I am Really an Insider

Chapter 211 208: Godway in a bad mood (4K please vote)


Wayne stood in the general manager's office, looking at Walsh with a confused look on his face.

Why have I been banned from the game again? Why don't you ban me for a warm-up before you even do anything?

"Yes, in the last game of the playoffs last season, your foul against Bruce Bowen was added to a second-level flagrant foul and you will be suspended for one game.

You may not be able to attend the opening game of the new season. Also, this is a penalty from the league. "Walsh said, handing an envelope to Wayne.


Wayne received the ticket and was speechless.

Damn it, you have to pay money to the league before the new season starts. This operation is really distracting.

It opens a little too quickly.

It seems that in the future, I will have to set aside some money for fines in my expenditure column.

Speaking of which, Wayne almost forgot about this incident.

What happened last season actually accumulated into the new season and was suspended, and no one could do it.

Wayne may be the first person to be suspended for a retired player.

That's right, just when the Bird incident was making waves, Bowen held a press conference to officially announce his retirement.

This matter should have made headlines, but it was suppressed because of the incident with Bird.

Very Wang Feng.

The day Bowen retired, San Antonio fans were very sad, and Popovich even choked up several times during the press conference.

And areas other than San Antonio can basically be described as universal celebration.

The special rectification operation against organized crime and evil was very successful!

Therefore, Wayne is now paying for a retired player.

I looked at the fine in my hand. It was worth $20,000. To be honest, it was a bit expensive. It was considered a big fine in the league.

However, in exchange for $20,000 and a one-game suspension, Bowen's lung function shrank and he retired. Wayne said: "Please make arrangements for Bogut and let him know what it means to retire as a rookie."

"I know, Donnie." Wayne took the ticket and was about to leave.

But at this time, Walsh stopped Wayne again.

"One more thing, Wei."


"I introduced a new rule this season, and I think it's time for us to say goodbye to the unhealthy atmosphere of the past. Things like what happened at the Palace of Auburn Hills should never happen again.

We have zero tolerance for fighting this season, Wei. We are champions, not tyrants.

In the afternoon, I will notify everyone of this new rule. Let's keep working hard this season, okay? "

Wayne frowned, your rule must be aimed at Artest.

It has nothing to do with me anyway.

I don't like fighting.

I just like to move my elbows everywhere.

"Well, I get it, Donnie."

"Come on Wei, Indianapolis now belongs to you young people."

Wayne nodded and turned to leave.

The next day, there was heated discussion about Wayne's absence from the opening game.

It can only be said that Stern is still very wise. This matter has still triggered such a big discussion after so long.

If it is really announced immediately after the Pacers win the championship, I am afraid that the championship will become quite controversial.

CCTV was also stupid. This opening game performance between the Pacers and the Heat has been promoted for several days.

As a result, Wayne suddenly stopped playing, which is equivalent to pouring cold water on the excited Chinese fans.

San Antonio fans are not happy either, so they are suspended for one game?

It would be a disservice to the audience if they were not banned for 70 or 80 games.

In short, there was no good news about the Pacers before the season started.

First, Bird was fired, then Tai Tai advertised himself crazily regardless of the occasion, and then Wayne was suspended and fined.

The whole thing is a replica of Portland Prison Team.

Fortunately, the news about the almost conflict between O'Neill and Artest did not spread, otherwise it would be uncertain what would happen now.

Teams that have been exposed to discord in the locker room usually don't end well.

So in the opening game of the new season on November 1, Wayne could only sit on the sidelines in a suit and tie to watch the game.

Before today's game against the Heat, the Pacers held a championship ring awarding ceremony.

Therefore, retired Miller and Payton were specially invited back.

As soon as the old Miller returned, to be honest, Wayne felt that the sense of crisis in the locker room was much less.

This is probably the meaning of the existence of team soul.

The Pacers' championship ring generally highlights a "yellow" character.

The team logo on the ring is yellow, the championship trophy pattern on the side of the ring is yellow, and the player names and numbers on the other side are also yellow.

Therefore, this ring is also nicknamed the "Maize Yellow Ring" by fans.

The moment Miller put the ring on, he didn't cry, but Baron in the studio did.

This is indeed a sad story.

After putting on the ring, Payton also showed his classic crooked smile to the camera.

This is probably the last time he showed such an expression at Bankers Life Arena.

Wade off the court watched Wayne put on the ring, and his nose suddenly sore.

Last year, it was obviously just a little bit worse!

Well, Tianwang Mountain was so abused by Godway, and it has been beautified by Wade himself.

The championship ring awarding ceremony ended, and the joy of Pacers fans was +100%.

Heat acidity +100%.

In this joyful atmosphere, the defending champions began their opening performance.

Although there was no Wayne in today's game, the Pacers still played tenaciously.

Artest has been practicing with Wayne some time ago, so he is in pretty good shape.

O'Brien also cleared up his past feud on the basketball court, passing the ball and picking and rolling to Artest many times.

After three quarters, the Pacers led the Heat by 8 points, 80-72.

The fans cheered for joy, as expected of the defending champion!

It would take just one Wayne to put the Heat into such a mess.

In the new season, we are still the dominant player in the Eastern Conference!

As a result, in the fourth quarter, the sour heat burst out with the power of jealousy.

Among them, the jealous king Wade is the most motivated.

Throughout the fourth quarter, Wade evolved into a Jordan who was five centimeters shorter, combining sudden shots and gradually regaining the situation for the Heat.

At the critical moment, O'Brien missed a key free throw, but Artest, who scored 21 points in the first three quarters, seemed to disappear in the fourth quarter, scoring only 1 point and no sports goals.

Without Wayne, the Pacers' weakness in key shots has been magnified.

If it weren't for Wayne last season, there would be no telling who would win against the Heat's Tianwangshan.

Because Wade also exploded in the fourth quarter, but Wayne exploded harder than him.

The scars of the key ball were revealed again.

Speaking of which, once Miller leaves this season, only Wayne will take the lead in key goals.

Wade remained steady at critical moments, and was very determined when it came time to break through.

In the end, Wade led the Heat to a beautiful comeback at Bankers Life Arena with 13 points in the fourth quarter and 33 points and 10 assists in the game.

"The Miami Heat took away a hard-earned victory in Indianapolis! Dwyane Wade, his performance in the fourth quarter today is worthy of praise!

At the end of the third quarter, the Heat were still 8 points behind. Without Wade's magical performance in the last quarter, the Pacers would have already won the game.

Miamians made the Pacers' championship ring presentation night anything but perfect! "

The on-site commentators couldn't help shouting. Although Wade is only in his third grade, he already acted like a star player in the first game of the new season.

105 to 101, Miami took away the victory in Indianapolis.

At the end of the game, after Wade was interviewed, he glanced at Wayne intentionally or unintentionally, feeling like a great revenge had been avenged.

"Sorry, defending champion."

"It doesn't matter, the ring is still on my hand anyway." Wayne sat on the bench and raised his hand with the championship ring to Wade.

"Fuck!" Wade walked away angrily and started to argue with Wayne. He was completely asking for trouble!

Wade was furious before Wayne even put on his jersey.

On the court, both O'Brien and Artest could not hide their disappointment.

They both think they should do better, and at the same time, they both think the other person should do better.

Being reversed and won by the Heat is the most demoralizing thing.

Think about it, the victory that was clearly obtained was suddenly snatched away by others.

Who wants this?

At the press conference after the game, a reporter asked Wayne: "If you were here today, the Pacers would probably have won. Do you regret this?"

"I don't want to talk about what happened because that can't be changed. We lost this game, but it doesn't mean we lost the whole season.

This season is still long, we will see. "

Wayne tried to avoid sensitive topics. The team was already in chaos, so there was no need to reorganize it.

Of course, Wayne did not exaggerate.

Because in the second game of the season in Orlando, Wayne, who was back on fire, helped the team easily defeat the Magic with the Happy Beast.

The Happy No. 1 pick has fulfilled the high expectations of Magic fans this season. Regardless of whether it is a high school player, it is time for him to make his mark this season.

However, the combined defense of Wayne and O'Neill told Orlando fans: "This is not Disney, there are no beautiful fairy tales here."

Under the joint defense of the two, Warcraft, which lacked offensive means, only made 3 of 9 shots from the field.

To be honest, Howard has improved a lot this season.

But the main reason is that the Magic still have him playing power forward.

Tony Barty stepped inside and there was no room in the three-second zone. Howard has no other offensive means, so it would be uncomfortable to play.

After Howard started playing center and paired with Lewis and Turkoglu's two anti-aircraft turrets, Orlando knew what Warcraft was.

Of course, although the Sparks' offense is a bit stretched, their defense is really good. There is no pressure at all to keep up with Wayne's speed, and they don't suffer even if they defend from the outside.

In addition, the game was decided early, and most of the fourth quarter was garbage time. The main players did not play, which kept Wayne's scoring data relatively low.

17 points, 7 rebounds, 6 assists, 1 steal and 2 blocks. The score is a little less, but overall it is still a good data.

The main reason is that Sparks failed to live up to his expectations. There was no anxious moment in this game, otherwise it would be over if Wei Shen didn't show his strength.

You won't score until the critical moment.

92 to 87, the Pacers finally showed the strong side of the defending champion.

Wayne's late debut did not disappoint the Chinese fans.

As he said: "We'll see."

Defeating the Magic was just the beginning. After Wayne returned, the Pacers immediately went on a four-game winning streak.

On the 5th, against the 76ers, Webb was beaten repeatedly, allowing Wayne to get a double-double of 23 points and 11 rebounds.

Now that Wayne is beating Webb, people will no longer be surprised and surprised.

Isn't this how it should be?

Weber: "Is this my status now?"

In addition to Wayne, O'Brien and Artest also performed very well.

One is 21 points and the other is 20 points.

It seems that the three heroes of the cornfield have indeed maintained the level of the championship combination.

After the 76ers, the Pacers immediately took revenge on the Heat.

Although this time it was an away game in Miami, Shaq's absence due to injury still dealt a big blow to the Heat.

It is said that Shaq is no longer the core, and Wade is the protagonist of Miami.

But when Shaq was missing, people realized how important he was to the Heat.

After all, he was second in the MVP rankings last season, and was only one step away from winning the MVP.

There is no Shaq today, and the Heat's interior line consists of Haslem and Mourning.

What else can you say?

Hit him!

Wayne scored 22 points, O'Brien scored 24 points, and Artest scored 17 points. The Pacers revenged the Heat 95-87.

After the game, Wayne walked past Wade and shrugged at him.

"Sorry, the defending champion won again."

Until the Pacers defeated the Nets on November 11 and won four consecutive games, the Pacers still looked promising this season.

They started with 4 wins in 5 games and maintained a complete victory when the lineup was intact, allowing ESPN to temporarily place the Pacers at the top of the rankings.

It seemed like a chaotic start would once again be replaced by consistent wins.

But the locker room interview after defeating the Nets broke the calm again.

At this time, Wayne was changing clothes and preparing to leave. Next to him, Artest was still being interviewed by reporters.

This guy came up with his own album again and took the opportunity to promote it.

Everyone in the locker room was surprised by this.

At this time, a reporter put his microphone to Artest's mouth.

"Ron, how do you feel about Larry Bird being stepped down after all this time?"

"Larry? I support Larry without a doubt. He did his job with the Pacers and he got fired because of some misinterpreted remarks.

To be honest, I am quite disappointed. It is such a pity that he left. "

As soon as Artest finished speaking, Wayne, who was preparing to leave next to him, immediately couldn't walk.

Artest seemed to realize that what he said was too absolute. After he and Wayne looked at each other, their expressions suddenly became awkward.

Brother, can you speak beyond your head?

What? You ask me what’s in my brain! ?

You can't take back what you said. Although Artest realized something, it was too late.

He supports Larry Bird and is disappointed with the front office's decision.

These words will no doubt be part of tomorrow's front page headlines.

Sure enough, while training the next day, Artest was interviewed by Walsh.

Wayne picked up a newspaper, which was full of criticisms about Artest.

"Ron Artest supports Larry Bird's remarks."

"Challenge Management?" Artest expresses dissatisfaction with Bird's firing."

"Damn, these reporters are really good at their jobs." Wayne was speechless. Their skills in making things out of thin air must be fully utilized.

An hour later, Artest walked out of Walsh's office frustrated.

As a result, Artest will be suspended for one game internally.

This internal suspension will not deduct wages, and the Pacers will claim that Artest cannot play due to injury.

Walsh was trying to scare the monkeys, telling the players: "Don't wade into this muddy water in the future, and don't discuss any issues related to skin color and Bird."

Walsh was really frightened. Things that had obviously calmed down were brought up again, pushing the Pacers to the forefront of the storm again.

He's really had enough.

So the decision to ban was made.

"Fuck, this suspends me." It can be seen that Artest is a little unhappy about this.

Wayne is also a little unhappy. Damn it, the team is on a winning streak, but you want to ban a main player internally.

Although the Bucks are not a strong opponent in the next game, the sudden absence of one of the main players still dampens the atmosphere.

Everything going wrong this season has made Wayne very irritable.

On November 13, the Pacers came to Milwaukee and faced the Bucks away from home.

The Bucks' 3-1 start to the season has given them high morale.

Artest appeared on the sidelines wearing a suit, looking innocent.

Wayne was not in a good mood. He didn't like Milwaukee with its gloomy sky, and with all the bullshit going on recently, he was very irritable.

And today we were facing Bogut, but he couldn't take action due to the ban on fighting, which was very depressing.

One black and one black, Miller was gone, Bird disappeared again, and after Walsh took full control of the team, the troubles never stopped.

When the game started, Wayne didn't want to have anything to do with the Australian No. 1 pick.

As a result, in the first round of the game, Bogut moved his arm at Xiao Ou.

Thanks to the disappearing dead, immortal, fairyan, woofer and other big guys for the rewards, thank you all~

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