I am Really an Insider

Chapter 187 184: Best Fighter Award (4K votes requested)

It's been 10 minutes since the game ended, but the Pacers players' crazy celebrations continue.

The Detroit Pistons, this is the Pacers' nightmare and the entire state of Indiana's nightmare.

Last season, the Pacers were eliminated by the Pistons when they were considered the most likely to win the championship. I don't know how many fans were hurt.

But this season, they finally got over that mountain.

Moreover, it was still a humiliating total score of 4 to 1!

The whole of Indianapolis is in revelry, from the fans in the arena to every die-hard sitting in front of the TV.

In addition to winning the championship, eliminating the Pistons is the happiest thing for this group of fans.

"Wei, your shot blocking is incredible, so amazing!" Reggie Miller jumped on Wayne's back the moment the game ended and shouted in his ear.

Well, I yelled for a damn ten minutes!

Wayne didn't know if Miller's throat hurt, but his ears hurt from the yelling!

In fact, it is not difficult to understand why Miller is so excited. After all, last season, if it weren't for the chase shot given to him by Prince, the Pacers might have actually won the series.

That risk has always been a concern for Miller.

But today, Wayne responded to the Pistons with an almost identical block. How could Miller not be excited?

After passing the Pistons, the Pacers have a great chance of winning the championship.

Miller will also fulfill his wish.

He was really lucky that the Pacers traded for Wayne in the draft.

Although he is only a first-year rookie, it must be admitted that this Final Four MOP has championship genes.

Watching Wayne being pampered by Miller and surrounded by his teammates.

Artest is a little sour.

Did you get it wrong? I was the one who completed the key dunk. It was me!

Without my last-minute dunk, you would have won! ?

Holy shit, why did you all go to Wayne's side?

Artest was alone in the cheers.

Sure enough, no one likes me?

Fortunately, Wayne walked up to Artest at this time and took him into his arms, giving this lonely man a touch of warmth.

"We're going to the Eastern Conference Finals, Ron."

"Yeah, don't worry, I will lead you to the finals!" Artest patted his chest and said calmly.

Sure enough, he is the kind of guy who can shine with a little sunshine.

Reporters began to enter for interviews, and every Pacers player facing the camera had a smile on his face.

"I'm not that good. It's all Wayne's impersonation that blocks it." When reporters asked how he felt about killing the game with a dunk in the end, Artest, a reverse socialite at the same level as Wayne, decided to be humble first. .

At that time, reporters will not be allowed to take the initiative to praise themselves?

"Well, everyone thinks Wei's block is the key to victory. So, the moment Wei succeeded in blocking the shot, were you excited?"

Artest:? ? ?

No, how could Wayne's block become the key to victory! ?

Isn't the key to victory a slam dunk?

I'm just being humble. Hey, you continue to ask me and praise me!

Why are we talking about Wayne again?

How come you reporters are so fat? Can you show some professionalism?

If I am a little humble, you won’t bother to ask, how can this make big news!

Artest was completely stunned and froze in front of the camera.

"I was thinking, we can definitely win, and then I"

"Thanks, Ron!" the reporter said and prepared to leave to interview Wayne.

"Hey, I haven't finished speaking yet. Don't you want to hear how thrilling that dunk was? I'll tell you, at that time." Looking at the reporter who was walking away, Artest suddenly felt a gust of wind passing by.

It's really hard to be an unsung hero.

Hey, the Dark Knight doesn’t seek fame!

If Xiao Ao knew that Artest praised him so highly, he would have to give him a few words.

Are you not seeking fame? No one applauds you!

"Wayne, how did you get behind Rasheed on that last ball!?"

"I'll chase you."

"Wei, do you think you can lift the Eastern Conference Championship trophy?"

"It doesn't matter what I say, we still have to have in-depth discussions with Shaq to make a decision."

Facing these questions, Wayne answered numbly.

Just when Wayne was about to lose his patience, a reporter finally asked an interesting question.

"Way, if the San Antonio Spurs and Pacers do meet in the Finals, will you be afraid of retaliation from the Spurs?"

Well, this reporter said it very explicitly.

The so-called act of revenge refers to Bowen's black feet.

It seems that now, the Spurs' villain image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

It is simply gratifying and gratifying.

"With Coach Popovich's character, he probably won't take any revenge on me, so you don't have to worry.

At best, it would hurt me on the basketball court, but not to the point of having someone break into my hotel room.

I respect the character of Coach Craig and Bruce. They implement the principle that basketball matters will always be solved on the basketball court.

Therefore, it will only hurt people on the basketball court, so don’t worry.

But before playing in the finals, I still want to focus on facing the Eastern Conference finals. "

Can Wayne let go of this weird opportunity?

Ray Allen has paved the road, so there is no reason not to drive.

Not only do I want to beat you, I also want to blackmail you!

All the reporters laughed, and as soon as Wayne opened his mouth, he knew that it was Old Vicky who was doing something wrong.

"Okay, thank you for your support. Now, I want to go back to the locker room to celebrate the victory with my teammates."

Wayne waved his hand and walked away from the camera.

We have to get back to the locker room quickly.

Otherwise, God knows what surprises Artest will prepare waiting for him.


The Eastern Conference semifinals between the Pistons and the Pacers came to an end, with a score of 4-1, which many people had not thought of before.

After all, the Pistons are the defending champions, and it can be said that the core lineup has not changed at all.

As a result, this iron-blooded team that brought down the Lakers last season and personally disbanded the OK team actually only won one victory against the Pacers.

I have to say, this is quite shocking.

However, the day after the Pacers won the Pistons, the Miami Heat slaughtered the Boston Celtics at home and also advanced to the Eastern Conference Finals with a total score of 4-1.

In this way, the two teams that have reached the top of the Eastern Conference have been confirmed.

In this game, O'Neal only scored 16 points and 8 rebounds, which can be said to be quite underwhelming.

But Wade scored 33 points.

They beat the Celtics to the point where there was no scum left.

O'Neal doesn't have to exert any force at all, Wade can solve the game.

Well, the actual situation is that the shark cannot exert force even if it wants to.

He fought so hard in the regular season, and at the age of 33, he managed to finish second in the MVP rankings and win 60 games in the regular season.

O'Neal has long been exhausted.

Fortunately, there is Wade, otherwise Ao Pang really wouldn't have been able to go this far.

In this round of the series, the Celtics have one word for Wade - helpless and at the mercy of others.

Teacher Tony's current defensive ability is still unable to contain a pervert like Wade.

The most important thing is that Tony can't stop him even if he wants to.

Because in this series, Tony only played about ten minutes per game, purely as a walk-on.

Those who are not senior fans of the Celtics probably don't know that Wayne's good teammate Tony Allen also played in the playoffs.

In this way, Tony could only watch the team being swept by the gentlemen.

Wade averaged a terrifying 31 points per game in this series!

Well, a second-year rookie, in the Eastern Conference semifinals, in 2005, an era before the data explosion, averaged 31 points per game, beating the historical center of the same team.

If Wade were the protagonist in a basketball novel, he would be criticized: "It's unreasonable to grow up too fast! And he lost his meniscus when he was still in college, and then he entered the NBA so fast, it's impossible!"

However, reality is often more magical than fiction.

Didn’t you see that Fat Qiqi in the future was also very good at her debut?

Wade's strength is indeed quite terrifying, forcing the Celtics to shut down.

In Wayne's previous life, it's no wonder people would say: "If Wade hadn't been injured in the 2005 Eastern Conference Finals, the Heat would have won the championship a year ahead of schedule."

In an interview, O'Neal was also bragging to Wade: "So I said, this is Dwyane Wade's team, and I am here to assist him. He is taller than the No. 8 in Los Angeles. He is so tall that I don't know." Where has it gone!"

The old Yin Yang Shark.

After hearing this, Kobe said: This summer, I will watch the street scene in Los Angeles at four o'clock in the morning every day!

Pat Riley looked at the players celebrating the victory on the court with satisfaction, so the Eastern Conference finals matchup he envisioned became a reality.

When the Pacers swept the Pistons 4-0 in the regular season, Riley knew that the biggest threat in the Eastern Conference this year was not the defending champion!

The Pacers and Heat, the trajectories of the two teams this year can be said to be very similar.

During the regular season, the Heat and Pacers were nearly unstoppable in the Eastern Conference.

In the first two rounds of the playoffs, both sides were 4-0 in one round and 4-1 in the other.

To put it bluntly, there are no opponents in the East.

And now, two teams that can't find an opponent in the East are about to start fighting each other.

Before the playoffs started, Riley was actually a little worried.

But watching Wade block and kill God in the playoffs, Riley is now full of confidence.

Walker? Just second in the Eastern Conference.

Not all rookies are Wade. When Wayne played the Pistons in the second round, didn't his points per game plummet?

Pat Riley: I'm not afraid at all. I said it without any hesitation.

And the most important thing is

Pat Riley is not the head coach!

If you are not the head coach, you don't have to worry about Wayne's flying legs and iron elbows.

It's up to you, my stacked-armor puppet Van Gundy.

Be my solid human shield!

Looking at the scene of Wade and Shaq hugging, Riley smiled slightly.

Is Miami's first championship finally coming?


The Eastern Conference semifinals are all over, and the promotional advertisement for Pacers VS Heat has been put on the agenda.

Chinese fans are excited again, Wayne VS Sharks, in the conference finals, this kind of viewing experience has never been seen before!

Because of the Yao-Shaq fight, Shaq is still very well-known in China.

Now the "Wei-Shark War" will be staged directly in the playoffs. Can the fans not be happy?

What? Are you saying that Wayne and Shaq don't actually match up?

No matter, it’s still a Wei Shark battle!

If you lose, it's Xiao Ao's fault, if you win, it's Wgnb!

Before the highly anticipated conference finals begin, the results of this season's best lineups have also begun to be announced one by one.

The first to be announced is naturally the Best Rookie First Team. For Wayne, this is a very important honor.

Because this is about $1 million!

The salary of Wayne's rookie contract is only a little over 1 million US dollars a year.

Sure enough, once the lineup was announced, Wayne was on the list.

Gordon, Deng Yingqiao, Wayne, Okafor and Howard formed the 2005 Best Rookie First Team.

The most awesome thing about this lineup is that in addition to Howard, there are four college players in it. And all college players have been defeated by Wayne.

He is truly the king of rookies.

After receiving the 1 million bonus from Nike, Wayne was immediately delighted.

It's time to find someone who is responsible for over-the-counter investments to help me handle the business of making money.

Although Wayne didn't have a penchant for creating illegitimate children, he also didn't like saving the souls of fallen girls.

But you still have to save your money. If you finish playing, you will be bankrupt.

At this point, Wayne thought he had won all the personal honors he could win this season.

As everyone knows, T.N.T is unwilling to be lonely this year and organized another "Fun Awards" night.

In the program that night, T.N.T organized many interesting unofficial awards.

For example, the longest soap opera award was awarded to Shaq and Kobe. Congratulations to them for finally ending this long and stinky love-hate relationship.

The most surprising award goes to KG.

As the MVP last season, he and the Timberwolves did not even make the playoffs this season, which is indeed surprising.

In addition, KG, who considers himself a tough person, performed a space dance in front of Wayne this season and is still talked about today.

When Xiaolang saw T.N.T doing this kind of show, he really wanted to pick up his 40-meter machete and go to T.N.T headquarters.

Of course, these awards are relatively "normal".

The real weirdness is yet to come.

The Wilt Chamberlain Award for Best Night Out was awarded to Howard. As soon as he entered the league, he had an affair with the cheerleader and was often photographed in and out of nightclubs. Can he be considered as inheriting the fine tradition of a great center?

The most embarrassing moment of the year award, there is no doubt that Uncle Bao, who was broadcast live during the game, will definitely win.

Buckley recounted this: "No one can compete with Bruce Bowen for this award.

I even suggested that this award should be renamed the Bruce Bowen Award in the future. "

KG and Bowen were very angry. If it weren't for Wayne, would they be on this messy list?

As the topic of this season, how could Wayne not win an award?

This season's best fighter award was awarded to Wayne.

Coyotes, Stoudemire, Popovich and Bowen, those are all small scenes.

One fight at the Palace of Auburn Hills was enough to cement Wayne's place in the entire history of NBA fighting.

After announcing the award, Buckley also came up with a set of data very professionally.

“Before this, we organized an anonymous vote among players across the league to ask everyone to choose a player who ‘you least want to fight with’.

Wayne received 91% of the votes, far ahead of the other villains.

So Wayne deserves this award.

To commemorate this extraordinary moment, I spent my own money to customize a trophy for Wei. "

Barkley said, lifting a trophy from under the announce table.

The style of the trophy is the same as that of the NBA individual awards, both in the shape of a small bronze figure.

The shape of this trophy is from the scene where Wayne rides Wallace to fight.

Daben:! ! !

What a crappy show!

Yes, this program T.N.T really took out Wayne's defeated generals and beat them to death one by one.

"I will send this trophy to Wayne's house. I hope he will like it." Facing the camera, Lord Barker smiled proudly.

Popovich and Bowen watched the show and swallowed.

Come on, Heat, never let the Pacers enter the finals.

If they really advance to the finals and meet us...no kidding, someone will die!

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