I am Really an Insider

Chapter 210 207: Something doesn’t seem right between the captain and the vice-captain (4.7K votes r

When Reggie Miller was still there, Artest was just late.

Reggie Miller is no longer here, and neither is Artest.

Now, the leader of this Pacers is O'Neal Jr.

But Artest is the one who is most dissatisfied with Xiao Ao...

Wayne also called Artest that night and told him sternly: "If you keep doing this, you're going to bump into me."

However, Artest was still laughing and joking: "Be right back, right away."

"Fuck." Stop talking about Xiao Ao, Wayne is a little unhappy.

I really can’t bear to miss Shu anymore.

If you don't come back, who will be with you to earn points?

It's obvious that there are only a few hundred thousand growth points left to upgrade. How long will it take to delay this?

This is also due to the fact that there were many strong opponents in the playoffs last season, and the dozen or so games against the Pistons, Heat and Spurs were a lot of work.

Otherwise, I really don’t know when the 5 million will be spent.

It's not okay to go on like this. I have to find someone to save me.

Xiao Ao?

Xiao Ao is not as durable as Artest, so what if he gets injured during his training?

Martial Saint?

To be honest, Wu Sheng can't put a few points on his head. In terms of overall strength, Artest is indeed better than Wu Sheng.

Looking at it this way, there is no one left!

Is it possible that I can’t upgrade before the new season?

Fortunately, Wayne did see Artest the next morning.

This guy probably took leave yesterday and was scolded by Walsh, so he rushed back in a hurry.

Seeing everyone, Artest was still smiling.

"Hey, how was your vacation?"

At this time, Xiao Ao suddenly stood up and walked to Artest with a serious face.

"Danny, let's take the new teammates to training." Wayne quickly asked Granger to greet all the new teammates away.

No matter what happens next, children must not watch it.

"Oh, okay." Granger was quite obedient and led everyone else out of the locker room.

When the locker room door was closed, O'Neal's fists clenched tighter.

"You seem to be nothing."

"I'm fine." Artest still maintained a smile.

He knew that this was a way to ease the conflict between himself and Xiao Ao.

In the past, whenever Xiao Ao saw Artest's smiling face, he immediately lost his temper.

But this time, the serious expression on Xiao Ao's face still did not ease.

"Do you think you are quite humorous?"

"Hey, I am a person who only has a little bit of humor, but I am still very romantic."

"Bang!" Xiao Ao punched the locker door directly next to Artest's head.

Pan Dafu lost his smile instantly.

"Don't come and pull us when we are fighting or arguing." Xiao Ao said, preparing to grab Artest's collar.

If this had happened last year, good brother Miller would have just coughed and nothing would have happened.

But this year, no one coughs.

"Well, Ron is an idiot. Who here doesn't know that?

Don't argue with him Jermaine, let's go to training. "

Wayne never imagined that one day he would be able to break up a fight!

In the past, I was eager to have a fight, but now I actually persuaded it.

This probably means maturity.

Wayne persuaded Xiao Ao to leave, then pulled Artest and walked out.

"You don't have to worry about it. To be honest, that guy might not be able to beat me in a fight." After walking out of the locker room, Artest shrugged.

"Our fists are not for beating our own people, Ron."

Artest nodded and said no more.

"Okay, it's my fault, but I really couldn't leave yesterday. I will go and apologize to him later. Come on, let's challenge each other! I heard that you won the Asian Championship MVP. I see Let’s see what the strength of Asia’s No. 1 team is.”

"Oh, I'm not polite if you say that."

Wayne smiled. To deal with people like Cointy, you have to use both soft and hard tactics.

Give him a cubit and a piece of candy, and he becomes obedient.

On the training ground, the two began to fight hand-to-hand for a long time, and Wayne began to earn points comfortably again.

After Xiao Ao came out and saw that everything was back to normal, he didn't say anything more.

Now many of Wayne's abilities have reached their natural limit, so he must practice hard and improve his abilities through growth points.

Although Bird was fired, he still appeared in the team's training facility that afternoon and had a few final words with the players.

"Everyone must prepare carefully. We still have the possibility to compete for the championship. Show the heart of defending champions and continue to let the world see our power next season!"

Bird's speech still made everyone full of energy.

Although Walsh has been in the Pacers management for longer, the one with the highest prestige in Indianapolis is Bird.

To be honest, Bird is more convincing in the management team.

He is like a bridge between management and players.

When getting along with Bird, the players will not treat him as a member of the management, but more as a famous senior.

And Walsh, he's a typical front-office guy. He has never played professional basketball and entered the basketball circle as an assistant coach from the beginning.

No matter what, there is always a barrier between the management and the players.

Therefore, things like boosting morale really only work if Bird comes.

If Walsh had said what he just said, the players probably wouldn't have reacted at all.

"I've said everything that needs to be said, next season it's up to you."

After saying that, Bird and Walsh turned and left at the same time and walked into the general manager's office.

No one knew what they talked about, whether it was pleasant or not, and Wayne didn't care about it right now.

To make iron, you need to be tough yourself, and improving your strength is more important than anything else.

In this way, after a chaotic start, the days of training camp for the new season were relatively calm.

Artest worked hard, perhaps to make up for his absence on the first day.

Therefore, Wayne can gain a lot of growth points from Artest every day.

However, one thing that Xiao Ou is still dissatisfied with Artest is that he keeps talking about his album all day long.

When a reporter asked him "what are his expectations for the new season?"

Artest would say: "I hope we can get a better record, and at the same time, I also hope my new album will sell well!"

As he spoke, he took out the album and faced the camera lens.

The reporter was stunned at the time. Brother, your advertising placement is too strong.

No matter what reporters say after that, Artest will always mention his album.

Xiao O looked at it and said he couldn't stand it. He didn't want to tear the locker room into pieces before the start of the season.

Otherwise, Wayne estimated that both of them must have fought several times.

Now we are basically in a state where Wayne can stabilize Artest, and Wu Sheng can stabilize Xiaoao.

The relationship between the two relies on the middlemen, Wayne and Wu Sheng.

Once they are absent, the two time bombs of Artest and Xiao Ou may explode at any time.

After the warm-up match came, the Pacers' record was still great.

As the defending champion, the Pacers will definitely attract much attention in the new season.

So even in the preseason, the ratings are not low.

However, in the preseason, the Pacers basically played against weak teams, except for the reserved program "Chinese Derby".

This year's mosaic, you can tell a few words from Yao Ming's bitter smile - what it should be.

Kidd, who caused a lot of noise in the offseason, has become the "street ball king" Alston.

It was agreed that adjustments would be made starting from the fourth position, but Uncle Huo smiled slightly: "Hey, you didn't expect it, I will still be the starting power forward!"

Oh, Mosaic still did something practical.

No, they signed Stromire Swift, the second overall pick in 2000 who still had no results after five years with the Grizzlies.

This signing is more of a consolation than a reinforcement.

"Look, we did sign a power forward, and he was ranked second! His advantage is that he has great athletic ability and saves money."

"It seems that your lineup has not changed much." Yao Ming seemed to be competing with Wayne.

"What changes do we want? We are the defending champions and we have the strongest lineup."

"I've been holding it back for a while, I'm feeling sour"

Yes, it makes sense for the defending champion not to adjust their lineup.

Damn it, you go on a tour every year without adjusting every year?

This preseason game, which was highly anticipated by Chinese fans, ended with the Pacers winning.

Mosaic Although Tracy and Yao Ming contributed 23 points and 24 points respectively, the Pacers had more blossoms.

The main thing is that O'Neill and Wayne pull out, and Yao Ming can't protect the frame.

Yao Ming protected the frame, and O'Brien and Wayne's shots were killer.

The shortcoming of mosaic is that it occurs every year and is not repaired every year.

It's as stubborn as a bug in a Ubisoft game.

You think the Jazz can't beat you? Coach Sloan is not stupid.

At this time, Yao Ming missed the time when Wayne was still with him.

As for the sweep and defense, no one needs to worry about it at all.

Yao Ming looks to the sky, when will he have such a teammate?

As soon as Yao Ming lowered his head, he happened to see Uncle Huo, who made 0 of 8 shots today and only scored 2 points in 31 minutes.

"Hey, it's such a pity today. The rookie FMVP is really worthy, he is even better than last season!" Uncle Huo looked at Yao Ming, panting.

"Yes, it's a pity." Yao Ming didn't want to speak anymore. Isn't this a pity?

After playing this last preseason game, the Pacers had a record of 5 wins and 2 losses.

The end of the preseason also means that the new season is about to begin.

Wayne increased his efforts. In addition to one-on-one with Artest, he also asked the trainer to make small adjustments for him to practice dribbling and three-pointers.

Hurrying slowly, I finally saved up the 5 million growth points needed for upgrading three days before the start of the new season!

Eight easy!

After Wayne returned home, Sharapova called Wayne excitedly and told him that he must watch her performance at the WTA Year-End Finals tonight.

Now Sharapova is number one in the world, and people are rushing to watch her games. Wayne may be the only man in the world who wants Sharapova to call him to watch the games.

It's just so cool.

Wayne hummed and clicked the upgrade button excitedly.

Does your girlfriend like basketball?

Actually, Wayne mainly has confidence in Sharapova.

Although the WTA year-end finals are full of experts, how could Sharapova encounter difficulties in the first few rounds.

The God of War's woman is not someone to be trifled with.


Now you can tinker with the system legitimately!

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for unlocking the additional badge equipment slot."

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for unlocking the shooting action proficiency system"

"There's something new! How many more hidden functions does this system have!?"

Wayne’s head is so big that he has a proficient shooting system

What the hell is this!

Wayne quickly clicked into the interface to take a look and found a small progress bar under the shooting bag.

According to the description of the progress bar, after equipping a certain shooting action for a period of time, the proficiency progress will gradually increase.

When the proficiency progress bar is filled, the quality of the shooting bag will be upgraded and the bonus effect will be strengthened.

Wayne was disappointed after reading it.

I thought it was some good thing, but it turned out to be an upgraded shooting bag!

Isn't this the same as upgrading your badge?

What the hell is that, if others want your life, you want your liver!

Badges cost money, growth points cost money, and now even shooting bags need money!

Don’t call him the God of War of the Cornfield, call him the Liver of the Cornfield!

Moreover, Wayne discovered that his current shooting bag proficiency was still 0 in the system's judgment.

Because this system has not been unlocked before, it is always calculated as 0!

Grandma, I gave up my girlfriend game to mess with you, but you gave me this!

The extremely angry Wayne clicked on the properties interface and was stunned.


So delicious!

Wayne, who was extremely angry just now, instantly smiled.

Because of this upgrade, many new attributes have been unlocked!

Offensively, there are more shots and layups after dribbling.

In terms of technology, there is more ball protection.

The most important thing is physical fitness, I finally have bounce!

And there are two unlocked at once.

High jumping height and continuous jumping ability!

Finally, I finally get to be a brutal power forward!

Then Wayne took a look and, well, the jump height column was only 52.

As expected of me!

But the continuous jumping ability is actually 63, which is very surprising.

krypton! All krypton bounce!

I want to play ball in the sky, I want to be a flying devil!

The sky is the limit for me.

Look again, this time the number of points available is 35!


There’s nothing more to say, just jump high and get excited!

As a result, as soon as he added 6 points of bounce, Wayne found that his skill points had been reduced by 1.05 million.

It's too much, it happens every time.

First give you the impulse to make money, and then hit you with high additional fees.

Is this interesting?

After looking carefully, this time it would cost 50,000 to increase a single attribute once, then 100,000, 150,000, and so on.

After increasing the bounce to 60, Wayne has used 8 points-adding opportunities and spent 1.8 million growth points.

1.8 million, which is enough for Wayne to work hard for a long time.

"No, we can't just fall into Bounce's hands. We have to look at other things."

Wayne looked at the newly unlocked shots and layups after dribbling. There were 74 shots after dribbling. No wonder they were so powerful after adding the "Offensive Kaleidoscope" badge.

But the layup is only 63. It is estimated that after the attribute of this layup is high, it will be able to do various tricks.

For example, Dr. J’s big tie rod behind the board or something like that.

And with higher attributes, the success rate of forced layups should also be higher.

In this case, let’s get it to 70 first.

Wayne now has more ways to break through with the ball, and the success rate of finishing at the basket must be higher.

As a result, 7 opportunities to add points and 1.4 million growth points were gone again.

When it comes to breakthroughs, you must add some ball control attributes. After all, he is a power forward. In the future, he can no longer just play in the paint. He must also have the ability to play in singles when facing outside defense.

So 5 extra point opportunities and 750,000 points were exchanged for a ball control attribute of 70.

Later, Wayne increased his physical fitness from 80 krypton to 85, coupled with the "delayed and long-lasting" effect, he can be regarded as a small physical monster.

It’s not a waste of time to fight a tough battle.

A man has to be hard enough so that you can push in.

So far, Wayne has spent 4.7 million growth points, and he has never spent money so extravagantly.

In the end, there were still 3 more growth points left, so Wayne gave him three points.

Keep improving and create greater glories.

No more, we can no longer use krypton.

Five million points, not a word left, not a drop left.

There are still 7 opportunities to add points, but considering that adding 7 points now costs 1.4 million, Wayne probably has enough to grind for a while.

Wayne looked at his current attributes and realized that he still has to work hard before becoming a superstar:

"Offense: 76 mid-range shots, 86 three-pointers, 58 low-post offense, 48 dunks, 70 layups, and 74 shots off the dribble.

Defense: 83 blocks, 80 defensive rebounds, 61 interior defense, 75 lateral speed.

Skills: Passing 63, Ball Control 70, Ball Protection 67.

Physical fitness: Strength 75, physical fitness 85, acceleration ability 70, jumping height 60, continuous jumping 63.

The host has been equipped with the shooting action: Rasheed Wallace Straight Arm Shooting Bag (Bronze).

The host has equipped badges: Big Heart Shooter (Purple), Zone Deterrence (Silver, can be upgraded), Tough Defense (Silver, can be upgraded), Man of Steel (Diamond), Offensive Kaleidoscope (Purple, can be upgraded), Durable Delay ( Bronze, upgradeable)".

The host has been equipped with special actions: Karl Malone's Iron Elbow (Silver, can be upgraded), Tim Duncan's Hand of God (Silver, can be upgraded). "

Remaining opportunities to add points: 7 times.

Growth points required to upgrade again: 7,000,000. "

The next upgrade will cost 7 million and it will take another season to practice.

However, as long as you can upgrade your badges, shooting movements, etc., you can become stronger without changing your attributes, so don't panic.

With his new attributes, Wayne is about to embark on the second season of his fighting basketball career.

But the season had just begun, and Walsh made an announcement that left Wayne a little confused.

Today’s 1.4W is here, please give me a monthly ticket. Don’t be determined next time. Do you know how sad it will be for the author next time? I usually say I gave it (dog head) last time.

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