world on this occasion?

Because if it is business cooperation, they will not come to Wayne directly, but to Schwartz.

Therefore, there is a high probability that only people in the basketball world will say hello to Wayne.

Wayne turned around and looked, hey, there really is one, isn't this Spike Lee.

The one who was sitting on the sidelines of Madison Square Garden and being choked by Miller from afar.

"Spike, hello."

"Hello, how is that old guy Reggie doing lately? His body should be fine for the playoffs, right?"

Wayne never expected that the first question Spike Lee asked would be related to Miller.

Do you care about him so much? Aren't you enemies?

This is really a dark and dark way of expressing emotions.

"Reggie's physical condition is very good, and his performance in the playoffs will definitely be outstanding." Wayne answered.

"Really? That's great. You know, the playoffs without Reggie always feel like something is missing. By the way, has Reggie revealed to you his retirement plans? After he finishes this season , will you stay?”

Spike Lee is so concerned, he is afraid that he will lose an old and familiar friend.

"Reggie hasn't said anything about retiring yet. No one knows if he will be seen in the locker room next season." Wayne shrugged. Miller has indeed not said anything about retiring so far.

Although in the original history, this is Miller's last season, Wayne cannot guarantee that history will follow the original path.

If he wins the championship this season, will Miller be willing to continue playing if he fails to keep the record?

In the original history, when Miller retired, people generally believed that Miller was capable of continuing to play and that he was in very good condition.

Even in 2007, when the Celtics' Big Three were formed, they invited Miller to come back, but they were still optimistic about Miller's condition.

But Miller declined the invitation. Maybe he felt that if he didn't win the championship with the Pacers, it would be meaningless to win the championship.

"I really hope he can play for a few more years. There are fewer and fewer familiar figures in this league, right?" Spike Lee took a sip of wine and seemed very sad.

Wayne really wanted to tell him: "Actually, the figures I am familiar with are still young now."

At this time, there was another flash of light at the door of the hotel.

Wayne thought some celebrity was coming, but when he took a closer look, he saw that it was Sharapova posing on the red carpet again.

No way, this is a business party.

Every hour on the hour, Sharapova would go out and pose for Motorola for a few minutes.

"By the way, can I ask? Are you and her really a couple?" Looking at the radiant Sharapova outside, Spike Lee nudged Wayne with his elbow.

"Uh let's talk about Reggie, Spike."

Spike Lee is an old fan after all, and the two still have a lot in common.

Although he had a lot of unpleasantness with Reggie Miller, Spike Lee didn't have much resentment or prejudice against the Pacers.

In his own words: "I have had issues with many players. The "bad boy" of the Pistons once smashed my glasses with a ball before warm-up. But I don't think this is a despicable behavior, just like I don't think Miller, who I had an affair with, was a scumbag.

Reggie doesn't have Barkley's rebounding ability or Michael's aerial flight, but he's a fighter and he has a great heart. To be honest, I respect him. "

Wayne then asked Spike Lee a question: "So is there a player you really hate?"

The famous New York director nodded firmly: "Scott Pippen."

"Huh?" This answer really surprised Wayne.

"He is a very small person. When Michael was here, he wanted to rebel. When Michael left, he proved his ability, but he was jealous like a resentful woman every day that Kukoc's salary was twice his.

Also, the dunk he made to humiliate Ewing is probably the real reason why I hate him. "

Just like that, while chatting with Spike Lee, the party became less boring.

Spike Lee told Wayne many stories about himself and NBA stars. Finally, he also wished the Pacers good results in the playoffs.

Of course, the blessing was very hard-core: "I hope that old man Reggie can last a few more rounds. I also want to see more of his funny shots."

Finally, at ten o'clock in the evening, Sharapova got out and could enjoy her 18th birthday party.

"Wei, it's been a long time." Although she was very tired, Sharapova still had a smile on her face when she returned to Wayne.

"Whatever, I enjoyed your party."

"By the way, the band performance is about to start, let's go over."

Sharapova pulled Wayne to a stage where several good-looking singers were preparing.

Magic Red is said to be a very popular rock band in the United States.

Anyway, it’s just that Wayne doesn’t know him.

When the band started to perform, Sharapova took Wayne's hand and shook it, jumping up and down with the music, not caring about the eyes of the people around her.

Wayne felt as though this was the real beginning of her birthday party.

After the band's performance, Sharapova cut a five-story exaggerated cake under the witness of everyone, announcing that she had officially entered the adult world, and the birthday party reached its climax.

Everyone raised their glasses and wished Sharapova a happy birthday.

After the climax, the atmosphere dropped faster than Wayne imagined.

The party ended and everyone left one by one.

Sharapova can't even name many of these people, and she may never see them again in this life.

But this group of people showed up at his grand 18th birthday party.

Commercial birthday parties are so ridiculous.

Wayne was also about to call the driver to come over and drive away, but was held down by Sharapova.

"Are you leaving?" Sharapova looked at Wayne, her eyes full of reluctance.

"Yeah, there's no rush."

"Then can you accompany me back to my room later? I have too many things for one person to carry."

"Oh, it's okay, I'll wait for you." Wayne nodded and continued to sit where he was.

Watching people leave the hotel, step into luxury cars, and drive away amidst the gazes of reporters and the envious eyes of passers-by.

Tonight, Wayne had a deeper understanding of the word lavish.

Indeed, it’s easy to get lost in this atmosphere.

Wayne couldn't help but pat his chest - luckily I have strong determination!

Um? Why do I feel like there's something strange on my chest?

Half an hour later, everyone had left and Sharapova's car arrived at the door.

Wayne helped her carry some greeting cards and small gifts into the car, but when she arrived at the hotel, Sharapova said there was no need to take them!

"The waiter will help me deliver it to the door of the room later."

"I'll wipe it, then why did you ask me to do it!?" Wayne asked silently in his heart.

Why do you feel like you've been kidnapped?

Okay, there are routines!

I didn’t expect you to be such a little Sawa!

I regard you as a good friend, but you want to

"Actually, I want to share a small cake with you alone. Haha, to be honest, I don't feel like celebrating my birthday at all. It's just a show.

So, will you join me in cutting a real birthday cake, Wei. "

Oh, it turns out I was eating cake, so that’s okay.

As soon as Sharapova walked into the room, she immediately took out a small cake from the refrigerator.

Wayne helped her light the candles and put on her birthday hat.

Sharapova smiled happily, at least more realistically than she had just laughed at the party.

"Then, let me make a wish." Looking at the candle in front of her, Sharapova put her hands on her chest and made a wish seriously.

Wayne was distracted looking at the candlelight. How long had it been since he had a birthday?


Sharapova blew out all the candles in one breath. At this time, the time was just past 12 o'clock.

She's really grown up.

"Thank you, Wayne, it was great having you with me tonight."

"Well, it's an honor to attend your coming-of-age birthday party."

"Wei" Suddenly, Sharapova put her hands on Wayne's arms and leaned closer.

There will be no excuses anymore!

Things were moved and the secret cake was cut.

It's time for a showdown.

"Do you know what wish I just made?"

Wayne froze and shook his head mechanically.

Because at this time Sharapova almost threw herself on Wayne.

What about the cake you promised? You should eat it!

Sharapova slowly approached Wayne's ear and whispered.

"My wish is that you can be my boyfriend~ Can you make my wish come true, Wei?"


Wayne did not continue to answer because his mouth was gagged.

In the midst of the fire, Sharapova's hand reached into Wayne's suit.

Then she inadvertently took out the gift Artest gave to Wayne.

Wayne:! ! !

Damn, when! ? No wonder I felt something strange in my chest just now!

"Wei, you are so serious." Sharapova blushed and held the gift in her hands.

"No, this thing." Wayne remembered that since he bought this suit, only Artest had touched it.

That bastard!

I knew I was coming to New York to celebrate Sharapova's birthday, so I did it on purpose!

Don't put random weird things in the inner pocket of my suit!

"Don't explain, I don't need to explain." Sharapova gently placed her index finger on Wayne's lips.

The beautiful blue skirt also fell to the ground.

Thanks to Master Chaobai for the 5,000 reward, and thanks to Shen Ye alone, Pa Bai and Shuyou 151219021255659 for their rewards. Thank you~

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