I am Really an Insider

Chapter 196 193: The demon sword is blunt, Dudu is iron-clad, and Bowen is stubborn (4.8K votes requ

When a team is willing to use one of the league's top players to guard Wayne, it speaks volumes about Wayne's excellence.

In fact, if it had been two or three years later, Duncan would definitely not have followed outside the three-point line to defend Wayne.

But before and including 2005, Duncan, whose mobility had not completely degraded, was actually a power forward defense.

That is to say, it is common for people to go out for raids and turn around to mend their hats in case they go out.

Take the last round of the series as an example. Duncan started out as Marion's main defender, and often went out to delay Nash when he was playing pick-and-rolls.

It was not until 2005 that Duncan, who was troubled by plantar fasciitis, began to defend like a center because of his decline in athletic ability, sitting at the basket and waiting for others to take risks.

That's right, just sit back and wait for the risk.

Duncan's blocks always feel like a "chance".

Fans often joke that the last 1,000 blocks in Duncan's career were all taken while standing on the ground.

Now, Popovich is still willing to let Duncan go out to defend. Even if the opponent cuts into the penalty area, Duncan can defend back immediately.

But the very thorny problem now is that Wayne has a super high level of three-pointers!

Duncan has to defend back, and Wayne's three-pointers can really kill people.

Therefore, Popovich's arrangement today is to keep Duncan next to Wayne.

O'Neal and Wayne, Popovich chose the latter.

After Wayne got the first assist, the Spurs quickly got a goal back from Ginobili.

Duncan screened this ball, and Ginobili came out to shoot.

As the saying goes, in good times a car can be a Buddha in bad times, but in desperate times a demon sword can kill all the demons!

The Argentinian seemed to have continued his outstanding touch from the previous game, and his little jump shot was impressive.

Seeing that the Pacers did not make any defensive adjustments to Manu, Spurs fans were happy.

I'm not afraid of being slashed by the demon sword yet!

But contrary to the fans, Popovich is now worried to death.

If you don't defend Manu, how can Duncan be liberated! ?

How come there are people like you!

Manu has been beaten like this, can you give him some respect?

I dug a hole, how could you Carlisle not jump?

Not particular!

Just because Ginobili can score goals now, doesn't mean he can score the same goals in the future.

After all, Manu's physical ability, to use a word that no man likes to hear, is - not lasting!

It was fierce, but it ended quickly.

Manu is known as 20-minute Jordan. Do you think the focus is on Jordan?

No, the point is 20 minutes!

Short is really short.

In the last game, Manu only started to block and kill God in the second half. In the first half, Duncan was mainly relied on.

Therefore, as long as Duncan can be sealed today. In the second half, Manu will naturally kill the game.

The question is, can the league's No. 1 PF be defended?

When Duncan missed his second consecutive offense, the Pacers told the world: "Duncan can be defended at his peak!"

This time, the moment Duncan took the ball, four members of the Pacers shrank into the three-second zone!

As soon as he broke in, he found Artest, who was stuck on the edge of the three-second zone, reaching out to cut the ball.

So, Duncan immediately raised the basketball high, collected the ball with both hands and chose for a layup.

But such a layup is easily predicted by the opponent.

So, when Duncan took off, No. 99 also jumped out at the right time.


"This" Popovich was stupid, Wayne actually blocked Duncan! ?

That first-year rookie blocked the league's number one power forward who was in his prime! ?

"Beautiful block! Wei, he appeared in the most correct position in time! This is an exquisite team defense, and the Pacers' contraction is very decisive.

In the end, it was Wayne who ended the Spurs' attack. "

Duncan's face remained expressionless, and he retreated immediately after being blocked, as if he was not the one being blocked.

As long as I pretend to be innocent enough, it won't be me who gets covered!

The Spurs thought the Pacers would continue to play slowly, but as soon as Duncan ran across the midfield line, he saw Payton passing him with the ball.

"You're driving too fast!" Duncan shouted in his mind.

Frenchman Parker has been sticking close to Payton, but Payton took the initiative to resist and put Parker behind him.

You can say that the Spurs' team defense is very good, but Parker's individual defense really has its shortcomings covered up by the Spurs' system.

Driving into the paint, Payton threw himself up and forced himself into the frame.

At this time, Bowen, who arrived from the side, rushed out and roughly knocked Payton down in the air.

Others may not be able to see it clearly, but Wayne clearly saw that while Bowen raised his right arm, his left arm underneath was not honest at all, making a pushing motion in the air.

Don't ask Wayne how he knows this. This kind of meticulous observation of small movements is a basic quality that every fighting athlete should have!

Eh? But I think I am a basketball player.

In short, old Payton was pulled and fell heavily to the ground.

But at the same time as the referee's whistle sounded, the basketball thrown by Payton also fell into the net.

Payton got a chance to hit a three-pointer!

"This is Payton's last bit of stubbornness! His brave layup gave him the opportunity to get extra free throws. This is the veteran's leading role in the finals."

"You're so soft, you know that? In the '90s, we just called it caressing, Ms. Bowen."

Payton stood up and started trash-talking Bowen, looking very relaxed.

But it actually hurts Peyton to death!

My butt almost broke open!

Do you understand respecting the old and loving the young, you bastard!

But in front of the villain, you have to brace yourself no matter how painful it is.

Because your fearful eyes are the source of their power!

Bowen didn't have any more entanglements with Payton. As a garbage man, would he still care about your garbage talk?

He turned to leave, but as soon as he turned around, he bumped into Wayne.

Wayne didn't know when he ran up behind Bowen without saying a word. Bowen looked up after bumping into Wayne and found that he was petrified on the spot.

To describe Bowen's mood at this time in one sentence, I'm scared to death!

"What are you doing!?" Bowen swallowed and took two steps back.

He didn't know why, but he felt a dull pain in his stomach again.

Good guy, Wayne has sorted out all the sequelae.

"You bumped into me and you can't even say sorry?" Wayne stared straight at Bowen, and the ferocious wolf just now turned into a little sheep.

Seeing that the momentum was not right, the referee immediately rushed forward and separated the two people.

This is the NBA Finals, and Stern will not allow any more fights to happen, so the referees are also very sensitive.

"Hmph, if you dare, try touching me!" Seeing the referee appear, Bowen was like a dog being held on a leash by its owner, and instantly became "tough" again.

Anyway, with the "master" here, who should I be afraid of! ?

But actually what he was thinking in his heart was: "Can I ask you to do it faster next time! It's scary, you know?"

However, Wayne walked past the referee and approached Bowen.

Bowen suddenly shrank again, "Brother Wei, I was just joking, you won't really touch me, will you?"

After all, he was the one being chased and beaten by Carter. How tough did you really think he could be?

Bowen who plays dirty is okay, but Bowen who plays hard may be even less interesting than playing hard.

"Don't let me catch you, they can't protect you for a whole game." Wayne pointed at Bowen and threatened him bluntly.

This is a person who dares to intimidate even the referee. How can he not intimidate Bowen?

Bowen retreated silently, looking embarrassed.

He vowed that he would also find an opportunity to let Wayne experience the feeling of a torn ankle!

Payton got back on his feet with the help of others.

After standing at the free throw line, San Antonio fans booed violently.

But after all, Payton is someone who has seen big scenes, and he still made the ball steadily despite the interference of the fans.

Successful three-pointer, the Pacers continue to open up the score and have an absolute advantage!

Popovich was a little panicked. The Pacers' ability to adjust and the players' ability to execute tactics was indeed far beyond his expectations.

In the subsequent games, Duncan still played very awkwardly on the offensive end.

Furthermore, as the league's No. 1 forward, it's not easy to score a goal when faced with at least three double-teams.

As for Wayne, although he didn't score many points like Duncan, he had a lot of assists!

Another pass to Xiao Ao, and another assist for Wu Sheng and Artest to cut in.

After Miller came on the court, he hit several shots from beyond the three-point line. They were all opportunities he got after playing pick-and-roll with Wayne.

I have to say that the two veterans Miller and Payton are in really good shape today.

Payton is not afraid of physical confrontation, and Miller is much more decisive in his shots.

Winning the championship is not just talk.

Today, although Wayne did not score much, he is undoubtedly the core of the Pacers' offense.

All attacks revolve around him and around the premise that Duncan is pulled away!

So, after half the game, when Duncan only scored 10 points on 4 of 10 shots, Wayne entered the locker room with extraordinary statistics of 9 points and 6 assists!

Fortunately, Manu used his 15-point halftime performance to help the Spurs stabilize the situation, and finally fell behind by only 6 points entering the halftime break.

The league's No. 1 forward struggled very much under the Pacers' defense!

“The Pacers played very well offensively today and also contained Duncan on the defensive end. Coach Carlisle’s adjustments had an immediate effect!

If they can also clamp down on Ginobili at the same time, then victory will be within reach! "

Well, Ginobili, now the Spurs offense needs to look up to Ginobili.

But in the first half, because Duncan was locked up, Ginobili had already played a lot of time, and to be honest, he was very tired.

So in the locker room, Carlisle waved his hand: "Continue to fight Tim Duncan in the second half!"

In the second half, Popovich also made some adjustments.

He replaced Muhammad with Robert Horry, which was a one-star hit.

But the Pacers' contraction remains resolute.

At most, Wayne is a little more tired than in the first half and needs to sweep back and forth in the three-second zone and the three-point line.

However, Horry is a typical player who doesn't play until critical moments.

His three-point shooting percentage today is very average and cannot pose an effective threat at all.

And after Horry came on the scene, the Spurs were even worse on the defensive end.

Are you kidding me if you ask Robert Horry to protect the rim?

Little O'Neal felt great today. As the captain of the Yincheng team, he finally led by example for a while.

As a result, Suantai started shouting "empty, empty" again, something that Bowen couldn't understand, for fear that Xiao Ao would take all the points alone.

Bowen: Why the hell can’t you see me or what, my status is like this now?

After the third quarter, the Pacers already led the Spurs by 14 points!

Duncan continued to make 0 of 2 shots in the third quarter and had no goals in sports games.

Popovich never expected that the Pacers would actually find a way to contain Duncan.

Duncan is playing against Wayne today. Wayne has only scored 13 points so far, which is far from the level he played against the Heat before.

It has to be said that Wayne is really not easy to play under the stunned marking.

But after three quarters, Wayne still had a double-double - 13 points and 10 assists!

His points were all balanced out by beautiful assists one after another!

"This is Carlisle's anti-Duncan textbook for the entire league! At the same time, Wayne also told all the inside players what high-post support is!" Mike Breen said with emotion after the three quarters.

Duncan's support today was actually pretty good, but the Spurs themselves failed to live up to expectations from beyond the three-point line.

Whether it was Horry, Bowen, Parker or Manu, today's three-point shooting was average.

Duncan passed the ball inside. Because the space was too small, most of the passing errors were made.

So far, the Pacers have made the rigorous Duncan turnover 5 times, which is incredible for a player like Duncan.

After all, so far in this year's playoffs, Duncan has only averaged 2.7 turnovers per game. The Pacers have directly doubled Duncan's turnovers.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, Popovich pulled out the demon knife from his waist.

But by this time, the knife was already dull.

Ginobili was panting from exhaustion and hit two irons in a row as soon as he started, giving Popovich no chance to make a comeback.

So in this fourth quarter, Manu must be the one to kill the game.

But as for who was killed, it is not certain.

Bowen originally wanted to save some work, and add a little Ao to add to the fun.

But today Wayne stared at Bowen with evil intentions throughout the game, and Bowen really didn't dare to act rashly!

After not watching the first quarter of the game, Bowen became much more honest.

A look, Bowen realized it himself.

If you don't feel it, your eyes will turn into iron elbows.

Wayne completed real eye defense against Bowen!

Popovich looked at the court with an expression of disbelief.

He didn't expect that the Pacers could actually dismember his Spurs!

From offense to defense, from coaching staff decisions to player performance, the Pacers played like a champion!

Duncan is undoubtedly the number one power forward in the league, but Popovich is not necessarily the number one coach in the league.

Carlisle told him--who seemed to have a bad brain.

The exhausted Ginobili was completely lost, while Duncan continued to paddle, scoring 2 points in a single quarter!

Popovich: "It's a trade, I'm going to trade you all!"

At the end of the fourth quarter, a frustrated Bowen finally decided to attack O'Brien during a defense.

But Wayne arrived in time and knocked Bowen out of the baseline like he was playing rugby.

As a result, Wayne was only awarded a rebounding foul.

Bowen was knocked down so badly that he estimated that Wayne would knock him out first before knocking out others.

Brother Wei didn't joke with him today.

Bowen would die if he dared to try.

The whole job has not been completed, the demon sword is not easy to use, and the league's No. 1 player is locked up again. What else does the Spurs have?


"96 to 79, my God, this is an incredible score! The Pacers defeated the Spurs by 17 points at the SBC Center!"

At the end of the game, all Spurs fans covered their heads with their hands and stared at the court in disbelief.

The score is reversed!

At this time, there were no fans left, and they still had the nerve to hold up the sign with "2-0" written on it.

"Tim Duncan was completely under control today. He only made 5 of 15 shots from the field, only scored 14 points with a 33.3% shooting rate, and made 5 turnovers!

Manu played well in the first half, but in the second half, especially in the fourth quarter, he seemed a little overwhelmed.

Today the Argentine scored 25 points, but his shooting percentage was only 41%. This kind of efficiency is not enough to fill Tim Duncan's shortcomings. "

The Spurs' numbers today are really unsightly. Looking at the Pacers, O'Brien scored 30 points in the low post, and Artest also scored 19 points.

Two veterans, Miller and Payton, also scored 14 points each.

The most important thing is that everyone is very efficient!

Wayne's passes always find the right spot.

Wayne, on the other hand, had 16 points, 13 assists and only 2 turnovers.

What is the core of tactics? Even if you are guarded to death, you can get double-double data!

This time, it was Wayne who walked up to Popovich, raised his head and laughed.

"Without Duncan, you are nothing, Craig. A team with Duncan can win even with dogs on the bench!" In addition to laughing, Wayne also said something that could easily make people's blood pressure soar.

Popovich's face turned red again.

Batman's punch hit the Penguin's vitals!

The Pacers reminded Popovich and Duncan that nothing is easy on the road to winning a championship.

After the game, although O'Brien, who scored a game-high 30 points, was named the best player in the game, Mike Breen had his own opinion.

"Although it is an exaggeration to say this, whoever can handle this first-year rookie of the Pacers can handle the Pacers! The Spurs should value Wayne just like the Pacers value Duncan!"

The strongest first grader in the 21st century, well-deserved!

Thank you for your 10,000 rewards, and thank you for Dongxu’s 6,000 rewards! At the same time, I would also like to thank woofer, Shen Yealone, LOVE and other big guys for their rewards. Thank you very much!

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